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Author Topic: Left handed players  (Read 8701 times)


Re: Left handed players
« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2008, 08:53:08 am »
Quote from: Stephen_Zuckerman

Well, since we're working on a new game and all, can we have the option to select our handedness? I understand that would literally double the number of things our avatars would have to be capable of, but... *Shrug.*

The issue of handedness in a game has to do with mount points, which are places where you can put things like weapons and shields and have them show up visually in-game as well as a logical place for the code to look.  Adding a "left-handed" option would be possible, since we have full control of the code and things, but it would require adding additional mount points and then a bunch of logic in the code to steer things so that when a left-handed character equips their primary weapon, it ends up in the left hand, or a shield shows up on the right arm.

So possible yes, but it's likely to not be a priority for release.


Re: Left handed players
« Reply #21 on: February 12, 2012, 12:10:58 pm »
Hm, a little off topic but... if anyone has ever played any of the "Legend of Zelda" game. Take a look and see witch hand his sword is always in. "Links awakening" and "Link to the past" seem to be a minor exception however. Link ambidextrous there... depending witch side you face... but over all... Link is a lefty. *cheers* Go Lefties!

Anyways, I'm left handed though there seems to bee a few things I can only do with my right like throwing and catching... kinda makes baseball a little difficult for me... can't reallt throw the ball... wile wearing the mit aswell.

Computer, though I type completely with my left (no homerow keys for me... feels weird) though the mouse is always in my right.

Writing and eating, always with my left... though can eat aleast with my right if I try.

Scissors and such however are not all the difficult for me however... guess I just grew up using right-scissors... and can use just left aswell.

Additionally, being a bit of a sword collector irl... I tend to wield them with my right...

Anyways... selecting witch hand to use in game? Mmm, interesting... though I doubt it would really hold any advantages or disadvantages... your just simply more skilled and (possibly) stronger with your other hand. Though might be a bit odd fighting a righty with shield... when your a lefty with shield...

"Its like I'm looking into a mirror... that's trying to kill me."

either way... not visually possible but... could always RP it as such.


Re: Left handed players
« Reply #22 on: February 12, 2012, 01:51:25 pm »
I was just thinking about this! Im purely left handed. I also useto be in fenceing for a long time, opposite weapon arms look akword to me in anygame, EXCEPT legend of zelda.

It really isnt a big deal, but I think it would be cool if you could have that option! I wouldent be so irked. :D


Re: Left handed players
« Reply #23 on: February 13, 2012, 01:57:30 pm »
Quote from: Pandapuff7
I was just thinking about this! Im purely left handed. I also useto be in fenceing for a long time, opposite weapon arms look akword to me in anygame, EXCEPT legend of zelda.

It really isnt a big deal, but I think it would be cool if you could have that option! I wouldent be so irked. :D

in NWN1 that's impossible to do as it's hard coded in the engine. But who knows for the MMO?

