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Author Topic: Maelverik Reznar  (Read 279 times)


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    Maelverik Reznar
    « on: September 30, 2005, 12:08:00 pm »
    Its been seven seasons of training.  I have learned much from a Drow i met in town named Unthuz.  I dont know his intentions (you never can trust a Drow) but he stands in battle as if he is made of stone.  The hilt on my longsword is worn smooth.  I feel as it is a living breathing part of me, not just a hunk of metal.  Sometimes at night it speaks to me and thanks me for all of the blood I have allowed it to feast upon.  I have even perfected a move where I can sweep my blade in a deadly circular motion slicing through all surrounding enemies.  I call it my circle of death.  All monsters who choose to enter it will feel the wrath of my longsword. I feel as though I am just a pupil and my sword the teacher.  Everyday I spend using it another secret is unlocked.


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      Re: Maelverik Reznar
      « Reply #1 on: March 16, 2006, 02:47:42 pm »
      My longsword now has electricity coursing through it.  Now it truly does seem alive. It is perfect for cooking small bits of raw meat, all i have to do is stab a chunk and watch it sizzle. Ive been having dreams involvign my sword.. i think it has a soull and is trying to speak to me.  I now live with a strange man names Czukay.  I do not know what happened to that Drow fellow, perhaps he returned to te underdark.  This Czukay is just as crazy and ruthless in battle, if not more.  We fit well together.


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        Re: Maelverik Reznar
        « Reply #2 on: April 20, 2006, 02:07:44 am »
        I train now throughout the broken forest, and have payed many a visit to the far reach forest.  Ive come to a realization.  this sword is my life source.  I can trace every meal I eat, all my possessions, even the very breath I am breathing right now I have because of my sword has allowed me to prevail in battle.  From fallen foes I gather gold to sustain my physical self, but my sword is bound to my soul.  I have began venturing farther away from Hlint, where I first began my path as a fighter looking for gold.  Now I have found something else.. through my weapon.  It is taking me down a path I never dreamed possible.  Just the other day I ventured through the Berhagen mountains with a Cleric I met, Logan i believe his name was. We stumbled upon Giants living in the outskirts of these mountains, and I felt myself waver when faced with their huge size and presence.  I am ashamed to admit for a moment I wanted to flee.  Then something happened.  I grasped the hilt of my long sword and a burst of pure spiritual energy coarsed through me.  My WEAPON gave me the power I needed to defeat these hulking beasts.  All my fears melted away and I felt only a rush of umbridled passion as my sword and I hacked the Giants to stinking piles of flesh on the mountainside.  I want to feel that again.  I have to find a way to connect with my weapon on that level all the time.  I would be unstoppable.  Only time will tell..


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          Re: Maelverik Reznar
          « Reply #3 on: June 15, 2009, 05:43:46 am »
          I have thirteen seasons under my belt now. I seek an even deeper and more intimate knowledge of my sword than i have now. Ill keep the appearance of a rough and tumble drunken fool that likes to smash things.. but my true quest remains known only to me. I started out a kid in the woods with a sharp stick and a solemn dream. Now charging into bandit camps, caves and Giant dwellings Ha ha! So excitin! Just cant forget where i came from. Ive never felt so alive as when me and my sword are thrusting as one into a creature. All the gold and treasure is second to that feelin. Ive started blacksmithing not to sell or make money, but instead to learn all i can about my longsword. See its birth from ore to ingot to weapon. I want ta do it till i can make a longsword with my eyes closed. We will see.. everyday i learn more.


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            Re: Maelverik Reznar
            « Reply #4 on: June 16, 2009, 03:34:08 pm »
            Ive taken up with Czu again. Hes sure a strange fellow always feeding his pet skull blood and meat and eatin a good deal himself. Not to long ago we raided a bandit camp on Dregar. Twas Czu, a dwarf named Bjorn, me and another devlish little fellow whos name i cant recall. I look forward to the day when i can take these bandits head on, but till then I will have to flank them. Gotta use fancy footwork at times but im learnin a lot travelin with slightly more seasoned adventurers. I do my fair share of killen an slicen and dicen so's not like im useless as a bag of sand or anything. We made it to the bottom of their encapment and their was tha biggest pile o gold i ever seen! I wanted to jump right in and fill all me bags with gold but another in our party said the little buggers had trapped it somehow. We still got what shinnies was in the pockets of their dead and that seems like a fair trade tah me. Hah!


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              Re: Maelverik Reznar
              « Reply #5 on: July 04, 2009, 06:09:04 am »
              Just bought a new weapon and sheild from a member of the angels guild in port hampshire. A Miss Ferrit Pandorn who also claims to be a good tailor. An upgrade in gloves is going to cost me a pretty penny tho.. the exceptional strength gloves are gonna set me back 50 - 100 thousand true. I tested my new weapon on the forest giants and i must say it is far better than my old iron one. Admantium is more rigid and doesnt give as much as iron, but it is nearly unbreakable. The giants are clumsy ole brutes! If im quick enough and put my blade in the right place theyll move right intah it and impale themselves before they know it. They are klunky and have trouble stopping there big ole limbs when they move em. Still gettin used to my new sword i was kinda attached to my old one. Per'aps a lil too attached. I see now that it is I who control my weapon and not the other way around. Used tah look forward to see what tomorrow will bring.. finding out now more and more that itll bring you nothing. You gotta go out and make things happen usin yer blade and yer brawn and yer wits


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                Re: Maelverik Reznar
                « Reply #6 on: July 06, 2009, 07:01:46 am »
                Went adventurin with Czukay, Fenthon and an elvish lass named Endrae.. sumthin or other. She seemed ok but Fenthon was a lil odd. Kept spoutin stuff off about bodies and health and usin big words and such. Seemed to know his stuff but somethin was odd about how much joy he took in collectin and dissectin fer his "Sss-eye-ants". Kinda reminded me of Czukay the way he likes tah mutilate tha dead and eat guts and eyeballs and such. Aye it was a site! Czukay goblin up tha dead organs of giant scorpions, madmen, and desert giants and Fenthon all the while cuttin up and puttin away what Czukay didnt eat. Made my stomach grumble a bit can only imagine owe tha ole elvish lass felt. She took it well tho and i tried to warn her abou' how Czu likes to try and sneak his own lil treats intah everyone elses meal. Overall tho i admit eh 'twas fun.


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                  Re: Maelverik Reznar
                  « Reply #7 on: July 11, 2009, 12:45:40 am »
                  Todahy was tha greatest test oh meh skills yet. Me, Sil'vae, a cleric by the name oh Gal sumthin er other (never can get them elvish names right), Drachus, Chakar an Gork went delvin intah the Deep after emeralds! Hah i knew I wasn' ready fer tha but I was willin to give it a go. Figure if i bite off more 'an i can chew i might choke, sure, but ill also make the whole samwich smaller. Hah! What I gettin at is the more im thrown intah impossible situations tha stronger ill get. I see now to go anywhere like tha ya need strong magiks. Well we got pretty deep intah the deep.. Made it into a cavern full 'o fish men and whirlpools before Chak tried to make us all invisibled for a mad dash back to tha surface. I didun make it but i 'ope tha lot of em made it they was nice tah me. Silv was a sight fer sore eyes a beaute with Black hair. I hope the soul mother let 'er pass she was a nice one with a voice like an angel. Sumthin wrong wit 'er arm tho she kept it covered the whole toime. Must be burnt er sumthin figured woman is sensitive bout tha type stuff so i didnt mention nuthin. Whew ill be tellin dhem down at the tavern bout this lil trip fer a long time tah come. Never got any emralds but we all went toe tah toe wit dark elves, mind flayers, dark dwarves, snirf, beholders, crazy ole ettercaps, giant spiders, Primal elementals, fish men (I caught one THIS big hahar!) and god knows wha else i forgot. Now tha I know what I gotta face in my comin seasons as an adventurer I am gonna focus an train all tha much harder. Naught a religous man but whatever Gods thatre up thar an lissenin, help meh to be tha best i can be with my sword, my soul and my body all actin as one


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                    Re: Maelverik Reznar
                    « Reply #8 on: July 12, 2009, 03:52:43 am »
                    Ya never know what kinda craziness will pop up when ya least expect it. Was walkin towards Hlint when I ran across a large party headin towards Hurix. Apparantly they was under attack by sum black dragonlike beasts. Again they were all clearly more seasoned than me, but what i lack in trainin i think i make up for in heart. The lands surroundin Hurix were torn tah shreds. Didun think thered be anyone left tah save but sure enough the people rallied and just barely managed tah keep teh beasts at bay. Was a Hellish couple days holed up in that fortress. When I wasnt slashin at beasts I could barely hit I was poundin away at chains and spikes to ensnare em. I landed the killen blow on at least two of em and aye did tha feel good. Things looked their worst and most desperate when they busted down the front gates and started pourin in. I remember their stench and how hard we all fought holdin the broken front gates. We had tah make do with what we could and ended up using the dead dragonkins bodies to barracade the broken entrance. I didun think itd hold but Gal prayed to her God and turned our make dragon wall intah stone. Think tha saved us all. Hard tah watch all sides of ya and the sky. I fought longside some strong fighters and was amazed at the tactics they used. Was my first official battle, and bein trapped in a corner like we were brought out everyones feirceness. Tho there was a lot of bickerin among us we all came together in the end and held the castle. So many dead.. so much lost..

                    I need tah take a couple 'o days to gather mehself. Got some coin an I look forward to spendin it in The Scamp gettin drunk an fat fer a time


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                      Re: Maelverik Reznar
                      « Reply #9 on: July 22, 2009, 10:47:04 pm »
                      Delved back intah the deep for diamonds today again. Went with Czukay, and a fellah named Marec. Got past the Giants and spiders but the Drow swarmed us. We were bleedin sumthin fierce but managed to kill em all and bandage ourselves up. I thought we were goners for sure. I travel and train with Czukay a lot. Everything im taught i try to add a lil to and make it mine. Its got so that I can make an iron long sword with my bare hands, no gear on or anythin to help me out. I might mess up one or two out of every ten but its a labor of love fer me. The shape is a thing of wonder tah me and i never get tired of craftin it.