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Author Topic: Lance Merrick....coming of age  (Read 272 times)


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    Lance Merrick....coming of age
    « on: September 04, 2006, 02:50:26 am »
    I have missed Elgon since he left us here in Blackford...and now i must search him out. For my own reasons but for reasons that my father, Melchek has put forth.

    He has commanded me to return Elgon to his family and prepare him for his marriage to Endora arranged marriage. I havent seen Elgon since we were kids and do not know if he is even aware that such an arrangement exists?

    I hope i find him and find him in good health. And i pray that he will return with me to the Merrick's.

    I must prepare for the journey south to Hlint.


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      RE: Lance Merrick the finding of Elgon
      « Reply #1 on: September 04, 2006, 03:07:39 am »
      I arrived in Hlint beaten and robbed of money and possesions, somewhere south of Llast by some mercenaries. I barely escaped with my life and made my way into Hlint.

      There i met several good folks that helped me back onto my feet, a Mr. Patten and a fellow by the name of Geldar, a Paladin. He made me armor and helped me raise some funds. He is a follower of Toran.

      As i was resting by the campfire outside of Hlint i met a gracious Lady, Miss Dora...she helped me too and told me of Elgon's location in Krandor. Then as i was looking forsome employment at the craft house, i met a kind Dwarf by the name of Dalan. He helped me with a bow and some arrows. Such nice people in Hlint, except for some braggart magic man...not sure of his name but he was rude and arrogant.

      I went out to Krandor in search of Elgon but did not find him. I went back to Hlint and met up with some people of a guild, that Elgon belongs to. A Kyle, Ferrit, Sonya and RAin.  I told them my purpose, in regards to Elgon and his return home.

      They all became quite indignant and almost hostile towards me. I feel if this is the kind of people Elgon associates with...? I am worried that he has changed and become hardened by this place called Hlint. I now understand from Kyle that Elgon is promised to marry Jenna, his sister. Hence the hostility, but i am but the messenger, I explained.

      They left without asking me if i was alright or had shelter, most unusual I believe. The one called Rain gave some directions and said good luck! Not the hospitality I had come to experience so far in particular Lady Dora..she's cute too! Not to forget Mr. Dalan who gave me the bow. Geldar who made me armor with his own two hands...I hope to find Elgon as i'm getting hungry and have no more money.



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        RE: Lance Merrick the finding of Elgon
        « Reply #2 on: September 04, 2006, 03:14:00 am »
        I found Elgon just outside of Krandor, and told him of the arranged marriage...he became enraged. He told me that he would indeed return to Blackford and straighten out things with my father.

        It was good to see Elgon again after so long a time. He looked care worn and tired. He hugged me and made me feel welcome. We made camp and he prepared for our return back home.

        The next morning when i awoke , Elgon had left. I know that he is going home so i must catch up to him...i am to be his consort...i must find him. He could be in serious trouble and facing death!


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          RE: Lance Merrick the finding of Elgon
          « Reply #3 on: September 09, 2006, 09:52:11 am »
          Thank the gods that Elgon has returned and only slightly wounded. I dont know what would have become of me if he hadnt come back?

          His "family" here have tried to make me feel welcome, especially the fellow Rain, but i dont know these people.

          So i just keep to myself and try to find work here in Hlint.

          Elgon is all that i thought a big brother should be, he helps me with fighting and defensive moves, he's so patient! I dont see him enough as he seems busy with this guild stuff and works all the time. I see a sadness in him though, i think he is worried about his girl friend Jenna.

          i am learning so much and gaining experience but the creatures in this area are so fierce, my skills dont give them much of a challenge. I mine and craft when i can to raise money.

          I just hugged Elgon, i was so happy to see him!! I love him dearly and hope the best for him. Especially since my own family has disowned me and i can never go back! He is my only family now!

          I'm tired now and must sleep.


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            RE: Lance Merrick the finding of Elgon
            « Reply #4 on: September 25, 2006, 06:08:27 pm »
            It's so good to be back with Elgon and he's teaching me much of fighting. We practice nearly daily.

            I continue to work with my skills but am frustrated with the results. I have accumulated some coin and really want  for nothing. Elgon has been generous and kind to me sharing everything.

            I need more experience and am trying to find partners to pursue enemies, but have not had much luck.

            The guild folk all seem so busy that i dont get time with any of them.

            There are so many pretty ladies in Hlint, it gets me distracted...but i dare not be forward with Elgon would surely disapprove.

            So for now it's more mining and sand...yuck!


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              RE: Lance Merrick the finding of Elgon
              « Reply #5 on: October 01, 2006, 05:06:27 pm »
              It's good to be back from Blackford. I had to go and see my father as he is very ill and I returned at families request. Even though he had disowned me, we agreed to forgive each other for our stupidity. Odd how certain death can affect people.

              He requested to see Elgon one last time and i am back to find my cousin to see if he has it in his heart to forgive and forget. I only hope that i can find Elgon before my father dies.

              I shall seek out Rain since he seems to know about Elgon the most.


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                RE: Lance Merrick the finding of Elgon
                « Reply #6 on: October 03, 2006, 08:27:35 pm »
                The worst of news has reached my ears. My cousin has been slaughtered in a cave by some giants. Never to return to me or his friends, and poor Jenna....oh dear!

                What have the gods allowed to happen? This Soul Mother....being, or what ever she heartless!

                And the news of my father, he has also passed away...what weight i have to bear now!

                I fear that i cannot go on if it were not for the members of the Guild of Angels...they have all accepted me and assured me of my well being.

                But i am hesitant to impose upon these folks...Elgon's new found family.

                Rain in particular wants to include me on everything and has offered me a place to stay. I dare not seem ungrateful but i cannot take without earning my share either.

                My skills in this land are near worthless although the guild folks have encouraged me greatly. I am working on tailoring, tinkering and some smelting. I've made some arrows and am trying to build a crossbow...

                I am confused and frustrated..i suppose i can go back home now since the family and i are back on terms again. But Rain and folks have invited me to stay here and make a life with them?

                I dont know if they do this out of obligation to Elgon's memory or some sort of guilt that they might feel? How soon would they tire of me and at some point i would end up leaving anyway?

                I really dont have anyone to rely on or anywhere to go. Perhaps i should consider staying here for now anyway, i need a job and shelter?  

                I will try my best to serve these Angels and perhaps learn something about myself as well.

                I just cant help but weep over the loss of Elgon....he was the reason for my coming here in the  first place!  

                Time to grow up and become what Elgon was teaching me to become...a man, a warrior and an honorable person. Sharing the love he had for others and the will to do good towards fellow man.
                Perhaps he was an Angel and perhaps he is now an Angel...i hope and pray for his soul.

                Time to find a purpose and commit myself to a cause of righteousness, serving others with good will and hope.

                Yes why not, i can almost hear Elgon saying those very words!


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                  RE: Lance Merrick the finding of Elgon
                  « Reply #7 on: October 15, 2006, 11:38:19 pm »
                  So much has happened since Elgon's passing, i can scarcely recall where to begin....except how i miss him...*wipes mist from eyes*

                  Kyle and Ferrit have a new baby boy, Cole. And the news of Sonya with twins again? yes it's true.

                  And the news of Jenna pregnant with Elgon's child....i am overwhelmed with excitement and sadness.

                  Sad that the young "Merrick" will grow up without a father, just as Elgon did...... him!

                  He touched so many and would have been an excellent father...but he was driven by something i shall never understand. Perhaps as he said, a demon was his nemesis and his release was his own death as he predicted and feared!

                  Jenna seemed happy but i know she must be hurting inside...without Elgon.

                  Life goes on and i keep busy with crafting..keeps my mind off of least for a while!

                  The Angels have been so good to me....better than my own family. It's eexciting to watch the little ones growing up so fast...Tristan and Sarah are so big now.

                  Everone is so busy trying to keep up with the work and the empty hole that Elgon left.

                  Tired for now, bedtime for me.....zzzzzzzzz.


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                    RE: Lance Merrick the finding of Elgon
                    « Reply #8 on: October 16, 2006, 12:06:35 am »
                    Oh my God!  Now the news of Mercas' death has arrived!  What is to become of things and the guild...?  Rain and Kyle are strong and will keep us on track but such losses and in the same cave?  To much for me too understand....*wipes tears from eyes*  The little ones are our hope for the future..they are growing up so strong.   I keep to myself most of the time..keeping busy with  crafting, and am getting the day!  Made a cougar bag and a couple of panther capes and one was exceptional! *smiles proudly*  I met up with Sonya and Rain in Prantz, they had the triplets, oh yes, three of em!!   And sonya was carrying the boy...the boy named Elgon.....*wipes tears from eyes*  Rain has named his youngest son after Elgon!  What an honor!  I cant even remember the girls names now, i was so taken back by the news. Beautiful children and beautiful names for the girls is all i remember now.  So much has happened...... it Elgon!! You left me here...*weeps*....i miss you so much!  So many loose ends and so many things left unsaid...Poor Jenna i feel for her so's just not fair to her!  I shall be there to help and aid her and Elgon's child.  The guild has selected a hall, or so it seems. It's in Port Hampshire, to be named Merrick Hall.    I have grown in strength and have gained new skills in fighting, Elgon would be proud! The family protects me, but i get my licks in. *smiles*  *stares at the candle* disturbed by a noise in the crate..*walks over and opens the crate of Elgon's*....*looks within to see only Elgon's old sword and nothing else....hummmm......?  Oh well...i'm tired, need to rest....*stares at the sword for only a moment and turns, only to be distracted by a bright glare from the sword*...*squinting he draws closer to the open crate*  *mutters to himself* Someday i will wield this weapon, when i am worthy enough...until then...*closes the crate*  * hears a muffled moan from inside the crate as the top closes* *mutters* squeaky hindges need some oil....another time perhaps..i must rest for now.  *sets back down and tries to write* Truly a great warrior master Elgon but all that remains is your rusty old sorry for you and for your child and poor Jenna too. *lays his head down on the table* Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.  In the back ground from inside the crate can be heard a muffled sound....a kind of....laughter?  Ha! Ha! Ha! One Merrick is as good as another! I shall live on and conquer more souls...such beautiful evil! Ha! Ha! Ha!
                      *young Lance Merrick mumbles in his sleep* yes my love, yes.....Zzzzzzzzzzz


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                      RE: Lance Merrick the finding of Elgon
                      « Reply #9 on: October 22, 2006, 05:32:51 pm »
                      Oh my! Jenna gave birth to Elgon's child....a boy, which she named Krindo, after her father.  Elgon, you fool...i loved you so much...too bad you're not here to raise your own child.  I've been working my crafting very hard and have progressed very well. *smiles proudly*  I've been making cougar bags for the guild members. For what i see of them.  I suppose a person can immerse themselves into crafting to the point of forgetting about all else. I still miss Elgon...*wipes tear* and want to do his name and memory proud.  I hope Jenna will let me help with Krindo, i need some family now more than ever.  I've grown another season and can wield a sword of power now, with some kind of electric enchantment on it! I feel stronger than i ever have and am ready to fight with the "big" boys in Dregar!  I have a key to Dora's home in Haft lake but i dont get over there much.  I thank the gods for the guild family of Angels, but even Angelic families have problems...not sure why Rain and Ferrit fued but it seems to happen more often lately. I hope the Pandorn's dont leave the guild and now we have Jil a new member on board..things are moving fast.  I still worry about Jenna and feel responsible for her and Krindo, after all i'm the only Merrick they know! I need to step up to the responsibility for their well being and safety. I'm sure Kyle takes good care of them...but Jenna seems so kind and thoughtful...never selfish. I can see what Elgon loved about her.  I got things to do yet, better head for Hlint and make some more cougar bags.  *walks over and opens Elgon's old crate* *searches hurriedly for materials* *pushes the sword aside* *glances back at the sword as to admire it's shiny glow*  Strange, it seems to be glowing, Elgon's old sword...huh? Must be some enchantment he had put on it...ouch!  *looks down to see blood dripping from a fresh cut on his hand*  Damn thing! I cut my hand on that old sword?  *feels the blade* Seems dull to me...hummmmm? Oh well got things to do.  * Slams the crate door shut and leaves*  From inside the crate comes an eerie sound of laughter....evil laughter.... Ha! Ha! Ha!  Blood of a Merick......ummmmm..tastes oh so familiar and oh so sweet! Should this one become strong enough to wield me properly?...soon i hope...I look forward to bloody battles and the stench of death...oh yes!  To be alive again! I can hardly wait!


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                        RE: Lance Merrick the finding of Elgon
                        « Reply #10 on: October 22, 2006, 11:58:51 pm »
                        Tis the eve and time for bed...but i must admit...i went about to seek out the Lady Elohanna, or Hanna as she says to me.  She is beautiful and graceful as the rising moon or the flowers swaying in a summer breeze. So elegant and kind too...but i must not be off guard..for i represent the best interest of the Angels here. Yes, i must check out her credentials and her smile...oh there i go again...she has no real skills that i can see, *wanders a moment* except she's beautiful...hummm...  I made four more cougar bags and a white stag leather armor...and am tired. Daniel is a good bloak and makes venturing fun...we met some fellow...Januk...strange sort...had no melee weapon and not much for a bow either. Ill prepared for battle i'd say, perhaps explains why he was a bit on the ghostie side of life...heh!  Daniel helped him out and sold him a bow, or gave him one should i say. Credit. I hope the fellow is honest...Daniel is too nice and trusting sometimes...tis what gives him his charm i suppose.  I miss long does it take to get over the loss? Perhaps i'm not too young to seek out a companion?   *smiles thinking of Hanna*   I got things to do...going to start tinkering again, made some arrows, just the way Elgon showed me how...they are perfect. Dalan seems so distant and busy nowadays, dont get much time with him any more. And Ferrit, well, she's so busy too...guess i'm a little lonely huh?   *smiles to himself*   *lays back in bed and dreams*  From inside of Elgon's crate comes an all too familiar sound of laughter....  Ha! Ha! Ha! i'll be his love and his only love..this Merrick will not get away from not this distractions for him...just murder and mayhem...death and destruction...a warrior to the end....may he live a long and murderous life serving me...The Sword of Death!


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                          RE: Lance Merrick the finding of Elgon
                          « Reply #11 on: October 24, 2006, 10:18:45 pm »
                          Havent been home much, wherever that may be now...i sleep wherever i drop dead tired from gathering and crafting. The guild has been busy cleaning up getting ready for the move, hopefully soon , to Hamp.

                          i've been practicing the moves that Elgon had taught me and I have been getting better at bashing dowm those honery ogres of Haven. Even tried my sword and shield on some forest giants and gathered some almonds too. Dang! They hit hard...

                          Made more cougar bags today and gave out some to Jako and Omer. Jako has been very helpful with the acid and oils for workin hides. Dont know if Elgon would appreciate having a tailor in the family, but for now it keeps me busy...especially helping Miss Ferrit.

                          I need to practice smelting and tinkering a bit more...cant even make arrowheads most times...*hangs head*  Elgon was so talented at woodcrafting and making things...*starts to get sad* but he's not here is he? Because he was foolish and stubborn...damn him!

                          *wipes a small tear from his eyes*

                          I havent even seen little Krindo...but i did see little Elgon for a bit today...he's going to be some warrior...if Rain will let him.

                          Hope Jenna is well, gosh, i sure worry about her...and Krindo. She's so pleasant to be around...i..i..guess i kind of miss her? *squints his eyes*  I do see what Elgon loved about her...she's very special!

                          I'm tired, good to be back in a bed...*falls back into bed*.....feels good.

                          *closes his eyes*   Zzzzzzzzz....

                          *shakings and rumblings from Elgon's chest*

                          Lance tries to open his tired eyes but falls fast asleep....


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                            RE: Lance Merrick the finding of Elgon
                            « Reply #12 on: October 26, 2006, 12:20:04 am »
                            Tis the the eve of the big house cleaning and i'm literally packing everthing i have on me and my ox.    Didn't do much crafting today but tallied how many cougar bags i've made and it came to around 18. Whew! I hope i can sell these things and of course help the guild members with their needs too.  Did some adventuring with DAniel and his "brother" Praylor...we cleaned out the undead from the Krandor Crypts and then proceeded to the desert (blood) and back up to the Grey Peaks. There must have been a dozen of us in the group...some folks i dont even know... Except for the very beautiful and talented Tyrian Dallorious. She fights and has spells those fireballs!  When we returned to Hlint, we found the area in front of the crypts occupied by a very large Demon...Baylor?  He was having a casual chat with some of the local devil worshippers...or so i call them...even sharing drinks with the evil beast from Hell!  Some people...they dont undertstand the damage that this kind of evil can cause.   Some of us brave souls surrounded the creature and threaten to do it harm...and just as i closed my eyes to do battle...the thing disappeared. Hlint, i thought was i'm not so sure.  The group stood its ground, Praylor, Daniel, some fellow i dont even know and Mylindra and Tyr. There were some three folks that chose to go have a drink with the beast...dont know their names and dont trust em either.  Most disturbing to see these kind of things happening right in Hlint! I hate evil and evil spirits...they destroyed my family and now they are running rampant in Hlint!  I hate evil...I do...dear Elgon...please forgive me for thinking badly of you....i know you were an honorable man...and i can only hope to follow in your foot steps...I love little Krindo..and dare i say....forgive me but i have feelings for Jenna....i dont understand's inside of me...wrestling with my heart. Elgon..what can i do?  I should...stay away from her...or no...i have to help her and Krindo...dang!  I fear that i will fall in love with Jenna and what would that make me?  Elgon please forgive me...i wont betray you or Jenna...never...never..if only i could convince myself!  I must get some tired...killed so many ogres...*smiles to himself* not so bad with a blade Lance...not bad at all...heh!  Elgon would be proud, yes indeed...of my swordsmanship but not of my feelings for Jenna...i feel ashamed....  I will be honorable, that is what Elgon would have me do..i will treat Jenna and Krindo as family. Yes....yes....ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz  Ha! Ha! Ha!  "Family and love, bah!" I will be your love young Merrick and your only'll have no need for family and your skills with me will be unmatched...death will be your calling card...and a road paved with the bodies of my victims and your victories!  Elgon was weak and foolish, he deserved death so i could have you will help me continue on, gathering the souls of the weak so i might be strong.....Ha! Ha! Ha! *Lance rolls over in his sleep* *mumbling*  be love...Zzzzzzzzzzz........


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                            Re: Lance Merrick....coming of age
                            « Reply #13 on: May 15, 2007, 02:09:17 am »
                            I'm back ....yes..... really back from the brink of death.

                            It seems so long ago but of such recent pain to me.....I guess I shouldn't have returned to the Merrick's former home. I just...had to see my mother again and the old homestead.  I told no one of my leaving...for that I am ashamed.

                            I did get to see my mother and to see her deteriorating so rapidly was depressing. I didn't want to stay on but she needed my help and after all she is my family....well besides my two worthless brothers. God knows where they ran off to and left mother to run the farm.

                            I miss Hlint and the people I other family...the Angels. But I must do what is right by my mother...and help her until my brothers return. Tis my duty and duty is what I had learned from Elgon.

                            Unfortunately times were tough and things got worse for us at the farm. There was little food and things had gotten so run down since my father had passed away.

                            One day when I was out hunting in the late afternoon, just before dark. I took down a young yearling buck with my bow and arrow. It desperately ran into the brush and laid down to die...but when I came up on it's carcass...God's be saved..I was surrounded by a marauding band of orcs

                            I tried my best to run but I was so unprepared with nothing but a skinning knife in hand. I slashed a few but I stood no chance against the armored brutes. I was knocked out and dragged somewhere...I don't remember much..just awakening enough to see cliffs and a cave.  

                            Once inside they hobbled me and tied a gag around my mouth. They threw me into the stinking rear of the cave and left me for death to consume in it's excrutiating own time and way. It seemed like an eternity passed before I could hear their ugly gutteral gruntings they call language, I was oblivious to much of anything. I guess since I didn't die they assigned one particularly disgusting orc to feed and water me...and to allow me to relieve myself, where I lay of course.  

                            I drifted in and out of conciousness and the days were nights for there was no natural light in this part of the cavern. Slowly I regained some capabilities and strength...but I gave no indication of my regained strength. Eventually I attacked my keeper when the others had gone and I escaped that cavern prison.

                            I wandered aimlessly for weeks trying to get my bearings. In what seemed an eternity of suffering and pain, persistence paid off and I eventually found familiar landmarks and made my way back home. I was seriously worried about my mother as I knew she was not well and would be struggling with the farm chores. I knew that my wretched brothers would not be around to help, even though they were to return within the month.

                            However, much to my surprise when I arrived home, I found this half Elven girl nursing my sick mother. She introduced herself as Deidra, Deidra Merrick!
                            I nearly passed out from surprise and shock, then curiosity took over. How and when, from where? I had thought Deidra dead years ago as I had been told by my mother. I was in tears of joy to see her and my mother doing so well. Praise be the Gods!

                            Once things were situated, I knew that I had an important task ahead of me, I must return to my friends in Hlint. So with Deidra's blessing and promise to care for my mother until my brothers returned, I set out to Hlint...or what I thought to be Hlint.

                            Gazing around at the trails that I thought I knew, I began to realize that some changes had come about in the land. Eventually I made my way to Port Hampshire...or Hempstead as it is now called. I immediately found my Angel family and was welcomed home! Without hesitation or malice or if I had only been gone for a week..(wipes tears from his eyes). What more can a man expect from his family...and my friends. Being restored to a former place of honor, with  genuine respect and without hesitation..I'm overwhelmed by the generosity of these folk...the Angels.

                            Such good people, why am I so blessed with such good a loving family!  Elgon...that's how...he was the one...he was with them from the beginning. He helped start what is now a prosperous arts and crafts guild. He devoted himself to these ..people that he didn't even know...and they returned his love and devotion. I had no idea such folk exsisted in this world today.

                            I can only hope that this is not just some dream that I shall awaken from...becuase it just seems too good to be true. People giving to one another and helping each own flesh and blood won't do that. I loved Elgon because he was the kind of person that represented what these folk say and do. He gave of himself without thought of greed or selfishness, he supported and came to the cause of those that could not do for themselves. I remember him and Rain would talk for hours about this dream of a guild....not for profit but to help others and to give and serve when they could.

                            I was proud to be able to battle along side of the likes of Rain, Kyle, Ferrit, Mercas. Lord knows I miss Elgon but the healing is still going on in my heart...he was a good man and a product of being with good people..The Angels. I am proud to be a part of such a group of good people and may the guild members, never forget the dream that Rain and Elgon had of helping others, especially those in need of a helping hand, those that are down hearted and weak in spirit and those that can't defend themselves against the evil and unrighteous of this world. Tall order, but the dream lives on and everyday it gets better, closer to the dream that the founding members saw, a dream that seems like just a few years ago started in a little craft house in a distant town that was the beginning of what has been the union of the good people of the Guild of Angels.

                            I wish there was a way to say thanks to Elgon but I will be content to serve the founding members to the best of my ability and try to live the dream..the life...the way that Elgon would have me do. Yes serving and helping others, and being honest and true oneself and to others as well. That is what my life is about from this day forward in the memory of Elgon and in the company of The be it!:)


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                            Re: Lance Merrick....coming of age
                            « Reply #14 on: May 17, 2007, 02:50:25 am »
                            I don't socialize much, just keep to myself and keep busy with crafting and more crafting. Get out once in a while to gather materials and knock some Kobold and Goblins around.

                            Haven't seen much of the guild folks, everyone seems so a big business, instead of a family...things have changed in more than one way.

                            It was good to venture with Dalan...he's like an old comfortable shoe..I just feel som relaxed around him. His and my style work together well, he's fun.

                            I did get a chance to go on a major outing with some of the guild folks..Ferrit (always the mom looking out for me) and Jako...this fellow Krys...not sure of his whole name. I dont even know the other fellow in the group...a bit persnickity but helpful enough. Altogether a good time and no deaths...that's good. I think I might have surprised a few of those folks with my abilities. Hacked a few giants and held my own. Well almost.

                            I think people see me as a kid and not able to fight...fight like Elgon...Dalan mentioned that too. But Elgon did teach me and all I got to do is practice...kind of miss Kyle though. Haven't seen him and Daniel, no where to be found. Seems that my fighting buddies are gone or missing or??

                            Ferrit is still awesome with her bow...she's good and she's kind of taken me back as an apprentice...well not officially. I've always liked Ferrit, kinda like the mom I wish i would of had.

                            I wonder how my mom is doing? I don't know if it was wise to leave Diedra there with her...but I had to get back to the Angels and let them know how I was and ....such.  I'm afraid kto go back to the farm..cause the Angels will think ..there he goes again..when will we see him again.

                            Elgon would not approve of me letting down his new found family...they even named their Guild Hall after him...Merick Hall...go figure...I have to stay true to these folks. I owe them so much..and for the memory of Elgon..I must press on.

                            I'm tired now, thank the Angels for a bed and a warm blanket...good people I say...and Elgon was right about them..yes he was...he was...*turns sad for a moment*   Yes he was such a friend...I still miss Elgon...I hope I can be to the Angels what he was.

                            I worry about Diedra and my tired now...tanned 30 hides today...just tired....ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


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                            Re: Lance Merrick....coming of age
                            « Reply #15 on: May 23, 2007, 09:10:57 pm »
                            Took a fall and grazed the Soul Mother on the way by...she failed to tag me!

                            Fell with a group, that I didn't feel comfortable with in the first place...too chaotic..Omer was leading.  Some where in the Spline Mts. NO place for a greenhorn..just didnt' know any better..dang idiot.

                            I hit that Awakend she wench a couple of times but she got the best of me and down I went..not a pretty sight between those two Baylors..and Krys bleeding to death!

                            I best stick to crafting and gathering around local...feels more comfortable..least ways till i get to know my way around more.

                            Didn't have Ferrit there to take care of me..hate traveling without her around..she keeps me safe.

                            It's kind of hard to find the right party to travel with don't know many and some of these characters...sheesh..and I thought Dur..was crazy!

                            Been learning more and more about my crafts and soon I shall be moving up to more sophisticated leather armors and such. Ferrit has let me have free hand at doing whatever I need and so far things have gone well.

                            Want to start woodworking again, some tinkering and maybe focus on Alchemy..since I need the healing potions.

                            I wonder about my mom and Diedra back home..hope all is well with them?  Tired and not much to say right now...*falls over in bed* ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz........

