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Author Topic: not logging in at last save (rest) point  (Read 50 times)


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not logging in at last save (rest) point
« on: September 09, 2005, 12:10:00 pm »
This was a bug from a while ago that I reported and I think Orth fixed.  It seems very odd that it would resurface.  Here's the layout.

-I came from central (Hurm to Leilon).

-Dropped off stuff in my house in Leilon and rested to save.

-Gathered clay and sand in lake Palden.

-Went to Hlint worked clay and bought more shovels.

-Went through desert to get more sand.

-Worked sand in Port Hampshire and then rested to save.

-Purchased polishing oil and grabbed normal gem setting tool from venders and bank chest in Hampshire.

-Polished 6 Topaz's and then went to leave the craft hall.

-As I was in the middle of the transition the server timed out.

-Upon logging in, everthing up to the second resting point was fine:  I had the right number of sand bags on my person as well as the right number of molds and had 6 unpolished topaz's.  Also, everthing deposited in my house was still there as well.  However, I was in the Leilon Dock area as if i just ported from Hurm?  Also, I lost my gemsetting tool that was in the chest (not a big deal as I'll just buy another).

I just wanted to post this for awareness and am curious if someone else experienced this?


RE: not logging in at last save (rest) point
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2005, 02:52:00 pm »
Safeguard added to prevent this in next update.

