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Author Topic: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend  (Read 809 times)


Tane Umaga - Tree Friend
« on: March 13, 2011, 08:47:55 pm »
[SIZE=16]Tane has been getting frustrated of late. The Gloom Woods is unhappy. They can not flourish with all the undead there. They cry out for help like an elderly man waiting to die. Tane wants to help and makes numerous attempts at clearing the Gloom Woods of the undead there. Tane would kill hundreds of undead during each trip, but they never seemed to thin. They almost grew from the ground. After over twenty such trips over many months, he decides to seek help.

  [SIZE=16]On one of his many stays in Central, Tane sees an older balding gentleman sitting on one of the benches. He decides to walk up and introduce himself. Tane discovers that this is a man of some magic that goes by the name of Storold. They talk for a while about little things, but eventually Tane asked the obviously experienced man why his trips to the Gloom Woods have been unsuccessful. Storold shrugs his shoulders and says he doesn’t know. Apparently the undead have haunted those woods since the beginning of time. At least as long as Storold could remember. After much thought, Storold suggested that there must be source. Undead don’t just live in the woods normally. Perhaps that new castle they unburied in the northern parts of those woods could provide some clues. However, Storold did not know. He suggested Tane go visit the Aeridin temple in the Silkwood forest for some clues. Or perhaps one of the Katia or Folian temples might have some information.[/SIZE]
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Re: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2011, 04:02:17 pm »
Tane packed some bread, fruits and cheese for what would be a long trip. He was seeking out the Folian temple on Dregar. He had gotten directions from one of the helpful priests at the Aeridin temple in the Silkwood forest. He warned Tane, however, that it could be dangerous. It lies deep in the Fog Forest and the residents there don't like intruders.

So Tane headed out on a fairly uneventful trip across the waters to Dregar. When he reached the Fog Forest he was very careful not to disturb the locals. He had brought his most quite gear and walked barefoot across the forest floor.  Tane had gotten quite good at walking silently though the woods. He took each step very deliberately avoiding any leaves or branches that might snap or crackle under his weight. He moved slowly and quietly and was able to walk unnoticed by the ugly giants. He was even able to make it past the satyr that lived close to the temple. Tane tried to move by them as quickly as he could, but we was amazed by them. They seemed so at peace in these woods. They were quite beautiful. He forced himself to move past them, however.

Soon, he reached the Folian temple. He approached he priestess there.

"My child, where is your pack?" said the priestess as Tane approached.

Tane scratches his head not understanding the question.

"Tane live wit trees since wife die. Maybes trees Tane pack?" askedTane.

The priest nodded affectionately, but was quickly interrupted by one of the clergy.

"Tane, Folian calls. I must leave you to the peaceful grove of Folian. Stay here as long as you like. Talk with my brothers and sisters, and enjoy the blessings of Folian S'pae."

She quickly turned and left leaving Tane alone in the middle of the grove. Tane felt a tranquility here that he had not felt in a long time. He forgot about the undead in the Gloom Woods and stayed in the grove for a couple days. The brothers and sisters of Folian were kind enough to invite him on their daily walks through the forest. Tane welcomed the opportunity. Not much was said during these walks. Instead they were filled with silent appreciation of the forest and the gifts of Folian S'pae.



Re: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2011, 10:03:02 pm »
Over the next few months, Tane made frequent visits to his pack at the Folian temple. He would stay for a day of hunting which would be followed by a large meal of what they had hunted and talk over the fire. Talk of Folian S'pae and his followings. Tane began to think of the pack as his family and he cherished their time together.

Still on Tane's mind were the trees in the Gloom Woods, however. In time, he might ask the pack to help.


Re: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2011, 07:14:43 pm »
After a few days in the grove, Tane returned to his world before. Somehow he felt happier and fuller. However, this feeling would fade after a time. As a result, Tane made many trips to the grove of Folian S'pae to 'recharge' his spirit. One one such the cleric that originally greeted him noticed him and asked.

"How goes your commune with The Prince of Wolves Tane?"

Tane scratched his head in confusion and cleric responded knowingly.

"The Prince of Wolves is our god. He provides all you see and feel. Do you have questions for Folian S'pae?"

Tane thought for a few minutes and responded.

"Yes, Tane wonder why he feel good when in grove. He feel good for some days after leave, but da feeling leave me soon too. Why dat?"


Re: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2011, 05:27:06 pm »
"Ahh" said the cleric knowingly.

"You feel the harmony of the pack. It may appear more strongly here to you, but it surrounds you, everywhere you go. It is only your young faith that prevents you from feeling it."

"Ask questions of the others in our pack. Spend time with them and allow them to show you the ways of Folian S'pae."

With that the cleric rushed off to another matter leaving Tane alone again in the grove. Tane looked around and thought for a long while. He felt the unity and was glad. He wanted to feel like this always and everywhere. With that acknowledgment, he resigned himself to return frequently and spend time with the pack and learn the ways of Folian S'pae.

A sigh of relief left him as he stood to return to the world.


Re: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2011, 05:39:04 pm »
"What mean to be pack" asked Tane of one of the pack on his next visit to the grove.

"Being of the pack is about finding harmony and balance in nature. The hunter and the prey are essential parts of nature.  However, do not hunt into extinction since that upsets the balance. Use  what is needed for survival of the pack, but do not use more than you  need. If you have to take from the lands and forests, you are expected  to give something in return sooner or later. You are the stewards of  your hunting grounds, and all that live in it are under your protection.  While some may be prey, they should be loved and protected nonetheless.  Defend your grounds against those who would destroy them needlessly.  Allow yourself to adapt to change. The passing of seasons will test you  in new ways each year. And do not allow yourself to fall victim of  ill preparations. Be an example to those who learn from you and mark each  step safely, because those who come after you will benefit from the  paths you tread"

Tane thought long and hard about these words and absorbed them slowly over the next few days he was with the pack.


Re: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2011, 06:10:19 pm »
Tane spent much time with the pack in the woods. At first it filled a void that had been missing in him since his wife passed. But after many moons with the pack, Tane began to feel restless, confined, and uncomfortable with the pack.

The elderly cleric took notice.

"I've noticed you not spending as much time with the pack as you use to Tane. Is something wrong?"

Tane replied "Tane not know. Tane like woods and pack, but sometime he feel like running in woods. Sometime he feel like hunting and doing what he want. Pack always do sameting. Dey good to me, but do sameting all da time."

The cleric nodded "I see. You have spent much of your time since your wife passed alone in the woods. It can take time to adjust to the harmony of the pack. Give it time Tane. Go now, and don't come back for a bit. Search your heart and let's talk when you return.

Tane nodded and gathered his things and left.


Re: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2011, 10:11:11 pm »
For the next two weeks Tane roamed free through the forest of Dregar without the constraints of his pack. He hunted freely and ate in abundance, but never did he hunt needlessly. He always ate what he killed. He even began to enjoy the taste for freshly killed meat and depended on the energy it provided. It felt good. Although he missed the harmony of the pack, the feeling of independence and doing what he wanted was like a boulder being lifted from his shoulders. Even the passing of his wife seemed as if it were another's weighty memory. This was his calling, this was what he was meant to do-- to be free amongst the trees and to cherish the spirit of the forest and it's abundant gifts.


Re: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2011, 05:12:49 pm »
Tane returned to Folian's grove a bit uncomfortably. He felt shame at the freedom he explored over the previous period. He hunted and ate when hungry and he ran through the woods when we felt like it. He did this all for himself, and did not bring any of his kills back to pack. As he approached the pack leader he spotted him.

"Ahh Tane. Welcome back to your pack. We have missed you, the pack is stronger with all its wolves you know. Come, we are heading out for a hunt. Join us and be part of the pack once again."

Tane smiled slightly and followed the leader to the pack. They had been preparing for days and were just heading out. Tane followed along with uncertainty. They walked for days it seemed. Looking at trees, admiring the beautiful animals of Folian, and praying to Folian at every rest. Tane was about to burst from his skin. He was hungry and had an overwhelming desire to run off into the woods. When the pack laid to sleep, Tane took the opportunity to sneak away. He ran far into the woods and proceeded to stalk prey in the wooded area the pack had been walking in for days. He struck, bringing down a large deer. Tane took out and knife and slit its throat letting the blood run through his fingers. He carved out a fist sized chunk of meat from the deer's throat and began to consume it eagerly.

"Tane I thought I might find you out here. You hunt without the pack and you take the gifts of Folian for yourself? You have lost your way wolf and must find your own path now. Your journey may be better guided by the Falcon, but If it brings you back to us, you will need to re-earn the pack's trust. Farewell Tane." said the pack leader as he departed back into the woods as quietly
as he appeared.

Tane was briefly embarrassed. But once the leader left him, he returned to his kill and ate hungrily. After he was done, he cooked up the remaining meat and stored it in his pack for later. He bounded further off into the woods with determination and a sense of relief.


Re: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2011, 09:44:05 pm »
Tane spent the next two weeks alone in the forest enjoying his new found independence. He hunted and ate vigorously and did what he wanted to do.


Re: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2011, 02:39:50 pm »
After many days alone in the forest enjoying his freedom, the hunt, and just doing what he wanted to do, Tane began to think on what had happened to him and how he felt about Folian S'pae. Although Tane found the pack comforting during his time of need, he had begun to find it constricting as of late. Tane did not need the pack and the entrapments that came with it. He was a hunter in his own right. Perhaps he had just out grown the ways of the pack, but it was clear to Tane now that it was no longer his destiny. He would make his own mark, be free, and look after the woods in his own way.


Re: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2011, 05:01:06 pm »
After many days alone in the  forest enjoying his freedom, the hunt, and just doing what he wanted to  do, Tane began to think on what had happened to him and how he felt  about Folian S'pae. Although Tane found the pack comforting during his  time of need, he had begun to find it constricting as of late. Tane did  not need the pack and the entrapments that came with it. He was a hunter  in his own right. Perhaps he had just out grown the ways of the pack,  but it was clear to Tane now that it was no longer his destiny. He would  make his own mark, be free, and look after the woods in his own way.


Re: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2011, 05:21:02 pm »
After   a nice long stint alone in the woods Tane returned to civilization. He   had gotten a welcoming reception at the Silver Buckle in the past, so  he  decided to make a quick visit. Tane remembered something his old  pack  leader told him.
"Your journey may be better guided by The Falcon..."
The Falcon? Who is this Falcon? Tane wanted to know.
When   Tane arrived at the Buckle he was greeted pleasantly by Melody and   Shiff, two friends he had meet the other day while defending Center from   the Orc hordes. He asked them where he could find The Falcon.
They initially scratched their heads and looked at one another. After   much discussion, they realized Tane might be asking about followers of a   god. They suggested he ask at the libraries at Castle Blackford. If   anyone would know, they would.


Re: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2011, 09:25:33 pm »
Tane grew over the next couple months in a couple of key ways. He had become more and more self reliant. Tane's belief had changed. Since Tane's departure from the Pack, he saw being reliant on others as a weakness. The best way to serve the woods is to be self reliant and exercise the freedom of choice. Act out against the status quo and oppression. It stifles creativity and limits growth.


Re: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend
« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2011, 01:48:18 pm »
Tane has learned that being self reliant makes us strong. People that live in cities are too dependent on others. They would die if left on their own in the woods. Making the individual stronger makes the masses stronger. The woods promote self reliance and strength. Towns promote dependence and weakness.


Re: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend
« Reply #15 on: December 14, 2011, 11:10:32 pm »
Tane spends the next months traveling the woods of Layonara, hunting, eating, sleeping, and meeting friends of nature. His skills of survival and self reliance grow every day. When he is feeling adequately refreshed he can been seen near city centers and ocassionally makes an appearance at the Buckle. The people at the Buckle are nice to Tane. He even considers some of them friends. A rarity in Tane's life and something he does not take for granted.


Re: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend
« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2011, 11:19:36 pm »
Tane's trips into the woods had been growing longer and longer. Sometimes not leaving for months. On one such stretch, Tane ran into a couple elves. They introduced themselves as Rondarien & Mialeea. They stood at a rather nondescript area in the middle of the White Horn Forest. Tane asked them what they were doing.

"We are followers of the Falcon. We provide healing and provisions"

Tane had heard of the Falcon and was intrigued. However, he bit his tongue being gun shy after his last experience with "followers". He purchased some provisions and left after a short conversation resolving to return and learn more of this Falcon.


Re: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend
« Reply #17 on: January 05, 2012, 09:46:39 pm »
Tane spends the next few months in the forest, hunting, caring for the woods and living free and well. However, his encounter with the Kithairien's remained in the back of his mind and his curiosity grew. It grew to the point he left the woods to ask around town for followers of the Falcon that he could talk to. His inquiries end unsuccessfully.


Re: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2012, 09:16:54 pm »
After asking about in most towns, Tane posts notices in the few inns he is allowed for followers of the Falcon


Re: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2012, 09:55:59 pm »
After receiving no responses to his postings at the inns for followers of The Falcon, he ventures to the Silver Buckle and expresses his frustration.

"Tane ask round, post notices at inns for Falcon followers. Tane get no response. Tane no know where to go to find out about Falcon."

"Have you tried the library at Blackford castle. It has one of the most complete sets of books on religion and deities."

Tane takes note and decides he will make a journey to the castle library to see if he can find information about the Falcon.

