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Author Topic: Memoirs of Trevor MugSlinger  (Read 66 times)


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Memoirs of Trevor MugSlinger
« on: April 06, 2006, 11:49:22 pm »
Full Name: Trevor MugSlinger

Age: 46
Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf
Alignment: Neutral Good
Class(es): Barbarian with hopes of becoming a famed Battlerager
Deity: Trevor and his clan come from a long line dedicated to Vorax, the Father of Battle

Shorter than most (3' 7"), wider than all but a few (215lbs) with a beer belly that almost gets in the way but it wears well. The tattered brown hair that shows some signs of a few early gray hairs for someone so young. A gray hair for everytime he put his life on the line! His beard and hair are rarely comed and generally have the look and smell of someone who just woke up from the greatest party of their life. And drink he did for his favorite banter is to find a stout Goldie and test his metal in a battle of steins. From out of the rats nest of hair, his big nose borders on a little red from the booze.

Maybe it was the tough upbringing, being short and fatter than the rest or maybe it was the passing of his father, Travor. Travor was a exploration miner when he never came back from the deeps. That spiked the passion in Trevor's life and he grew wider, stronger and with more heart than any two dwarfs.

There will never been enough critters in this worth for Trevor to put his axe to... the biggest, ugliest, most intimidating axe you've even seen at least until he can find a bigger and better one. It's a simple life, learning the axe. Learning to use ones body as a weapon. Learning to find the rage when you need it most.

Leaving the mines a couple years ago, Trevor's looking for adventure and to make a name for himself and his pa.

You want gruff and grumble... You want crazed and drunken ... You want an axe as wide as it is tall (well nearly). I give you Trevor MugSlinger. A dwarf's dwarf, he's as crazy a front-liner you'll ever find to whisper a prayer, swear once or twice and yell "Charge!"

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Re: Memoirs of Trevor MugSlinger
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2006, 11:56:11 pm »
After 3 days of hard bashing, I'm kicking butt more than ever - must be that strong ale from the inn.  Finally got a great axe and I've begun my training.  Dad'd be proud of his boy, I tell yeah.  Cooked that Rat Man, got me some Dark Essence and been to several towns killing ogres, spiders and more.  By the way, I hate rats.  Smell funny and taste worse than my own cooking.  You name it, this Mugslinger's a force to be reckoned with!!!  Someday, someday, I'll be that Battlerager!!!  Argh, just need a quest to show'em who's boss!


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Re: Memoirs of Trevor MugSlinger
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2006, 03:17:47 pm »
If I could figure out this crafting business, maybe I could upgrade m'axe.  BUT, I did get some new armor...none of that wimpy leather stuff for me!  After the book for the nice tax lady, I returned that neckace to the young bard.  Finally did something worthwhile, I brought back the head of a goblin leader for the wagonmaster.  Now that was some good cleavin'... and I guess so was all them elf ears for the quartermaster.  I'm even starting to learn the lay of the land now that I got a fancy map to ponder.

