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Author Topic: The Dark Side of Force - Tyra Dragonheart  (Read 3201 times)


The Dark Side of Force - Tyra Dragonheart
« on: December 16, 2014, 02:14:33 pm »
Drip. . . Drip . . . Drip . . . It had been raining, and that was the sound she heard all night, over the murmur of guards and the other inmates. By some run of luck, either from Daniel or the Gods, she had her own cell. . . at least until a trial or whatever was next for her was concluded. Daniel had come down to tell her the condition of the child before he left. She had caused her shoulder to be dislocated when trying to free her from Talia, and while the injury was healed and the healers said the girl would likely never suffer from it, Tyra's own history with pain told her the girl would never be as strong as she could have been with that arm. Those kinds of injuries never fully heal. In the morning, Tyra was awoken by the sound of a pewter plate skittering across the floor, and Aesthir's face. He had accompanied the warden on his rounds, but he did not give Tyra any trouble. Just a smug grin. Tyra lost her appetite immediately. All sorts of thoughts were going through her head. Many regarding the mistakes she made, and what let her get caught. But even that made her sick. "Have I really just become a criminal, too?" She was wondering where the remorse was. She wondered why she wasn't sad about hurting the little girl, and only upset she was in trouble. She even tried to feel bad for Horrace and his unrequited love, and Tyra's torturing of him. But it just brought up feelings of disgust. All she felt was like a criminal. No longer a person. She was more angry with herself for losing her hood and cloak then . . . And then it hit her. For as long as she had been adventuring, she was never without a mask and a cloak. Only thing that changed was her excuse for it. First it was to protect herself from her father's enemies (whom there turned out to be none left alive). Then it was make a name for herself separate of her father's legacy (which she only managed to cause trouble doing). And then it was to separate her vigilante urges from her name (which resulted in her in a cell, as a murderer). She suddenly started laughing. Fate had finally caught up with her. The moment she started to become what she hated, when she hurt that innocent man, fate stepped in. And it came in the guise of flame. With a failed attempt at catching a lit, and falling, oil lamp Tyra's old crutches were bathed in fire, causing her to throw them out the window. Tyra thought it would allow her an excuse to be there and she could reclaim her guise soon after. Instead. . . She looked down at her hands. The hands that had caused so much pain in one night. "Someone should cut -my- hands off," she thought. In her hands, her swords had become simply instruments of sorrow. Not justice. No justice was served waving around razors and spilling blood. And worse, the smell of the ether seemed to have stain them. Another tool that only brought pain. Nothing she ever earned, be it her skills or her tools, had been used properly. Instead, they were abused by a misguided woman who thought she knew what she was doing. By the next night, Tyra had not moved. Her body was sore from stillness. But she continued to be still. It was her turn to be in pain. . .
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The Headman's Axioms
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2011, 04:13:29 pm »
A Child is not your Enemy. . .
A Child is not your Enemy. . .
A Child is not your Enemy. . .
A Child is not your Enemy. . .
A Child is not your Enemy. . .
A Child is not your Enemy. . .

Steel once explained to Tyra that the Axioms of a Dread Blade were meant to keep one from truly crossing the line between Hero and Villain.  But Tyra, despite what she said, never seemed to take them to heart.  She thought she did, but then why did she do what she did?
Axiom 1: A Dread Blade Values 2 things, Knowledge and Reputation.  Her reputation had been on a steady decline for years, and now she was a criminal and murder.  And Knowledge?  What knowledge did she ever seek then new ways to hurt people?  Sure, she aimed to use them on evil people, but the tally showed more good people were hurt by her than evil.

The next morning she still had not moved, though she had fallen asleep.  Waking was a miniature hell, as her whole body was screaming for movement.  She finally gave in and stood, a mistake, as her calves clamped up, bringing her to the floor in a heap.  She heard a laugh from behind her but it hurt to much to look.  She was starting to hope someone would come for her soon. . .


Re: The Dark Side of Force - Tyra Dragonheart
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2011, 12:45:50 pm »
Steady footsteps followed by the familiar pair of the gaoler's steps were coming toward her cell. A metal clink as a key was inserted and turned and the door swung open revealing the Rofireinite goaler in his prison grey uniform. Behind him stood Daniel peering about with a look of distaste, "See that her straw is changed now, Sir, and empty that chamber pot. It stinks in here." Daniel says in an authoritative tone." When the goaler hesitates Daniel's next words are harsher. "Now, lest I report you for failure to do your duty, sir." The goaler moves quickly past the sitting Tyra to do so and Daniel steps into the small cell, a ball of light hovering above of his head, its light glinting dully off his darkened armor.
 "So, Miss Tyra, I shall assume you have spent a miserable few days per the usual hospitality given to charged suspects. Have you anything to say?" Daniel regards her from his standing position.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: The Dark Side of Force - Tyra Dragonheart
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2011, 01:01:56 pm »
Tyra flopped onto her side, her legs still refusing to relax.  She looked up at Daniel with a grateful smile.  "Thanks for not chaining me to a wall. . ."  Gritting her teeth she forced her legs straight, then slowly stood up, bits of hay and other less savoury debris clinging to the old kimono she was wearing.  "So to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?  Protocol?"  She nearly fell over when the goaler shoved passed her with the chamber pot, muttering some obscenity toward her.  Her fists clenched in anger, but she knew she deserved it.


Re: The Dark Side of Force - Tyra Dragonheart
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2011, 01:11:33 pm »
With a small shake of his head, Daniel drew out a golden clothed bundle from his pack. Holding them out to the gaoler, he allowed them to be inspected then handed them to Tyra, "A change of clothing, short cloak and hood. I am afraid they are of the same the acolytes wear, but that was all that was readily available. Since you seem to lack a blanket, "Daniel's gaze settles sternly on the goaler for a moment, his disaproval clearly evident." These will be allowed. My business here is anything but protocol, Miss Tyra. I have come to offer myself as counsel. Before you reply, know that I am the most familiar with yourself and your case. While I never completed the training to be a full Justicar, I assure you I am familiar with the process that faces you and with the laws you have confessed to breaking as well. What say you?" He finishes his expression unreadable.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: The Dark Side of Force - Tyra Dragonheart
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2011, 01:17:04 pm »
Wobbling on unsteady feet, she took the bundle and held it to her chest.  "Thanks."  As the gaoler left, she muttered a question, looking past Daniel.  "Are they always like that?"  For a moment, she wondered if the death of Horrace was a better fate for him then suffering in here.


Re: The Dark Side of Force - Tyra Dragonheart
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2011, 01:24:51 pm »
Daniel holds his hand up for the gaoler to stay a moment longer ignoring Tyra's question, "What is your answer, Tyra? I cannot stay another moment unless I am your counsel. To pretend otherwise would be a breach of protocol."
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: The Dark Side of Force - Tyra Dragonheart
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2011, 01:30:52 pm »
"Yes.  I don't think I would want anyone else."  She relaxed her fist and sat on the sagging cot she was provided.  She kept her eyes on Daniel's, though.  Some paranoid part of her was wondering why he wanted to be her counsel, and if this was just some scheme to be rid of her forever.


Re: The Dark Side of Force - Tyra Dragonheart
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2011, 01:40:29 pm »
Daniel turned to the gaoler, "Lock the door, take the key with you and return in one hour sir. That is all." The Gaoler left without a word but did give Tyra a scathing glance. His footsteps faded up the hall and Daniel stroked his mustache and began pacing the narrow cell. "You are in more danger outside of these walls than within, Miss Tyra. It seems you have attracted more than the attention of my order. Were you aware of this fact?"
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: The Dark Side of Force - Tyra Dragonheart
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2011, 03:15:05 pm »
"No.  But I am not that surprised."  So she ticked some one else off, too.  "Great.  Now what..."  She rubbed her face, lowering her eyes from Daniel's.  Something was tickling her nose, too, and not in the good way.  She ripped her hands away and cursed, glaring at them.  Would she ever be rid of the smell of ether...


Re: The Dark Side of Force - Tyra Dragonheart
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2011, 03:18:27 pm »
Daniel cocked his head, he could hear the footsteps of the gaoler approaching the door. "By the Dragon , you have better have a good reason for this interuption sir," Daniel mutters waiting for the door to open. Once it does so, the Gaoler tosses a grey uniform complete with embroidered number and a blanket on the bed next to Tyra and snatches up the robes, cloak, and hood of the acolyte. Daniel simply frowns then motions the man away. "Procedures must be followed I suppose, Good thinking Sir." Without a word, the gaoler relocks the door and shuffles back down the hall.
 Daniel turns and gives an apologetic shrug, "Well, I suppose someone who has acted as foolishly as yourself can expect no less. Still..." He strokes his mustache again. "We must deal with what is in front of you now. You may not like my counsel, but since you have already given a written and signed confession, there is but one course to follow. You must offer restitution and accept your punishment. Throw yourself at the mercy of the court, as it were. However, there may be some bargain that could be struck that would allow the Gold's Justice and your own ends. Tell me, are you afraid of death by the headsman more or losing your son forever, Tyra?" His knowing gaze tries to meet her eyes.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: The Dark Side of Force - Tyra Dragonheart
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2011, 09:11:00 pm »
"Well considering I'm stone bound, death doesn't scare me.  And my son is nearly an adult, and he's currently on Voltrex and his father may have something to say about anything regarding him.  However, I'm not exactly looking forward to any punishment.  And losing my son would not make me a happy camper, but. . ."  She sighed.  She couldn't figure out how they could take Tyr'riel from her or Andrew.  Even if Andrew never spoke to her again or never let her see her son, she was sure he wasn't going anywhere.

Or at least, she hoped. . .


Re: The Dark Side of Force - Tyra Dragonheart
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2011, 10:07:57 pm »
So what I am hearing is that you would rather face the headman's axe than any other sort of punishment? Is this correct? If I am to represent your interests and follow a strategy, I must know what you are willing to suffer, Miss Tyra.  You have confessed to heinous crimes, it should come to a matter of sentencing within days at most.  Unless of course, you have some idea of attempting to plead your case?
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: The Dark Side of Force - Tyra Dragonheart
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2011, 10:34:02 pm »
Tyra sighed again.  "Daniel, I have no idea what I should do.  I'm in jail for murder and regardless of why, I doubt anyone in this city is going to acquit me of the charges."  Her hands reached for the prison uniform.  The fabric was coarse, clearly not made with any thought of comfort in mind.  "Thanks for trying to get me something nice to wear, even if your friends seem intent on making me suffer."


Re: The Dark Side of Force - Tyra Dragonheart
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2011, 10:35:35 pm »
"You mentioned others having an interest in me, or something...  what did you mean by that?"


Re: The Dark Side of Force - Tyra Dragonheart
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2011, 10:52:55 pm »
*Daniel frowns* A warning from someone who claims to be your friend.  *he hesitates a moment* Miss Breanna.  Also, I have it from a novice I trust that someone has hired professional counsel to represent you.  They are in Vehl now.  By they I mean a veritable army of clerks and secretaries.  It seems some unknown benefactor of yours has deep pockets.  Shall I turn the case over to them or do you wish to retain me?"
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: The Dark Side of Force - Tyra Dragonheart
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2011, 10:57:33 pm »
"No, I want you involved.  I don't trust anyone in Vehl.  Find out who they are and what they want from me, cause if it's from who I think it is, this might cost me more then my head, if you know what I mean. . ."


Re: The Dark Side of Force - Tyra Dragonheart
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2011, 09:10:38 am »
"Shall I speak to this other counsel and try to learn more, Miss Tyra? I too mistrust this man's presence, but he has been most persistant in the court. Knowing what interest he represents would be helpful I think."  Daniel forces a smile as he speaks to her, despite the gravity of the situation.  "You should not place too much faith in myself, Miss Tyra.  It is not your person that I care for but the Law itself.  A man does not go into battle without his weapon and shield, so to is it  for a person in court.  The Justicars as judges are bound to follow the guidelines of the Divine Law of Rofirein, but the Justicars as advocates for your victims..*he pauses* Will argue for maximum punishment with all the logic and persuasiveness they can muster.  You required a shield in this fight to maintain a just balance.  That is why I asked to be your counsel.  Do you understand my intent better now?"
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: The Dark Side of Force - Tyra Dragonheart
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2011, 03:29:17 pm »
"My victims. . ."  She closed her eyes.  Who were they talking about?  Fanny and her husband?  The dock worker?  Or Horrace and his handless friend?  The two thugs she 'punished.'  Did they plan to nail her to a cross for harming the little girl in the course of her rescue?  Or for defying the Law?  "I'll be honest with you Daniel, I don't even know who you mean by victims, because some deserved what I did, and others didn't."  She pulled off her kimono without a care for Daniel, and pulled on the itchy prison uniform.  "All I know is what I did deserves some form of punishment.  But if you and your church just want to seal me in a vault til I rot. . ."  She bit her lip, some anger sparking inside her.  But she quelled it quickly.  "You mentioned some kind of deal...  to meet my ends and your church's.  Was there an actual offer behind that or just some thought of yours."


Re: The Dark Side of Force - Tyra Dragonheart
« Reply #19 on: May 06, 2011, 03:50:17 pm »
"A thought of mine own, Tyra." Daniel turns away quickly as she undresses, blushing. Composing himself, he listens carefully for a few moments. "Are you decent yet?"  He turns slowly about when she stops her movements of dressing.  "Where was I, oh yes.  Punishment." He frowns thinking. "This inconvenience.." He indicates her new clothing and the cell with an expansive gesture."Is but a taste of what is to come.  I can see in your posture you are angry, but I tell you true, your anger will be as nothing to the eyes of the court.  A man is dead.  Whether or not he is a kidnapper or not is immaterial.  Whether you killed him in self defense may be, but I am your counsel, not the Justicar deciding.  Another man is maimed, others have been terrorized due to your actions.  There will be harsh punishments, yet you have some measure of control over your own fate still, Miss Tyra.  
 As I see it, you can accept these punishments as due, or childishly rail against them.  The first reaction will demonstrate true remorse, the second only justify them.  Do you understand what I am telling you?  It is time to grow up." Daniel's voices rises in anger at the last which he quickly brings back into control. "Now, my questions to you serve a purpose.  There are many courses sentencing could take.  For example, your tower will more than likely be siezed, you could be banished for a time as Steel was in Leringard.  The headman's block is but one possible punishment like the others, yet again, in your power is a small chance to show the court dignity and by doing so, you may find some small favor in it's eyes.  That is what I advise.  Think long on your actions and words before you make them known and you may look back upon this time of punishment as a time of learning as well.  The Great Dragon is not a merciful God, but he is just."
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

