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Author Topic: Location Thread: Bitterridge  (Read 6440 times)


Due to the natural ease of
« Reply #40 on: December 09, 2016, 12:28:28 pm »

Due to the natural ease of speaking in her native tongue, Lia decides to continue in Elvin, “Rumors spoke of a few areas affected, such as Lewich Castle and the Redferns.  The Redferns should be small enough to not keep me locked inside, but I don’t think I have enough supplies to make the trip and back.”

“If I proceed that way I would prefer to not go empty handed, perhaps we can trade some information.  Rumors spread that the Regent of Hurm swore an oath to make those responsible be held accountable for their actions and names were being called out.  I tried to acquire the aforementioned names, but I’m unsure of the accuracy of such rumors reaching as far as Port Hempstead.  I wrote them all down though; perhaps you recognise some of the individuals or at least heard of them.”

“Anything you can tell me about this Wasting Death would be appreciated.  What it is, where it came from, and most of all is there a cure?”


//I’m thinking we continue this via PM adding a GM to see the conversation so we don’t flood the forum with our chat.



Daniel nods, patiently
« Reply #41 on: December 10, 2016, 01:21:46 pm »

Daniel nods, patiently digesting Lia's request and memorizing the names she offers before replying in his accented elvish, "I confess, Lana and myself were present at the onset of these troubles and their cause lies firmly with us and our party's actions in slaying the Black Dragon.  It could be argued that this plague is pure revenge on the Dragon's part, but the Gold does not deal in revenge, only justice, so I will let that be for now.   For my part I have felt the ire of my order and have since endeavored to do what I can to aid those afflicted both personally and," He shows Lia the scrap of parchment bearing the list of ingrediants, "as a member of a trade organization we will be putting out the call for these materials. This is not a cure but an early treatment mind you, but it is reasonably effective if the plague is caught early in the victim."  Daniel also shares the rumors he has heard and semi confirmed from his travels. // // .  "Now, if you wish to reveal myself and attempt to collect some manner of bounty from Hurm for my capture, I will not resist you, but I do think Lana might object.  I caution you, she is not someone you wish to trifle with."  The last line is said with more than touch of dry humor and Lia is quite certain it's Daniel's attempt at a bad joke, but perhaps the look on Lana's face tells it differently.

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Lana looks at Lia narrowly. 
« Reply #42 on: December 10, 2016, 09:10:48 am »

Lana looks at Lia narrowly.  "You have no idea what happened below; how hard we tried to avoid a fight.  One man's hubris caused this debacle, but I shall not name him.  If you want that bounty for our capture though, there will most certainly be a fight here and now." 

Lana taps her tambourine gently, saying a few words.  The tambourine begins to glow, vibrate and jingle, revealing old blood (?) stains...



Lia listens intently as
« Reply #43 on: December 12, 2016, 08:13:10 pm »

Lia listens intently as Daniel imparts with her his involvement that lead to our current situation.  At first she looked surprised, but her expressions eventually move more toward consideration and contemplation (there is a hint of a smile on her lips as well).  When he offers to let her bring him in to the authorities, hinting that it would also be under the duress of Lana, Lia raises a brow appearing slightly confused.  She backs off quickly when Lana continues the conversation with her threats, and then Lia raises an arm slowly and motions the two to stop as she shakes her head.

In elven, “I have no intention to bring you in; I never had the intention to bring anyone in.  Knowledge is what I’m seeking and who better to get it from then those who caused this plight.”  Giving him a slightly perplexed look she continues, “You have at least accepted some accountability for your actions if you are willing to let me bring you in, whether or not that was my intent.  You know very well I couldn’t by force, but at the same time here you are.  What is stopping you from just bringing yourself in?  Is it because you think you would be more useful dealing with the aftermath?” 

A dark thought invades her mind concerning the clear threat from him as well concerning Lana, ‘Not very noble of him to justify his lack of resolve through her’, her attention then moves to Lana, “Another’s Hubris you say?  Could you give that individuals name?”

She continues as if speaking to both of them, “This is beginning to make a lot more sense to me, with the minor exception that the power dragons possess are well beyond my comprehension and thus the workings of this plague… by the Pits, I still haven’t even seen its effects yet.  If what you say is true and you have successfully slain this Black Dragon, then how is this plague in effect?  Who would punish these lands on its behalf?  Is it possible to consider that you might not have finished the job as previously assumed and it is the Black Dragon itself that created this plague?”

She takes a deep breath before continuing, “I’m no expert, but you might want to consider revisiting its lair and if it happens to still be alive or you find whoever is causing this, perhaps plead for mercy for these people.”  There is a slight pause, “Tell me, do you know anyone who might be an expert on the subject of dragons that I might be able to converse with or the location of a library that could bear books containing anything about dragons?”

Finally she considers the list of ingredients, “I’m still planning to visit the Redferns temporarily to see this for myself.  Any chance you have a small batch of these early treatments that I can bring with me?  Due to its size I’m guessing the Redferns might be having the least amount of help right now.  I’m sure procuring even a small amount might bring some optimism in that small town.”



Daniel first puts a hand on
« Reply #44 on: December 13, 2016, 09:46:17 am »

Daniel first puts a hand on Lana's shoulder, mostly to stop her from brandishing her tamborine and to kiss her cheek in appreciation, then nods, "Forgive my poor joke, for clarification I did submit myself to the only authority I recognize fully, my superior, Justicar Reus of Vehl.  I gave him my full report.   He had words for me I will not repeat here, but clearly he felt my usefulness in this matter weighed more than a corpse swinging from a giblet.  As for the Black, we believe he survived his death perhaps in the same manner we stonebound do, or perhaps through older magic, we are not certain.  As for the name of the man of hubris, tis a short list named and you are a clever elf.  Do not ask me to betray friendship so bluntly."

Daniel considers her thought of revisiting the Dragon then shakes his head, "I had a similiar idea myself some time ago, but from my experience, evil such as this rarely is pacified or dealt with in good faith to any good end.  It is only emboldened by what it sees as weakness.  If I thought my own death or sacrifice would allay this trajedy, I would go without hesitation, but as I said, I do not think this the outcome.  As for Redferns, I have heard some prelimary reports, more rumor than not.  If you truly seek to aid that town,  send word to North Point asking for the treatment.  Offer to bring it yourself if you wish to risk your life."

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


She nods weighing everything
« Reply #45 on: December 13, 2016, 05:24:10 pm »

She nods weighing everything she hears then adds in Elvin, "Risk my life?  I assume you mean the journey is dangerous, otherwise you think there is risk that I contract this disease myself by exposing myself to it.  If the later, I knew the risks before coming here, if the former..."

She smiles slightly and begins to rock back and forth on her feet, attempting to look as amiable as possible, "I'm sure either of you can handle yourselves individually out here.  Perhaps one could continue on the task you set out to achieve here while the other escorts me to assist with the Redferns?"

"I still have a few questions that could be answered while we are on the road."



"As to the danger, aye, on
« Reply #46 on: December 14, 2016, 09:46:04 am »

"As to the danger, aye, on both counts, but foremost the exposure to the plague.  As for an escort.." Daniel ponders for a while, sharing a look with Lana before continuing in elvish, "I am needed back in Mistone as soon as possible, Lia. This is a simple truth, but perhaps the smarter of us will go with you, I cannot say."


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


"I will go with my husband,"
« Reply #47 on: December 14, 2016, 04:33:30 pm »

"I will go with my husband," Lana says.  "Gods speed you on your journey, Miss."



A confounded expression
« Reply #48 on: January 12, 2017, 08:39:04 pm »

A confounded expression reaches Lia’s face after hearing both replies.  After a moments silence Lia breaths deeply while pulling her hair back.  Speaking in Elven, “Perhaps a Change in plans then.  North Point is near the coast, maybe I can get a ship there.”

She then looks to Daniel, “If I can convince Hurm’s authorities to send a ship to North Point to get some of the treatment that is already there, will those at North Point cooperate?  Also, how much is already made up there?”

She smiles slightly as she continues, “Maybe to sweeten the deal, I could request on the Angel’s Guild behalf.” Her expression now derisive, “Since neither of you should enter the town yourselves.” Clearing her throat, she continues, “About providing ships for transporting what the guild will make.  I am assuming of course that is why you have a list of ingredients.  Oh, could I make a copy of that list for myself before we part ways?”

“Of course, I’m not of the guild.  So you will need to provide me with some guidelines on what the Angels Guild’s terms are on this matter, if you desire my assistance of course.  You might want to give me points of offer as well, just in case they aren’t entirely cooperative.”  Her expression now stern as she looks between the two of them, her voice low as if meant only to herself, but the words come out intelligible, “Because it appears my ability to convince people to do what I want has diminished.”

She then smiles at them both and waits for a reply.



Daniel's expression is one of
« Reply #49 on: January 13, 2017, 09:13:06 am »

Daniel's expression is one of consternation as he replies in elvish, "You misunderstand, the reason I am in needed in Mistone is to coordinate supplies, there is no agreement with specifics as of yet.  North Point may have extra cure for Redferns, I cannot say, nor can I guarantee their cooperation in providing such.  If they treat with myself and the Angels Guild at all it is because we have a history together.  If you wish a copy of my list, I will gladly provide it, but as you can see that is all it is, a list of ingrediants, no contacts, no arrangements.  These matters are still to be determined."  He continues with a somewhat softer tone, "I believe you mean well and seek direction.  I wish I had more to give you, but these events are still uncertain and I have no wisdom to offer."  He pauses then seems to consider something, "I do thank you this thought.  We will need a liason with North Point to coordinate delivery of any supplies we are able to give.  Do go to North Point and see what they say on the matter.  I may meet you there at a later date or await word in Hempstead.  Dragon shelter you, Lia."


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Replying in Elven, "My
« Reply #50 on: January 15, 2017, 04:08:52 pm »

Replying in Elven, "My concern is primarily the safety of the journey to North Point.  I doubt many bandits would be on the roads between the afflicted towns, otherwise risking their own contamination.  Perhaps I will just take a chance on it and hope for the best.  I do have a few tricks up my sleeve to help avoid danger.”

With a quill and her book out she prepares herself to write, “I would still like this list of ingredients, might prove useful while I’m still on Dreger.  Also, any points you would like me to add when I speak to those in charge at North Point?  Such as anything you can impart to me that would help me convince them to help.”



"Nothing beyond your elvish
« Reply #51 on: January 15, 2017, 06:34:46 pm »

"Nothing beyond your elvish heritage and a willingness to help, Lia."  Daniel will show the list to her again. //pm sent.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


She writes down everything
« Reply #52 on: January 15, 2017, 07:00:50 pm »

She writes down everything from the list he hands her and after handing it back to Daniel, she begins her journey to North Point.


