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Author Topic: AutoXp turns off after possession of familiar  (Read 863 times)


AutoXp turns off after possession of familiar
« on: January 10, 2013, 08:24:45 pm »
Description: When I am login as Celador, I usually get bored and have a conversation with myself (pixie) and if I possess her and then un-possess my autoxp stops working.

Location: 2 locations. This happened in Hlint  and Blackford Outskirts (West)

Verified: No- Redeemer was on the first time he happened but, we thought it was a one off situation and he turned it back on.

Reproducable: Uncertain. It has only happened twice but, each time it was after possessing my familiar.  


Re: AutoXp turns off after possession of familiar
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2013, 08:50:22 pm »
It looks like this does not deactivate AutoXP in an administrative sense.  Likely what's happening is that the recurring blip that applies the XP got destroyed or detached as a result of the possession.  If this is the case, relogging should restore your flow of XP.  There's no need to flag down a GM for this.

Bear in mind also that there are in-game conditions that can temporarily disrupt the flow of XP through this system. This is by design. I don't know what you did or didn't do, but there are cases where AutoXP can stop temporarily depending on what you may be (nor not be) doing.   Also, allow at least 10 minutes to go by to be certain the XP is truly not being applied.


Re: AutoXp turns off after possession of familiar
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2013, 08:55:03 pm »
Actually, upon further review, Celador's AutoXP expired yesterday.  It's only active for a RL week at a time. GMs can change the reward amount during that time, but it does expire.

Bear in mind, everyone this is not a permanent thing once you start getting it. GMs will hit dish it out as a reward, but it will time out eventually.


Re: AutoXp turns off after possession of familiar
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2013, 09:00:25 pm »
This happened last night while in Blackford Castle I used the remembering orb before I logged out and I was under the same assumption that it would fix it self with the next login. In an attempt to restore the flow I rested and then ported from West Server to Central Server in hopes that would reset the auto xp.

That didn't work so I went back to West and I have been engaged with CB in RP by the campfire In Center for about an hour and it hasn't sorted out yet.

I'm going to log off again and wait 10 minutes and log back in and see if that works. If not really no big deal. I can wait until i'm awarded for good RP again.


Re: AutoXp turns off after possession of familiar
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2013, 09:05:59 pm »
Ahh! That bit I didn't think about. O.o

Since I been awarded with RP xp quite a few times so for the last week it has just being on going.

Thanks for the added research Dorg! :)  And appreciate the quick response!