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Author Topic: The cost for Freedom  (Read 1758 times)


The cost for Freedom
« on: April 29, 2017, 01:29:12 pm »
((Quick blurb.  Unlike the journal, which is a reflection on events that happen in game and her thoughts as she progresses.  This will be meant as a more in the present character developement of the business she conducts outside of the NWN game (actions vice written entries).  This is not a CDQ as I will not request DM interaction for the things I place here, but if a DM feels inclined to add any form of interaction I do welcome it (also, if it seems I've stepped out of line where I write something that really should involve DM's responding for an NPC please let me know and I will revise it, in the case of this current story, I'm assuming the slave will be 100% complient as she was when we bought her), part of the reason for these stories is to also eventually progress into a CDQ when the time comes to nessesitate for one (or more along the lines of having these stories justify and give background to said CDQ when a request is made).  Like a CDQ I might request other players to be involved (which is what will really seperate this from my journal entries), and when/if that happens I will send those players a PM as well as mark the bottom of that specific thread with a *Character Name.   Enjoy!))            After a few hours of drink and discussion, Lia motions the slave girl by Vrebel’s command to follow.  Arranging passage from Arnax to Mistone, Lia turns to the girl with a slightly perplexed expression, but tries to smile, “Hyi honestleh didn’t think much past this point, thought hit would beh heasier once the chains were hoff.”  She looks off toward the horizon as the ship readies to depart, “Hyi should know better than haneh’one how hard these thins hare.”            Staring back at the slave she speaks in a more assertive tone, “Yo hare ha freh woman now, not that yo hundertand that, not yet, but Hyi will help yo.  For now, yo will haddress meh has Lia, not miss, mistress, hor haneh title beh haneh hother name, but meh hown.  Deh yo hunderstand?”  ((haha, was just thinking if anyone could understand that, “you will address me as Lia, not miss, mistress, or any title by any other name, but my own.  Do you understand?”))  Not waiting for an answer, “The hothers hand Hyi know someone who will give yo work, hand sheh will pay yo for hit.  Yo can spend yor hearnins has yo seh fit.  Hyi, hon the hother hand, will hinstruct yo; mind yo, not hin matters hof the harcane, but more hof han heducation fit for the wealtheh.  Yo will learn proper grammar hin common, readin, hand writin.  Yo will studeh philosopheh hand ha generalization hof hour hyuniverse hand the world weh live hin, has well has trade.   The woman Hyi hintroduce yo teh will likeleh halseh teach yo how teh deh the work she wants hof yo.  Hif yo show hinterest hin something, Hyi will treh teh get hinteh more detail habout that, hor direct yo teh someone who can teach yo better.”            As the sails unfurl and they set off, Lia looks away again at the sea and smiles, “Huntil then, let hus entertain hourselves with storeh.  Hits ha lon journeh hand Hyi can’t spend the whole time talkin, seh let meh hear ha bit habout yo hand Hyi will tell yo ha bit habout meh.”            The journey to Krandor is a long one and Lia spends the time talking about her time as a sailor on the Lucinda’s Star and the untimely end of that life.  She speaks of her adventures since the sinking and of her alchemy, “Gatherin the hingredients require ha bit hof trade, seh yo will come with meh has Hyi geh teh gather the safer hof materials.”  To give herself credit as a tutor she also mentions that she was once a teacher at a school for the arcane long ago called the Arcane Alliance, but for the most part she tries to give the slave room to talk.            When they finally reach an all too familiar door at 148 Krandor, Lia knocks.*Ferrit... or anyone else living in her house, but Lia will ask for Ferrit once the door opens.


//Thanks for starting this
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2017, 02:52:09 pm »

//Thanks for starting this thread! I hope that this is my only OOC commentary, here. I just wanted to correct a misunderstanding... in that this is not an NPC given to anyone's control, but a human woman under DM control. It's not so much that representations or assumptions you make will need to be corrected, as a DM is required for these interactions :) I will try to get to an initial response later today.



((Rolling this back a little,
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2017, 01:51:12 pm »

((Rolling this back a little, I hope it becomes obvious why. Sorry for delay!))

Days go by on the long journey on foot from Fort Thunder to Arnax, with Ausiré doing her best to continue keeping up with adventuring lifestyle. It is slow going, and she seems unused to the noises and discomforts of "camping" and is often restless despite her fatigue. She speaks only when spoken to, and offers no complaint despite obvious struggles, nor does she mention when she is tired or hungry. The first few times she can't continue are marked by her collapse and subsequent apologies. 
On the sixth night, while in what passes for sleep among elves, Lia is brought swiftly back to the present by a change in the routine.
(Please roll initiative.)


//9 + 3 = 12
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2017, 03:17:33 pm »

//9 + 3 = 12



It was a high keening sound
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2017, 07:01:17 pm »

It was a high keening sound that could set teeth on edge that drew Lia's focus back to her surroundings. She had just enough time to realize a body was hurling itself at her from a very short distance, and that the sound that had suddenly alerted her was a wild, continuous screaming from her attacker. The face of the larger woman barreling toward her is so contorted that Lia was at first under the impression that she was being attacked by someone other than her companion. 

Lia has first response. If you are agreeable, for the sake of simplicity please roll STR for any action involving direct use of force, DEX for those of grace, etc. If a skill is represented in NWN, a skill check, if it is not, a check of the related attribute. If an already memorized spell is cast please accompany it with a concentration check :) 



((Tumble 8 + 13 = 21;
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2017, 10:38:11 pm »

((Tumble 8 + 13 = 21; Concentration 20 + 27 = 47; to add she has nimble movement feats such as dodge and mobility if that helps.  Her caster level is 12 and she is an enchantress with the spell penetration feat.  even though Tumble should cover the initial roll she makes I also decided to log back in to add a dex check as it was mentioned for nimble actions: Dex 17 + 3 = 20))

Lia deftly attempts to roll out of the way to get on her feet as well as out of Ausire's line of attack.  If Lia gets out of the way she will instinctively begin casting Hold Monster on Ausire, hoping the momentum of Ausire's charge throws her off balance to give Lia time to complete the spell.



The formerly docile slave
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2017, 11:14:07 pm »

The formerly docile slave girl leaps for Lia as if to bite, claw, anything at her, but lands heavily on her front, grabbing at empty air. She whirls with a feral grace not previously seen in her to lunge after the elf, only to be met with Lia's spell. She falls back to the ground, paralyzed. 



            Lia brushes
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2017, 01:27:16 am »

            Lia brushes herself off and begins to ready her gear to depart.  Ensuring to leave a few rations behind, Lia observes her surroundings to see if there was some form of outside influence in spite of her better judgement.  She speaks as she does all this, “Such ferositeh, hif honleh hit was toward those who took claim teh yor bein.  Hyi honestleh don’t care for violence mehself, hit has hits place, Hyi know.  Hespecialleh hin meh line hof work, but there hare better ways teh get thins done.”

            “Hyi honestleh thought yo were not readeh for this world has ha freh woman, but yo have proven meh wron has hit seems yo deh wish yor freedom hafter hall, hotherwise whey would yo hattack meh?  Hof course yo could have gone yor separate way hat haneh time.  Mehbeh hits meh yo don’t like, Hyi should beh hyused the hit, though such thins still saddens meh.”

            She then stands above Ausire, locking eyes in apathy, “Hif yo ration hit properleh, Hyi left henough food teh get yo teh Harnax… Hyi guess this his gohdbye then.”

            She continues staring for a bit to read the girls expression before moving on.



There is of course no
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2017, 10:26:25 am »

There is of course no response from the paralyzed woman, nor does her expression change from the twisted scream the spell preserved. Scans of the area show no humanoids in sight, though the area is never quiet, filled as it is with sounds of tropical night birds and buzzing insects.



            "Gohd luck hon
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2017, 11:04:12 pm »

            "Gohd luck hon yor journeh." Lia says rather coldly as she gathers the rest she needs to move on. She moves more slow and methodically, observing what she can on how much time she has before the spell wears off. She tries to time it where she is not too far away from the woman, but far enough to react appropriately if she chooses to assault her again.

            While cautious Lia will try to have her back to the woman, making periodic checks to ensure she doesn't get the jump on her while relying on her ears.



« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2017, 12:52:00 pm »




The noise resumes fairly
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2017, 01:00:23 pm »

The noise resumes fairly quickly, as Lia had taken the time to get her things and speak to the woman for the spell's duration, though the screaming is broken up between the sounds of heavy breathing. It soon ceases altogether without having grown closer to Lia. 



            Once the
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2017, 10:54:32 pm »

            Once the screaming stops, Lia turns to face Ausire. Her stance is firm, but her face reveals a bit of empathy. 'Foolish mule of a woman', she thinks to herself as she rubs her head wondering whether she should continue walking or try to help, 'there was a time when this would have been an easy decision, but I started this and so in part it is my responsibility.' She observes the woman's current state.



Upon turning, Lia can see
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2017, 01:50:58 pm »

Upon turning, Lia can see that the former slave has apparently worn herself out and is sprawled back on the ground unconscious. 



            "Void!" Lia yells
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2017, 10:53:26 pm »

            "Void!" Lia yells just before walking back. She attempts to position the girl more comfortably, then prepares some food from their supply for when she wakes up.

((Cooking skill is 4 or 5 if I recall.))



For several hours, Ausiré
« Reply #15 on: May 01, 2017, 06:04:51 pm »

For several hours, Ausiré sleeps the sleep of the dead. A well-guarded caravan on the nearby road travel in the early morning towards the golden sands surrounding Arnax, dragging bodies behind them. Soon after the sun rises, a light rain begins falling despite the climbing temperatures.

The woman stirs eventually, yawning and stretching and scratching herself, then sits abruptly upright as if remembering herself. She takes a deep breath of the meal's aroma but does not take any or ask, waiting as usual for direction. 



            A slightly
« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2017, 09:38:10 am »

            A slightly perplexed Lia just raises and waves her hand around, “Hyi prepared hit for yo, seh henjoy the fohd.”

            Positioning herself more comfortably now that the girl appears docile again Lia continues, “Seh yo got some fight hin yo hafterall.  Huntil recentleh Hyi didn’t hunderstand whey yo were chosen hin spite hof hevereh’one helse, but they were halreadeh broken.  They were halreadeh beyond savin, but yo have ha chance, hin spite hof that volatile temper wortheh hof Mist.”

            That contorted face nearly unrecognised as Ausires enters her thoughts, “While Hyi himagine yo got most hof hit hout hof yo, Hyi doubt this will beh the last time this happens.  Personalleh, Hyi prefer teh hear hit than feel hit, hunderstand?  Seh let meh have hit, don’t hold back.  With words mind yo, physicalleh Hyi will defend mehself hif Hyi must hand has yo learned, Hyi ham neh pushover.”



The normal slight delay in
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2017, 01:29:06 am »

The normal slight delay in understanding Lia's words seems longer this time, a confused expression briefly appearing on her face in mid ravenous scarfing. She nods, however. 



            Lia places her
« Reply #18 on: May 02, 2017, 09:46:39 am »

            Lia places her hands on Ausire's shoulders and looks her straight in the eyes, she speaks very slowly and methodically like she does in Elven to make sure her words come out with better articulation, "I need you to talk to me, do you remember attacking me and screaming like some mad beast before?"



The woman blanches and almost
« Reply #19 on: May 02, 2017, 03:20:32 pm »

The woman blanches and almost chokes on a piece of food, coughing a few times while simultaneously trying to shake her head.


