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Author Topic: A tattered book with large, muddy handprints  (Read 104 times)


A tattered book with large, muddy handprints
« on: August 27, 2006, 08:11:01 am »
Mes be Gaks. Me wites dis.
Me see lots people witing, and Beli says me shoulds wites to.

So mes be be big smasher.
Me runs from mines and escapes.....and runs all ways to Hlints. Hlints mys home now.

Beli and Tharks helps Gak when Gaks arrived. Dey be nice.....and train Gaks to smash tings. Now Gak be big smasher!

Me meets lots nice people in Hlints, but sums be stwange. Me learns lots from dem.

Me alsos sees lot others Half-Giantees.....but dey not escapes from mines.....dey lives heres in Hlints. One be big Druidy giant.....him shows Gaks stwange tings......says der Gods watches Gak all time. Me hopes dey not watch when Gak go toilet.

Me wite more go smashes now.


Re: A tattered book with large, muddy handprints
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2006, 05:01:27 am »
Mes smash lots todasies. Me goes to Lar and smash goes with Muirz, Godims and Ohaert (*unintelligable spelling*).

We smash lots....and silly fat mans in Lar wants Gak find strong chair he wonts breaks. Me tinks he needs big diet....nots big chair.

Den we goes into swamps....and me sees pwetty fiary tings. Me likes fiary tings...but when Gaks twies to plays with zaps Gak with elecy bolts. Dat make Gaks Godim toasties der little buggers. Gak takes toasted fairies to Daltons in Llast.....and he wanteds it. Gak tinks Dalton be stwange....why wants toasted fairies?
Gak no cares....since Dalton paids all goods.


Re: A tattered book with large, muddy handprints
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2007, 09:27:53 am »
Ooops.....Gaks forgots even hads dis booksie. Me writes nows.

Me no be be lazys....Beli says is bads to be lazys....but Gaks likes.
Me goes to Dwegar and wanders....gets lost much....much and much....forgets ways Gak keeps wanderwings.

Den Sallawon finds Gaks...he looks for Gaks....him got big "special missions" for Gaks to do. Gak not to say....keeps mouthie hush hush.

So Gak sits by lakes now...waitings for prwetty woodsy ladie for Gaks to helps. Sallawon says me gots rights in he knows whats Gak does....den him will helps Gaks.


Re: A tattered book with large, muddy handprints
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2007, 10:50:27 am »
Gaks waits many days before pwetty lady shows ups....

...she scaries....has big furrie cats dats me no tinks likes Gaks...
Sallawon says Gaks gots looks after pwetty ladies....but she no needs luuking afters....Gaks needs luuking afters more...

Gak twies and follows....but shes dissapears....Sallawon nots goings be happies...

But Gaks sees lots adventuwes pass by lakes....Gak gonna follows dem and smash tings....Gak no wants waits for Sallawons to finds and gets mads