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Author Topic: Journal of Tomas Vambrace  (Read 99 times)


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    Journal of Tomas Vambrace
    « on: May 02, 2005, 01:52:00 pm »
    I am in turmoil, Lady of Spells. I hope that by writing my feelings down I will be able to find a way to deal with any negative emotions I might have stored up. I have heard recently that one of yer high ranking clerics have made a pact with the followers of Corath.  At first I was shocked, for I thought that ye would not approve of such a pact.  However, my mind was somewhat put at ease, when I had the opportunity to discuss the nature of the pact with a follower of Corath by the name of Chanda.  She explained to me that the pact only is temporary for the defeat of Blood, which makes sense to me.  We have a common enemy, we should unite to face the immediate danger. Even with the satisfactory explanation, I feel uneasy. Recent events have tested my soul, as what to do in yer name, Lady. I believe in ye whole-heartedly no doubt about that, it's just that we have a free will and yer dogma and tennants sometimes conflict with what I feel I should do in yer name. Oh how I wish my Master was with me! He could aid me with his wisdom and experience...alas..I also feel that I should make these decisions on my own.  It is the decisions we make that shape who we are, and we cannot rely upon others to always guide us like children.  

    I know our church and that of Toran are not on friendly terms but I've met a decent and honorable paladin of Toran. As we traveled together, he fell in battle against dark spiders.  I was in turmoil as whether to use the power ye granted me to call his soul back. I decided to aid the paladin, my reason being, for he was carrying an important item at the time and that as a group we needed his battle prowess.  However, I was just making up excuses for wanting to bring his soul back. In reality, I think I helped him because he was an honorable person, one who is as faithful to his god as I am to ye, Lady and that such a soul should have chance to be alive again.

    Oh, life was so much simpler when the powers that ye granted me were not as potent, my beloved Lady of Spells.  The person who first said, "With greater powers, comes greater responsibility" really knew what they were talking about.  I am grateful that ye trust me enough to give me such potent spells, Lady, I am not complaining.  It's just that, sometimes I am having difficulty aligning my own wishes with that of yer tennants. I have no wish to defy ye, Lady, that is why I am in turmoil. Without direct guidance from ye, I am left to interpret and act in yer name as best I can.  With that said, I fear that I am choosing the wrong paths and that I am unknowingly leading myself farther away from ye. That I know, tis a path I do not even want to look at let alone tread upon.  Lady of Spells, I know ye have many more important tasks to perform than to watch over this humble servant, but it would greatly put my mind at ease, if or when I do something ye disagree with, ye will give me some sign.

    Maybe the recent events have been yer way of testing me, and if that is so, I hope I did not disappoint ye by my actions.  I hope I am still in yer good graces, Lady, for the other option is unthinkable.


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      RE: Journal of Tomas Vambrace
      « Reply #1 on: May 04, 2005, 04:50:00 pm »
      I have decided to keep on writing in this journal as a way to remember and as a way to help me deal with any emotional struggle that I might face in the future.  I have made a few friends as I wander around the continent of Mistone. I am now a part of a small group that call ourselves the Night Fox. Our leader is a fierce weaponmaster named Annie. I'm second-in-command, and another fighter, Kyrin, is the last member. Being second-in-command out of three people is not much to cheer about...*smiles at the thought*.  We are trying to carve a niche for ourselves in this world and make a name for ourselves.  The world is a tough place if ye don't have any friends. I'm glad I met these two, however, there is one thing about them that I wish I could change. My faith in the Lady of Spells is strong, and I use that faith to guide me through any troubles I might have. My two friends, Annie and Kyrin, do not worship any deity. *shakes head* I hope that they find faith and I pray to the Lady that they choose wisely. I've met another friend who is just as trustworthy as Annie and Kyrin, his name is Aralin, a devout follower of Folian. Aralin recently asked me to buy a house with him in Fort Hope. I gladly accepted the offer though I was short of my half of the coins. I had to go borrow coins from Kyrin and Aralin had to cover the rest for me. See, it's nice to have friends! Well, I finally have a home. It's small but as a first home, I think it's just the right size. Oh, as for the coins, I paid them both back very promptly. I hate to be in debt! Aralin has been spending a lot of time decorating the house. I, on the otherhand, have barely started furnishing my own room! I've been too busy crafting and adventuring with Annie to have the time to enjoy the house.


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        RE: Journal of Tomas Vambrace
        « Reply #2 on: May 06, 2005, 02:47:00 am »
        I have decided to take it easy on the adventuring for awhile. I want to practice my crafts enchanting, jewelry making and wood working. This means that for the time being I will be near Hlint and Port Hampshire, and maybe get to decorate my room. Though this doesn't mean that I will be just on Mistone crafting since some of the materials I need are in far away places. I am working my way to becoming a master craftsman, hopefully one day my dream will come true.  I want to be able to create magical items in order to exult my Lady of Spells, and also to help those budding heroes who will, hopefully, join us in the fight against Blood.

        I aided a group of people get the Oil from the Grey Peak Mountains, and it was nice to see that they were working as a team. They seem really tight knit and close, it reminded me of the Night Fox. Though we probably won't be traveling around together as often since I'm dedicating myself to crafting, and Annie is spending most of her time on Dregar.  After helping them, I found out that they happen to be my neighbors as well, I live with Aralin at 174 Fort Hope and they all share 176 Fort Hope...what a small world! The more people we can find to fight against Blood the better, so I will be keeping an eye on this group and aid them when I can. I've met Rawkwin, Emerald, Kavil, Esimon, Rodlin, and there is one other, Yar, who I've seen around Hlint but have not spoken with personally.


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          RE: Journal of Tomas Vambrace
          « Reply #3 on: May 08, 2005, 03:51:00 pm »
          My, how time has flown by without ye noticing. There was an outbreak of were-creatures near the city of Leilon and with the aid of many people we were able to reduce that number significantly. However, the group has decided to pursue this Silas were-hunter to see why there was an outbreak in the beginning. I shall try to accompany them if time permits.

          I've decided to change my approach to crafting a bit. It would seem that I need a basic understanding of many different crafts if I want to be self sufficient and not rely as much on others. Thus, for awhile, I will be familiarizing myself with most of the crafts. Some are more costly than others and I need to find ways to earn gold to keep me going.

          An interesting thing occured just a few days ago.  I was sitting in the inn in Hlint and many people were there discussing about a "Dragon Alliance". I had no idea that such a thing existed, so I sat there and listened.  Turns out that these brave people want to unite the dragons under Fisteron, and ask him to aid us in the fight against Blood. I'm not sure if this is a good idea since we could be trading one horror for another but I applaud these people for thinking of new approaches to deal with Blood. From what I could tell, they were planning to make a trip to visit a Shadow Dragon in the Underdark, and negotiate with him/her? This Shadow Dragon seemed to be the last one left that needed convincing to join the Dragon Alliance. I wanted to join these brave souls and aid them on the journey but alas I had other pressing engagements and the group seemed very capable of the journey. I hope everything worked out fine with the negotiations.

          *that's enough for today. Time to get back to crafting*


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            RE: Journal of Tomas Vambrace
            « Reply #4 on: May 13, 2005, 03:40:00 am »
            I am finally back on Mistone after spending a few weeks in Pranzis with Annie. I must say the creatures on Dregar are much more vicious than the  ones on  Mistone. I wonder why? Anyhow, I was able to convince Annie to make me a silver coating to apply to my blade since I will be meeting up with people to continue looking for Silas and in doing so, will undoubtedly be greeted by more were-creatures. I've heard that silver will hurt the undead and shapechangers that's why I pleaded with Annie to make me a coating. I aided her in getting the silver needed for such an endeavour. Then she asked me if I wanted to go get mahogany. Well, of course I would since I wanted to attempt to make a mahogany bow.  The wood is much better than oak but alas it is more difficult to work with. I think I will save it for a rainy day when my wood working skills have improved.

            I think I have made some new friends with my neighbors. Rawkwin's group seems like a close knit bunch, and I truly enjoy adventuring with them...even though one of their number is a paladin of Toran. *sighs* I have not really spoken with him much and I do not think I will try, since I might find out that he is a good and honorable person. It will only make my life more difficult if I start making friends with Toranites, but other than that, the rest of the group are great! Rawkwin even invited me to be an honorary member of their group..I was flattered but I am already a member of the Night Fox. Though I told Rawkwin that I would gladly adventure with them any day or night.

            Since Rawkwin is also a cleric, I will let him help Yar the paladin of Toran. I do not wish to have my beloved Lady of Spells angry with me for aiding a follower of Toran. As the Lady grants me more power, She expects more from me and I am willing to give Her my heart and soul towards Her cause. Since most of my basic training came from my Master and not from an established temple, I guess I do not hold, nor truly understand the enmity between my Lady and Toran. However, that doesn't really matter since the Lady has made it clear that She does not want Her followers to associate with Toran's followers and I will follow Her ways. But I hope that doesn't mean that I can't even talk to Toran's followers, does it? I will not get to close to anyone of Toran's followers anymore, but is it alright to fight alongside one if we are in a group, like for instance in Rawkwin's group?  There is only one follower of Toran and the rest either believe in ye, Lady, or are followers of deities that are yer Allies or are non-believers. Is it wrong of me to even go with them even though I will hold myself away from the paladin?

            *closes journal, it's late, hopefully I will find an answer in my dreams*


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              RE: Journal of Tomas Vambrace
              « Reply #5 on: May 18, 2005, 09:23:00 pm »
              *I am in Pranzis right now as I write this entry*

              As I learn more about the ways of my Lady of Spells, I have begun to pay closer attention to who I associate myself with and where I go to do things. I've have been more sensitive to my Lady's will regarding the followers of other faiths. I try not to enter the temples of deities that my Lady would disapprove of as I often did when I first started on the path of faith. There are alternatives usually and I just have to find it  or it just takes a little longer to get to, it is a small price to pay for the approval of my Lady.  Those that I travel with, sometimes I cannot choose if their gods are in good standing with my Lady, I am careful to try and find out what faith they believe in if at all and I shall act accordingly.  My Lady, those that I deem honorable and goodly but follow a deity not to yer liking, I will avoid speaking with them if possible. I cannot bring myself to scorn them and hate them just based on the fact that they follow a deity that ye do not like. However, I will not  use the magic that ye have given me to aid them and I will preserve the magic that ye have given me for myself or for others that I know that follow a deity that is at least friendly with ye.

              I think the Night Fox group is now down to two members, Annie and myself. Kyrin I have not seen in a long while, I hope he is okay wherever he maybe. The adventuring life is not for all people and hopefully he has found a lady to settle down with. In that case, the Night Fox is actively recruiting a wizard to be a part of our group. We may have found a potential candidate  today. She is a budding wizard, by the name of Ralinda. We were on a mission today to aid this wizard named Xelen recover an item called the Heart of Fire. Ralinda showed excellent judgement in the selections of spells to use and she was really steady under pressure. Very good qualities to have. Annie and I decided to invite her into our group to see if we are a fit for each other.  She is still deciding but I have a feeling she will enjoy our company and  we will definitely appreciate her skills. We probably need a few more members but that can wait a bit since we'd rather have a few dedicated members than many part-timers. The next member should be someone good at searching and disabling traps and be fairly good with a lockpick. We are the Night Fox afterall.

              I have aided Rawkwin's group get the head of the ogre chief down in the Haven mines. I enjoy traveling with them and I think I will continue to do so. I hope Rawkwin has explained my situation regarding Yar to everyone in his group. They still mainly stay in Mistone for the moment and that's where I will be too so for awhile we can work to aid each other. It is better to travel with companions than by oneself. I enjoy  their company and they seem to enjoy mines so it is mutually beneficial. Rawkwin's group has the potential to become very powerful and it is nice to know the powerful people since we will need to be united in order to have a chance against Blood and his armies. If we have traveled together and fought together it will be easier later on to work together as a team against Blood.

              I have heard of an auction for items from the Orcbashers Guild which I am excited about. It is not everyday ye can bid on adamantium armors and weapons.  I know my Lady of Spells would like it if I can obtain more powerful, magical items to use and I will try to save up as much as I can to win those items that I need. It will be expensive I'm sure, but it will be money well spent.

              *closes book to get some sleep*


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                RE: Journal of Tomas Vambrace
                « Reply #6 on: May 23, 2005, 06:36:00 pm »
                Finally the Orcbasher auction is over. I have been putting crafting aside collecting money for the auction. I'm happy to say I have acquired an adamantium longsword and full plate armor, though I wish I could've bought the shield as well. Oh well, ye can't win them all. At least now I can concentrate on my crafts in peace.  

                I've finally adventured with Ralinda the Xeen wizard and a new person I just met named Kayla. I think Kayla is either a gnome or halfing. I"m not sure since it was night when I met her and I never bothered to ask. It's not that important but what is important is which god she follows. Next time I see Kayla, I shall ask which deity she follows. Hopefully she is a follower of the Lady of Spells since she is also a wizard.  I heard from Annie that Ralinda will be joining the Night Fox, that's good news for us and for me in particular. I get to travel with two beautiful ladies, lucky me, though they are both dangerous in their own way if ye ever cross them. *smiles at the thought* I shall be in Mistone until I can work with platinum easily then maybe stay a bit longer for wood crafting but then I will probably be spending most of my time on Dregar.  This means I must collect more money to buy a house there. *sighs* I wish I had enough money for all my needs...but that won't happen if I sit on my behind.  I should ask Annie if she wants to purchase a house on Dregar together since she spends alot of time there as well. I will need to save every coin I can find, again....

                *on that depressing note, Tomas closes his journal, says a quick prayer to his Lady and prepares for bed"