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Author Topic: Jacrum Shieldbreaker - Player Notes  (Read 95 times)


Jacrum Shieldbreaker - Player Notes
« on: February 08, 2007, 10:06:35 pm »
This thread contains notes, information, thoughts and useful tools that I use to play Jacrum Shieldbreaker.  On reading this you will gain access to lots of meta-game information.  If you can’t trust yourself don’t read it.


RE: Jacrum Shieldbreaker - Player Notes
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2007, 10:10:59 pm »
Jacrum Shieldbreaker Character Sheet

Gothim Shieldbreaker Character Sheet


Apart from appearing to be a ‘typical’ dwarven warrior of Vorax, there is an additional side to his character feel and personality that I want to create.  He is big tough and intelligent, with a number of anti-social habits.  What I would like to create with Jacrum is a ‘gritty private investigator’ feel.  The ability to speak a number of languages not expected of a dwarf is part of this, to interact with the various races found in big city.  I also gave Jacrum both search and spot skills, and traps and lock-picking to get into places that he shouldn’t be.

Accent and manner of speech:  Having grown up in the docks of Leilon it is likely that he would have a fairly gruff manner of speech.  However given his grasp of other languages it is most likely he can drop his accent when necessary.  So far in the game I have followed the common convention and had him talk with a slight Dwarven accent.  However, as I am not sure what ‘scottish brogue’ actually sounds like I doubt that I have the consistency needed to maintain this… “Ow Brudda”.

Interaction with characters:

Gothim Shieldbreaker:  In many ways Gothim and Jacrum are merely extensions of each other, generally when together they will introduce the other twin’s name, and speak in unison.   This is really hard to do in game and requires practice and timing! Jacrum is a little more worldly then Gothim, but tend to rub people the wrong way (lower charisma) and has a knack for trouble.  Gothim plays the role of older brother getting his younger brother out of trouble.  From roleplay so far it appears that Gothim is a bit of a bumbling clumsy priest, tending to trip over his own feet.  This make him an amusing character to watch, and a little less serious.

Alleina:  Jacrum will greet Alleina with *makes a gesture with his hands to Alleina* this being Jacrum’s private joke.

Grabbar Singedbeard: Another dwarf Jacrum has met, a distance cousin who worships Dorand.  They are becoming fast friends, and make a good team in battle.

Ozy: Jarum has spoken to Ozy about finding information about Clari and Haldamir.  It will be interesting to see if this results in any useful leads.

Koppig (Pig):  Initially hostile to this ‘giant’.  Jacrum is now planning to sample his whiskey and beers.  The other Hlint locals managed to convince Jacrum that half-giants aren’t the same as giants.

Alantha (Drow Mage):  When  Jacrum first met Alantha he assumed she was a elf, as she had a hood covering her face.  A little while later she pulled the hood from her head revealing her heritage.  As soon as this was noticed by the Shieldbreaker brothers they drew weapons and advanced on the ‘baby eating drow’.  A few threats and a heated exchange occurred (and lots of tells in the background as the player negotiated how the rules of the conflict).  Alantha (roleplayed) taunting Jacrum causing him to attack; Jacrum roar and leapt forward with his axe, intimidating Alantha with his axe, she immediately vanished.  This is probably a useful event to demonstrate some Battlerager abilities.  It was a bit of luck to intimidate an epic level character with a level 3 character.  Jacrum doesn’t know the name of the vanishing drow mage.



RE: Jacrum Shieldbreaker - Player Notes
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2007, 12:39:25 am »
Zergon: Met the Drow, but didn't trust him.  Gothim vouched for him, saying he was a friend of Vorax.  Will work with him but doesn't like it.

Daralith: Met the drow, and really didn't like the evil spider loving drow.  Jacrum was also fustrated by the inaction of the local Hlint hero's in running the perceived evil out of town.  Jacrum was offensive and rude.  Infamous spitting incident, at least one bystander was upset by the spitting.  Won't have Jacrum spit any more.  I think picking his nose and ear wax will suffice.

After the meeting with Daralith I got two tells that spitting is against the server rules.  It was in character and it wasn't a forced emote it was "spits at", not "spits on", but I can understand how it would be offensive, and I won't have Jacrum do it again.  I have tried to tone down Jacrums offensiveness.  He is going from "Gritty" to "Grotty".  I think this has worked.  I had Jacrum shake a snotty finger at at Hawk in anger.  Though I am sure both the PCs and the Players were laughing at Jacrum, he took himself seriously.  At least I won't offend anyone if they are laughing.

Hawklin: Met him a few times.  Jacrum like his anti-drow views.  He dispises the elf's anti-vorax remarks.



Re: Jacrum Shieldbreaker - Player Notes
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2007, 09:50:22 pm »
Sasha Tomyris:  Sasha befriended the taciturn dwarf Jacrum; has fought beside this swordswoman on several occasions.  She matches Jacrum's love for battle and they are a good team.  They are brother and sister in battle.  Jacrum is still wary of giving over his trust.  If he does he will give it unequivocally.

Grohin Silveraxe:  Jacrum has spent some time in worship to Vorax with the Cleric Grohim.  That is in battle training in the arena.  Grohim taught Jacrum many lessons in the art of battle by thrashing the pulp out of him.  The only  area that Jacrum could match Grohim was in the sport of brawling, where he narrowly outlasted the Battle Priest.  Jacrum respects Grohin, but his nature is to question all that is presented before he accepts it.


Re: Jacrum Shieldbreaker - Player Notes
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2007, 08:06:30 am »
Varka Cleaveson:  Jacrum first encountered the Warlord of the Bloody Gate through a letter he received from his brother.  He later met him in person at the rebuilding of the bloody gate.  Jacrums skills in transporting goods and materials were well used during the reconstruction, as he over saw the handling of the goods and shipments and transporting them to the right place at the right time.  Later, Varka taught Jacrum a very important lesson, that Jacrum is responsible for his own life.  Varka has accepted Jacrum into the dwarven heritage that is the path of the battle rager.  As part of their relationship Jacrum will, from now on, refer to the Warlord as Varka, instead of using his formal title.  This is to remind Jacrum that he must choose his own path in life, and not try to please his father.


Re: Jacrum Shieldbreaker - Player Notes
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2007, 10:12:32 am »
Slessanaa:  Jacrum refers to the young farm boy come druid as Lad.  Jacrum has a bit of a soft heart and he is protective of the shy lad.

Shak Xer: Jacrum first met the 'familar' of this goblin feeding on the horse of a local merchant in hempstead. He Jacrum does not like the goblin and considers him evil. If he had encountered him in a cave and not a city he would have not hesitated in killing the goblin.


Re: Jacrum Shieldbreaker - Player Notes
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2007, 09:50:43 pm »
Erk:  Jacrum got to know Erk at the rebuilding of the bloody gate.  Erk does not fit the standard mold for a follower of Vorax, as he is an arcane magicer.  But he is a dwarf and does follow Vorax, and the Warlord so Jacrum trusts him.

G’ork:    Jacrum and G’ork almost came to blows.  However, the orc was vouched for by 'Thak’ (Sasha Tomyris).  In battle together they are almost unstoppable.    Superfically the axe wielding killing machine that is G’ork is very similar to Jacrum.  However, a closer examine would show much different motivations.  Shown this mirror to a darker side; Jacrum understands the path he must tread so that his Axe serves Vorax and Good.


Re: Jacrum Shieldbreaker - Player Notes
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2007, 06:56:08 am »
Karim Elksoul:  Jacrum has fought alongside this 'tribal warrior a few times'.  He respects her and her sword.  However, he caught her bullying the Halfling Jack, forcible bathing him in an oasis pool.  He confronted her about this sticking up for Jack and will be wary of her behavior in future.

Arkolio:  Jacrum met Ark through Sasha.  He was impressed with this polite young man.  More recently Jacrum was ignored by Ark and his friends.

Bumblebee:  Jacrum immediately warmed to this young paper-boy.  Jacrum offered his services as an information gatherer.  

Jack:  Jacrum met and liked the halfling warrior-rogue.


Re: Jacrum Shieldbreaker - Player Notes
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2007, 08:56:11 pm »
Brunhilde: Jacrum who has always been quick of mind and wits met the dwarven lass Brunhilde.  Suddenly his intellect and language ability turned to mush.  Able to speak five languages, Jacrum was bearly able to put together a coherent sentence when he looks at Brunhilde.  This has been a fun interaction to roleplay.  I will continue to RP Jacrum as tongue tied and moonstruck when Brunhilde is around.   All Jacrum knows about her is her first name, and that she uses the name of Vorax in battle.


Re: Jacrum Shieldbreaker - Player Notes
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2007, 01:12:12 am »
Hotaru Kawabata:  Jacrum took this young halfling archer under his shield.  Having always stood up for the little-guy Jacrum made it duty to aid Hotaru.   Like Jacrum Hotaru has had a disreputable past as a thief.  Hotaru gave up his past and took up the bow and ways of the Ranger.  Hotaru has a dislike of all clerics and divine magic.  However, Jacrum has been teaching him the ways of Vorax.  The dimunitave young ranger now weilds an axe, Jacrums old axe to be precise.  Acting as a mentor is a new role for Jacrum and reflects a change in Jacrum


Re: Jacrum Shieldbreaker - Player Notes
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2007, 01:43:48 am »

'Following isn't very Dwarven' - Varka

Jacrum's personality has changed since his creation.  He is no longer the rebellious young dwarf that seemed to have a knack for getting into trouble.  

Always seeking to be independent, what Jacrum really wanted to do was please his father.  Varka's test enabled Jacrum to see this.   Once Jacrum realised that he should strive for himself, not to please his father nor any other dwarf, his personality began to change.  The street-tough bravado was replaced with true confidence.  This created further changes with the other characters he interacted with.  His direct speech (with a dwarven accent) and lack of manners meant that he unintentional insulted almost every non-Dwarven character he met.  He never assumed leadership roles in groups.  Recently this has changed, as younger characters started looking up Jacrum for direction.  He still insults those he meets, but it appears that other characters seem to accept insults as common practice by dwarves.  

Other characters now see Jacrum as a model warrior of Vorax.  They don't they see the rough path that he took to reach this stage.


Re: Jacrum Shieldbreaker - Player Notes
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2007, 03:58:46 am »
Arkolio - Update:  Recently Jacrum caught Ark trying to profit off the -gold-price- of a young girl who was sold into slavery.  Jacrums, keen eyes spotted Arkolio as the rogue crept off by himself through the woods with a bank check for 2000 true.  The proceeds of a young girl who was sold into slavery.  Ark spun a web of tales about the money. Eventually Jacrum convinced Ark that the coin should go to the girl and her family.  Surprisingly Ark handed over all of the coin to Jacrum to pass on to the girls grandfather.  Jacrum now realises Ark is a thief and a liar.  He doesn't trust him, but still likes him, and will work with him.  To Jarcum, Ark is one of those people who 'needs help' to do good.


Re: Jacrum Shieldbreaker - Player Notes
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2007, 08:58:29 am »
Gork - Update:  Jacrum is investigating Gork as the prime suspect in a crime.  Stealing the cash box from the Scamps Mug.  It is unlikely that Gork know's Jacrum is on his case.


Re: Jacrum Shieldbreaker - Player Notes
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2007, 12:30:17 am »
Daralith Delmar: Sasha Tomyris explained to Jacrum that Daralith is a friend of the Corathites.  Jacrum met Daralith on a quest to recover a lost book of 'Corathite' knowledge.  It was clear the drow wanted the book for his own purposes.  Jacrum and Daralith clashed over this.


Re: Jacrum Shieldbreaker - Player Notes
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2007, 12:38:23 am »
Daralith Delmar: Sasha Tomyris explained to Jacrum that Daralith is a friend of the Corathites.  Jacrum met Daralith on a quest to recover a lost book of 'Corathite' knowledge.  It was clear the drow wanted the book for his own purposes.  Jacrum and Daralith clashed over this.


Re: Jacrum Shieldbreaker - Player Notes
« Reply #15 on: October 24, 2007, 02:17:00 am »
Trenton:  A human battle priest of Vorax and one of Jacrum's close friends and allies.

Vlanin:  A Dwarven wizard who has accompanied Jacrum on many adventures.  Jacrum does his best to keep the gloom struck wizard cheerful.


Re: Jacrum Shieldbreaker - Player Notes
« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2007, 04:34:37 pm »
Bar'Grot Coldrock, son of a King from a long line of Kings, is a traditionalist when it comes to leading. His word is law, although he keeps several councils as needed and is generally fair. He has dark hair, eyes and a dark beard, and is in the prime of his life. With his wife Gretel he espouses the “way things were done”, he a warrior and Gretel being a model dwarven Lady.
The dwarves swear fealty to a hereditary monarchy; each King and Queen must produce and raise the next generation for the throne. In theory, there is very little chance that the current Coldrock line could die out and leave no successor; in reality, the childbirth rates have been dropping in this secluded community for the last 300 years, and there is some talk of needing to mingle the dwarven blood of the mountains with lowland clans. If the Coldrock family is ever unable to put an heir on the throne, the next closest relative clan would ascend.
The Ulgrid Kings rule with absolute power. Council is called from whatever dwarves are most appropriate to aid, and only when needed. While technically the Ulgrid dwarves could rise up against their King if an edict was unfair or even dangerous to the populace, so far there is no record of this. Whether or not the dwarves would share such a thing with strangers is another matter so no assumptions can be made.

