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Author Topic: SehKy Auvrea  (Read 3452 times)


SehKy Auvrea
« on: April 19, 2010, 01:41:13 pm »
Character: SehKy Auvrea
 Age: 130
 Gender: Male
 Classes: Fighter/Wizard
 Race: Elf
 Alignment: Neutral Good
 Deity: Ilsare
 White Horn Forrest, Mistone
 On a late winter mid-morning, SehKy returns to his tree lodge after a short hunting trip. Wearily he hums a cheerful Ilsarian ballad as he hoists the deer and boar meat to hang high in the snow laden branches. Entering his lodge, SehKy stows his bow and quiver and wearily drops down in his chair and closes his eyes. SehKy smiles as his thoughts turn to the Spring Heartsong Dance only a few weeks away.
 ...Seasons pass. Hobgoblins push into the lower valley. SehKy joins the militia...
 In the starlit darkness, SehKy walks silently. Each of the warrior lodges he passes contain twenty to thirty infantry who train daily with both long sword and longbow. The war camp is quiet with the exception of laughter and singing that could be heard escaping each of the colorful hexagonal tents where the lodges train, eat and sleep.
 Red-Salt Lodge is a huge tree fashioned into a fort. SehKy follows a narrow trail through a dense coppice surrounding the lodge. Two wide braziers of dark blue embers burn at the base of the stairs signal that visitors are welcome. The blue light reflects off the surrounding foliage giving everything a beautiful blue-green hue. SehKy stops between the braziers and hails the lodge.
 An elven woman he quickly recognizes as Fillilion, appears on the lowest landing above him, "SehKy Auvrea ?", she queries. He nodded. She greets him warmly with a wave and smile then beckons him up the stairs and inside. As he climbs the stairs, she turns away and asks flirtatiously, "Have you come to call on me?" looking back over her shoulder she flashes him a smile that would melt steel. He stopped, and looked at her in surprise and smiles back. Without waiting for an answer she beckons him, "Please come in. Follow me." She gracefully hops over roots and dunks under low spots to enter the lodge.
 SehKy finished climbing the stairs and carefully enters. He quickly looks over the spacious and warm room. SehKy identifies a tool bench; several bows in various states of assembly; shafts; and feathers beautifully arranged by shape and size all over the walls. Fillilion asked, "Do you like it? This was an old outpost", she smiles gesturing about. "So, tell us, why you are here SehKy", her smile turns mischievous.
 "I read a posting that Red-Salt was looking for applicants. I have come to apply." he stated. His heart thumps hard as her smile fades in disappointment. "Ah yes, yes of course", she said excitedly as she pulled a braided leather strap, instantly forgetting her disappointment Fillilion turned and flashed another smile. After a moment several female elves entered from various entrances. He was greeted warmly by Ahlena, Tyneri, Letia, and Marqui as Fillilion quickly informs each arrival that SehKy came to apply to the Lodge.
 Letia asked, "You didn't know were a female lodge did you?" they all laugh at his expression. Ahlena smiles, "No, no Letia, Red-Salt is not a female lodge", she giggles shaking her head. "When I joined, the lodge was all male as I remember it." After a pause to gather herself, Ahlena continues, "SehKy we know well your bravery and skill in the field", she looks about the room and each member nods accent to the unasked question. "SehKy we all agree that you are welcome to join Red-Salt", Fillilion hands out sweet drinks and places a plate of fruit out as Ahlena continues, "You should learn more of us before we continue further." SehKy sips his drink and listens attentively. "The Red-Salts have a short but proud history..."
 ...Ahlena gives an account of the Red-Salts history...
 "Red-Salt has no single leader, only a scribe to record the history of the Red-Salts, and I will gladly give that responsibility to anyone one", they all laugh as she pretends a glare to all around. "From our founding, there have never been more than a score of Red-Salts at any given time. Red-Salt ranks have included magi, scouts, infantrymen, priests, and monks, musicians, story tellers and historians. Red-Salt has always embraced artistic diversity. Just among our current membership are bowmen, fletchers, leather craftsmen, smiths, and an alchemist."
 "Red-Salts can leave at anytime and often do. Marriage, children, and other commitments have claimed many over the years. Unlike lodges that only appear during war and dissolve during peace, Red-Salt remains active; travelling from war to war. During peace Red-Salt typically practices our arts and travels."
 ...SehKy remains respectfully attentive as it become more and more apparent that he found a proper place with this lodge. This is a place where he can learn to take his archery to a completely new level as well as learn new skills. Ahlena continues to describe the lodges accomplishments and history in verbose detail...
 The sky begins to lighten, as intricately woven long-grass baskets containing glowing embers of burning incense were passed around among the five members. One was offered to SehKy. He looked at the members and closed his eyes to look inward knowing that when he accepts the basket offered and offers the oath, he becomes the sixth member of the Lodge. SehKy respectfully accepts the basket, cradling it in both hands, and speaks the oath, not knowing what to next to expect.
 ...Seasons as a Red-Salt pass. SehKy learns many skills during the ongoing conflict with the Hobgoblins and becomes intrigued with the Al'Noth. Ahlena encourages him to learn more of Lucindas arts...
 Letia and SehKy stand in a meadow approximately 100 feet from the column of tightly bound tall grass that serves as a target. Letia stands firm, perfectly balanced as she draws, aims carefully, and releases her bow causing the string to hum as the released arrow flies toward the target. She is rewarded with a satisfying thunk of the arrow hitting the center of the target right above the mark. "It will be I who will take these beautiful arrows home", she giggles and holds the prize up close for inspection. Letia waves her finger at Sehky, "None of your foolishness now! Be a good elf, take your shot and hang you head in shame", she goaded laughing.
 SehKy looks over at Letia with a quiet confidence and a mischievous smile, "I have come upon the realization that your traditional techniques and methods for stance, grip, draw, balance, and release are not necessary." Letia looks over at him with suspicion and watches as SehKy, with one graceful flowing movement sets his feet, hips, shoulders, and grip. Continuing the movement SehKy draws, raises, and releases making a shot like no one else.
 Letia exclaims, "What was that? I have never seen any crazy shot like that! You didn't even aim. Are you trying to lose this competition on purpose? Humph. For the sake of fairness I want you to make another shot, a proper shot this time." SehKy smiles at her, "If you care to check the target". Letia glares at him then stomps out to the target to find that the arrow had not missed at all but had passed clear through the target right next to where her arrow was held fast, only eighth of the shaft deep.
 SehKy asks from across the meadow, "Is the true artist one who perfectly mimics the song of another? Or is the true artist one who sings a new song?" As Letia walks back to him, he explains "Archery is not only hunting or war. Archery is an art, equal in beauty to any other. With my archery, I sing a new song and I make it as beautiful as I can." Letia attempts feigned anger; "Well, with that crazy shot I am not conceding to you my fine arrows! Some how you cheated and you very well know it!" she giggles and runs off with all but one of the beautiful arrows.
 Ahlena states, "The light cantrip demonstrates the fundamentals and concepts of the Al'Noth that must be fully conceptualized for successful execution. This understanding is only accomplished by methodical study and practice. There are no shortcuts. Read this scroll, not with just your voice, but comprehend what you are reading as well. Light can be used to cause any object to have radiance. You have only to touch the object when case to direct the spell. Should you not direct the spell the light will follow you closely from above." Ahlena gives SehKy time to study the scroll, "Are you ready?" SehKy looks up from the scroll he was reading, "Yes, I am ready" he gathers himself for the attempt.
 SehKy sits patiently on a thick tree branch. Drops of rain water cling to the edges of his oiled deer leather cowl as he peers intently through the darkness of early dawn. SehKys heart skips a beat as his keen hearing isolates the sound of a big hobgoblin creeping toward the Elven front lines. Quietly SehKy selects an arrow as the hobgoblin avoids a thorny thicket turning it away from SehKy. SehKy tenderly caresses the arrow fletching and mouths a prayer to Ilsare in a well rehearsed ritual. His heart beats in his ears as he carefully draws and searches for a kill shot.
 ...The season has ended. Many of the lodges disband as hard winter sets in. Red-Salt decides to stay as the tree fortress has become very comfortable and they are reluctant to leave. When spring arrives, SehKy makes the difficult decision to leave Red-Salt for a pilgrimage to the Breath of the Muse. ...


Arrival in Hempstead
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2010, 02:08:18 pm »
Today I explored the City of Hempstead. I visited a few temples and shops. The city appears heavily influenced by Lucinda. I encountered a guild of craftsmen "The Angles". The Leader and Second follow Ilsare. I attempted to purchase a hickory bow from them and instead was gifted a full kit of food, exquisite arrows and supplies. The human male even made a hickory bow for me. I met Alazira, an Ilsarian of striking beauty also of the "Angels" guild.
 I followed the human, Daniel on a search for Aloe. We were ambushed by kobolds but we drove them off and gathered the aloe we could find. I discovered a kobold stick that resonated with magic. A human guard in Hempstead seemed interested in it, so I sold it to him. Now I wonder if I should have kept it to study.
 With little in my purse, I will have to return to the local woods to gather food and set up a camp.  I still search for a wizard. I have already heard rumors of wizard towers in Hempstead, Hlint and Spellgard.


« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2010, 09:33:32 am »
I was hired to fix a problem in the sewers of Hempstead. Alazira, wrapped me in a cloak of Ilsare's protective embrace and together we solved the problem. Alazira has a brother, Raz, who is a Wizard! He lives in Leringrad and Alazira gave me a round trip charter pass for a ship that will take me to Leringrad from Hempstead. She is so generous. I must endeavor to pay her back in kind.
 I was hired by another man in Vehl to enter a crypt and collect dust from a mummy. It was actually worse than the sewers. Alazira protected me with Ilsare's blessings and we together survived several ambushes of undead, things I am unable to describe. Alazira told me I could be an undead hunter. I can only hope that is not my path, still I shall find some books on the undead to find out more. Perhaps a scholor has put to pen a description of various kinds we saw in Vehl. I am also curious to learn how undead come to exist.
 The scrolls I have collected are proving useful. Many of the incantations I have mastered but I am unable to hold on to them very long. If I can find a wizard to study under undoubtedly I will learn better technique; as with the bow, practice is everything.


Day in Camp 1
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2010, 02:15:12 pm »
Spent the last day in camp. I found an old archery range near a trout hole. It is poorly maintained but it will do for now. I spent the morning fishing and smoothing out my motions with this new bow. Learned from my experience in the sewers that being fast and smooth at extreme short range is very important.


Day in Camp 2
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2010, 02:21:31 pm »
Smoked some trout and spent the day practicing several difficult incantations. I may not always have the time to make multiple attempts. If can I drag myself back to Hempstead I will seek Alazira and ask for an intruduction to her brother Raz the Wizard.


Gloom Woods
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2010, 05:56:46 pm »
Alazira came by camp today.  I had spent the morning working on my new archery forms.  We had good long discussion.  Met another Guild member at camp, a short halfling male called Tod.  After another long discussion the three of us explored a place called the Gloom Wood.  We then took a trip through the moutains.  I can tell that it was deathly cold but Ilsare's blessings keeps us all warm.


Craft Hall
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2010, 09:06:23 am »
Worked in the craft hall for the day.  Met Shadow Leaf who, like me, prefers the wood to the city.  He invited me to go fishing with him.  Soon I shall take him up on that.


« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2010, 10:12:26 am »
Returned to the Lake of Glass for fishing and fruit. Made some juice.
 Explored some of Krandor Crypts with Alazira.
 Purchased a few enchanted items from Alazira's Guild.
 Went fishing with Leaf on the banks of the Zainge River
 Met the Ilsarian Priestess and archer, Val
 Traveled with Leaf, Feawin, Val and a human woman.
 Val, the Ilsarian priestess, threatened my life. I am shocked and disturbed. It is all I shall write on the matter I will not disparage a priestess of Ilsare.


Student of the arcane
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2010, 09:04:15 am »
Today I met Elohanna, magi, and Leaf's landloard.  She is associated with the Hempstead Tower Academy.  I was so desperate to have someone to work with.  We shall meet at the Tower in Hempstead in a couple of weeks.  From her words and the words of others she is a pure pacifist.  At the meeting I hope to discover if she will agree to instruct me.


Tower Academy
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2010, 05:48:47 pm »
Today I had my interview with the mage Elohanna at the Tower Academy in Hempstead. The power of her presence seemed to expel the air from the Tower. Headmistress has accepted my application to be her student. I am to provide her with parchment and other supplies for making scrolls. I do not know what she has planned, but I am eager to get the supplies together. I gave her a near full box of eggs for ink and a bottle of corn oil. The Headmistress says she believes in me. Her faith makes me giddy with confidence and reckless in my desire to impress. I must endeavor to exert dexterous control over these desires and just get to work and study.
 I have completed half of my assignment the making of ten hickory parchments. I made fifteen. I will use the other five should she not want them. As soon as I can get some oak to work with I will complete my assignment.
 I have begun making my own arrows, shafts of hickory, heads of copper and raven fletching. I also discovered a source of malachite, near the copper ore deposits. I am anxious to discover the true nature and character of the malachite when polished.


« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2010, 03:40:00 pm »
Today I encountered Gel'larian, an archer of skill who also makes arrows. He travels with a dwarf, Azk'a, who mostly ignored me. Gel'larians personality is brusk and all sharp edges but he honors Ilsare in both deed and word. I like him. We harvested oak then traveled to Leringrad continuing to Hempstead.  
 Gel'larian demonstrated how to properly carve oak for arrow shafts. Gel'larians shafts are somehow enchanted by dynamic runes. Of the runes he said, "Every rune will be different, every one a part of Ilsare's divinity."
 Other interesting things he said:
  • "There is no mastery, only inspiration."
  • "Predetermination, is the antithesis of creativity"
  • "Where you are, how you feel, what you are shooting at... The connection to your target is the most important thing."
  • "Do not be afraid of what you carve. You may carve things that are meant to be read by demons only.. But to you they will mean something else."
  • "See with your heart | See with your voice | See with your guts."
I will have to think long and hard on some of these new ideas.


Gel'larian's Magical Fire
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2010, 03:57:05 pm »
Gel'larian was in the Hempstead craft hall today.  I showed Gel'larian the bronze tipped arrows I managed to make from tin and copper I was able to retrieve from a cave in the Silk Wood.  I don't think he was very impressed; he uses oak arrows which are far superior.
Gel'larian demonstrated the use of his voice to light the tip of an arrow with magical fire. I could sense the Al'Noth being shaped by a single note of his beautiful voice. It is not a feat that I can replicate directly but still, I find it irresistibly interesting.
 It is obvious Gel'larian holds disdain for those who study the arcane arts.


Gel'larian's Magical Fire
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2010, 04:36:51 pm »
Spent the last few days thinking about how Gel'larian used the A'Noth to imbue the tip of an arrow with magical fire. I have tried every spell I know and I am running out of the easier possibilities. Many spells can produce something similar; bat guano, and a modified fireball spell for example; an idea inspired by Alazira's sister. I am not satisfied with any of them so far.
 After long thought I have compiled the following list of desired characteristics:
  • Must be applied rapidly; at least as rapidly as I can pull an arrow and draw it.
  • Must be applied without any verbal or material spell components
  • Must be applied many times not just once.
I seek to produce the exact same results as Gel'larian; the exact same manipulation of the Al'Noth. I have a feeling that a solution is just out of reach. It is as if what I am seeking is more intuitive than academic; conceptually casting a spell like a sorcerer rather than a wizard.


Re: Gel'larian's Magical Fire
« Reply #13 on: May 20, 2010, 10:12:54 am »
"Predetermination is the antithesis of creativity", applied to the shot, means I must let the arrow choose the path to the target, let the bow determine the draw. Already this is my approch to archery.
 Application to wood carving is much harder. I interpret the phrase to mean that when carving wood, let the wood and Ilsare's divine inspiration determine the shape purpose and runes. I must discard the intellectual and academic, ideas of what should be and embrace my instinctual feelings of what already is.
 Application to gem cutting is easier. A particular gem stone has a shape that it wants to be and I only have to discover it. If you pick up a gem stone and attempt to predetermine its shape, it will crack, chip, and show you only flaws and weaknesses.
 "Where you are, how you feel, what you are shooting at. The connection to your target is the most important thing." This is a reinforcement of the first. Again it means I must let the arrow choose the path to the target; let the bow determine the draw. It places new emphasis of the connection to the target. "The shape the gem wants to take already is, I only have to find it", applies to the shot. The stance, grip, draw and flight and striking of the target, don't just want to be, they exist already, like with the uncut gem, I only have to find it.
 "See with your heart; see with your voice; see with your guts" I interpret this to mean that I must discard my logical ideas. I must embrace the instinctual, whimsical, impulsive and capricious. I pray that Ilsare's inspiration will show me the way to true creativity and beauty.
 Application of these philosophies to the arcane is the hardest. It means that the Al'Noth already wants to imbue the arrow. Perhaps that the Al'Noth already does imbue the arrow. I only have to carve and shape the Al'Noth to find it's inner form? I must learn not the think of how I will shape the Al'Noth, let instinct determine the how, let the Al'Noth determine the form, and let Ilsare's inspiration determine the rest. This must be the secret and why it is so hard. I must learn to give up control of the Al'Noth. Something to practice far, far away from others and pray I don't blow myself up in the process.


Jilseponie's Teachings
« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2010, 11:23:21 pm »
Jilseponie, a beautiful elf, wandered into my camp whilst I was practicing trying to find answers to the mystery of how Gel'larian imbues his arrows. After watching me, pretending to read a book, she started throwing pointers at me. I discovered later that jil, is an archer for which I have met no equal. She has mastered imbuing arrows and once more she was also trained as a wizard! I begged her to teach me, to take me on as a student, and she agreed but only after I presented her my letter of reference and the names of the two most influential friends I know; Elohanna my instructor from the Tower Academy of Hempstead and Alazira second of the Angels Guild. Apparently she knows them both and accepted my references, I am now her student.
 Her first lesson, "The energies come from the head and the heart and the two must be as one." She asked me to think about how I cast the fireball spell, how I direct the energies to my hands. I am supposed to relax and direct the fireball energies to my drawn arrow, without spell, without gesture and without blowing myself up.


Jilseponie's Teachings cont.
« Reply #15 on: June 17, 2010, 09:57:59 pm »
Jilseponie and I traveled to Dalos Lake of Dregar for aa archery leason. We attempted to sneak past a couple of huge Giants but they spotted us. Jilseponie was forced to mercifully put them down with two perfectly placed arrows. She has an amazing shot. We continued on, climbing up to the top of a large bluff overlooking the lake. From this height Jill pointed out several trout that could be barely seen, camouflaged as they were against the backdrop of lake bottom. Jill instructed me to practice my technique by attempting to use fishing arrows. At first I selected fish so far away that my fishing line didn't allow the arrow to complete it's flight. Stepping up to the edge and allowing the target to get closer I selected targets with care and with my second attempt I landed my first trout. Jil told me that I was the most talented student she has ever instructed. From this position I landed three more fish and lost many arrows but Jill seemed to still be impressed. I am eager to return to camp to prepare for our next lesson.


Re: SehKy Auvrea
« Reply #16 on: September 18, 2011, 07:13:23 pm »
Threas, Seplar 12, 1486
**Hallowlight Forest: Steel is surrounded by 20 mercs hired by SehKy to present Steel with an overwhelming force.  Having no choice Steel allows himself to be chained.  SehKy removes the weapons of the  tall man and put his personal effects on a bag brought for this  objective. Once this is done SehKy and the pit-blooded start to walk  over road, Arriving to the town, without more waiting they enter the  guard house, where SehKy is interrogated for a general declaration and  then Captain Tunnings approaches, he gives a frown to the visage and  then gives Steel a long sight , then back to SehKy *


Re: SehKy Auvrea
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2011, 10:43:06 am »
Wedlar, Seplar 4, 1487 **Silkwood Spider Cave* Keela, Gel and   SehKy encountered Driders in the cave that once were dark elves twisted   by dark magics and controlled by exploding collars.  We also  encountered  vampiric swordsmen that were once Toranite Knights.  A  large Ankh was  found and Gel offering to one of the Knights for  salvation, touched the  holy Ankh and turned to dust.  Gel left and  Keela and SehKy  continued battling the same undead Knights that kept  returning and same  inter-planer spiders that kept returning.  Dark  elves were discovered  and destroyed.  A huge inter-planer creature was  destroyed causing the  slave collars on all the driders to explode.  A  control rod was  discovered.  Approx eighteen personal Ankh's were  discovered on the  bodies of the men and collected to return to the  Toranites.  It was  discovered that the vampire Knights could be stilled  by placing an Ankh  on them so half a dozen were left on the vampire  Knights until SehKy and  Keela could return with Toranite clergy to  properly deal with them.  On  the way out a huge inter-plainer creature  was destroyed and that  apparently released the souls of the dead  captured in the cave to excape  in-mass.  SehKy was able to  determine  that the inter-planer creatures were  called to the cave from the shear  numbers of Ca'Duz and Toranite deaths  and were 'feeding' or 'something'  on the captured souls.
**Ft Llast Torans Temple*
Keela and SehKy discovered a lone survivor, a Knight named Cedric, who was driven mad by his actions under the control of the   Dark Elves.  SehKy was able to use the Dark Elf rod to remove the  compulsion  on the Knight.  Cedric was better, but he was still quite mad.   SehKy and  Keela gave the Ankh's of the Knights they found to the Temple  Healer.    The Mad Knight attacked the healer Knight ans we was gravly wounded when his head struck the floor.  SehKy was able  to save the Healer's life and stabilize the head wound. The mad Knight Cedric will face trial  soon and SehKy will remain custodian of the Dark Elf compulsion rod until  the trial is over.  Sehky with Keela  will see the rod is destroyed  after the trial.

SehKy, Keela  and possibly Gel, shall receive letters or medals of commendation for service to  Toran's Temple.


Re: SehKy Auvrea
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2011, 03:21:55 pm »
9 Oct 2011 - A Tarnished Blank Scroll was found on the enchanting tables of the Hall of the Al'Noth in Hempstead.

Sehky I think I am being followed, it may be bad news, I will leave this note here.  May whoever finds it take it to you. For you must make haste to the Rift and in the diamond caves recover from under a stone the black box this is very important - C

Not knowing who "C" is, and being suspicious of the note, SehKy showed the note to Keela.  They found the note to by mysterious and similar to an unsigned note that Keela discovered in Center Craft Hall.  

SehKy, Keela, Riley and a Forrest Gnome, entered the Rift looking for the Black Box.  They searched everywhere 'except' the DarkElf village and area with the golems.  The areas were diamonds were found were searched very carefully.  Leaving the Rift empty handed, they vowed to return with a larger party.


Re: SehKy Auvrea
« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2011, 03:37:15 pm »
8 Oct 2011 [Karma Virus Quest Sprit Dunes] Riley, Keela, Gel and SehKy were exploring the Spirit dunes and discovered much undead unrest, more than ever before.  We fought our way to the deeper dunes and encountered a bone familiar serving a litch named Arthenon.   The familiar told a story of tomb robbers taking a book, whip and censor from the litch's tomb.  The tomb robbers was described as dark lady magi and short fat man that disabled the traps.  Fighting our way past the undead back to the Village, Gel found the censor, Riley found the whip and SehKy discovered the body of the Dark Elf Sorceress apparently murdered by her partner.
The group was able to trck down the halfling tomb robber, not very hard as he was puking up live snakes because of the curse on the book..  and he had the book.  Riley almost accepted the book with his bare hands but SehKy quickly wrapped it up in a cloak to prevent anyone else from getting cursed by it.

