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Author Topic: Rockhead Howling Wolf -The path to frustration  (Read 140 times)


Rockhead Howling Wolf -The path to frustration
« on: December 26, 2009, 06:24:33 am »
Rockhead sits and writes in an old crumpled journal.

well...................where to begin.

Ive just returned from Kurst where i joined up with an odd group of adventurers passing through the town. It appeared to have been devasted by the waves of the tsunami and I heard rumours of undead too.

Outside the town was a group of gypsies in a nice encampment. When we approached them I introduced myself and entered into my usual banter but was strangely ignored.   I did a once around the town but found little going on except flk talking about how they might rebuild stuff. returning to the gypsies I followed Keppli who was speaking to one of them. They spoke of telling the future through card and keppli jumped up and down asking if she could have her cards read. sadly she was ignored. Others asked and wer sadly ignored except Ryan who then wandered off.

Keppli, that excellent scout then went of to try and find tracks that might lead us to the undead. he was gone for many lonely hours and returned having found not a jot.

The townsfolk had a confrontation with the gypsies and told them to leave which later they did.

Looking around the town some more someone found out that the waters of the town had become poluuted by some dark magic but not of the relgious types could do anything. whilst out searching for answers we heard screams from the village and all rushed back.

A strange character hadapeared in the town centre and the now near comatose Ryan,  who had been drinking this evil induces water that had been making all the townfolk sleep, was ranting about visions of things tall as the sky. Quite frightening it were.

Zari and this character then started handing out presents and I thought that something evil was going on. I asked everyone what was happening and everyone just signed or shrugged and watched immobile. I asked is there was evil at work or magic and that chap Raz said there was no magic.   I thought him in  a spell perhaps so cast my greater dispelling ( shock horror, a lower level character doing some rp and casting)

The face of the woman changed to taht of ne of the gypsies and the boxes she handed out appeared to resemble stuff that wasmissing for many years as the villagres recoginsed the so called presents. The stuff had obviously been stolen and was now being returned. Why wasnt anyone doing anything about this obscene behaviour?

The Raz guy stepped forward and theatened to kill me but didnt say a word when i asked why, Bloomin odd that so i went to the dwarves who had now been standing for some some hours at the back just watching and all i got was a shrug.

everyone was then very happy and all the town folk and some adventures acted like the gods had come down to earth.Absurd eh?

they didnt even ask me ter sing even though i'd sung a few songs good enough to attract the attention of dragons. Pah!

Anyways keppli and I returned home wondering what we'd missed.


Sorry folks to be Mr Scrooge but frankly after nearly 4 hours i was left somewhat cold, bored and frustrated. Nothing appeared that led to a conclusion that a gypsy was a high level caster who was returning/creating gifts for the townsfolk. Very nice but they didnt need any of us there and i did notice quite a few left early. At the one point i thought some fun would ensue and some actual rp commence i got threatened by a high level character and no rp followed. It appeared that a merry few where party to what was happening to the loss of the rest of us.

The ranger and i left to watch telly feeling all but Christmassy! next time if its for a select group can the server go back to saying so as we felt left out and actually unwanted. If we missed the clues can someone come on and explain what they where as even with two degrees i didnt have a clue and no one either in character or out tried to explain. For example at the end Ryan runs off with a present and the waters are cured but theres no rp.

I know the theme was hope and the Giver etc but our charcaters didnt know that.

Thanks to the Troll King for putting it on but i felt lost. Is it just me?
