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Author Topic: Tarquin Aurora Servant of Aeridin  (Read 60 times)


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    Tarquin Aurora Servant of Aeridin
    « on: October 28, 2006, 02:05:39 am »
    Hlint is where I have been sent to do the most good as guided be Aeridin. Early on I met another follower of Aeridin Elohanna though she is not a total servant like myself she does good like myself though she seems more devoted to a tight circle.

    Another warrior I met was Melanna... she is brash... quick to act on impulse and yet she seems to have her heart in the right place. She makes me question my own thoughts on how best to protect life. She seems to value it more than I would think for one of her style. Though she carries a large greatsword she uses it justly. Melanna has aided me more than I care to mention. Despite her hard attitude and dislike of most but she value's life... perhaps more than I do...

    No I know she values it more than I do... there is much I can learn from her I feel it. Aeridin's teachings on cycles and death may apply in the temples but out in the field it is different. This is the real world... not some protected temple secluded from all else.

    Aeridin's teachings are right.. but one must intperit them properly. I have failed in that regard. Ironically one who is nto a follower has corrected my ways. I owe her a great deal but I feel I have upset her greatly.

    I never meant to upset her... I have found myself coming to like her... more than one should in my position. I wish to proetect her as abley as I can..

    Oh Aeridin guide us through these troubled times... help us make the right choices.

