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Author Topic: My book-A.F.  (Read 11778 times)


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #160 on: November 13, 2007, 01:36:59 pm »
I am on the run now. I decided to go to ground until i can figure out some things.

I was at Deliars buying a new chisel when a stange halfling stopped me.He said i wouldnt live to make it to trial. Thank goodness Deliars was busy enough that he couldnt do anything! He disappeared a second later! :o

Then I got the letter form Miss Tegan saying someone put a bounty on my head. That they dont want me making it to the next trial date. She said a halfling named Lino was hired to get me, though he probably wasnt the only one. I needed to be wary. :o

I decided at first to stick close to the guild hall...I figure theres enough traffic there that i should be safe enough if I just keep crafting and being careful. Stupid mistake. Everyone was out gathering or crafting and the hall was empty. :(

Being alone in a large guildhall, every noise makes you jump. Even though this had been home to me for so long. And I know every nook and cranny of the place, yet I was jumping at the slightest sound. O.o

I needed to get out of there...I couldnt take it.

It was then that I heard the doors open and now being very paranoid, decided to peek around the corner. A few thugs in black had entered! :o This was not good! They must have been watching the hall and saw me enter.

I was trapped. They were between me and the door. Luckily they entered the meeting hall first and that bought me a few minutes...I found some choking powder and caltrops in the junk chest next to me. That, and these bracers I found awhile ago that can cast darkness. Were they in for surprise!

Uncle Dalan taught me along time ago how to prepare my sight for hte darkness...I just hope my plan works

I snuck as far down the hall as i could without being spotted...Im glad there were alot of plants and bookshelves and stuff. I stepped out...and yelled for them to come get me! Here I am!!!

I think my timig was perfect, they were jsut coming out of hte meeting room. They just kinda stopped and stared at me..Then the leader guy said my pretty head was gonna fetch them alot of coin, that if i was a good girl..they would make it quick and painless...If I wasnt..then it would be slow. :(

Im glad Im not a good girl...

Once they were about 15 feet from and they had 2 walls on either side, and no place to scatter...I threw the caltrops down. THey sw me do this and just laughed, they started to gingerly make their way thru them...Then I cast some darkness..and ten thru the choking powder into it! They were so not ready for that!! :D

They were were choking and blind and stepping on sharp spikes! Not their day at all. I purposefully threw the caltrops so they would bounce of the far wall and leave me a small path on the opposite side. I prepared my eyes for the dark, and made the mad dash, dagger in hand. One of them grabbed me by accident so i chopped his hand off! Only one left between me and the door once i was thru. :\\

Lucky me...he decided to lock the door and join his buddies once they had all seen me and thought I was easy prey. This wolf definitely isnt a lamb. >:/

It took a few seconds to get the door open, but it was all i needed. I was out and gone! :D

Im not stupid, they prolly had spies watching the doors for them in case any one came back. I made my way to the gates as fast as i could. The forest is my home, and there..I doubt those city thieves could track me. Not in my element. :p

So now...I write this and have to figure out a a way to get word to dad. Im sure he will figure out something bad happened when he gets to the guildhall...I just need to let him know im alright. :\\


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #161 on: November 13, 2007, 01:45:45 pm »
I met some druids here in the high forest. They seemed nice enough and helped heal a nasty gash i received while escaping from the thieves.

They found me sitting next to a tree talking to a squirrel and setting its leg. It had fallen out of a tree and hurt its leg. Poor thing. :(

The druids here agreed to get word to dad for me.

Once i have rested, they told me I should stick to the forests. Its easier for me to hide, and they even told me how to get to the silkwood forest with minimal break of the forest...Thats really good to know! :D


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #162 on: November 14, 2007, 01:52:54 pm »
Its been insane this lat week. I escaped into the wilds leaving only a few clues i knew uncle Dalan would be able to track. O.o

Always on the move, never staying in one place more than a day. It was tough. Usually running thru the woods like this is fun and easy. But when you are on the run, things just arent the same. :( Always looking ove your shoulder, listening for the sounds of someone or something that shouldnt be there. Barely sleeping, so you dont get caught. :(  Even with Mica keeping watch, it was hard. More than once i woke up with her curled around legs under my blanket. :rolleyes:

They finally found me hiding in some ruins in the Silkwood. I was hiding up in a tree, over the heads of some ogres, using them as cover. I figured any thugs who may have tracked me would think twice about entering their territory. Once or twice i was nearly spotted by the ogres, but luckily they thought it was just a squirrel or something and ignored me. Then dad and uncle Dalan and the rest showed up. The ogres went mad and attacked them all. Bad mistake, the ogres were match and were driven off pretty quickly. Once i realized who it was i climbed down and jumped on dad giving him a huge hug, uncle Dalan too! :o :D

Then I saw Hunty and Brian. I was shocked that they were there. Not that I should have been. They seem to always know when Im in trouble! Especially Sarah. :p

Afterwards we left and headed back to Hempstead. Dad was pretty mad at first, saying I should have tried to find someone i could trust who was strong enough to help protect me. I told him there was no one around, and I figured this was the best way. Not many people can track me in the forest, uncle Dalan taught me really well. I thought t was the safest place. :)

When we talked, it was decided that I should go visit the old village and stay there until its safe. I will be leaving a few hours i think. Dad just needed to make a couple of arrangements.

He left me with uncle Dalan adn Miss Tegan at the hall. They both took turns keeping an eye on me. After awhile I asked if I could at least go outside and get some fresh air. I hate being cooped up. He agreed and we took a walk into the fields. I think i should have stayed in the hall...We met a thug who said i was never gonna make it to the trial. :o  He was pretty tough, and Im glad uncle Dalan was there! He told me to run, so i did but the thug just chased after me. I decided I wasnt gonna escape and uncle Dalan was hot on his heels so I stopped and drew my sword. He was about to try and get me when i made my sword erupt in flames! 8)  That made him hesitate long enough for me to use a darkness that my bracers can cast. Uncle Dalan jus charged in and started fighting in the dark! The thug got a solid hit on uncle dalan but in the end it just made the dwarf madder and tempest cut the guy in two! But his knife was poisoned and soon poor uncle Dalan was feeling it. :(  After trying to staunch the wound, we headed bakc to Hempstead and luckily we met Miss Ferrit and my friend Lath. She helped fix uncle Dalan. :D

Then when we were almost to the hall, Miss Ferrit spotted someone shady entering the shopfront! We went inside and poor Farkus looked like he had been in a fight! His poor ear was bleeding pretty bad and he kept growling and trying to get thru the back door! We jumped over the counter and tried to find the thug. Outside we tried to find him, but only caught glimpses...then on a barrel was a note folded into the shape of a swan. It was addressed to me...O.o

Quote from: A Note for Abigail
Miss Firesteed, It is in your best interest to leave town immediately. Do not return until after the trial of Saida is long overwith or you and your family will pay dearly.

After that we we checked the Orc Basher hall and Miss Ferrit, Lath and Uncle Dalan and Eghaas decided to stay with me until dad got back and it was time to leave. :)

Oh yeah...Caighd stopped by to check on me too. Im glad cause he said that the prosecutor had disappeared and then he told me that he has been visited by a shady character who always wants to see Saida or asks about her constantly. He even wanted Caighd to give her a was in elven and im not even gonna try to say it..but uncle Eghaas said it meant Shadow. Whatever that means. I told Caighd about whats was happening to me and showed him the letter I found. He was really concerned...He said dad was right and that i needed to get someplace safe for the time being until this is all sorted out. :\\


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #163 on: November 14, 2007, 05:57:34 pm »
Its good to be back. I have missed this place so much since I have left. I never thought I would.

The trip here was uneventful thankfully. Dad, Uncle Dalan, Mr Quantum, Miss Tegan and Miss Grenna were the ones who escorted me.

Uncle Dalan and miss Grenna fell back apace to make sure our tracks were covered and that no one was following us. They caught up to a us just before we entered the falls and I could see they both had a few scratches. I asked uncle Dalan waht happened..he just said things were taken care off. Miss Grenna smiled grimly and nodded in agreement. I guess they found a tail. O.o

Dad didnt want anyone else to come since the location of the place is supposed to be a secret and those who did come already knew of its existence and whereabouts.

When we got there it was like a happy reunion, then a bit somber and sad. The old lady I lived across the lane from had passed on. Some of the kids i grew up with were now married and living their lives. Farming the local fields and doing whatever it is they do. My old friend Alice has gotten pretty good at her magics. Her dad seems to have aged alot since i last saw him too. Alice...she seems far older than i am now, though she is the same age as me. :\\

All in all the village hasnt changed too much. ;)

I packed some special provisions for when we got here and i put out a picnic by the water near mommas cherry tree. We all sat and ate and had a great time enjoying the sun. This was the first time I had ever seen the sun or sky in this place. THe cherry tree provided some wonderful shade and a peaceful place for us to relax and unwind. 8)

Tomorrow we are gonna see about cleaning up this old house. Its gotten a bit rundown since we were last here. Though the locals kept it in decent enough condition. :)


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #164 on: November 17, 2007, 12:53:46 am »
This last week has been pretty busy. I havent even had time to write in this journal. O.o

After getting the cottage back in order, everyone left. We had a nice picnic again and dad said he would be back in when it was time for me to return.

I hate hiding like this. though I guess when dad brought up the idea of sending me here into hiding I was kinda glad. :) I have been wanting to return here for awhile. Its been so long since I was last here. :(

Now that everything is settled in the the house. I think i will spend some time in the forests south of here. I hope the wolf pack is doing well. I miss them. That...and I have alot of questions for them. :\\


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #165 on: November 17, 2007, 04:04:50 pm »
There is a new alpha leading the pack. The young pups I first met all those years ago when i was last here have grown and are now having their own families. They still remember me. I was worried that they may have forgotten my scent. That I wouldnt be welcome anymore. Was I wrong! :D

I remember as I slowly made my way up the slope to the packs den. I moved slowly and deliberately so they would catch my scent, and know I was there. The next thing i know Im surrounded by growling wolves. Looking at me thing; Im bowled over by a couple of them and they are licking my face! O.o  

After we had finished greeting each other and was able to wipe off the slobber, they led me to the the dens. I saw Turon again! He was the one who was my first wolf friend and guide all those years ago. He was really huge and strong now. I mean..he wasnt a pushover the last time I saw him, and believe me i tried! :D

The wolves and I traveled their territory those few days I was with them. Walking the old paths and finding new ones. We hunted for food, and killed a few spiders that were causing trouble. I was running with the pack again. :D

My last night with the pack before I had to return to the village was really special to me. It was a clear night and the stars were so bright in the sky. The entire pack gathered around the great stone and the alpha told us the story of the pack. How they came there and where they came from. Then as the evening grew late...the pack leader had the pack look into the night sky, and we saw the great hunter. The pack began to howl in greeting to him. I even started howling! :o :D

The alpha then spoke of the Longstrider and his pack. The story of his coming and the rise of his pack. How they walk the paths of the wood, protecting the forests and those who dwell within them.

The next morning as I was about to leave Turon came and got me. He led me into a small clearing and the new alpha was there. It was really intimidating! THe alpha came up to me and starting sniffing me all over, lingering over my scar. Then he asked me the strangest question...He asked me why I had the mark of the wolves and yet, the smell of the dragon, even though it was very faint. :\\

I didnt know what to say to him. In the end I told him that I had no markings, unless he meant my old scar. That my dad followed the great dragon, so I did too...I guess. I mean, I grew up knowing about Rofirien. Though I guess I never felt like one...They were too stuffy and worried more about the law than what was right sometimes.

Then he said I was always welcome, that I had a family with the pack. That I had a long path to follow, but that the Longstrider was always watching over me and guiding me. :)


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #166 on: November 18, 2007, 12:04:29 pm »
So much to think on...The wolves will always welcome me as one of their own. The Longstrider is watching over me. Protector of the forest and those within them. Thats what the alpha told me...isnt that what I always have tried to do. Uncle Dalan taught me to be a scout, even if I am not so great at it yet. :\\

I need to pack, I guess its time and Dad should be here soon to get me to the trial.

I need to say good bye once more to all my friends.


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #167 on: November 19, 2007, 12:28:55 pm »
Well Saida was tried and sentenced to 10 years in Spellguard. The trial went pretty well. :)

I felt bad cause i had to go up and tell the court that Saida actually did use the weird spell. Miss tegan showed it to me after the first trial cause I was curious and it seemed so important. :p

Im just glad things went pretty well. I think the sentence was fair considering all the things i had heard about.

The downside is that Caighd, and later Miss Clarissa when I chatted with her, seem to think this is whole incident with Saida is far from over. In fact, after the trial some dark fellow came up and asked if Caighd was still around. He said he was an old friend and then disappeared into the crowd. :\\

I think the last thing is...I had this dream again last nite. I was running with the pack thru the woods. My hands werent my own..they were paws. Pink paws, and as I ran fire and lighting sparks shot from them. It was very strange. The last thing I remember was looking up at the stars and seeing the great archer in the sky. :\\


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #168 on: November 21, 2007, 05:29:44 pm »
Brian is having a rough go if it...

Marcus created a temporary cure. But it has nearly killed Brian. :o

We have had to bind his arms and legs to protect him from himself.

He has been having convulsions and and vomiting up blood and some nasty smelling green stuff.

He has finally passed out long enough for me to take a break. I wish I could sleep. Im so tired, but I cant yet...3 days Marcus said.. and day 2 is barely half way through. :(

At least Marcus and Jaelle were here in the beginning.. To help me in the first stages. Though once Brian started vomiting up that foul ick Jaelle got sick. I nearly did too. O.o


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #169 on: November 22, 2007, 12:18:14 am »
Finally! Brian seems to be getting better.

His breathing finally evened out and became stronger. He quit mumbling to the the strange shadows that seemed to fade in an out around him. :)

The convulsions stopped about the end of the second day. I was so worried he would bite his tongue that I had to stick a strap of leather between his teeth when he started convulsing. He would foam at the mouth and blood and a green froth would come out of his mouth. :o

The morning of the third day, he woke up. He was exhausted and dehydrated. I gave him small sips of water as he started to recover.

HE slept for 2 days after his ordeal. After he got cleaned up we spent some time together at the pond overlooking Haven.

He said he still had a long way to go with his training. That for some reason...he prefers to stay in the shadows...they comfort him for some reason. He still doesnt understand them, but he seemed to indicate that after his ordeal...his relationship with them changed somehow. :\\

Then he left. He took some food and he left. I dont know where to. He didnt say. :(


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #170 on: November 23, 2007, 02:38:45 am »
I am really nervous...Dad asked me to open the shop and run it a few days a week. He said I might have a knack for it since i convinced this dwarf named Zo to buy a suit of plate mail from dad.

Ive gone thru the shops cratesto see what we have nad its alot! I dont know how Kurgin could enjoy doing inventory so much. :p It must be a dwarf thing!

I also finally met Kurgins brother Durgin. He seemed pretty nice. We had a nice chat and ended up joining a party that cleaned out the gnolls in haven. That was a scary trip! those dogheads are smart.

I was acting as scout, and did a pretty good job of it. Until we were almost out and they ambushed us. I didnt even see them! :mad: I made it thru to the stairs, went back to report it was clear nad as soon as the party was in the center of the room....whammo! They jumped out of the woodwork..err...stonework! :o We got lucky and managed to fight them back, but still...I could  have gotten someone hurt. :(

One last thing...Uncle Eggy took wanted to teach me something. He took me to the arena in Vehl nad he showed me how to cast some stronger spells. More defensive in nature, which is his way. They were pretty impressive, and i even managed to turn my skin to stone. That was really cool! :D

He cast the spell on himslef to show me how it worked. He wnated me to attack him, so I did. I just chipped afew stones off him. That was kinda I thought...If hes using magic..why cant I. So I closed my eyes and concentrated for second. My swords erupted into fire and lightning! :o I attacked him again...this time he wasnt happy. I hit him pretty hard a couple of times before backing off! He had some nice chunks taken out of his rocky armor! :D

Afterwards, he asked me how i did that. I told him I just inda knew how to do it. That ever since i learned how to summon fire on my weapons I thought it woud lbe neat to try and make other elemental enahncements. I mean, dad and uncle dalan taught me to fight, Uncle eggy and mr Rain taught me how to ocntrol and summon the magics. It seemd right the 2 should go together. :\\ I just seems that way to me after all. I told him that I had been practicing it for awhile now. Though I still wasnt that great at it. he said I was turing into a real spellsword. He said my momma was one too. O.o

I remember dad telling me about it once a long time ago. He said momma wrote about it in her journals. Maybe I shoud l see what she said. ;)


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #171 on: November 25, 2007, 01:31:09 am »
I have been reading mommas journals more closely recently. Some of the things in there are very disturbing. O.o

I understand now how dad came to find the village i grew up in. The horrible things that happened there, to my family. It also kindled memories of dream i had long ago. :(

Now I think I know why the wolves were brought to that vale. The longstrder guards and protects the wood. And that wood has something in it that was once terrifying nad horrible. I always felt uncomfortable around those ruins..and dad always told me to stay away from them. I know why now. :(

I have also discovered mommas notes on what uncle Eggy called spellswords. That theyre power to command the magics grew as their power to fight did. In mommas notes i also found letters sent to her from her grandmother. 8)

I already can feel it now...the headache from thinking about too much all at once! ;)


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #172 on: November 29, 2007, 05:35:34 pm »
So the big day is finally here!

Dad asked me to run the orc bashers shop and now im really nervous! I just hope i dont screw things up! :o

Oh, and I finally met sarah again. I was so glad to have talked to her after all this time. Last  heard she was studying her brain out trying to get back intothe groove of the magic thing. LIke when we were kids.

I think she will be fine. I still remember Mr Rains lessons and stuff. And I doubt i would have remembered anything if it wasnt for the fact that i was studying with sarah. She was the smart one and had the knack for reading all those magic words and sticking em in her head. :p

I saw Brian again too. He is doing much better now. He has a bit more color in his face nad his step is abit stronger. He still feels more comfortable in the caves he said, than around people. But he said hes starting to get to know the shadows better...Whatever that means. :rolleyes:

I feel kind a bad now, and confused. I know Brian wants so hard to try and restart the relationship we once had. He has told me so, but I dont think Im ever gonna have those feelings for him again. Not like I did. I really love him, and want him to be better and to get his life together, but he is more the friend now than anything else. :\\

I have kept telling myself that I am not ready for another relationship. So much happened to me all at once when i was in my last one. Mr Quantum, Sonyas death, Brians health, and then my own problems. I know all that happening at once had to be a fluke. But why cant i get over the feeling it will happen again next time. :(

The strange thing is...I was traveling with Berry again. ANd I kept staring at him. He is pretty cute, and strong and a good guy. I felt like i was 16 again and mooning over Robert. Oh well, he probably doesnt even know i exist, aside from the random trip we take with other people. Thats prolly for the best though. :\\


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #173 on: November 30, 2007, 08:36:42 am » much for the grand opening. I thought i was gonna screw things up pretty good, or at least be overwhelmed!

I ended up taking a couple of orders, trying to find some lost merchandise for a customer and otherwise sitting at dads desk waiting for customers. Hopefully things will pick up next time around. :)

On the plus side, I got to play with Farkus alot. Hes kinda old now, but hes a good dog and still likes to think hes a puppy. :D

I also read more from moms journal. Her an grandma went thru alot of stuff. Im glad she was able to defeat that monster. It also explains why nothing really grows by those old ruins. And why the animals shied aways from it. >:/

I also wanted to skip around and see what momma knew about ateh spellsword thinger. I found it interestng that our lives kind were very close in some respects. I think I get why everyone worries about me! :p

Momma was a bit a of a loon! Drinking with dwarfs, and charging headlong into the fight! But she could use the magics..and she kinda understood what she needed to do. Combining the 2 sides of her...magic and warrior stuff...letting each strengthen the other. I think thats what Ive been doing...just not knowing about it. I mean like a separate thing. Its just how  i have always been.:\\

I think uncle Eggy saw that in the training arena in Vehl that one time...I mean, dad, mr kyle, uncle Dalan and even uncle eggy in his own way taught me that not all enemies can be fought the same way. Different technques for different enemies, just in uncle eggys case...try using this spell for this, adn this one for that. Even gettng me to cast in the middle of a fight! Now thats hard, but I can do it. Its just timing and focus. ;)

Later he told me, I need to practice casting in armor...sheesh...Whats he think Ive been doing? Though I am so not liking wearing that heavy armor like uncle dalan or dad. Just too uncomfortable and heavy. I like my leathers just fine. Feels like im na metal box with no air! :o


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #174 on: November 30, 2007, 08:51:21 am »
Miss Clarissa still needs wants me help too. She said she had been looking for me

I guess she saw that Harigan fella again. the one she wants me to sniff out. Seems he told her about the big alpha thats been causing the problems withe weres. :(

She said that Harigan guy told her its was a super alpha! Prime alpha I think she called it. Anyway, supposedly its almost impossible to kill, if at all by normal means. So she is trying to find a way to destroy it. I told her maybe mithril weapons..if she could find some. :o

Kurgin told me about it along time ago. It like pure silver or or true silver or something like that. I figure that might be whats needed. Its very rare, and very precious stuff. 8)

Then as we were talking about weres and the super alphas genarals nad minions an how its trying ot build up an army. My memory kicked in about a tale mr Jin told me a long time ago. About a great darkness in the forest, corrupting animals and men. And how the Longstrider called on his princes to combat the evil and how it was locked away in some tree. And then how it was nearly released. I told her the little bit I knew of mr JIns part in the story, at least hte part i remembered. Im more clear on teh start of it, than I ma on the finish. Especially since the first part was told to me by my wolf friends in the glade in the valley. ;)

So I told her to look for Mr Jin. I hope she finds him, I hope I can find him..I really want to talk to him about some things. :\\

Oh yeah....she also told me that Harigan fella told her to figure out where all the attacks had been occurring and that we might be able to find the lair in the center of it all. She was also asking about grovel and his friends. I guess they have been on the hunt for the weres! So funny...they act like a mini pack of wolfs, and they all were werewolf skulls for helmets. :D


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #175 on: December 02, 2007, 09:10:14 pm »
I saw uncle eggy today. I told him I had been reading about that spellsword thing he talked about, I even went to some library in blackford. Only it wasnt in Blackford castle! I told him mommas notes were pretty thin on the subject and I wanted to try and find out more.

They talked mostly of blending steel and the arcane. A harmony of 2 sides. The fighter type, and the wizard. Learning to avoid the limitations of casting in armors and focusing the power of the arcane into their weapons. They dont just focus on their military prowess either, gaining in their power of the weave as they develop. Its a bit slower than a pure wizard cause they dont live inside their books and labs, but it grows as they grow.

Im not really a fighter though...I mean, I fight when i have to. And I have learned to harness the weave to make my weapons hit harder and burn with fire. But i learned that after watching some magicer enhance my groups weapons when we had to fight some ogres. I figured I could do that too. So I watched him, and learned how it was done..and now i can do it. 8)

That whole armor thing makes sense too. I mean, even my leathers get in my way sometimes when im trying to use the weave. Im learning to get around it, and im gettng better at it. It doesnt happen nearly so often anymore. I would ask uncle eggy if he had any ideas about it, but i dont think he would understand. I mean, hes never wore armor or anything like that. He knows alot about defensive spells and stuff and Ive learned alot from him. I think this kinda thing is beyond him though. :(

I asked him if there was anyone he knew the I might talk to. I told him mommas notes mentioned some fellow named Yardislan...but hes prolly long dead, and even when he was alive, he didnt know much more than momma did or that I have discovered.

You know, as im writing this, I keep thinking of mr omer. I mean, he likes to fight. Alot! ANd hes told me hes starting to wear armor an stuff...but seeing him walk around in it...I can tell hes not very comfortable in it. Not that i blame him, i hate wearing all that metal. traveling with him though, he always prepares himself nad us before we enter a fight, then he puts on his armor. I dont think he would be much help. Aside from learning about using offensive magics. And watching him cast, I did learn to make balls of energy that hit pretty hard! I cant quite get the whole flaming arrow thing down yet, but im working on it.

I think im on the right path...:\\


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #176 on: December 04, 2007, 02:47:58 am »
Saida's back....:(


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #177 on: December 04, 2007, 05:25:10 pm » still trying to absorb the news that Saida is back. I have a feeling this doesnt bode well for me. :(

I ended up travelling with sme new elf fella named unen and he was with ruby. He seemed nice enough, though hes kinda in a hurry. Strange for a ilsarean priest..i thought they took their time to enjoy the beauty of things. Oh well..guess it shows how much i know about religion. :\\

Anyways, we ended up in stormcrest. Berry was there. I was really glad to see him! its been awhile. I couldnt help but keep looking at him. And when he looked at me i got really flustered and i had to look away. I swear i fell like im a littel girl in school again when hes around. :p O.o

Im not sure, either, but i htink he might like me too. Maybe im jsut being silly. Im not sure. I mean, we sat close to each other, and it was nice being so close to him. I mean, we werent that close, but it was nice. :)

Anyways, there was a small group of us and ruby wanted to hear how i knew saida, so i told her the story. A few were there who hadnt heard it yet, so i let them hear too.

It was a good time. I even made my first batch of beer like miss grenna taught me to make and I gave some to Berry, miss tegan and uncle eghaas. It was so funny! It must have hit them hard, cause berry passed out and uncle eggy started flirting with miss tegan. At least i think he was..he kept talking in elfen and miss tegan got all redfaced! :D

It was a great time, it took my mind off of saida...:)


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #178 on: December 04, 2007, 05:35:20 pm »
I saw miss grenna today..

I told er about the beer and and what happened! SGe was so happy,m said i did 'Roight foine job' and maybe i had te knack for it. :D

She also told me she met some werewolfs. Seems a job came up, nad some big hairy fella named Judson was hiring adventurers to hunt and kill them.

She told me she remembered how we had been talking about werewolfs before, she even talked to miss clarissa about it awhile ago.

She gave me a piece of the leaders pelt and a piece of clothing cut from that judson character. She hoped it would help me. I told her she needed to talk to miss clarissa to, just in case. Tell her the story directly causei might forget something, and she might remember something.. 8)

She also told me, they are supposed to meet him again in a month. She told me where he was gonna be and when. I think i might just stop in and say hello.


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #179 on: December 05, 2007, 07:25:41 pm »
Well...I finally was able to talk with Berak.

He is a really nice guy. Handsome, strong, easy to talk to. :D

We spent the night together at mirror lake. I taught him how to fish, and it was alot of fun. :)

We talked thru the night, and then watched the sunrise. It was a wonderful time. :D

I told him I still might not be ready for a relationship, and he was sweet, saying he wasnt sure either. That this was all new to him. We decided to take our time an see where the path leads us. :)

Its been a great time with him, I feel really..umm..Im not sure. :\\

I also found out Brian had a chat with him about me. Though, how brian had any idea i might be attracted to him i have no idea. I mean, i had no idea really either. :\\