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Author Topic: Enchanted Mithril Full Plate - Bug?  (Read 503 times)


Enchanted Mithril Full Plate - Bug?
« on: February 15, 2008, 04:15:51 am »
Bug Report

Description:Enchanted Mithril Full Plate has all the typical enchanted mithril boons, yet is only a +3 armor, while all the other Enchanted Mithril armors are +4. Could this be an oversight?

Location: In game item.

Verified: I have the item on me and have another to verify it should be +4.

Reproducable: It dropped, so it should be the same on the palette. Although I have not tried to Ox it, I doubt it'll change to +4.


Re: Enchanted Mithril Full Plate - Bug?
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2008, 08:42:05 am »
Since its in the pallette, there is no danger in oxing it first. I recommend doing that first.


Re: Enchanted Mithril Full Plate - Bug?
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2008, 09:52:08 am »
I Ox'ed the thing and it's still +3. Guess it's an oversight that should be fixed if there's time.


Re: Enchanted Mithril Full Plate - Bug?
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2008, 10:34:03 am »
What are the other Mithril items that are +4?  Sometimes it's not just a matter of the AC bonus but other properties.  By comparing them all, only then can we determine what is an "oversight" and what, if anything, needs to be fixed.


Re: Enchanted Mithril Full Plate - Bug?
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2008, 10:45:25 am »
All enchanted mithril items are +4, chain mail and halfplate at least, I am fairly certain that all other enchanted mithril armors are too


Re: Enchanted Mithril Full Plate - Bug?
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2008, 11:00:07 am »
Quote from: Pibemanden
All enchanted mithril items are +4, chain mail and halfplate at least, I am fairly certain that all other enchanted mithril armors are too

These I've had in posession and are +4. It makes no sense for the full plate to be +3, though if someone has any other type of enchanted mithril armor, please state whether it's +3 or +4.


Re: Enchanted Mithril Full Plate - Bug?
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2008, 11:47:44 am »


Re: Enchanted Mithril Full Plate - Bug?
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2008, 10:40:03 pm »
I reviewed these and I think the discrepancy in the AC bonus between full plate and the other armors is that full plate has 10/+3 DR, but the others have 5/- Bludgeoning/Piercing/Slashing DR.  So looking at all the properties of these items and not just the AC bonus, it makes a bit more sense.

Looking closer, it may actually be the half-plate that "buggy" because it lacks the +3 to Discipline that all the other enchanted mithril armors possess.


Re: Enchanted Mithril Full Plate - Bug?
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2008, 02:38:41 am »
Well to be honest, the full plate is bad as it is and taking off even the extra +1 AC will make it even worse in comparison to the regular mithril full plate. So I'd recommend to bump it up to +4 and perhaps fix the discipline thing too then. That kind of slipped past me.

Anyway thank you Dorganath for looking into this.


Re: Enchanted Mithril Full Plate - Bug?
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2008, 08:18:38 am » is the full plate "bad"?


Re: Enchanted Mithril Full Plate - Bug?
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2008, 10:09:27 am »
Bad in the sense that considering the level where you can actually wear the armor, the damage reduction is par useless. Most things will surpass it and while grouping, stoneskin is just as good.

So for any frontliner damage resistance becomes far more valuable since it works always.

This has always been the problem with full plates, but decreasing the AC bonus just because it is 10/+3 instead of 5/+3 is not a good enough reason. At level 31 (the req. level of the item) everything and their hump has a butter knife that can overcome it.

So far it has been the individuals choice whether he wants the resistances or reduction, but 10/+3 is definitely not good enough to keep the AC bonus low too. Were it 10/+5, then it would be a whole other story.

Sum it up: it's not bad per stats, but bad considering its uses.


Re: Enchanted Mithril Full Plate - Bug?
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2008, 01:38:31 am »
I did this on purpose. Now, a very simple thing you could fault me with is that enchanted mithril should be 'enchanted' mithril across the board. That is, they should all be +4.
 As I mentioned in the other recent post by Sall on armors, I honestly don't think it benefits anything in NWN balance doing it like this. If you defaulted every enchanted mithril armor to the same magical stats, we would have people only wearing one of two types of enchanted mithril. One of those two would be full plate.
 There's an argument that all ore qualities should be the same. The other side of the coin I would offer for consideration is that we're also trying to promote diversity within the community. The NWN/ DnD AC system offers us only so much. I can do the balancing dance conversation until my fingers and eyes start to bleed on why certain armor types need a little love, but let's just go with these simple ideals for now: 1) Look at the armor ac/dex ac numbers on every armor type. In theoretical power it goes clothing, full plate, padded, then onto the rest and ends with rather unfortunate armors with terrible bonuses on both sides. 2) Look at the stat investments, all the higher levels that would be looking at things like enchanted mithril bonuses know what exactly we can do with stat investments and distribution. Full plate equates to easy choices and more free slots for distribution. And on top of that it gives a +1 AC advantage over all other AC potentials in armor outside of padded! Honestly, I deem this balancing madness.
 So I tried to add individual flair on each armor type to give them individual incentives so that characters can consider not going for the almighty instant +9 AC. Different DR types based on what I could best muster on how the actual construction of the armor peices would offer.
 The argument can go both ways. But yes, full plate is +3 in this instance. If I could make a minor wish I'd wish for a system that burned the four part AC to the ground and went to a dodge versus DR system where you got hit more often in 45 pounds of plate but didn't feel it as much. But I'm not talented enough to play that fiddle.
 *edit* As an aside the old version didn't have the /- DR's. Just +3's.


Re: Enchanted Mithril Full Plate - Bug?
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2008, 01:42:44 am »
Thanks for the clarification, that was the purpose of the thread in the first place, to check if it might've been an oversight.


Re: Enchanted Mithril Full Plate - Bug?
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2008, 09:21:05 am »

Your comment about going with dodge and DR for all ac reminds me of my PNP  days.  I spent  a good bit of time playing under a system called "arms law" and "claw law."  I forget what company made the system up, but it was pretty good.  Your ac was Columns 1 (clothing) through 20 (full plate) and then you had a attack modifier based on your ability to evade attack.  Each weapon had it's own attach table and different weapons were effective against different columns.   For instances, a rapier could rip up someone who was column 1 but was relatively ineffective against column 20.  If you exceeded a certain threshold on the column, it was a critical hit and you rerolled on the appropriate critical hit table (piercing, slashing, bludgeoning, etc.)

Your attack modifier was a percentile that you added to your attack roll.  The tables also had built in fumble results.  The fumble threshold depended on the complexity of using the weapon.   If you fumbled, you rolled on the fumble table and results could range from hurting a comrade, to hurting yourself or dropping or breaking your weapon.

Overall it was a pretty nice system.

gilshem ironstone

Re: Enchanted Mithril Full Plate - Bug?
« Reply #14 on: October 19, 2010, 08:06:47 am »
Sounds like Role Master.  They had amazing critical hit descriptions.

Quote from: Crunch

Your comment about going with dodge and DR for all ac reminds me of my PNP  days.  I spent  a good bit of time playing under a system called "arms law" and "claw law."  I forget what company made the system up, but it was pretty good.  Your ac was Columns 1 (clothing) through 20 (full plate) and then you had a attack modifier based on your ability to evade attack.  Each weapon had it's own attach table and different weapons were effective against different columns.   For instances, a rapier could rip up someone who was column 1 but was relatively ineffective against column 20.  If you exceeded a certain threshold on the column, it was a critical hit and you rerolled on the appropriate critical hit table (piercing, slashing, bludgeoning, etc.)

Your attack modifier was a percentile that you added to your attack roll.  The tables also had built in fumble results.  The fumble threshold depended on the complexity of using the weapon.   If you fumbled, you rolled on the fumble table and results could range from hurting a comrade, to hurting yourself or dropping or breaking your weapon.

Overall it was a pretty nice system.

