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Author Topic: The Coming Storm  (Read 105 times)


The Coming Storm
« on: March 18, 2008, 11:52:19 pm »
[SIZE=13]    A hooded figure stands outisde on the deck of a ship 300 yards from the port of Mariners' Hold. A  fierce storm has come from the east and the strong winds and high waves attack the scores of ships in the harbor forcing them to crash into each other, but not this boat... It sits alone swaying back and forth against the high seas and tenacious winds. There the figure stands looking out towad the city as lightning  cracks across the sky highligting his face. His slendor features and tan skin beaded by the pounding rain, his mouth set apart showing gritted teeth. Still the figure still stands opposing this tempest staring out at tha Harbor.  He walks closer to the railing placing one hand clenched across it as the other grasps a rope, there he stands and watches. [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]   "What have you done my father?" the figure finally speaks as the wind whips back his hood. Still Tobias stands staring out at the port city with cold piercing eyes and his teeth in a snarl. "What haver you done!?" He screams out to the gale.. "What has your greed cost all of us!" Now his voice hardly a whisper.. "As you clutch to your voracity for fame, I live in remorse that you are my father. Your life is over, but still you will not be forgotten, again I live in your shadow, your curse..." Tobias scowls out to the city and roars. " I will not be like you!! I will not destroy others lives just so my life would be lived in gain! I am not like you!! I am not  like you!" Still he stands weathering the storm and all its fury as another lightning strike lights the sky. His voice weak, the tears that run down his cheek hidden by the volley of raindrops pounding against his visage." I will endure you, I will endure your curse.. I will be the one to put you back in your grave and end you.." [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]   Tobias turns his back to the storm and walks across the deck of the ship to the captains quarters. his steps quick and balanced even as the ship rocks in the high seas. Knowing what he must do and he will use his anger to fufill this one goal. He walks in and tells the captain to tell his crew to return to Port Hempstead in all haste. [/SIZE]

