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Author Topic: Fishing Weapon Ineffective  (Read 418 times)


Fishing Weapon Ineffective
« on: May 08, 2005, 07:17:00 pm »
All of a sudden my long time fishing items are no longer working.  I use a Oak Shortbow with fishing arrows.  I was able to catch a trout with them but when I tried to get Herring and Bass it said my weapon was ineffective.  I have never had a problem before and it just started this evening.

Also it seems like the more fish I eat the hungier I get, cooked fish mind you.

Talan Va'lash

RE: Fishing Weapon Ineffective
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2005, 08:45:00 pm »
The fish.. um... deposits?  are supposed to have a certain amount of DR.  I forget if its 3 or 5...

But, I noticed that some dont have the DR while the majority do.  One that I specifically noticed that doesnt have it is Trout.  (and maybe pike)

Edit: oh yeah, and the hunger thing... Fish seem to be filling you up about as much as a raspberry currently.  Likely has to do with the fish specific fillets.  I had trout and pike, they currently have 1 charge and are less filling than they were previous to the last update.


RE: Fishing Weapon Ineffective
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2005, 09:01:00 pm »
They are indeed less filling, we are trying to make cooking mean something (pies, breads, or better).


RE: Fishing Weapon Ineffective
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2005, 09:21:00 pm »
The DRs are fine but why would I be able to fish bass and herring in the morning and then this evening not be able to.  Weapon ineffective?  Oak Shortbow (+1) and fishing arrows.

Fish being less filling is fine but right now it seems like the more you eat the hungier you are.  I ate 6 fish this evening and still no effect on my hunger.  I have been eating herring, trout , carp and bass.


RE: Fishing Weapon Ineffective
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2005, 03:50:00 am »
Some special coding is used to prevent magical and other attacks on the fish.  This sets the fish school to plot.  It sounds like you just had a coincidence of pools that for some reason or another were not retoggled to not be plot.

The fish should have more charges on them actually for the better ones and that was fixed.