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Author Topic: Mearden Fereir - Chasing Dark Secrets (CDQ journal)  (Read 178 times)


Mearden Fereir - Chasing Dark Secrets (CDQ journal)
« on: July 31, 2009, 09:14:29 pm »
*there are notes of many things, things vile in nature. Notes on theories animation and necromancy fill the pages. The vilest poisons and their uses. The Humaniod anatomy, and how to hit where it hurts. Many other things fill in the pages, specifically a few hidden details not noticeable at first because of the coded nature of the text.*

My research continues. I have established a mutual relationship with the one called Nidual. "lab partners" she calls us. I find it beneficial though. Her success in animation processes was quiet interesting, and I have taken note myself. While her interest is far more macabre than mine, I find most interaction to be insightful. More so than the likes of Solena or "Duchess". I have already chosen to look for ways to adapt the undead's strengths, without acquiring their weaknesses. Such as lichdom. I do not seek longevity, for that I already possess. Rather, I seek a power that lies within their structure and essence.

I have considered a variety of options. There is rumor of what is known as "[LORE]The Shade's Eye[/LORE]" that is said to be left untouched in the Gloom Woods. I understand that it grants undead shapes at will. A novel Idea, truly. One could go back and forth as they please. Then there is finding a magical means to simulate the undead... polymorphing, shielding, and other forms of abjuration. Simple things really, and are not permanent. Finally, there is the union of both the living and the unliving. It was hinted to me that there is a way, but I am currently unaware of how to go about it. Maybe the application of a vassal for strands of one's soul? The idea of physically grafting any unliving parts to a living body is paltry, at best. Unless, of course, tissues are manipulated and infused with power that cannot be undone through conventional means...

The last one is a novel pursuit, I think. I should also look into the manipulation of the soul. There is a certain brother of mine that could be of use as a servant.

Also, I have found an interesting peice of work recently...

Copy of the Magic of 5

Now gather all to journey take
Ensure hawthorn candles you do bring
Catnip five a circle make
Return ere the master vanished
Order your thoughts undo his riddles
Move to seek him as he seeks you
And offer service or seek domination
Now 5 is the power oft released
Consider carefully what you wish
Endure that which you choose
Remember 5 remember 5

*The first letter of each line is redrawn into a word...*

Necromancer. I found this in a cave of giants that had been turned into a post for several necromancers and their flesh golems... I found the golems interesting, so I diagrammed a few while the others rested... I also made copies of the note I found, and changed it so that the meaning it not so obvious as it was... I understand that Duchess has found some of these before... I will be attempting to gather my own copies. If I could dominate this "force", I could very well find the answers I seek.


Re: Mearden Fereir - Chasing Dark Secrets (CDQ journal)
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2009, 04:40:46 am »
I have spoken with Nidual, and have furthered my knowledge on this scroll... She possess a tablet with powerful summoning inscriptions on it.

I happen to have located instructions... Necromancer. Has 10 letters, divisible by five. the last line repeats... remember 5 remember 5... there were five necromancers gathered where I found this. I assume that five necromancers are needed. Nidual's piece has a rune of M on it.. I assume a lot, but I am sure that is spells Necromancy... in groups of two, they make a set of five... I may be over thinking, but it is better to think too much than not enough.

I also note that there were 3 slaves, and two others were dead by the first wagon. This "master" I assume needs a new body.. that explains the flesh golems perhaps, other than to serve as guards. I remember Nidual repeats something of a quote.. about "not needing the skin of a lich". All I am aware of now is that I am working with Nidual to reclaim all parts to this puzzle. I understand Duchess is dealing with the Toranites on this. but I understand that there is one Toranite who has gone mad, and it is hinted that we can use him to infiltrate their ranks.. to retrieve what duchess had sold... There is much work to be done....

I have also decided it is best to keep things as open with Nidual as well.. she is currently aware of my name... my true name. We shall see what will become of this choice.