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Author Topic: --- Retirement  (Read 281 times)


--- Retirement
« on: June 16, 2005, 03:36:00 pm »
 Well time has finally come.. I cannot  out run  the Soul Mother forever.. It is sad that one so young as myself must put up his swords and lead a more quiet life. It seems the gods do not favor me in my chances or the Soul Mother perfers my enegetic soul. Which confirms my belief that halflings taste good....
     I have done some things in my life. Master tailor,wood crafter, and tinker. I have worked hard on my skills to become good at what I do. Not for pride at being the best but for the love of my craft. What beauty there is to find taking something from several things into one item. But, there is two things that stick out most in my mind has my greatess accomplishments..
   Joining the Orcbashers with my friends Gloin and Alex. The times we had working on the guild itself the guildhall and gathering gold and resourses to make it what it is today. So yes, I smile everytime I walk by the shop and see people waiting for Gloin or Grubber to open the doors to them.
     Then there was the Bloodpools. How everyone pulled together to destroy two of them.. It shows me that this world has a chance to stop Bloodstone and his generals. No matter what are differences we can pull together in times of need to form something that Bloodstone could never hope to break. I just wish now more then ever there was more of me to give to that cause..
   I have known for a long time that my time on Mistone was coming to an end. I hear the sweet winds calling me but have ignored them for going to where the wind calls also means that I may never see my friends again. I charish all of them like family and never want to leave them, to always be there in times of triumph and in pain. But now as my days are coming to the end I must leave or I may endanger them. They all see it in my eyes. Tiredness, emptiness in my being. I know they would put their lives on the line for me that is why I must go. 
  So I leave this journal in your hands Gloin and pray our paths come across again. Maybe out there where I go I will find a purpose and inner strength to come back  and see you all again. Heh, I bet you are wondering where I am going?  Thinking are you? Going to come and get me a pop me on my head for being foolish!? Where I go you cannot come and only a handful can follow. But do not fear I will be safe. Going back to my roots so some may say and I will have Kyton.
  tell all our friends that I will miss them.. And tell Brue.... to take a bath.
    Your Friend,

