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Author Topic: Ankle Deep In Cobble Stones  (Read 68 times)

Script Wrecked

Ankle Deep In Cobble Stones
« on: April 02, 2008, 12:24:50 am »
Bug Report

Description: When walking along the raised curb/sidewalk in front of the town houses (see location below), instead of walking "on" the raised curb/sidewalk, it looks like you are "wading" through the curb/sidewalk, walking on a lower level than the apparent level of the curb/sidewalk.

It seems that the walkmesh doesn't match the raised curb/sidewalk, but continues "flat" at the level of the roadway.

Location: "Port Hempstead - Crimson Eagle Monument", along the opposite edge to the main gates, the row of town houses with the raised curb/sidewalk, from the Orc Bashers' shop to the area transition to "Port Hempstead - Argo Vlin'Dolan Wharf".


Reproducable: Been like this for a while.


Script Wrecked.

Script Wrecked

Re: Ankle Deep In Cobble Stones
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2008, 02:16:54 am »
File Affected: cobble_s.mdl


The placeable object "Cobble Tile" is being used to make up for tile deficiences in the "City/Rural Builder Base" tileset.

Its walkmesh is overriding the raised curb/sidewalk tiles' own walkmesh.


Removed the walkmesh node from the "cobble_s.mdl" file.


Fix supplied.


Script Wrecked.

