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Author Topic: Static NPC Quests  (Read 476 times)


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Static NPC Quests
« on: February 20, 2006, 02:50:20 pm »
I had a couple ideas the other night about the static NPC quests.
Firstly maybe we could have like further ineraction whereby we can forgo our gold reward (and get a alignment shift towards good), threaten them to give you more (alignment shift towards evil), persuade for more  (shift towards choatic), Take what's Offered (shift towards law).
My reasoning behind this is that then it would make it so there is a consequence for your actions along with being able to play more to your alignment. Of course there could be arguments that even Lawful Good folks can be greedy but think about it. Greed is never really looked upon in Post Modern or Modern Society as a 'Good' Trait. However one can be greedy and be Lawful. As for quests with multiple tasks eg: kit, Lt. at Fort Llast, Postmaster Vale, Johan etc etc Leave them be as i can see folks abusing this.
It would really be interesting to see a PC turned NPC evil guy or would give a Rogue type a chance to be well Roguish.
It is just a bit bland to see everyone running around doing the right thing, oh tally ho lets get the ashes for the little girl and be gracious about what she gives us. Of course you can RP your own reasons and should do this, eg: Rogue does it for bragging rights " I stole the ashes right off that guy!", Evil guy does it to gain more power. "HAHA little girl you just sealed this towns fate!" but it would be nice to see a little cause and effect in the static quests.
Also another Idea was for tavern Patrons to have a random list of tips, for example, 'Have you talked to Ronus yet? tis a shame about his last caravan.....' 'I hear they are having trouble in haven mines wonder what the old Lord is going to do....' of course you would have to pay for these rumours or persuade them out of them. Like i'm not suggesting any meta gaming knowledge just basic tips. A good one would be 'have you got a soulstone yet? I heard they are handy but you'd have to ask one of those adventurer types why.'
IMO it is inpractical to be in a tavern and NOT hear gossip even if it's just storyline related like ' I hear blood sacked Arabel...' or some such thing. We may have 2000 or so registered chars but i have never seen more then half a dozen in a tavern and that was only because we met there for a Quest.
start of blatant jokey part// and DM's btw when will we start a quest with a bar brawl!! once upon a time every quest started with one! LOL // end of blatant jokey part.


Re: Static NPC Quests
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2006, 05:35:30 am »
Oh, yes, I am SO in the mood for a good bar brawl... Unarmed still gets Weapon Finesse and Sneak Attack!

Judo CHOP!


Re: Static NPC Quests
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2006, 09:07:41 pm »
I think the GM team wants it where that you have to advance to an evil alignment through RP and not by doing a series of NPC quest. Am I still right in assuming this?  Maybe quest for evil, neutral, and good aligned characters would be more ideal what we are looking for?  just my thoughts.  and on that I think there are some out there but I don't have an evil char so I don't know :)


RE: Static NPC Quests
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2006, 10:13:07 pm »
Personally speaking, I feel static quests suck for the most part. Sure they're good for that first few clumps of XP and are a decent way to venture out into the land but for the most part static questing begs of official campaign co-operative action... played over, and over, and over, and over, and over, rinse and repeat. No thanks. Now, this is just my personal opinion of course.

However, I do recognize the opportunity for doing something more Layonara-centric and innovaitive. Quests that change over time based on any number of factors ranging from number of times completed to the PC's alignment. Ideally, no two runs are the same (well, within reason of course). The focus being replayability rather than working around Layonara character restrictions.

As for things like this being implemented in NwN1... I wouldn't hold your breath for the aging engine. NwN2 will usher in a new age for Layonara and as such there will be a lot of fundamental changes and additions to the world as a whole.

I do want to comment on one thing in specific...

IMO it is inpractical to be in a tavern and NOT hear gossip even if it's just storyline related like ' I hear blood sacked Arabel...' or some such thing.

Already been thinking about this issue on a few different levels and I believe we'll end up having a really useful system for the dissemination of general hint, world plot and other such in-character information using any and all of the NPCs. Hopefully this will also be tied into the dynamic questing system mentioned above along with the GM Quest Writup system so that the information spread about is kept current and relevant to world events.


RE: Static NPC Quests
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2006, 10:24:57 pm »
One more thing, I really do like your suggestions and I would hope to hear any more you (or anyone else) come up with.

Even if we've thought of them already it doesn't matter. Sometimes someone will say something in such a way that it triggers a domino effect leading into better things. That's always a good thing and always stems from the sharing of ideas.


RE: Static NPC Quests
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2006, 01:47:23 am »
The NPC quests do need serious work, and it's not just because you do them over and over again. While there are a lot of cool things that maybe can't be done for now, it takes minimal effort to simply inject a little bit of flavor and personality into NPCs and their quests. Even just adding descriptions and tweaking conversations a little would do wonders for the blandness that is currently static quests.

Another relatively easy thing is to add descriptive text to places when you can't properly show how it is intended to look, due to lag or just not having whatever you need. Necessary for cities to be relatively empty, sure. But most people don't even know they're not supposed to be until they ask. At least you know what kind of feel Port Hampshire has.

Taking the giant statue out from in front of "shadier" temples...why does everyone and their mother know where Branderback's is, and trot in and buy potions when they don't feel like walking elsewhere? He's a CE god and his temple is a facet of the underworld. While it's tucked in a corner, it's still pretty in-your-face for something of its nature, in my opinion. I'd rather have to have someone show me where it is than run into the big sign in front of the door. (Besides, most would probably rather buy potions from the "good" temples, least theirs won't be in last week's poison vials or something.)  

I do disagree with the alignment shifts and think that they should, for the most part, be left DM-only until there are better ways of dealing with it than getting evil points for, I don't know, threatening Granvil for a cheaper ox. I would love to see  more consequences for in-character actions, but right now it's fairly difficult to shift your alignment, and for good reason. I just see that getting abused, really.

Giving NPCs unique names and descriptions rather than meeting the same ones in every merchant house across Layonara. "Hello, Large Town Pawn Shop!" Right. "Another Semli! Who also sells crafting supplies! What a small, small world!" They don't all need to be called the same thing, right?

In conclusion! I'm sure the team can do some fantastically amazing things with some time and better tools to work with, but for now, a little love with the NPCs and locations would go a LONG way to adding more of the depth that is, for the most part, only seen in player interaction and DM quests. A DM does not need to be possessing for an NPC to have a little personality. ;)


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RE: Static NPC Quests
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2006, 04:27:53 am »
Acacea is right on the money there a little flavor would go a long way.
Yes I can actually agree and see that the alignment trhing could be abused and before you know it you have a dominoe effect "oh i pk'ed him cause its my alignment now' etc etc Indeed i see that point, but also someone i think onest8 said that having the quests done a different way for defferently aligned chars would also be soo cool too.
Good news about the rumour mill too btw good to hear.
I definately will bring up anything that pops into my head because like you said , however trivial it is it could just spark that light and turn into a flame.

