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Author Topic: My book-A.F.  (Read 11837 times)


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #140 on: October 29, 2007, 12:05:22 am »
I am hardly back more then a few hours when I get into trouble all over again!

There I am, getting ready to take the ship back to Hempstead. Looking forward to meeting all my friends again, and getting back to a normal routine for a time. Uncle Eggi just happened to be there also, coming from the woods and thinking to take the boat home also. Probably after more of uncle Dalans pies! ;) When all of a sudden aship crashes into the docks!

Most of the crew were seriously wounded, and we had to run aboard and save a few that couldnt get off. It seems the ship was attacked by a mysterious fog and attackers. None of the crew could tell us what happened. Uncle Eggi saw a couple of dark elfs near the docks and immediately set after them. He thought they were probably responsible for the trouble. Good thing miss Grenna wasnt there or there would have been a couple of dead darkies to join the crew. :\\  It turns out they werent responsible, but that wasnt hashed out until after we were well underway. Poor uncle Eggi...he was tossed overboard by a boatswain for being too rowdy. :D Unfortunately he missed the boat too. :(

WE landed in the dragon isles and i was finally able to try being the scout again. I did pretty good for awhile..then things got really muddled. Apparently the warp arty we tracked broke off into a few different groups. Our group didnt help matters...tramping all over the tracks and making a nuisance of themselves while me and a couple of other trackers were trying to search out our quarry. >:/

After a while we found a hidden trail that led to a small bay where we found a  freshly broken ship, still on fire and bodies strewn all over the place! Her weapons ahd been dragged off by something huge and the bodies looked like the ones we found earlier. Their heavy armor cut like a knife thru warm butter! I have never seen anything like that before! It defintely gave me a bad feeling.

Later we found some snotty guy with a tattoo of a green dragon head on his chest that seemed enchanted. After having a useless chat with him, his cronies ambushed us! After dispatching them in a most unkind fashion we tracked the fellow to a small valley. He was so confident we werent gonna live he didnt bother to hide his trail. Idiot...:rolleyes:

The valley was pretty well guarded by dark hunters...Luckily they were preoccupied with other matters and couldnt get themselves together to mount a serious threat to us. We soon found out what was going on...

I have never seen a dragon before...I hope i dont again either. At least...not like that. It was a red dragon...pretty young too judging by the size of him. Even though it was bound and wounded with a heavy timber sticking out of its ribs, it still made me feel really....its kinda hard to describe...dread i guess is one way, but even that still falls short i think. Though, i have to admit...i did feel pity for the creature, he was obviously wounded badly, and tied at the base of cul-de-sac. Probably so if it got loose it would be cornered and limited in its ability to defend itself. He was surrounded by the snooty man, and several of his friends. It looked like they were getting ready to perform a ritual of some sort on the red... :o

Then we interrupted them. O.o They must have known they were screwed because they tried to escape up the walls of the cul-de-sac. THe nasty man had a good aim cause he threw several darts which cut thru the ropes holding the dragon down. We dispatched a few of his guards and then the dragon was free. He ate the rest of them. Poor Lath..he tried to calm the dragon to ask why it was being used so. He was turned to mush by the foot of th dragon..I can still see it, his head was pushed 2 feet into the earth, and hte rest of his body wasnt...O.o He was so brave...but soo stupid. I have never met a dragon, but even I know you dont try to soother their feelings with talk when they are mad. :o

We made a hasty retreat once the red was loose. No way I am being eaten by a dragon. Dad would have my hide!

We made it back in one piece..but I think we all have more questions than we answered. There is obviously a young red in the dragon isles. But we kinda got the impression that there is another one there too. I think they are having a territorial dispute judging by some for the things we heard. But I cant say for certain. :\\


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #141 on: October 29, 2007, 12:16:24 am »
After returning to Vehl...I have made the decision to begin hunting for more information on what we discovered.

I dont know why I feel compelled to do this...If I was wiser I would leave well enough alone. I will restock and set out once I am ready.

Brian is probably going out of his mind. He hasnt heard from me in awhile. And I am afraid I wont be seeing him again for awhile. :(

I will send him a letter, but I wont tell him where Im going. He would probably try to follow me. But I dont want to put him in any undo danger. Besides one ranger passing thru the woods nothing to mark, a pair of adventurers is just looking for trouble.


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #142 on: October 29, 2007, 05:13:37 pm »
Its been a week or so as the crow flies. The forests here are wonderful, and I find myself enjoying the time here like no other place.

Yet I have my mission and i have not forgotten it. Unfortunately, the trail has gone cold. I made my way back to the vale were the dragon was. All I found was the broken broken beam that must have been the one sticking out of the dragons side. There were a few patches of dried blood here and there but nothing else. The ship that was destroyed has finished burning to ash or sunk into the water so I couldnt investigate where it was from either. The local animals seemed agitated when i asked about the dragon, and the strange men who had captured it. They couldnt tell me anything of any value either. :\\

My next task it seems is to try and pick up the trail of the other group of marauders. Hopefully it hasn't gone so cold that I cant pick it up.


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #143 on: October 29, 2007, 05:27:46 pm »
I lost the trail. It was easy to follow as they didnt try to hide their passing. Unfortunately, I came across a river and could see where boats had been dragged onto shore. It became impossible to tell if they went upstream or downstream. I held out hope that maybe they just crossed to the other side, but nope such luck. :\\ Nothing but rocks and harpies. glad they didnt see me. Nasty filthy creatures. :(

And still no sign of any dragons or any minions or anything...:(


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #144 on: October 29, 2007, 05:54:56 pm »
The wolves call...I hear their baying in the night. I sense the pack moving thru the woods around me. O.o

I feel like i should call out to them. I want to run the paths of the forest with them. Feeling the wind on my face, the scent of prey filling me with the urge to hunt. :D

My dreams are strange too. I have never felt the urge to write them down. But these are so vivid, so alive, like the forest Im wandering in. :\\

Im standing on a plain somewhere...the sky is clear with only a few fluffy clouds floating lazily on the wind. There is a scent of the woods in the air, but I cannot see the forest.

I start to walk. The grasses rise to my chest, and the wind blows thru my hair. I see a lone figure in the distance. He moves like the wind itself. A shadow passes over me from high up. It flies towards the figure in the plain and then fades away. I hear the wolves howling in the distance.

Oh yeah...I wake up and my scar is aching and itches so badly. I looked at it an it was red, like i was scratching it in my sleep or something. :\\


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #145 on: October 29, 2007, 09:00:10 pm »
I have decided to start heading back to civilization again. I think dad needs to know, if he doesnt already, about the problem with the red dragon and what i saw.

The dreams keep coming...more vivid..more terrifying..more exhilarating...more exhausting.

I am running thru the woods with the pack. We are headed somewhere but I dont know where. The trees are getting bigger and bigger, the woods are growing darker and darker, the air is heavy, and it is old...but it is familiar...
We run out into an open glade and the sun hits our faces... :)

I wake up then. I wake up up and I feel like ive been running all night long. I am drenched in sweat and exhausted. O.o


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #146 on: October 30, 2007, 02:41:34 pm »
Im on the boat heading back to the dragon isles.

I hope i can find sounds like there have been more reports of those dragon hunters or whoever they are.

One reason too...I want to explore the forests there more. I want to find the wolves I dream about...If they are really there. :\\

Even after I returned to the city, I still dreamt of running thru the woods with the pack.


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #147 on: October 30, 2007, 10:28:13 pm »

No signs, no tracks...I guess the trail had gone too cold for me to find it. Who knows where those dragon hunters went. I am calling them dragon hunters for now cause i saw miss Tegan when i was restocking in Hempstead and wanted to leave a note for dad. She was really interested in what i told her. She told me there were sightings and people asking about these so called dragon hunters. ;)

I guess I will just have to hope someone finds them.

My search wasnt completely fruitless either, I found an old building underground that was inhabited by some giant were creatures. I will tell Clarissa about this since I know she was looking for a were beast. :o

I so like the forests of the Dragon quiet...I enjoy the solitude. It gives me time to think. :)

Time to head back to Hempstead.


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #148 on: October 31, 2007, 01:57:14 am »
I decided not to wake dad up. I figure it will be a nice surprise for him in the morning when im there making breakfast for him.

Im really not in the mood to talk right now though. I mean, Brian really ticked me off. I would probably yeell at dad or something by accident considering ho im feeling right now.

Granted I have not been around for long while, but i did send him a letter when i was able to. SO he finds me in the crafthall repairing my leathers and he jsut stares at me. Then he starts yelling at how i abandoned him, how i went missing for months and everyone gets to see me except him. Like I am avoiding him or something on purpose. Eghaas saw you, blake saw you, your seen walking down the mountains with some blonde guy...Then he tells me he went back to the bottle because i wasnt around. That it filled some weird void because i wasnt there. >:/

SO then i yelled back at him..well..i felt like it...instead i just went icy cold irritated slightly loud voice filled with sarcasm...I mean, gods! I was taking care of Mr Quantum. SO its not like I was gonna drop a letter to him then...I mean i was trapped for the most part in a crypt for the better part of 3 weeks! Then we come down form th mountain say our goodbyes and im getting ready for the trip to hempstead to see him and everyone else when a ship rams the docks and I end up helping save the crew form certain death nad then end up in the dragon isles fighting marauders who ransacked corsain, sank a ship or two, and caught a red dragon. Who ate them.,.then set his sights on us. SO so sorry i didnt get a chance to send him a few letters professing my undying love and longing for him, wishing he were here with me to protect and save me from certain doom. >:/

At least we parted on better terms...Im still hot, but Im cooling off a bit now.

Maybe this is partly why I spent so much time hunting in the dragon isles...the solitude was one to yell at you and blame you for their problems even though its not your fault. >:/

Running with a pack is so much simpler...


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #149 on: November 01, 2007, 12:35:56 am »
*The pages have random tear stains on them, and the writing is shakey in some places.

It finally happened...I had to let go of brian. For his own good, for mine. I feel horrible that i broke his heart, but i know it was for th best. :(

Has to find his own peace and strength. I cant let him let me be his crutch, his only reason to change. I saw it when we met in Hempstead those few nights ago. His anger that i was gone. That it was my presence which he felt was his anchor. He was strong when i met him, I want him to be the strong man he was again. He needs this time to find himself again.

He said he loved me...I was not ready for that...I dont think i am ready for what that means. He said he wanted to be with me forever...I know i am not ready for that. Too much too soon...:(

I dont even know if I felt that way for him. My time in the forest, the solitude making me more aware of myself and who I am. I already felt I was growing apart from him. I just denied it to myself i think. It hurts my heart that i had to wound him so. :(

Dad once showed me the laws and dogma and meaning of the church.That the Rofirien brought peace and justice thru order and law. I have never been religious...I doubt i ever will. There is no peace in those words for me. Law, order...there are no laws, no sense of order for how i feel right now.  So much chaos running thru my heart and soul. >:/

I just want to run and run and run. To not feel anything but the beating of my heart and the wind on my face. A clarity of spirit I  felt within the company of wolves. Even if it was just a dream. :\\



Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #150 on: November 01, 2007, 01:46:44 pm »
So much sadness and grief.

Miss Jenna is gone forever. I dont know the details, I just returned to the house in Haven and found her sister there. Taking care of the kids. The house was hustle and bustle like the last i time i was home. Just somber and sad. :(

I just feel kinda numb now. First Mr Quantum, and Sonya, then Brian, and now this. I know we didnt always get along. But I would like to think we at least became friends of a sort.

The kids are so quiet. I wonder if they truly understand whats happened to them. I feel so sad, I know how hard it was growin up without momma. At least they did have time to spend with her. They will have some feelings, some memories of her.

I should find dad. He will be taking this pretty hard. :(


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #151 on: November 03, 2007, 05:49:48 pm »
Im just wandering around in a daze it seems like.

I pretend to not be be upbeat and happy and my old self. Im not sure what to do. So much sorrow and grief has hit me these last few months. When it rains it pours I guess.

I mean, im glad Mr Quantum is out of his funk..or at least feeling better about things. But all the stuff leading up to it, the worry, the fear...

Next..finding out miss Jenna is gone. We had finally become kinda good friends those last few years. I stopped making trouble, we actually hung out was nice.

Then the whole mess with Brian...breaking his heart like I did. I feel like such a horrible person. I know it needed to be done...I had to do it. For my own sake as much as his.

Im just tired...:(


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #152 on: November 05, 2007, 02:29:27 pm »
I have been so busy lately. So much us is happening.

Mr Quantum wants Orc Bashers to formally ask me to join. I know dad wants me in too, but he wants me to get a skill first. I think i have to agree with him, I mean gathering is nice, but it doesnt really do anything to support anything. I am really glad they think so much of me to even consider it. Unfortunately, right now i dont think I have anything to really offer them except for gathering stuff. And i really feel i should be able to do more.

Mr Quantum told me later that I should consider gem crafting or something similar. I know uncle Eghaas has been trying to teach me alchemy. Maybe I can take that up. He seemed really excited to teach me. He always said momma had a knack for it, and that i might have it too. :p

I also saw Mr Jin again after a really long time. He saw I was pretty beat up after tangling with some nasty rats (thats really embarrassing). So he called on the Longstrider and healed my wounds. My scar really got irritated then, and it was hard to ignore it. He asked what the matter was and I told him my stupid scar was irritated. He just smiled and asked me if it felt better walking around in the woods or outside the city. Not sure what he meant by that, but yeah, it usually does. :\\

Well, off to make some arrows and hopefully find Sarah. I really need to talk to her. That and i really miss her.


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #153 on: November 07, 2007, 01:31:13 pm »
It was a strange day and night. Miss Sala invited me to go on a trip Mr Storold was hosting. To go see the 8, its the constellation for Lucinda. We travelled to Audria to see it. On the way he told us the story of the Dark Light mountains and how they came to be.

Lex was with us and I finally heard the story i part about Mr Rain and Miss Sonya. Now i understand a bit better about why Sarah gets nervous around her dad sometimes. Her family has been thru alot. :(

When we got to Audria Mr Storold told us the story of the 8. It was interesting, I guess the eight stars represent teh 8 different schools of magic or something and there is usually one that is brighter in the sky than the others. But once in awhile, all 8 shine so brightly that they light up the sky and all others are dim compared to it. When we watched was really hard to see. :\\

Later we went to Mr Storolds house outside of Vale. HE has a huge farm! Surprising actually, since i would have expected him to be more of a city dweller. Another odd thing happened too...I guess when we were travelling thru the forest, I kinda went into a daze and said something about the Longstrider and the forest...I just remember hearing the wolves sing. Though my stupid scar was buggin me again. :\\

Later I met uncle Dalan and uncle Eghass. They were on their way to Hurm and so I tagged along. Uncle Eghaas wanted to show us a place called the crossroads. It ended up happening that Mr Wren was camped out there. He told us stories of the giant king who lives there and who stole the magic of the ancient dwarfs. How he betrayed them and destroyed them, but the dwarfs had the last laugh and their ancient city is forever barred against him. Though he said it was haunted by the spirits of those dwarfs. Mr Wren said the ancient city will take your breath away. It was built with true silver, Mithral he called it. That in someplaces, you cant see the bottom or the top and its ancient beauty is a wonder. Maybe I will get to see it one day. :o :D


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #154 on: November 07, 2007, 01:53:50 pm »
I have been having the strangest dreams again. :\\

I am running thru the forest. I hear the pack calling to me to run with them. I join them and we are on the hunt. I smell the heavy scent of the deer in the air and we follow its trail. We encircle the deer so it cannot escape. It will nourish the pack and keep us strong. We attack and kill the deer, howling at the moon after our kill. We feed and take the rest back to the den for those who could not join the hunt. :D

I wake up at this point and feel like ive been running all night long. I was the wolf, and i was part of the pack. I know that...Its more than a feeling. 8)


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #155 on: November 08, 2007, 12:07:15 am »
Its been a hard time for Sarah...

We went into Storans to help Miss Sala hunt Bodak. She uses the whistlers teeth for healing potions I guess.

We made it into the heart of the crypt and the battle was tough. Sarah got surrounded by shades and she fell. I tried to get to her to save her but I couldnt. I let out a cry and my sword suddenly erupted in flames. I charged and attacked the creatures before they could do anymore harm. >:/

Afterwards i cradled her head in my arms. Her skin was cold as ice and she had a look of horror on her face. I sobbed and ignored the fighting going on around us. I couldnt get to her in time... :(

Miss Sala is a miracle worker...A great healer...she brought my friend back. As I held her, her body became warm again and her face became peaceful. Once she was up I got her to the door as fast as she could move. She needed someplace safe to regain her strength. :D

On the way out, the tomb started to shake and a red mist started to flow from the deeper tombs. I guess we woke something up. We tried to get out of there fast! Brian was with us. He said the shades were exploding on them when they were destroyed! He wanted to see why, that and what was arising. He shut the door behind him and walked into the mist. Stupid Brian! :rolleyes:

We tried to make it out, but the door Brian had gone thru opened and the mist poured out! A vampire attacked us! It cast some sort of magick and uncle Dalan was stunned! Everyone was running but uncle Dalan wasnt moving. No way I was leaving him there to be prey to a vampire. I lost one friend to those bloodsuckers...I wasnt gonna let my uncle die the same way! My sword ignited again with fire and I charged him before he could get to uncle Dalan... >:/

The last thing I remember was a flash of light...then Miss Sala was looking over me...she told me to get up and she led me out of the crypt. Everyone was there...they said I had fallen. The vampire killed me...:o

Poor Sarah...she took it really hard. She saw me walk out of the crypt and she broke down in tears. She couldnt even look at me. She said she was sorry and ran off. :(


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #156 on: November 08, 2007, 12:20:19 am »
I finally caught up to Sarah...She had been avoiding me for little bit. She said she was ashamed she couldnt do anything to have saved me. She felt if she had been fighting by my side I might have lived. :(

She felt she had failed me. That she was a bad friend for running when I went back to fight for uncle Dalan.

I told her she would have died too. That she was still weak from the shades, and that Im glad she made it out alive. :)

She needs to learn that sometimes things happen...all you can do is your best and hope its enough. :\\

I also saw her scars today...I never knew how bad they were, how many he actually had. She had alot of them tattooed over...but you could still see them. I always knew she went thru alot...I knew it was hard..I just never had any idea how bad it truly was, I doubt I ever will. She says they dont hurt anymore, sometimes they bother her..but the pain isnt there. :(


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #157 on: November 09, 2007, 12:34:41 pm »
The dreams again....

I am running with the pack. There is danger and a foul scent in the air. There is a sense of expectation and foreboding.

Something has the pack on edge and the alpha is tense. He leads us to the edge of our forest and a smell of death is on the air. There are shadows moving on a hill. There are ruins here..and a dark hole in the gouged out of the earth itself.

 I know this place....though i have never really been there, i know that somehow i have a conmnection to it . A tower long ago was here...the sense of pain and suffering linger here and now the stench of death.

The pack howls and races up to the top of the hill...abominations lurk here, unnatural to the world and life.

With a howl the pack charges up the sword a lights with a flame of its own and i run with my pack...

There is much crying and howling...many of us have fallen. The abominations feeding on our dead and dying. I watch in utter horror as the alpha is surrounded and fights and is finally overcome in the end. I howl and try to reach him...and as I fight my way to the alpha the face of an abomonation looks up at me and smiles with its mouth full of blood and flesh. It smiles at me like it knows me. I lash out at it with all the fury and strength i can muster and drive the creatures away from the alpha.

 I try to comfort him as he lay dying, his head cradled in my arms. His eyes seem to see the far away forests...and the light slowly fades from his eyes.

We all howl into the night at the loss of our pack leader and those that have fallen. The skys have cleared nad as we howl the great archer in the sky glows brightly and we know the longstrider has come for our fallen.

I woke up witha start...all covered in sweat and tears and shaking. A sense of terror at what i have seen..and yet a sense of calm and hope.

I dont know what it is I was horrible, but in the end i sensed the forest paths were safe and that the pack would grow strong again in time.

For some reason I am thinking of the Longstrider, and as i do so my scar tingles and seems really itchy.


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #158 on: November 10, 2007, 07:22:23 pm »
Well...i guess im going ot have to go to trial soon over that lady named Saida who Brian and I captured...2 times.

I am really looking forward to it. Yeah right, like a big purple pimple on my nose! :p

I bet that Saida lady really doesnt like me now. Like I care, though I guess she might end up being my first arch nemisis-isis. ;) I caught her the forst time..she escaped..and I caught her the second time. I should have hit her harder when I knocked her out.

So I suppose i shoudl try to recount my memory of the ordeal...

The first time I was with Brian in hlint just coming from gathering a bunch of clay for dad.  We were jsut minding our own business chatting with Lance and Randi when this lady walks up all hooded. She seemed nice enough at first..then Lance got loopy. It was kind afunny at first cause he was all moony eyed over the lady. Then Brian started acting all funny and he forgot all about me. Just started drooling over the girl. O.o That wasnt so funny...I knew she was using magics cause i could feel the tug of the weave..that and Brian was acting way out of character. I tried to snap him out of it by shaking him and tugging him, but he didnt come too. At least not until I put a bucket of water over his head. That woke him up! ;)  

That Saida lady then tried to lure poor lance outside the gates. After Brian got his wits back, he said he remembered seeing a wanted poster for a lady using magics to seduce men among other things. Her outfit matched the description he said.

Well...we confronted her and she was right squirrelly when it came to us trying to tie her up. SHe dazed me once, but i was able to snap out of it. I tried knocking her out, but  she just got a bit dazed for a sec then started castign again...the town crier started yelling at us to leave his love alone! He was smart enough not  to get involved though..poor Lance...Brian had to knock him down to get him out of the way. :o Finally after Brian conked her on the head with the hilt of his sword she was out cold. We tird her up and proceeded to take her to the Rofi temple in Vehl. Since they are the justicars adn stuff and we figured that was the best place to take her. No one else wanted to enter the temple, not htat i blame them..that dragon head outside is pretty scary...It looks like it wants to eat you or something! O.o So I had to get rian to help put her on my shoulder...she really needs to lose some weight! I swear her rear is as big as a dragons! :p  I then dropped her off to the authorities there. 8)

The second time....

This time she was disguised and at first we didnt take notice of her, until Capt Trent started acting all googly about her. Normally he is pretty staid, and though polite, all about his rounds. I thought i recognized her, but for some reason i didnt at first when i was watching her talk to the captain. When Brian and I foinally did figure out who it was she made the mad dash for it and used an invisibility spell to hide herself..that and it was really crowded in Hempstead that day so the crowds gave her good cover. Me...well...I hate say it, but ina city im pretty much useless as a tracker...too many smells, too many people.
I saw Mr Storold by the fountain and let him know i saw Saida and that she zapped Capt Trent. Mr Sotrold helped get him out of his daze, ut when he did he keeled over and passed out! :o  Not good.  SO then the search of the city was on. A bunch of took off in all directiosn trying ot find her, but she was gone. I even got Mica to help by flying around the city to try and spot her from the air. No luck.
After awhile we figured she hopped on a ship and was gone. Then someone spotted her walking out hte front gate! Shes got nerve I will give her that!
Outside the gates, I found what i thought was some of her tracks, but the throings of people entering the city clouded her trail pretty quick nad her scent was lost. It looked like she was heading inot Dappelgreen, by the pond outside the city. I even asked some local birds if they had seen luck..we all look alike to them. :D At this point there was alot of us around. Caighd was there, Mr Storold, Brian a dwarf whos name i forgot. It was at this point that a bunch of the local militia showed up nad started giving us greif about messing with their one true love. the even drew their bows on us! So not good!
Well..Mr Storold was able to get them to snap out of it and lo and behold..they had no idea what they were doing there! They just remembered a woman buying them a drink and that was it. Big surprise that one. :D

After we alll started was just Caighd, myself and Brian chatting byu the crossroad. then this woman walked by first i didnt give her a second glance..but then i got her scent. It was Saida! She had changed her clothes, to travelling wear and was heading into Dapplegreen. I confronted her to make sure jstu befopre she entered the wood. As soon as she realized i was on to her she madea dash for the woods. Big mistake....thats my territory and no way im losing her in there! I yelled for Brian and Caighd adn then enterd the forest following her trail. All broken branches, bushes moving against the breeze, footprints in the soft earth (it had just rained). No way i was losing her again. >:/

I found her nad tried to stop her when she tried to zap me...I just closed my eyes and rammed her! By then Caighd and Brian had almost cauaght up to us. SHe slipped aways from me and made a beeline to some traders who setup camp near us. She zapped them and they all attacked us. Lucky for us..unlucky for her..she startled a skunk that lives near the pond...He got mad and zapped her! She wasnt going anywhere...she was gaspojng for i waited for the cloud to go down...Caighn and Brian dealt with her would be rescuers by kjnocking them senseless...A few merchants agaisnt a giant Paladin and contest. :p

After the air cleared we finally grabbed her. She was as slippery as an eel. Caighd was strong but she was giving him a hard time of it. She kept trying to avoid a cloak being thrown over head and having her hands bound up. She even tried tripping Caighd. I think her plan was to fall with him and get looseof his grasp and make run for it. It might have worked excpet for the fact that Caighd fell right on top of her! :o I dont htink that was part of her plan. O.o It was so funny watching her try to struggle with a giant Paladin splayed out on top of her. :D It was one of the funniest things i have seen oin along while...I nearly couldnt do my job of trying to get the cloak on ehr head i was laughing so hard. After we secured her head so she couldnt give us her gaze and enspell us, we lifted her up onto her feet. She started to chant some words when Brian hit her on the back of the head with the butt of his sword knocking her unconcious. Caighd held her and we debated what ot do with her. It was decided that we should find Mr Storold, since he was one of the poeple who issued the warrant for her. Berry happened to be aorund so we sent him out to find Mr Storold, but I guess he ahd taken off for parts unknown at that point.

Before Berry got back, Saida was coming too. We had removed her hood so she could breathe easier when she was knocked out. But as she regained consciousness we placed the cloak back over her head. Unfortunately i forgot to gag her. As soon as she was awake and realized what had happened and that we were debating what to do with her while awaiting Mr Storold, she started swqearing and cursing and pleading and struggling realyl hard against Caighds grip. I think she headbutted Caighd cause he had to shake his head a sec to clear some cobwebs or something. Then she started chanting some giberish adn that could not have been good...It was then taht Brian gave her really hard kick to the head...she just crumpled to the ground and was out like a light! Normally i dont think ths would have bothered me so much..but it was avicious hit and there her head made this soft mushy thud. Caighd got really mad at Brian after that! He said there was no call for such a strike against a bound prisoner. Those two didnt get along to well after that. Caighd tended to her wounds and she had a nasty cut on the side of her face. Her breath was really shallow too...Now i wont say im against being a bit rough with her. SHe was a witch nad deserved what she got, but that hit was jsut vicious. It felt like there was alot of anger in that strike.
I wont defend what he did, but i do understand why he did it. I mean she messed with his head really good before. That..and i know there was alot of stuff going on between us at the time. I think she was a convenient excuse...or maybe he jsut snapped for second. I dunno...

I do know he felt really sad about it later on when we talked. He knew he had gone too far with what he did, and wishes he wouldnt have done it. Brian tends to hold onto alot of stuff that he should sometimes just let go of. I know he felt like he had betrayed me when she zapped him the first time in Hlint. That he should have had more control and not have been taken by her charms. I told him it wasnt his fault..she used magics on him and I didnt blame him at all. Again it was the same thing in Hempstead, and again we talked about it. :\\ Boys...

After that we decided to take her to Spellguard, since we couldnt find Mr Storold. They had the means to keep her out of trouble! ;) Well..after a couple days journey...we made it there. I think Saida learned her lesson and we were keeping a close watch on her the entire time, cause she stayed quiet and did what we told her to do. Caighd even carried her most of the way, hes pretty strong! We got to Spellguard and took her to the temple there. The attending priestess was not very happy with us..especially Brian. But she seemed to know Caighd and seemed to respect him alot. She agreed to hold Saida until the Rofis could try her.

And thats it I guess...


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #159 on: November 12, 2007, 08:32:32 pm »
Well...the first part of the trial is over. Im glad of that. Hopefully they wont call on me again. It was really nerve racking to say the least. O.o

The prosecutor was a complete boob.He was a huge man, but obviously had a small brain. He kept objecting to everything Caighd said, even though it had all been hashed out beforehand. I mean, Saida admitted using magics to charm men  and stuff. But he kept bringing it up and trying to try her for something she already plead guilty too. :rolleyes:

They both kept asking me if Saida tried to murder me during her escape attempt. I had to say no, since any attempt she tried didnt do anything besides getting e mad so i can only assume she wasnt. :\\  

Marcus went nuts though. He was asked if any permanent damage was done to him from his interactions with Saida. Though no physical damage was done, he said heis soul had suffered permanent damage. From being charmed and acting against his own will. He kept screaming that he was forever violated. The judge guy got really mad cause he wouldnt shut up. :D So he had to have him removed forcibly. I couldnt help but giggle a little bit at Marcus' antics. Though I did feel bad for him. :(

After the two of us were called, the judge ordered a recess for the time being. Especialyl since things getting really chaotic nad I think he felt he needed everyone to cool off. ;)

I am not sure, but I did talk to Caighd before the trial. I met him in the merchant shops. He told me a few things that make me wonder about her motives. It reminded me of Sarah, what she went thru. If its true that is...:(

