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Author Topic: The wind and the leaf  (Read 8767 times)


Re: The wind and the leaf
« Reply #60 on: September 28, 2009, 11:10:07 am »
Well I have to say that I am baffled at the moment. She stays home and doesn't do anything, even when I proposed it and it is getting tiering. Don't know if it's me or if there is other reasons behind it, but if it is me, she should tell me so we could take a decision that would best fit the both of us.

For some time I had decided to stay close, to see if she would have a change of heart and start to go out adventuring again, but after a few months I just couldn't stand not moving around in the forest. So I started to go back to my own routines. I've learned new tricks not to long ago. But I've also came closely involved in some of the warfare against the drach.

We manage to stop them from getting the book, which is good.

Well I guess I got some thinking to do.


Re: The wind and the leaf
« Reply #61 on: October 22, 2009, 11:42:03 pm »
*In the middle of the night, loud talks can be heard from Fehriel's house*

Azai.. I can't stand this.. it's been five years since you have recluse yourself here, to yourself, keeping me in the dark of what is happening to you. Seeing you like this is killing me and I can't stand this anymore.. I love you Azai.. I truly do.. but this can't go on, maybe one day when you have found yourself and answers maybe then.

*After a moment Feh leaves the house with his pack and comes back a few weeks later to see their room untouched and his fiancée no where to be found. With heavy heart he packs her last belongings, the things he had given her and she had not taken with her, he walks to the front door and opens it. From the outside, A bag can be seen flying out of the door hitting straight on the other house meters away, the bag splitting open with the force of the throw. The door finally closes slowly an enraged but heart broken howl coming from inside the house.*


Re: The wind and the leaf
« Reply #62 on: November 24, 2009, 01:05:23 pm »
*Fehriel looks at his journal for a while before starting to write*

Here I go again, writing in you, journal of my dreaded past, reminder of broken dreams, pain and frustration

I write in you not to give news or joy or future plans, but to write down the fact that I have passed on the knowledge of the weapon masters, as Kyle has done to me.

Vrebel was a fine candidate to start with. A good fighter, a good friend. Good heart to go with it. And when he showed interest in some of the things I could do I knew that sooner or later he would come and ask me. And in such he did.

So over the last year, I have been training him. First training his mind, to discover his ki. Then showing him different technics. He trained hard and long for it, and gave me a beating to remember for. I have to remember not to teach people in the future that could send me to my grave in the last test.

I am pleased though to call him a brother, a master.


Re: The wind and the leaf
« Reply #63 on: December 13, 2009, 05:04:48 pm »
Well I might as well write down the important things at least to keep track.

First I have trained Tralek into a few of my tricks, Hitting in the weak spots, rolling around and tumbling around to avoid being hit and also to reposition himself. I have taught him how to move silently and also how to sneak around. All he has to do now, is train on what I have taught him and put it in application.

I had hoped to see my friends about my idea for a shelter and refuge for the poor and those that lost their livings pace in the tsunamis that hit Hempstead, Krandor and Krask. But I guess I should be used to it by now, no one showed up at the time I had invited them. Well beside Marec, to which I had to tell him it was off. I guess I'll do things on my own instead. Going to be longer to do, but there is less chances of being let down. Beside I'm still waiting to see the diet. Unfortunately I was unable to make the last town council meeting, but I will make sure to make the next.

At least out of all of the things that has happened in the last few months, I can say that something new and good has happened. I have grown closer to Talia and she will move in. It's still a bit new and all, and I think that caught her by surprise. But I can not hid my nature and how I was brought up. In a pack, the alpha wolf, doesn't take years to court who will be his Prime female. Maybe I shouldn't base to much on that, but it's all I know. She wants me to teach her how to make arrows, thinking that she would be a burden if I made it for her. Never, but still, I will teach her.


Re: The wind and the leaf
« Reply #64 on: December 19, 2009, 01:42:38 pm »
Well I can safely say that I know Hanta is training. I have heard her many times practice her sword on the combat dummy. I have to prepare for the next session, it's coming in a few days now.

I'm still waiting for that towns meeting. It aggravates me that I have missed the other one, but such is life. I just hope they find the idea interesting and that they give me the right to start the project. I'm guessing Talia, Vreb and tray were right in saying I should not go without the towns approval. Imagine if the shelter was under construction and they came telling me to stop, lacking the proper authorization.. At the same time.. it's just more bureaucracy. More restrictions.. more strictness. But to live in this world, where order is present almost anywhere.. I have to make due even if the very fibers of my being screams to be let loose.

On the other hand.. my training in enchanting has paid off, I am able to do first power rods almost without flaw now. My resistance dust making has improved also. So that is one step closer to achieving my two goals. I will surely still need help to get the materials, but that will end there I think. Can not rely on people, I guess that's why Folian is more of a loner.

I sent a letter to Talia the other day. I have not seen her in some times, and she hasn't moved any of her stuff in either. Guess it was just a phase on her part.


Re: The wind and the leaf
« Reply #65 on: December 28, 2009, 02:54:33 am »
What can I write else than what is happening lately?

Hanta's training is going well. She says she has finally found her Ki. I believe her, but we will see. Finding it is one thing, learning to apply it is an other. Her meditation training will help her greatly in this. To be as still as a soft river and as powerful as the strongest torrent. It is not easy to reach, but I have faith that she can.

Melana on the other hand makes me pause. Why does she want to be a weapon master, beside the appeal of power and the use she could make of it for revenge. This is not what a weapon master is about. It's the pursuit of perfecting oneself, and one art. To have your weapon become part of you, to become you. It's not a question of power, or having the ability to avenge someone or something that has happened to you in the past. No matter how strong a weapon master she could become, no matter how many people falls to her blade. It would never change the past and wouldn't erase her memories. Sure it could give her a small satisfaction at the moment, but what happens in a few weeks, a few months when her mind dwindle on the events that brought her to that path? Will the void that was being left in her by the wrong doing of people be filled? No, I don't believe it will. For her I think I will concentrate more on the peaceful nature of her Ki. More meditation training than applying it to her weapon. At least at first, in hopes to bring peace to her mind. I can not in good conscience leave her with my knowledge in a way that could bring harm to someone that is innocent of ones actions. Would the child of the murdered father be guilty for his fathers action against her? Or of his mother's wrong doings toward Melana? She has to learn to forgive the others, and herself, before she can master her weapon. As you can not be one with it and it can not be one with you, if you are not even able to master yourself. She will have a long and hard road in front of her, I just hope she is apt for it.

As for Talia, sweet Talia. Things are well. We are trying to find something she would like to do and would help me in someways without impeding with each others work. Or maybe I'm going at this the wrong way. Sure I would love to be able to do my enchantments, but nothing should prevent me from learning and her also? It may take more resources that way, but together we make a good pair. Her healing skills and blessing augments me, and in the same way, my swords and I shelters her from harm... I hope. I'll talk to her about it, see if she wants to combine her efforts with mine.

I am still waiting to meet the diet of Lor. I was hoping there would be an other meeting soon, but it doesn't seem to. Maybe I should petition for a special hearing or something.


Re: The wind and the leaf
« Reply #66 on: December 31, 2009, 08:08:53 pm »
Life has picked up a bit.

I have been training in enchanting a lot lately and I'm happy to say that I have progressed greatly. I am now good enough to start selling the starting and second grade elemental enchantments with my arrows. It may ruffles some feathers that I don't charge a dime for the enchanting of the arrows. But I personally think that any one charging a hefty price for a perishable good, is taking advantage of his customers. It's enough that people go through arrows quickly, but to charge them full price and on top of that charging the market trade up of enchantment is just ludicrous.  Beside from my research, it seems I am the only one in the market of selling arrows. So I may have well started the market for them, and set a reasonable price.

Hanta has made some good progress in her training. I have shown her how the Ki could be applied. Of course shattering a glass, could be seen as  parlor trick, and I did tell her not to expect being able to do this to her enemies. But the application of her Ki into a strike will break them. Just not as the glass did.

From Melana I have not heard since the last time. I will send her a letter soon. Hopefully she will have found and understood the meaning of what I told her.

I have found peace with Talia. I find it easy to let her know of how I feel, and for the first time I m not afraid. She seems to have accepted me for who I am, and she hasn't shown any reserve toward what I am. My feelings for her are growing every day. I still haven't talked to her about taking up the enchanting part of Cailomel archery.  I don't plan of making  guild of any sort.. it would be quite illogical for me to do so.


Re: The wind and the leaf
« Reply #67 on: January 06, 2010, 01:27:18 am »
I have started training Melana today, with great reservation.

Her attitude, he lust for power to make people fear her, I know it's to get back at some people that hurted her in the past. Why would she always touch her arm when she talks about them otherwise? What I worry about, is not that she would hurt someone that wronged her. But in her quest for revenge, she might hurt more people than she intends to. Those that are innocent of what the others did to her, but are interconnected due to their ties with the wrong doers. Maybe I am doing something wrong here, training her and all. But it's my hope that once she discover the potentials, that she might feel that petty revenge is below her now.

In any case, for now I will break her attitude. I warned her that every time she would snare at me, there would be consequences. I think the 200 pounds push ups I made her do, is a sign that I am not joking around.

Also I am asking much more out of her than the others. I had Vrebel and Hanta train 200 times a day the technics. In their case it was for their muscle to memorize the motion and to reach perfection with them. In her case.. it's to break her, and show her discipline.

But for now, until she proves herself, I will refrain from teaching her the essential part of the training. I will not teach her how to master her Ki until she shows that her motivations have changed.

Might be time I get with Kyle again and talk to him about his idea for the academy. I think it is important that we come up with a code of conduct for our trainees, a code of life of the Weapon Masters. How to police their adherence to it once they have reach mastery is an other matter. But hopefully by then, the code will be entrenched in them and they will live by it.

In the next few days I will meet with Hanta for her next training.


Re: The wind and the leaf
« Reply #68 on: January 07, 2010, 04:42:08 pm »
*She looks at the candle for a moment and gets up moving toward it. With a tear flowing down her right cheek, she pinches the flame out and heads out the room, looking back toward the candle before closing the door. A rolled scroll is in her pocket as she heads to the market, a katana tied to her back*


Re: The wind and the leaf
« Reply #69 on: January 08, 2010, 08:49:21 am »
What a Glorious week this has been.

First, I have traveled extensively with Talia and other friends. I have become stronger as a weapon master, and this is utterly satisfying. But as an icing on a cake, I have spent memorable moments with the woman I love. I hope she appreciated the moments too. I have much to tell her when she wakes up.

I have met with the lore diets finally*, but truly not in the manner I would have expected. Me and others, including Angela, Alantha, Vreb and Tray, and many others. Ended up saving two of the diets from the hands of kidnappers and of Rael's guards who were too eager to destroy the tower they were being held in disregarding the possibility of them being still alive. It shows two things, one Lor truly needs it's own force. Two, Rael is willing to stoop to all heights to stomp on the liberties of others. Killing the diets would only serve him as he would have probably be able to place mauls in Lor council. Ensuring his control over the region. But in both case.. that didn't work out to well for him today. First, we got the diets out safe and sound.. all three of them. Truly Angela has a funny sense of being safe. But at least we got them all out safe and sound. And fore most, two more diets has rallied to her cause. I have let her know that if she gets approval for her army, that I am willing to train them.

I'm sure there are many qualified person for it, but I can train them in multitude of ways. First I am a ranger, wilderness knowledge, tracking, hunting strategies and games. I am also what some calls a Rogue, hiding, shadowing, hitting them in the most painful areas of the bodies. And of course, a weapon master. Training them to become masters of themselves and weapons, the discipline, the inner strengths and myriads of technics. Having an army filled with those skills would be something to reckon and quake in front of. I think even Rael would think twice before taking them on. Even more so if I train the whole army to be somewhat like me *there is an ink spot at that point as if he is thinking of something* Now that would be a funny thought. An army of mini Fehriel's .. err okay back to being slightly more serious. What is important is the skills I can bring and teach them.

But what is even more enjoyable about this, is that even though I didn't even think of saving the diets with the hope that they would be obliged to me, they still have decided to approve my request, and allow me to open my shelter in Castle masks outskirts. This is great news to me and I think Talia will be please also about this. This mean that in a soon future, I will be able to have the house expanded and remodeled so that I can loge those that have lost their homes in the tsunamis, but also the poor. It's time I set things in motion on this now. Raise the funds, the building materials, and find a very good contractor.

Also.. I have found out that I like working with Talia on our crafting.. and it had me think a lot during our travel. Maybe opening a shop wouldn't be such a stretch for me. Nothing big. just me her and maybe three others, and that would be it. Cailomel goods and wares, she liked the name and even more the Idea. She is such a sweetness all in herself. But that will come after the shelter. Priorities is to open the shelter first, there are many that will need this.

Boy, would I have ever expected all these things to happen to me when I left wolfswood? Things were much simpler then, but I wanted to make my mark, on my own to become what ever I could become and I think I am getting there with the years. First becoming a weapon master, Kyle who wants me to help him with his academy when he is ready for it. Training Vrebel, Hanta, Melana and even Tralek. Opening my shelter.. a possible small shop in the future.. and if her plans go well, maybe even train an army? Would I have been foretold that I would be involved in all those things, not even counting all the adventures I've had, saving peoples and towns and making sure that the Drachs army would not get the book to the path of the claws, I would surely have told that person that he had fallen one too many times on the head. But it is happening to me, and to make all of this even more worthwhile. I can share all of this with my sweet angel, Talia.

//  *  thanks mix!


Re: The wind and the leaf
« Reply #70 on: January 14, 2010, 07:12:18 pm »
As Vrebel, Gorm, Tray and myself were hunting in the great forest we saw a large and dark mass fly over us in the sky, blocking the sun for a moment. Looking like a dragon we were somewhat apprehensive that it might be attacking Hilm so we made our way there to see what was happening. Thats where we met up with many people, including Angela and Storold. It was good to see her again, if I can help her, then this is good, diet as she is, she needs the support of those that lives in her territory. In anycase it turns out that the group we stumbled uppon were on a secret mission against the cult. What I didn't know though is that Hilm seems to be a bastion for Toran.. I felt truly out of place and I couldn't shake the feeling that something my jump out of the corner back stabbing me. But in any case we made our way out of the town once the preparation were done.

It's traveling to the boat we were to take to infiltrate the Khul kingdom that I have met for the first time, some centaurs. magnificent beast, but they had the audacity to call me a murderer, because I fought giants and screecher's that would attack the near by settlements. But that is their views, I have my own. I kill only those that fights me, I do not hunt their children or the mothers of their children. If that makes me a murderer then any one who eats is one, and so are they. I had a great drawing I made of them.. but well you know me and boats. Once they left that is exactly on what we got on. The first two days were fine, the peppermint leaves were helping. But during the evening of the second day and through the third.. The swells picked up and well, let's just say I had better days. On the third though, we almost got attacked by a dragon on the ship but it went away, warning his friends. To which we were greeted by when we were close to debarking. Many huge dragons came rushing to the boat, they seemed slow and barely able to fly. Of course the troops they had dropped on us, probably made them slower, but still at the same time, I wonder if the rapid growth the cult put them through, might not make them weak in some sense.

Anyhow, we dispatch easily of the Drach they had brought us on board, and made quick way to the shore. For an other few days we made our ways inland, through the desert and we finally found their hidden base of operation.. probably not the only one but still. It was a hard fight going there, and even inside of it. Which we would never had found our way in, if Galathea hadn't talked to the rocks, opening the secret passage.

Inside was an other story, we fought many of their Drachs and Gara and garrison, monks and the likes. But even more, we fought one of their corrupted dragons, and we came out victorious. I can't believe that I stood toe to toe with a dragon, and neither would most I guess. I have a nice souvenir though, a scale I cut from it's back. It was already decaying and brittle when I set it in the box. Strange thing that is, we had just killed it too.

We served them a crippling strike today, one more dragon less for them to use. It's not the only one, but I'm sure that with more strikes like this, it will tip the advantage our side.

On other news, I have talked to each persons I wanted to have taken part in the shop when it is time to open it. Each of them have agreed to my terms. But first I have to finish the shelter.

//Plot quest ran by Dezza


Re: The wind and the leaf
« Reply #71 on: January 20, 2010, 11:15:30 pm »
Gave Melana an other training session today. She has show some good improvement, and also appears to at least be trying to leave her attitude out of the training, which will surely benefit her in the long run. Being a weapon master is much more than just being good at using your weapon. It is also being good at keeping a disciplined mind. It doesn't mean you have to be stoic, frigid, and a soldier drone like. Just knowing when to act or when to listen. I gave her a taste of what the ki attack is, but I didn't tell her how to do it. That is one part that she will have to meditate on. Unless I see some real changes within her, more than just trying, I will not teach her this crucial part.

Talia and I have decided to adopt two children, we will be going to see Jilseponie soon, to see if there is any that we could take home with us. That will be such a difference, it's slightly daunting. Up until now I had only myself and nature to take care of, beside of course Talia. Not that I have to, because she can take care of herself well. But because I love to. But two children will be something utterly different. I'm not even sure where to start from.

And with that always comes a dark spot on my pages. Steel has approached me and others about what he will be doing soon for big red. And I can't say I am thrilled by it. I have a long and hard thought process to do soon, to see if I will help him. But to work with Corathites... I will need some ground shaking convincing that it's for a greater good. Talia, how ever, has shown once again her love and support in this. She will be there by me if she is able to, through this. But even her would not deal with the Corathites or even the blacks for that matter. Maybe this brings a better opportunity how ever. To learn of them, gather information on them, and then turn them in, once the deal is done and Big red has agreed to join our fight against the Cult. Although I am not even sure that is a great idea.. what will be held over our heads afterwards for his help in this, I wonder?


Re: The wind and the leaf
« Reply #72 on: January 21, 2010, 04:22:03 am »
*Fehriel stands over the work bench, a smile on his face. He polishes the yew bows he just made. Two long bows and one short bow. His mind drifts toward the shelter for the homeless and poor.*

"It's one step closer."

*In his head he is already planning what he has to do next. The compound parts. Getting the material needed for the mighty parts. And then getting the materials for the resistance.*

"Hmm, should I give the option of training the bow? That would surely put more worth to it, but at the same time, they might not want to lose the versatility of an untrained bow."

*As he gets home to spend some time with Talia, he takes a moment to write his thoughts down.*

I am happy. I was nervous working on these bows, knowing the importance they have for the fund raiser. Had I failed on all my attempts, I would have been needlessly delayed. But Folian was watching over me, and he allowed me to succeed. I am hoping that the people will take to heart the blight that has stricken those who lost their homes and all their possessions. And that they will bid generously. That money is not for me, of course it is my house that will be remodeled. A new floor being constructed for where I will live with Talia, our two adopted children, and of course the rooms of Idoran and Jedediah. But mostly, it's the fact that the interior of the original floor will be redone completely to accommodate close to a hundred people. The beds, the dividers. The baths and kitchen for all of them. I will also have five rooms made for families to be able to stick together. It is always easier this way, but unfortunately I can not accommodate all of them.

With the tsunamis that has hit Mistone, a lot of people lost their homes, more were even injured. And with the partnership I have established with the healing house of Galathea, those that are now able to leave will be able to reside in my shelter until they find themselves a new place to live. And if some come to my house, to greatly hurt or sick for me and Talia to deal with, with all of the other people in the shelter. I will be able to send them to her healing house, this way the people in the shelter will remain free of sickness. And those that needs it will be able to receive a more personalized care from a staff that are specialized in what they are doing. Not that Talia is not a fine healer. But we have to think of the other people that will live in the shelter. We can not put their health at risk while trying to treat an infection that could spread to the others.

Once the bows are done, it will be time for us to get more mithril for the weapons I wish to make and then auctioned.

Folian, may you bless our endeavor, and may you favor the shelter as it is aimed to help those in needs as a pack would aid each members.


Re: The wind and the leaf
« Reply #73 on: January 21, 2010, 02:32:08 pm »
*On this page is tacked a receipt of exchange for goods and work. It reads*

As agreed by both party, thus Fehriel Cailomel and Galathea Arnaduillae. There will be an exchange of work of 340 platinum ingots from Fehriel Cailomel to Galathea Arnaduillae, for two greater rings of wisdom, a consecrated greater amulet of wisdom, and a greater acid resistance.

This exchange of platinum is to be made on a no set delivery date, but as need may be.

Signed by
Fehriel Cailomel
*A wolf print is drawn under his name*

Galathea Arnaduillae


Well I have secured the work on the jewelry and greater acid resistance. It will take me a while to get that platy, but it is a good deal. Even more so that I provided the materials needed to make those items. And Talia was the one to get the emeralds in the first place. This way I don't have to use the fund I am saving up for the shelter, which is a very good thing. And it gives me and Talia something to do together for her things.

Well the compound parts are made. Now only waiting for the delivery of the cranberries so I can make the essence of power for the mighty parts


Re: The wind and the leaf
« Reply #74 on: January 27, 2010, 05:17:28 am »
How can I have become the world most luckiest man?

I don't know how to write this, but through years of strife and struggles, with those around me, and from within myself. I have met the most wonderful, caring and understanding women on Layonara. We complete each others, even if we have our different faiths, but yet even our faiths are allied to one an other. What else could I ask more, beside Aeridin to bless us even more and find a way for us to have our own flesh and blood. But I know this is a wish that will never come. But yet, we will still have our own wolf-lings running around our house. As we have decided that we would adopt.

Talia had decided to show me her dress she would wear as we would go and adopt the children, and I decided to show her the ones I have, for her to decide which was better. But when I saw her.. I was floored. My jaw was so wide open than a bird could have nested in it. She was simply and utterly breath taking. I couldn't resist but to dance with her in our hall way, at our own rhythm. And it is not exactly how I had already thought of asking her, but this seemed even a better moment to do so. The pure happiness that I felt emanating from her at that precise moment, the calmness and peace she brings me, each time I think of her, see her or hold her. There could not have been any more wonderful moment to ask her. And I did, and she said yes. She burster in tears when I did, but it was tears of happiness. For a moment I was worried, but her hand on my cheek and her loving eyes looking in mine when she said, yes!, washed all my worried thoughts away. And truly, I can now say that all that I am, all that I was, is there in her perfect eyes. It's all I would wish to see for the rest of my life, waking up each and every morning by her side.

With that we have started to prepare the wedding. I think we have found where we will hold it. We have wandered for the past few weeks on Mistone, going sight seeing, but there is one place that stuck for both of us. And now, to symbolize each other becoming part of the other, completing each others. We will have rings blessed by clerics of each own faiths. Well of course she has the easy end of the stick, she is a cleric of Lucinda herself, so she will be able to bless the ring that she will put on my finger. I on the other hand will have to go with Enzo to our temple on dregar and see a high priest there for him to bless the ring I will slip on her finger. We also decided that we would each have a cleric of our faith. One of Folian, and one of Lucinda. I already asked Enzo, and if he can he said he would happily do this for me. I don't know if Talia already has found someone of her church to be her cleric.

I have to talk to Gorm about the drinks and food for after the ceremony.

So much to do.

I had also a bad moment on a trip to the deep. I found out Hanta was a toranite, well she says she only does lip service to many gods, but Talia prayer came as she was an enemy of Lucinda. Not just unfriendly.. but an enemy. I was furious.. at myself, but at her also. I wanted to cut her down for her deception. My fear of them coming to slain me flashing in front of my eyes. But the hand of Talia stopped me. There was a lot of talk, people telling me to calm down and not to bring this up now, but how could they understand? How can you just act as nothing had happened when your worst enemy is standing right in front of you, ready at a moments notice to bring the blade to your throat and bleed every drop of your life source out of you? But at the same time.. as Talia whispered to my ears, how could I dismissed the years that we had known each other, me being blind about who she followed. True we had never discussed of faith, and she had never shown to follow any. But still. So I made one thing that I knew she could not betray. I knew how honorable she was, and so I acted on it. I gave her my Folian's fang dagger for her to bind herself in a blood oath that she would never bring harm to me or my family. I was satisfied that her vow she made in front of all in the party would be respected.. I have no choice anyways to believe it will. It will take some time for all of it to sink into me. Can I really trust her? I guess so, but is it Wise? Only time will tell.

As for her training, she needs to learn to let the blade be her own extension, and let it work for her without her thinking of what to do. For it to become instinctual, and for her to be able to feel through her sword as if it was her own fingertips. It's not just to master the movements, it's for her to form that connection with her sword that will make it a part of her that she would feel deprived without it.

And now for the shelter and the shop. I think I will open the shop as soon as possible and still work on opening the shelter at the same time. We are ready for it, that is not a problem. But I feel it's the right thing to do. The shelter will take some more time to raise all the funds, and also the weapons to auction, and have the architect finish the plans for the renovations. While the shop could be open in only a matter of a month or so, the city council of the town I want to open it, agreeing to it of course.

So much to do. So much to think. I'm blessed that Talia helps me with everything, whither it be her hands working with mine, or just her presence by my side. Folian, you have blessed me with more than I could even imagine. Soon, my prince I hope to do something that will be worthy of your sight.


Re: The wind and the leaf
« Reply #75 on: February 02, 2010, 07:48:14 pm »
Things are progressing rapidely.

I have received the permit to open Cailomel Goods and Wares, which is great.

Also Kobal has made my weapons and has agreed to an exchange of wears instead of money, which is also very good. He said he would have some items to donate for the shelter. That will be great. Tralek, Vrebel, Jilesponie, Kobal and Gormungard, are the first names to scribe on the statue of Benefactors.  Now I hope the people will bid with generosity.


Re: The wind and the leaf
« Reply #76 on: February 04, 2010, 02:05:31 am »
That miserable piece of cow dung of a halfling...

Calling me worthless ? A control freak? Since when has it been of his business anyways? If he had truly felt love in his life, he would be scared for the one he loves each and every time, she would be traveling out in the wild, facing what we faced today. He would be wishing for her well being, and he would take the steps to make sure she was safe. Would it have been hard to just wait so she could rest to recast her spells? No, it wouldn't have been. it would have been the wise thing to do, the caring thing to do. But he obviously has no notion about it, but of his pitiful self.

So I'm done with that scumbag. He talks about the past? Yes, I have been with three woman since I started traveling 21 years ago. But all of that has done only one thing. Prepare me for the one true important person of my live, after Folian. Talia. That's all that matters. That I have learned through each experiences, so that I have become a better man for her. And so what if she had other loves in her life. It would have prepared her for what is important for her.  

Not every one can have the perfect life right from the start. Some goes through hardship to find that place where they belong, that someone that completes them. And I can say, I have found her. Can he say the same?

If it was my guess, I'd say he is jealous because he never could build up the stomach to act when it was time. I remember how Keppli used to look at him, and how he used to react around her. But he let that pass, and now he takes it out on others. Well that only show how a low life a person he has become with the time. And I personally don't have time to waste on such a person. He seems to take pleasure into finding ways to hurt others. Well he can play that game alone, because in the end, that is what will happen to him. He will find himself to die alone in his bed, or on the field, wondering how he wasted his life.

I only Hope that Talia didn't take to heart what has happened, due to this jerk reptilian tongue. I know she hasn't had the easiest of life, having her own losses. And what he said could have easily hurt her even more than me. I'm used to those kind of things. Even if they still hurt on the moment, I can live with those bassard being what they are. But she is gentle, and I would hate for her to put herself and her happiness into question because of this worthless piece of dung that Tod has become.


Re: The wind and the leaf
« Reply #77 on: February 10, 2010, 10:21:11 am »
The wedding is coming soon. Only a few months left, but I'm not worried, everything is prepared. It will be a glorious day for sure, the joining of our two lives, our two hearts, into one. I have gone through the pits of hells in my life, many hardship when it came to the matter of my heart. But despite all of it, I came out stronger and grown. And now with Talia, I will walk the rest of my life.

There's a few things that also happened. We have a daughter now. Not from our own flesh and blood, that we know could never happen. But still, she is our daughter now. Her name is Liliah Daphne... Cailomel. She is a precious gem that is for sure, so tiny.. so innocent.

We were hired by her father to rescue her, I knew he was hiding somethings from the start, but still we decided to go and get her. After a few hours of tracking them, we finally caught up with the Kidnappers. I went to talk to them, trying to see their intentions, what they wanted. But they were trying their best to guard them self from being discovered. Needless to say they started to attack us, so we dealt with them, protecting the baby at all cost. One thing they had told us, is that she was payment for something, and that there was no turning back on the deal.

With that in mind, we made our way back to the town, where I proposed to those in ear shot and not tarrying behind, to tell the father she had died. I wanted to know exactly why this had happened, and this was the best way for it. As I told this to the father, he fell to his knees crying and then the mother who we were told was dead came in. When she realized the child was dead, and that he had sent us to retrieve us she stabbed him, yelling at him and cursing him. Galathea tried to get in the way so the woman turned on her and died from one of Galathea's spell. The man even more in grief wanted to die from his wounds, but he wasn't that badly hurt. And after a while of trying to convince him that he had other choices, Galathea just raised his woman.

In the end of it all they were faced with one choice. To live at Audira with the Az'attans and have a chance to see their daughter when she was old enough to make the choice, or to stay there and await the return of the Corathites the woman had hired to kill both their families to inherited their estates, so they could finish them off. She chose the late, stating she would find a way for them to survive, enticing him to come with her, even though she had tried to kill him. So we gave him the same choice, his life with the possibility to see his daughter again in the future, or death in the near future by the Corathites. He chose his wife over his daughter, proof he had not that much love for her in the first place. I am convince that when the Corathites will come for them, the woman will sell of her husband for her own life, then he will truly see what monster she married. But at that point it will be too late.

And now we have a daughter, entrusted to use by the group, and Galathea. We gave her the name of Liliah, and decided she should also keep her old one. One day when she is old enough to understand we will make things known to her. But for now, we will raise her as if she was ours, with love care and dedication.

I have to remember to send a letter to Colin, inviting him to come at the wedding, but also to meet his granddaughter.

*He looks at the baby that was on his lap all this time, smiling and let's the ink dry as he goes to take a walk with her.*


Re: The wind and the leaf
« Reply #78 on: February 11, 2010, 11:17:57 pm »
I have kept myself busy as of late, much more than usual. I guess I'm nervous about the wedding. But not about us going through it but more of.. if I'm going to be all the man I can be for her.'s something much deeper.. I'm not sure what it is exactly.. I just know that even though I'm feeling complete with Talia, that all is feeling right and that I know I'm where I'm supposed to be, there is something missing. It's nothing that would make me come back on my decisions of late, or on my love for Talia, but I feel like I'm destined to do more than what I have done. More than the shop, more than the shelter.

What I know is that all my life, I have been longing to find my place, and even though I have found it by her side, there is still part of me that is howling for more.  I do know that I miss the feeling of the pack. When Selaan was raising me, we ate, hunted, slept with the pack of wolves that she was caring for. This is something that I have been missing, but it's not just that. Back then, we used to tend to the forest, care for the animals and maintained the delicate balance that existed. That's something I have left aside a bit. I still care for them, love them. But I haven't been as active as I used to be in terms of tending to the forest and it's inhabitant.

I miss that feeling of hunting what is unbalancing it, unbalancing the equilibrium that my pack was so dependent upon for their survival. Me, Colin and Selaan used to hunt the poachers and trappers, when they were not respecting nature. Teaching them about other ways to go around and get what they needed, instead of just killing and taken what they wanted, and leaving the rest to rot. Sure the forest took care of that, but if you do it too much after a time, even the forest can't keep up. And those that were unwilling to learn or change, well let's just say that we dealt them what natures laws dictated.

With the shop that is going to be a balancing act, of only taking what is needed and not overly so. But it's something I'm sure well be able to reach. But that's not it.

I guess.. it's more the fact that Selaan was more than just my adoptive mother. She was my guide, my teacher. Teaching me the ways of Folian and giving me guidance, even in the more spiritual aspect of the hunts. Yes, I think that's it. It's that guidance I miss the most. She was like a primal female. I don't think Colin was a priest though, but I never asked, and he never shown anything more than being a ranger, but a lot of Folian rangers are also priest. I never asked him, maybe I should at the wedding. But I think that's what I'm missing. I'm not planning to become a priest hehe that wouldn't be me at all, but that bonding with other Folianites, having a pack to belong to, to call your brothers, sisters, parents.  Sure I can always go visit Colin, that's not exactly what I mean. It's more than having your own family, more than having friends. It's faith, family, hunt, companionship, communing all in one. Belonging to a pack, is being part of the survival and growth of not just your own, but all that is part of it.

A much as I would have my own little pack, I can not guide them spiritually as a primal pair could. But as being part of a pack, I could help them grow and they could always rely on the primal pairs to offer them the spiritual guidance that I wouldn't be able to provide for them.

It's clear to me what is haunting me now. What I've been missing to complete the completeness I already have with Talia and Lily. It's not something that any of the two should worry about, in fact, and in her ways, Talia already have that bond with Lucy. She in fact would be consider a primal, were she married to a priest herself, and any child she would have, any friends that joined with them to form a covenant would be a pack. I'm sure she can understand that.  I should talk to her about it of course, we keep nothing from one an other. But I'm sure she will understand and approve for me to try and find myself a new pack, closer to our house.

I only wish that if I find them, they will accept me as one of theirs.


Re: The wind and the leaf
« Reply #79 on: February 15, 2010, 01:29:11 pm »
That low life, dark elf, son of a ..

He kisses her even though she is about to get married, he gets her drunk and kisses her and tells her he loves her, he barely knows her and he knows she is getting married.. and then he brings her up in a room after she passed out? She was in tears when she told me what had happened, I will never forgive him, and he will pay one day for it.

It will only benefit the world so much more, one less dark elf, women wont have to be afraid of being drunk, drugged and taken advantage of them, at least Talia is sure nothing happened after he got he to the room. And it will only be for the greater good of my family. Talia's honor will be avenged, and there will be no more fear of him trying again. But.. revenge as good as it may feel, is not the solution. So I'm closing this chapter for now.

Even with that, my love for her has not changed, and I know she feels the same, and yesterday we were wed. The wedding was grand, beautiful, exciting. I almost died when I saw her walk down the isle, as beautiful as an angel. She is and will always be the only one for me. And I will live, providing and making sure that she will always be safe and happy. I was doubly blessed that day as even Colin was able to come. I was glad to present him to Talia, and to present Talia and Liliah to him. He was surprised to say the least, and even when I told him the stories, he told me

"I can see that you still always get yourself in the weirdest of situations, but you take care of those two ladies you hear me? And come visit more often"

I am blessed and truly happy. I can not wait to see what life has for me in reserve now, I am no longer a lone wolf carrying all on my shoulders. I have someone to share everything with, and she can also share everything with me.

