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Author Topic: Umberhulks Confusing Themselves  (Read 78 times)


Umberhulks Confusing Themselves
« on: May 08, 2009, 04:48:34 pm »
Description: I was testing out my new helm vs. mind spells in the umberhulk cave east of Haven and noticed that the umberhulks were confusing each other with their stare attacks.  This would be highly unlikely to occur naturally, as species with gaze attacks are typically immune to their own abilities.  Otherwise Basilisks and Medusa would never be able to mate, and all we'd see of them were amorous statues.  I suggest the easiest way to fix this would be to alter the Umberhulk span from the original template creature into a new one which was immune to mind effects, as they are insectoid and vermin-like.  As it is now, they are attacking each other or just standing there as much as they are the players.  

Also, I would limit the times per day of their stare attacks down to perhaps 2 attempts per umberhulk, on par with what gazing snakes do.  Right now they just stand there and stare stare stare and dont really attack unless you attack them.  This makes them highly ineffective at hunting, especially against those with mindblank or high will saves who they never attack of their own volition.  Keeping the stares limited to 2 per hulk per day would get the confusion effect out there, and then they could swarm in for the kill.

Location: Caves east of Haven (Alindor's Demise I think?)


Reproducible: should effect the Umberhulk creature template used in Alindor's demise, not sure if that's stock or not.  I suggest replacing them with more effective versions as I don't think stock creatures can be altered.
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Re: Umberhulks Confusing Themselves
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2009, 12:13:10 am »
Fixed for the next update, but don't complain too much about the side-effects. :)


Re: Umberhulks Confusing Themselves
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2009, 12:28:26 am »
ta da duummm