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Author Topic: My book-A.F.  (Read 11714 times)


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #60 on: May 21, 2007, 10:35:15 pm »
We made it to Hempstead.

Uncle Dalan said he needed to stop by his guild for a bit and gather some stuff up. We also needed to get some supplies before we headed out again.

Sarah wasnt around, but miss Ferrit and Cole were. I think Cole was worried that I was still mad at him for ruining my clothes. I got a chance to talk to him for a little bit before uncle Dalan came and got me.

I told him I wasnt mad at him anymore. I talked to him about my trip with uncle Dalan. He seemed kinda bummed that he couldnt go with us. I told him uncle Dalan wanted to show me something important, but Im wasnt sure what it was. :\\

We left shortly after and headed to Vehl. Im glad we didnt go into the city. Its kinda creepy and dirty and the people always look suspicious.

Uncle Dalan said we needed to be really careful from then on as things tend to get really dangerous. There are trolls nad bandits and worse things. O.o



Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #61 on: May 24, 2007, 02:02:26 am »
We made it to Vehl a day or so after leaving Hempstead. Uncle Dalan was nice since I didnt really wnat to go intothe city. That place just makes me nervous, everyone looks at me like im meat ona stick or something. O.o

After we made camp uncle Dalan talked about what might happen when we enter the wilds outside of town. He talked about the mercenaries and trolls and stuff. There was some stuff he didnt tell me about the bandits and stuff I think. I am not sure I really want to know. :o

We made it to the swamp pretty safely. We snuck around a bandit camp easy enough and we entered the swamps. They smell so badly! O.o

After travelling half a day thru the nasty swamps and getting all gooked up in swamp mud and ick we stopped. Uncle Dalan said we had arrived.

He got out some flowers he brought and gave me some. I wasnt sure what they were for at first. Then he told me. He told me how momma died saving some other person. He said the group was moving so fast that by the time they realized what was happening it was too late. He tried to save her, but she was already gone.

It kinda didnt hit me for a second...then I kinda lost it I guess. I started crying and so did uncle Dalan. He said he was so sorry that he let me down, that he let her down. He blames himself alot I think. I have to think about this alot. :(

After I calmed down abit, he talked about why he brought me. He told me that bad things happen that are beyond us sometimes. My momma was a strong fighter but even she fell. It was sad that it happened...but it happens. He told me that because of her, the other person lived.

Im not happy about that right now. I know I should be glad that momma saved someone,  that she gave herself for another, but shes not here. I never really knew her, and it wasnt fair that she left me. :(

We left shortly after since it was getting dark and made camp near where we were yesterday.

I have been thinking alot since we left. Im nto sure how I feel or think..I just know Im really angry and upset. >:/  At least uncle Dalan offered to take first watch.


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #62 on: May 25, 2007, 01:24:36 pm »
My trip with uncle Dalan is almost over.

Our last trip before heading home was to stop by the family that dad and I helped. They showed us the grave were tehy buried their dad. I didnt cry or anything...I jsut felt kinda numb. We stayed for dinner with them,  we had some fish we caught nad uncle Dalan had some bread. They didnt have much, and  the harvest wasnt nearly as good as they had hoped.  Things were really tough for them right now.

We talked alongtime. The momma said she was glad that dad and I had helped save her family. That even though her husband fell at least her children survived and they had a chance for the future.

We left a little while later. I was really sad still. Seeing how hard things were for that family. Knowing that if I hadnt led them into the ambush their lot would be easier. That it was my fault their dad was gone. :(

I was really quiet on the way back to Hempstead. I had a lot to think about.

We left the next day after getting a few more supplies for the trip home. Mr Rain was there. He said Sarah couldnt wait to see me again and that her littel dragons were doing well. :)

As we left, uncle Dalan said he would lead the way for abit, but I would have to do it the rest of the way.

After awhile I recognized where we was the ambush site!  :o  Uncle Dalan said he could tell me all day long about how no one could have prevented the ambush. But he said until I saw for myself what they did nad how they did it, I would never be free from the doubt. I had to learn and see for myself.

I retraced the steps for him, from where we came, where they jumped was so vivid in my mind still. I kept flashing back to it. I didnt want to do it, but uncle Dalan kept pushing me. >:/

Now that we had seen the spot where the ambush took place, he wanted me to find where they had come from  and try to figure out how they could have gotten past my nose. He said I was always pretty good at tracking and finding stuff, now was the time to learn about avoiding traps. He said this one was areally good trap, btu I needed to learn from it. :rolleyes:

I found the trail uncle Dalan talked about a few days before. It was overgrown now sortof nad was still pretty well hidden. I found where they had made their camp and saw how they laid out their trap. They did a pretty good job of setting up their ambush. They had avenues of escape covered, I even found a trap that had been missed. Uncle Dalan was impressed cause even he missed that one. He disarmed it and showed me how to do it.

After we left uncle Dalan wanted me to lead us the rest of the way. It was pretty uneventful. THough we did spot a bandit camp, but we skirted around it after making sure it wasnt gonna pose too big a threat to anyone.  

When we got home, everyone was gone. So uncle Dalan and I dropped off our stuff and got some food from the pantry and walked to the pond overlooking Haven. We talked alot about stuff, what was happening and why things were so tough on everyone right now. We even talked about momma...I had been thinking alot about that lately. I told uncle Dalan Im gonna ask dad about her more, that I dont blame him for what happened to her and I wasnt mad at him. It sounded like she was always trying to help other people. I think this kinda got to him cause his eyes got red and he got all blubbery. :)  

Im still not sure about alot of things. But Im glad uncle Dalan took me. It has helped me alot. I cant wait to see my friends again and dad and miss Jenna. :D


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #63 on: May 28, 2007, 04:19:20 pm »
I am kinda worried right now. I dont know why, but dad and miss Jenna have been acting odd lately. :\\

I can tell that dad has been really upset lately. More than that he seems confused and lonely. I know he gets kinda melancholy (big word!) and depressed and just wants to be alone. I always feel sad for him when that happens. He tries to hide it from me, but I can tell. I just give him a big hug and try to cheer him up when hes like that.

I am not sure why since miss Jenna and the kids have been spending alot of time with him lately. I have been gone for awhile with uncle Dalan I know. I need to make it up to him I think.

I have been in my own little world of late. Blaming myself for things. I know dad has alot on his mind. :\\

When I asked if I could go spend some time with Sarah and Sonya in their house near Prantz...he said no. He wont let me go to that town for some reason. He said it wasnt a safe place for me right now. That there are things happening there that make it unsafe in his eyes. Especially for our family. Im not sure whats happening..I just know hes pretty upset. :(

I need to think of something to do for him. To take his mind off of things and make him feel better. Even if its only for a short while. :)

I know we havent been to the temple in awhile. Its prolly got something to do with stuff hes worried about.

Maybe Sonya or Sarah knows whats happening. They live there after all. I think i will ask them next time I see them.


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #64 on: May 29, 2007, 01:43:53 pm »
I talked to Sarah at classes when we had our break this week.

SHe said she woudl listen and try to find out what was happening nad get back to me as soon as she knows anything. She said she knows lots of kids where she lives nad she will get me knews that might help. :)

After classes while I was waiting at the shop, Sonya stopped by! I hadnt seen her in awhile. She is getting so strong now. I talked to her for awhile adn she told mesome stuff that MR Q has shared with her or she overheard. She said Tristan has been spending alot of time with Mr Q too nad he might have soome information she didnt. She said she woudl ask him and her dad when she saw them next. :\\

Oh..Sarah brought her baby dragons with her to class too! They are so cute, especially the one that thinks Sarah is her momma. THe other one is kinda shy but we got alogn great after i gave him a treat. :D


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #65 on: May 31, 2007, 01:35:12 am »
Im kinda worried...Dads been pretty short with everyone lately. Hes been pretty upset ever since he recieved a letter from the church. He wont tell me whats going on, but I can tell hes not happy. :(

Miss Jenna and dad have had some 'long talks' that get pretty heated some times. I can tell they are trying to hide something from me and and the kids. As soon as I walk in the door everything stops and they act like nothing happened. Im not stupid or anything...I know stuff is happening. :mad:

At class this week I was so happy to see Sarah. She did a good job too. She found out stuff is not going good with the Rofirien church and Prantz. It has something to do with the guy who rules it. She also got me a copy of some letter that was posted all over the place in the city there. It has to do with rulership of the lands and recognition of the Broegar guy.

So they made him official mayor of the town..big deal. I dont get it. :\\

Maybe Sonya knows more, hopefully I will see her soon to ask or maybe Sarah will see her first and get something out of her.

I think i will ask uncle Dalan about whats happened there and who Broegar is and whats happening. He should know something. HE knows jsutabout everything that goes on. :)

*A copy of the notice that once hung in Prantz is folded into the binding of her journal here.

Quote from:  some Pranzing Official

After long months of deliberation and many councils held with numerous agencies of the Administration along with top representatives from the church of Rofirein. It is with an eye to the future and hearts set upon steadfast dilligence to maintain the current standards of living within and around Prantz.

It is with these aims in mind that the Administration of Prantz is pleased to announce conclusion of the councils held between the Golden Voice of Rofirein, Barvanth Hiruman III and the Administration of Prantz headed by Lord Broegar himself and the salient points of said deliberations contained within:

    * A new Temple will be constructed in the town of Western Gate on Corsain Island.

    * The Keepers Office will be moved to the Temple in Western Gate until further notice.

    * Those Knights of the Wyrm formerly based in the Cathedral precincts are to be re-deployed to barracks in Western Gate.

    * Guardians of Justice will undertake all law training solely within the Cathedral.

    * The New Office of Marshals will operate from the Western Gate temple with all training undertaken there for its members.

    * All religious services and functions will not be undertaken in the Cathedral until further notice. All initiates and any in training will be moved to the temple in Western Gate until further notice.

    * It is further decreed that the Cathedral of Rofirein will be responsible for balancing the laws and punishments while adjudicating justice in Dregar on behalf of General Broegar who is from the moment of this missive recognized by the Rofireinites as the new ruler of Prantz.

    * In the instance that a dispute arises between the Cathedral of Law and the rule of the Prantz Administration, both parties reserve the right to enter into negotiations to find resolution on the issue. Should this fail both parties reserve the right to withdraw from the agreement until such time as an amicable resolution can be met.

It is also at this time, now that the final reports from the Department of Demographic Measurement and the Bureau of Terrain Assesment have been received and assimilated that newly formed kingdom of Rael is announcing it's sovereignty with the City of Prantz as it's capital. The bounds of Rael are to encompass the entirety of the Forest of Fog upon it's eastern front and extends southwestward terminating less then twenty five leagues south of Seacove.

In this dark time, such sweeping change is most certainly unwelcome by all, yet is necessary for the greater well being of all. It is with this ideal in mind that Rael, and by extension Prantz opens it's arms and welcomes any who wish to join the brotherhood of monarchs in this new and exciting time in Dregar.

Hail Broegar, Lord of Rael


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #66 on: May 31, 2007, 02:47:45 pm »
Ive gotten word that Sonya is at Fort Last training at the temple there. Im glad shes nearby. She told me she was free in the evenings for a couple of hours before she has to report to her barracks.

I am going to go see her. I am hoping I can sneak her away from her studies long enough to talk with her about dad.

I asked dad if I could go to see Sonya. He said I could go some other time, when he could get someone to take me or he could go himself. :( He said the trip is too far and too dangerous for me to take by myself, and I am too young. :rolleyes:

Guess Im gonna have to think of a plan to get there on my own. ;)


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #67 on: June 01, 2007, 12:50:39 am »
I made it to Fort Llast last night and got to see Sonya. I was really glad to see her. :D

We caught up on lots fo news and stuff. I guess shes training alot with Tristan and shes learning alot. :)

Then we got to why I wanted to see her. I told her about whats been going on at home with dad and all, and how I'm getting really concerned about him. I told her it had something to do with his job and stuff, and whats going on in Prantz. :(

She said she only knew a little bit about what was happening there. Mostly history of the place and what happened. How Broegar attacked and took over the city, how he destroyed the temple of Toran and how he has been influencing the Rofi church. She said her dad had even more stories about that place since it fell. That bad things have been happening there. She heard about the deal brokered by the Rofis and and Broegar, but since she has been in Llast for sometime she doesn't know much else about it. :\\

Then she said I might be better off talking to my dad about it more directly. That it would be better than sneaking around trying to sift information from questionable sources. He could prolly be more direct in his thoughts and put my mind at ease. O.o

She said I needed to have faith in Rofi and the church, that not all things are shown and made manifest to all. That sometimes there is a greater plan to be had than what we can see and we must have faith in our gods and the church to do whats right. :rolleyes:

It was then that she said I needed to go and talk to my father. Unfortunately she had to get to the barracks for curfew. She said she would talk to her dad and mom for me if I still wanted her too. She said her mom was a cleric of Rofi and that she would be able to shed light on my concerns.

I told her that would be fine and I would ask my dad about whats been bothering him.

I have alot to think about now.


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #68 on: June 03, 2007, 11:43:07 pm »
I was really worried for awhile! Uncle Dalan was really hurt for few days! :o

I guess he got konked pretty hard fighting dogheads in the mines. Miss Jenna found him lying just inside the entrance to hte mines a week ago. She got dad to help her get him to the house. I had to go get a healer nad we tended his wounds.

Ive never seen uncle Dalan so beat up before. :o He was out of it for a few days and we were worried he might not wake up. :( He eventually woke up to everyones relief. I was so happy I grabbed him really hard and hugged him with everything I had! I guess I must be getting stronger cause he said he couldnt breathe and I was crushing him.  ;)

I was glad he was alright, and mom had me watch him and take care of him. I didn't mind at all since it gave us alot of time to talk about stuff. When we were alone, I asked him about what he knew of Prantz nad that Broegar character. He gave me a stern look and said he only knew that my momma had fought there when that dwarf attacked and took the city. That there were strange goings on and not everything was good. Other than that he didnt really know alot about what was happening with the Rofis and stuff. Just that Broegar took over their temple there and that he was a vile creature with no honor or anything and was probably in league with Milara whoever that is. :\\

He asked why I was so interested in that stuff, so I told him about dad being all upset and depressed. I told uncle Dalan it had something to do with his job I thought since he only got this way after a messenger from the temple delivered a letter. :(

I made uncle Dalan promise not to tell dad about this cause I dont want him to be worried about me. I just want to try and figure out why dad is so upset and if I can help him. I told him that I talked to Sonya and what she told me and I showed him the poster that Sarah got for me (I made sure to omit the fact that Sarah nicked it for me).

Later he had me send a letter to his girlfriend Grenna just to let her know he was alright. He was worried she might go off half cocked as he put it after a friend of his dropped by and told him she found out he fell in the caves. He said she had a heart of gold but had a real temper to her when she got riled. ;)


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #69 on: June 05, 2007, 10:09:25 pm »
Dad has been gone for awhile now gathering stuff again. I am hoping I will get a chance to talk to him when he returns. I know things have been tense around the house of late. Miss Jenna has been really quiet, doesnt even notice when I take off anymore.

Uncle Dalan wasnt much help, since he wasnt around for the great battle of Prantz. He did tell me my momma fought there. After he told me that I remembered the story dad told me of her time there too.

Sarah told me the story her dad told her about the fall of Pranzis too, that was its name before the dwarf took over. She wrote out this really nice story of it too for me. It was a really tough battle from what I understood about it. She even said there were rumors of people disappearing from the city, especially older people and those who were opposed to the dwarf.

*here is the note that Sarah wrote neatly folded and put into the binding of her book.

Quote from: Sarah Darsus

The story of Prantz.

“There was a time, before you were born, Prantz was known as Pranzis. Many people considered that city as the jewel of Layonara. The people were happy, the economy was thriving, People were not suffering from lack of food. It was also before the sun got blocked by the clouds, it was magnificent. But even if the people were happy there was still some fear. You see there was this evil man, very powerful and dangerous. He wanted to conquer the world, to take revenge on the people he had once helped to be freed from the dragons.
Big, poweful Dragons. Strong like nothing you could ever imagine, their wings wide and so powerful that when the flapped them, it could make people lift from the ground and drop them way off of where they stood. Some of those Dragons were bad, others were good. Like the one that brought Daddy and Mommy to this place.

Daddy and Mommy both saw at least one Dragon. Your uncle Kyle, Dalan and aunty Ferrit saw it too. We were all brought by that dragon that we called the big gold. It's true name to long to remember. For big gold, we and many other people, good and bad, were the last hope to win the war that was brewing with this evil man called Sinthar Bloodstone.
It was a terrible thing. I was only brought in by big gold, close to the end of the war, but things were not looking great. The cities were falling, a lot of people got hurt, and even more were left without food or proper care. It's during that time that I decided to found the Angel, you know, the business Daddy runs.

Well one day, there was this call from the officers of Pranzis. Bloodstone and his troops were advancing against this beautiful city and there was almost no more hope. A lot of the villagers fled when there was still time, but a lot of them did not want to leave what they had worked their whole life to build, so they stood with us. It was a hard and very long fight, brave men were fighitn swigning their swords through the enemies one after the other, swing and swing parry duck and swing again. Others like Daddy were shooting arrows or bolts, voleys of them flying by the one fighting in front hitting the enemy as good as we could.

Or others, like Daddy and Mommy were using magic to protect and attack the bad people. But many people fell to the waves of attackers. They were out numbering us in strength and in numbers and they kept coming weave after weave when we were bravely defeating one. A few of us, with me were tired of being pinned down and believed we needed to take the fight to them but unfortunately the so called generals, were to coward to leave the safety of the walls and decided we would not go out. That decision was the bad one and it is because of it that we failed and that many more people and houses were destroyed in Pranzis.

Those of us who choose the life of the adventure and have special skills can use the big stones that I showed you the other day. In a sense that gives us the chance to stay on this plane for longer. Well to continue, we failed to protect this beautiful city and their villagers, but to our surprise the man that was leading the army against us was not bloodstone, but a dwarf that no one had heard of his name or deeds before. He was a total stranger to all of us. But our failure was only in part, while we were defending Pranzis, a few brave men and woman decided to go and attack Bloodstone himself in his mountain and succeeded in defeating him. But you have heard the saying, no good deed goes unpunished?
Well when the defeated Bloodstone there was a big explosion that completely annihilated the mountain that he was in. As it went up in a big rumble and a big "BOOM"

Thats when all the dust from the mountain went up in the air and blocked he sky for all those years and a very long time still to come. Now back to Pranzis. We were all assemble near the citadel, pushed back by the enemies when an emissary came to us, telling us that if we surrendered none of us would be hurt and we would be freed to go. We knew we could not do anything more for the city and if we continued to fight they would completely destroy it. So after some talk we all decided that we would lay down our weapons and we did. We were able to leave the city in peace and those that were hurt were even tended to. A few days later, Broegar made his first public appearance and stated that from now one he would be the ruler of this land and would rebuilt the city to be even better than it was. If you ask me, I preferred the one we tried to save. But he did, it took only a few months and the city was rebuilt and it was now named Prantz. For some people this is good because Broegar succeeded in fooling them, while he was promising new prosperity and protection, he was taking a lot of the freedom that the people had before. Some of those freedom were religious rights, commerce was a lot more restricted and no one could use magic anymore in any public places. Now all the temples that were in the city were closed and all religion was banned all but one... Rofirein.

Barion was one of those who defeated Bloodstone. Well Since Broegar said he was going to be fair and just, but apply the law firmly and the Rofireinites are all about applying the law, they sided with him. Not all of them, but the church it self did. He used them to act like judges in the small matters, but the biggest one he kept for himself. His law, unlike what he said, is not just. It is oppressive, many people disappeared because they were disagreeing with him. And many more were harshly punished for minor things that, if it was in the time of the Princess and her parents, they would not have been so badly treated.

People of the city didn’t act because they are afraid, afraid to be hurt, afraid to be killed or that their families would be hurt if they rose against him. But until recently even the Rofireinites did not have a temple, and now he has given them the permission to establish their new temple and court on the Island of Corsain. That I think is scaring even more the town people into submission because now what was their hope to protection if Broegar did something that was to cruel and went against the laws or even morals, the Rofireinites would not be in a position to help them right away if at all.”

Sonya told me the same stuff later on when I went to see her again. She said her dad told her about how Broegar kicked out the Toranites who dispensed Justice and destroyed their temple there. Before Broegar it was the Rofis who dispensed and dealt with the laws and it was the Toranites who dispensed the Justice I guess. Now it was the Rofis doing everything and I guess it even affected the Judges of the toranites cause they had to disband the Judges or something.

All this stuff was well and good, but it still didnt tell me anything else. We havent been to the Rofi temple if Vehl in along time. So I havent been able to snoop around and see what was happening or talk to anyone there.

So I did the next best thing. I snuck into dads room and found teh letter the from the Rofis that upset him so. I guess things within the church are pretty bad right now. Dad tried to resign his commission with the wyrm knights after they made the deal with Broegar that that poster mentioned. They said things were too tough right now and they would not accept his resignation, that he needed to hold true to the code and have faith thru these dark times or something like that.

I guess this Broegar guy has caused alot of trouble and made alot of enemies. Even uncle Dalan said he was filth and a few other choice words, and hes a dwarf! It takes alot to get uncle Dalan worked up like that!

I guess I should meditate on this stuff. Mr Rain said when your mind is troubled and stuff that you should just take some time to sit down and meditate on stuff to clear your mind.


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #70 on: June 08, 2007, 01:51:58 pm »
Something is terribly wrong. :o

Uncle Dalan escorted me back from classes with Mr Rain the other day. We arrived and all we could hear was screaming and yelling and crying! :o

I ran inside and there was miss Jenna all crying and teary eyed nad dad was just standing there looking like a whipped dog who got into something he shouldnt have, like he did something horrible. :o

Miss Jenna saw us as we burst thru the door. Dad looked at me told me to get the kids and go outside for abit. Uncle Dalan got the hint pretty quick I guess cause he grabbed me and we went and got the twins in hurry. O.o

He took us to pond overlooking the town. We were pretty quiet for along time. The twins had finally settled down and stopped crying. I had a bunch of questions, but uncle Dalan said he didnt know what to make of it.

He said we ought to do something to take our minds of if things for abit. So we started practicing my dwarfish. He taught me several more words and phrases and then he said my accent was to thick. 'Dont be so gutteral he kept saying, we aint trying to communicate like cats and dogs. Think of da mountains and rocks and da deeps. Then you will speak proper.' ;)

After awhile I was getting really ansy and the twins were starting wake up from their naps. I kept looking down at the house hoping to see something. After awhile I saw dad leaving the house. I would have sworn he glanced up at us, but then he headed south away from us. :\\

A little while later miss Jenna came and got us. She looked like she had been crying alot and tried to compose herself. She said my father would not be home for awhile. She looked at me kind a weird then, and sent me to my room after saying my goodbyes to uncle Dalan. :(


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #71 on: June 12, 2007, 12:32:11 pm »
I havent seen dad in about a week. He left the house for a few days after the fight with miss Jenna. Now hes gone longer and longer. He never comes home for more than a few hours. He plays with the twins for a bit, he says hello to me and we talk for abit, he wont tell me whats going on, and then hes gone. :(

Miss Jenna barely talks to me anymore. She just looks at me funny, then returns to her work. She has me take care of the kids occasionally, but usually just prefers me not be around I think. I guess I just remind her of dad. :\\

My travelling to classes with Mr Rain seem to be the most I see my dad nowadays. And lately they have been weirdly quiet. If we talk, its usually nothing more than something to break the silence. I can tell dad wants to tell me something, but hes not. He keeps looking like hes gonna say something, but then goes back to playing with the fire or something like that.

I talk to Sarah about it. I told she didnt have to do any more research stuff for meabout Prantz if she doesnt want to. I guess dads problems arent related to it anymore so I dont care anymore. :(


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #72 on: June 13, 2007, 06:02:43 pm »
I saw dad today.

He found me on my way back from classes, and we went to the lake to talk.

I told him I had been worried sick about him since hes been so depressed. I told him I was trying to figure out was wrong and I learned alot about stuff that happened.

He told me that was part of it, he even said I was pretty resourceful t finding the stuff out. But there was something else that happened. Then he said it...

He said he was leaving us.

* tear stains mark this part of the page.

He said it was best for us all. He said it too dangerous for him to be around us now. That bad things might happen to us if he did. He didnt want that, he said he would try to make things right, but it might take a long time.

Then he said things had changed at home too. That he and miss Jenna had grown apart or something. That he couldnt be with her anymore. He didnt love her anymore.

I asked if it was my fault. That I made things too difficult for her and him, that I reminded him too much of momma. I know I can be a troublemaker sometimes and I made things difficult sometimes between him and miss Jenna.

He said wasnt my fault. That things just happened.

Im not sure I believe him. :(


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #73 on: June 15, 2007, 02:11:28 pm »
*the pages are heavily tear stained, and the writing is pressed deeply into the paper

Miss Jenna wont look at me. We have dinner, we do our chores, the twins have been pretty quiet lately. Its like they know something is wrong. :(

I cant take it much longer. I think she blames me for dad leaving....No, I know thats not true. But I think I remind her too much of him, that I am partly to blame. :mad:

I have taken to wandering the forests further and further, and stay out longer and longer. Miss Jenna doesnt say anything to me. I doubt she even notices Im gone. :\\

Im tired, and dad is gone. He says he made arrangements for us, but I dont care. He left me, us...all because of his stupid job! >:/


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #74 on: June 16, 2007, 05:12:12 pm »
Ive decided.

I cant take it anymore at home. The underlying resentment, the uneasy quiet when I am there, the guilt I feel when I see miss Jenna with the twins. >:/

As I spend more time in the forest and wandering the paths of the silkwood, I find my thoughts drifting more and more to leaving home for good. Miss Jenna wont mind at this point I think, she may even welcome the respite from the feelings I dredge up when she sees me. :(

Dad wont care, hes never home, he left me. He said he would always love me, but he left me. So why should I care what he thinks. I may as well leave too. :(

I dont know where I will go, maybe the wolfswood rangers will take me in. If not, uncle Dalans training will be enough for me to survive and make my way.


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #75 on: June 16, 2007, 05:39:35 pm »
I had my last class with Mr Rain today.

It was hard, but I made it thru it without showing any signs of my plans. Only Sarah caught on.  O.o

After class was over Sarah and I went to the park and we talked for along time. I told her everything, how I felt about home, why I was leaving and everything. She was really concerned and tried to talk me out of it. But Im stubborn, dwarfish stubborness I think is what uncle Dalan said to me along time ago. ;)

I made her promise not to tell anyone for at least a week or so. That should give me plenty of time to disappear. Especially since I dont know where Im going. I told her I would send her a letter once in awhile to let her know Im okay and whats happening with me.

I told Sarah I was gonna head north to start, she wanted to come with me to the gate at least so i said yes. I had to stop by my secret hiding place on the way anyways. I stashed my stuff in a nice hiding place really close to her guild under a loose slab I found once.

When we got there though, some rats had gotten into my food.  :o  I thought I had it wrapped and buried well enough that they couldnt get to it! Stupid rats. >:/  Sarah saw that and laughed at me, she said I ought to have learned Hempstead rats are pretty resourceful! We both laughed for a little bit, and then she said I should restock at her place before i leave. :D

While looking thru my pack and getting rid of the despoiled food, I showed Sarah my sword. I told her it was my mommas. That dad had it stored away for me for when i got bigger. I told her I took it, since I needed a weapon besides my bow and arrows, and that it was meant for me anyways. :)

I told Sarah I would wait for her in the park, while she went and got some food. She came back a little while later with a huge bag filled with a couple of roasts and extra canteen and more arrows for me and a couple of spells she nicked from her dads chests in case of emergencies! She said she almost got caught and that uncle Dalan was there. She said I ought to at least say goodby to him. :(

At that I started to cry, Im gonna miss him the most i think. He was always there for me, even when I was little. :)

After awhile I had to say goodbye and go. It was almost sundown and I felt it was best to leave at night so it was harder for anyone to follow me.

As we walked to the gate I reminded her of her promise to me, but told her to tell everyone Im sorry and will miss them all when the time was right. :(

We hugged and I turned and left.


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #76 on: June 18, 2007, 11:47:56 pm »
I cant believe Sarah followed me! :mad:

Now I have to take care of her and make sure shes okay. I dont know if Im up for that. Still...I am glad shes here. It makes my trip less lonely. :D

I caught her trying to follow me on the path to Vehl. At first I though it I was being stalked by bandits, so I hopped off the trail and doubled back. I got her when she found the spot where i left the trail and she was trying to see where i went. I snuck up and jumped on her! I was about to hit her on the head with a rock when i recognized her. Shes lucky dad and uncle Dalan always made sure to teach me to make sure of what it is Im striking at before committing. Shes good at sneaking in the city, but shes not nearly as good as I am in the forest. :rolleyes:

I yelled at her for abit, then i hugged her and we had a good laugh. I told her I needed to do this by myself for awhile. That I didnt want to be the one responsible for getting her hurt if if anything bad happened. I couldnt live with that. :(

She said she just wanted to make sure I would be alright. I decided we should make camp and talk there. Hanging out in the middle of the path where we could be seen by bandits or worse wasnt a good idea.

We made camp and ate some of the roast that she got me. She said uncle Dalan had just made it and dropped it off in the kitchens. I felt sad thinking about him, knowing he would be tearing his beard out with worry when he discovered I was gone. :(

After eating and talking for awhile, we doused the fire. Sarah said she would agree to take a boat from Vehl back to Hempstead when we got there. But we could travel there together for now. Shes a great friend, but she hasnt seen some of the things I have out here. I just want her safe.

Well...Its time for her to take watch. ;)


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #77 on: June 19, 2007, 12:56:20 am »
We made it Vehl! It was a pretty good trip too. We made in a couple of days. I think the pace was almost too fast for poor Sarah. But I wanted to move fast and be done with my trip to Vehl as soon as possible. Poor Sarah must be dog tired. She wont admit it, but she is looking pretty knackered. :)

After we got to Vehl, I told Sarah we needed to stop by the temple. I had some questions I needed answered there. I also wanted to give them a piece of my mind in how they treated my dad. >:/

When we got there, I told Sarah to try and stay hid and out of trouble. Especially since they have guards and stuff there. At least they did the last time i was here. :\\

The temple wasnt very busy luckily, I guess most of the clerics and stuff were off enforcing laws and stuff. I did recognize one fellow wandering around the temple. I didnt know his name but I know dad said he was pretty important. Reus or something I think is what one of the priests called him.

I ran up to him and introduced myself. He must have recognized my name and stuff, cause he asked how my dad was. I looked at him, smiled...and kicked him as hard as I could in the in the you know where! I yelled at him and said to 'Leave my dad alone! You nobs ruined him and ruined my life!" Or something like that anyways. I pushed him over and made the mad dash for the door. :D

I almost made it too! Then as I got close someone grabbed me by the cape and thru me down! I heard a scream and saw somehting white whip past my head, I turned to try and get away, and I saw miss Serissa holding onto me! I think she was more surprised at me than the egg that hit her in the head. :o

I struggled really hard to try and escape but I was caught. I gave up after struggling for abit. Just so they knew I wasnt gonna be easy. >:/

Miss Serrissa took me to some room and after waiting for awhile, she came in with the Reus fellow i kicked. He was still walking kinda funny too. He didnt look to happy. Neither did miss Serrissa for that matter, but I didnt care. >:/

Miss Serrissa was way more upset about what I did than the judge fellow. He lectured me abit, and said I would have to do penance or something. That I was angry about stuff I didnt even know about. It was hard staying mad at hte old guy, but I mustered my dwarfen stubborness and said something in dwarf that I knew. He didnt like that at all. But I was gonna stand up to him and his holier than though church that ruins families and stuff, and I told him so. :mad:

He left after saying something to miss Serrissa. She came back and started yelling at me. Not loud or anything, but in a quiet way that made her really menacing. She said she was really angry and upset and disappointed in me. That I should act better. That my actions could affect my dad in a bad way. I told her he wasnt a Wyrm Knight anymore and he left, and that it was their fault if they couldnt accept that. And that they were conspiring with evil dwarfs instead upholding the law and right and stuff like that. She got really mad then. I guess I touched a nerve with that. She said some time in the jail would get me to cool off and think about what I did. I would have to stay until my dad came and got me. Which could be a very long time, the way things were. O.o

I spent the night in the jail, which was really scary. It smelled really really bad, and there were some nasty looking guys in the jail that said some pretty nasty things to me. I just swore at them in dwarfish and tried to look not scared or anything. I was terrified actually. :o

Next evening, I had a visitor. Sarah came to rescue me! I heard her whisper to me that she was gonna get me out! She had a couple of her dads scrolls of invisibility.  She said to use it and she would get the door open, but we had to hurry. The other prisoners started to see what I was doing and started to make a huge ruckus! Next thing I know, the jailor guy came out and started cursing at them to pipe down, but the prisoners wouldnt. I saw Sarah, nick the key off his belt while he was busy shoving some prisoners, she got my door opened and we dashed out! She tossed the key into one of the cells on our way out. I guess we started a riot or something, cause we just missed being runover by a bunch of guards!

We ran for the docks. Knowing that boat would be leaving for Mariners hold we hopped on really fast. Luckily our invis wore off while dashing through an alley and Sarah had already gotten us tickets. The trip to Mariners hold was pretty uneventful, aside from the ships captain asking a few too many questions which made us uncomfortable. But once we got to Mariners hold, we got off the boat.

We spent the night in an alley that offered us shelter from rain. It was a lousy first night, but I didnt want to try and find an inn or anything. I told Sarah she could take the portal back to waysend that was in the inn by the docks. I gave her the last of the gold we had for it. I told her not to follow me any further. I had alot to do, and her parents would be worried about her. ;)

We hugged and parted ways in front of the Freelancers. I made sure she didnt follow me once I left the gates. I told her I would send her a letter when I got the chance. I told her to tell uncle Dalan and my dad I was alright. I missed them alot but I have to do this. I hugged her and left. :)

Well...thats it for now. Farmer Part was nice enough to give me dinner and shelter tonight. I just had to chop some wood and do a few chores for him. :\\


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #78 on: June 20, 2007, 01:57:53 am »
I made it to the ranger camp finally. I was hoping I could get them to train me and maybe take me in. They seemed like a nice bunch when i was here a few years ago with dad. :)

I miss those times...:( :)

They said that things had changed much since that time, and though they might welcome me into their ranks in the future, I was too young. They let me stay there for a few days at least. I learned one or two things there too. They allowed me to practice with the newer recruits in some basic stuff like tracking and survival. I think it was more so I might fare better in the wild after I left.

They were kind enough to resupply me. They even offered to help me make my way back to Mariners hold if I wanted. I told them I wanted to head to Dregar. That I had some friends there that I needed to see. They said the best place was to get a ship from Karthy, but they didnt want me going that way because of the slavers there. They said I would fetch a high price if I was caught, and since I was so young, terrible things would happen to me. Im not gonna write about what they said...I will just say I kinda went pale, and agreed with them. :o

We made our way back to Mariners hold after spending about a week in a roundabout path thru the forests. I didnt do much, but I did get to help find some of the traps and they showed me what to look for when searching for them. When the rangers found the camp, they told me to wait a safe distance away, since things were gonna get really dangerous. That and they said that they wanted to make sure they didnt get ambushed from behind. So they had me stand guard a safe distance away. They had a young guy named Darren stand watch with me. I think he as there more for keeping me out of trouble than anything else. :\\

It must have been a tough battle, cause we heard lots of screams and the clash of swords and stuff. A few bandits managed to get out the front. Darren said to stay put and keep down. He took off after them, and I saw him disappear into the woods. It seemed like forever before i heard any sound from him or anyone. O.o

After awhile I decided to leave my hiding place and see if anyone was hurt. I was also more scared that more bandits had escaped and might accidently find me. I didnt want that to happen at all. :o

I found a couple of wounded rangers sitting in a small copse. They were really startled when i popped my head out from behind a tree. Since they were paying attention to something else. I had a few bandages handy and tried to help bind some of their wounds. Im not very good at it, but they seemed to appreciate the help. :p

After it was all over the rangers regrouped. They finished helping out the guys who got hurt and talked about the fight. I guess these bandits had been trying to get organized and planned to raid some large caravans that were supposed to be coming thru. They werent gonna do it anymore I guess. ;)

The rest of the trip was pretty uneventful. We finally made it back to Mariners hold. They gave me a few goldies to buy a ticket back to Mistone or they said I could use it for the the portal and a room at the Freelancers. Especially if I was wanting to go to Dregar.

To be honest, I was not too crazy about the idea of entering the Freelancer. Dad knows those people and seemed to be on good terms with them. That and I met a couple of them when I was travelling with dad. I wouldnt mind seeing Nyenna again. I guess she was really good friends with momma and she always made really good pie. Miss Anna was really nice too. She could sing really pretty and it was like watching a story unfold in your head. But I was afraid they might try to keep me from leaving. :mad:

I decided to go in. It was really busy too! I guess a couple of ships just docked and all the sailors were on break or something. THey were really funny to watch! Getting all drunk and stuff. I didnt see miss Anna or Nyenna anywhere. I was kinda disappointed at that, relieved too.

I remember dad saying that there was an automated room thinger somewhere in the inn. You could drop your coins in and if a room was available you could get a key. This was a great idea! I could get a key and a room and not be spotted! Especially in this crowd! :D

After I got my room, I passed out on the tiny cot. When I woke up, I wrote a letter like I said I would to Sarah, uncle Dalan and Dad.


Re: My book-A.F.
« Reply #79 on: June 20, 2007, 03:44:10 pm »
Im not having much luck. I dont know why I came out here in the first place now.

I thought I could hash out my problems by myself and have time to think on it. So far I have travelled alot, seen some scary things and spent alot of time camping. :\\

I thought I might head to Dregar. To maybe try and find the old village where I spent my childhood. To see my friends again. Im not ready for that now I think. Im gonna rethink my plans. I feel I am missing something. :\\

Im so confused right now. I dont know what I was thinking. :(

