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Author Topic: Duelist bugged after update again  (Read 174 times)


Duelist bugged after update again
« on: January 08, 2006, 07:21:00 am »
well *cries* the first bug got fixed and everything was fine, but now after the last update my precise strike is bugged once more, its the same problem as before it gives me +2 piercing damage instead of the 2d6 i should get, i can turn it on unless i uneguip my (helmet, armor, cape, rings, amulet) well anything BUT my Rapier and eguip it again.

i talked with Pankoki about it ingame and tested to see if it was just a script error in my charater sheet, but nope no luck i do loose the 2d6 damage and get +2 instead, tried it out in the undead in broken and did'nt damage more then 17 as the best.

my damage being 1d6+4 (rapier)+ 1d6 enchantment and the +2 precise skrike, that should have been 2d6

so what ever you did the last time please do that again :)



Re: Duelist bugged after update again
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2006, 11:10:29 pm »
This was fixed.