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Author Topic: Bug deep within the new Great Spikes area  (Read 156 times)


Bug deep within the new Great Spikes area
« on: November 18, 2008, 06:32:44 pm »
Just making a thread here for tracking purposes, pm'ed Chongo the details...


Re: Bug deep within the new Great Spikes area
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2008, 07:30:18 pm »
1) Safe rest not working.  Noted - it's a bug, I'll fix it.  Dorg - is there a way to make an area no-rest but put in a safe rest zone for a particular spot?  I thought the script would overwrite the area rest details (my assumption, my fault).  They're in shoulder-height water and I want to put a safe rest on a lone land mass.  Lemme know if you have a chance.  ;)

2) Definitely not a bug and working as intended.  There are multiple PC warnings and PC messages that describe what you're getting yourself into and why things are the way they are.  Hopefully folks read them and were as terrified as they are supposed to be!  Key word being vertigo.  You're moderately insane to make that swim given the warnings...


Re: Bug deep within the new Great Spikes area
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2008, 08:36:13 pm »
Quote from: Chongo
1) Safe rest not working.  Noted - it's a bug, I'll fix it.  Dorg - is there a way to make an area no-rest but put in a safe rest zone for a particular spot?  I thought the script would overwrite the area rest details (my assumption, my fault).  They're in shoulder-height water and I want to put a safe rest on a lone land mass.  Lemme know if you have a chance.  ;)

As far as I know, there is no way to override how Bioware handles the "No rest" flag for an area.  

In Layonara vernacular, a "safe rest" zone is one where the normal resting intervals don't apply, meaning you don't have to wait your level-based time interval before resting again.  It does not really imply mechanical "safety" nor does it override the module property.

If this is what you want to do, what we'd probably need is a custom trigger that prevents rest while inside the boundaries. In other words, make the area OK for resting but exclude certain parts of it.


Re: Bug deep within the new Great Spikes area
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2008, 10:15:05 pm »
Might be best to just make that lone area rest welcome and assume folks will know not to sleep underwater.  Thanks for the clarification Dorg.


Re: Bug deep within the new Great Spikes area
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2008, 10:24:50 am »
Quote from: Chongo
1) Safe rest not working.  Noted - it's a bug, I'll fix it.  Dorg - is there a way to make an area no-rest but put in a safe rest zone for a particular spot?  I thought the script would overwrite the area rest details (my assumption, my fault).  They're in shoulder-height water and I want to put a safe rest on a lone land mass.  Lemme know if you have a chance.  ;)

If you are doing this, may I suggest to make the tunnels before that no rest, since you are actually resting below water as it is now. Just for consistancy :)

Quote from: Chongo
2) Definitely not a bug and working as intended.  There are multiple PC warnings and PC messages that describe what you're getting yourself into and why things are the way they are.  Hopefully folks read them and were as terrified as they are supposed to be!  Key word being vertigo.  You're moderately insane to make that swim given the warnings...

Hehe, I guess it was just because it was getting late and we really hoped we could find some way out to the open from there. So we figured going for a swim would maybe take us to some other dry land(Which it eventually did, but not what we expected) guess we were fooled by our beliefs in a tunnel leading outside, but it was all fun untill we got so confused that we couldn't find the exit again.
Being sure that the area is working as intended I am still going to ask for maybe adding some sort of possibility to be smart and mark your way through the tunnel so that you can return to the other end of it without too much confusion in case the party is running out of time.


Re: Bug deep within the new Great Spikes area
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2008, 10:54:45 am »
Quote from: Pibemanden
Being sure that the area is working as intended I am still going to ask for maybe adding some sort of possibility to be smart and mark your way through the tunnel so that you can return to the other end of it without too much confusion in case the party is running out of time.

Nope.  It's going to stay as it is.  If there are creatures in there clever enough to lure victims with glittering treasures under the water, then they're clever enough to move markers.  All I can really recommend is that you keep your eyes open, keep that tab key looking around, and make sure to read through those PC messages.  

I appreciate your suggestions, but the truth of it is that you folks were the first to head into an area set that hinges heavily on group behavior.  The way NWN is set up, we get used to the mechanics of spawns and transitions and things that are very static.  When success hinges on group behavior, the first true explorers are often at a loss since they need to work together (very quickly) to develop a group system outside of the rest, buff, head to the spawns you know are here, here, and here... rest, buff, repeat.  And this is hard.  Especially for the first explorers.  But hey, you're the first - and you get the good and the bad with that.


Re: Bug deep within the new Great Spikes area
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2008, 10:59:55 am »
Quote from: Chongo
Nope.  It's going to stay as it is.  If there are creatures in there clever enough to lure victims with glittering treasures under the water, then they're clever enough to move markers.  All I can really recommend is that you keep your eyes open, keep that tab key looking around, and make sure to read through those PC messages.  

I appreciate your suggestions, but the truth of it is that you folks were the first to head into an area set that hinges heavily on group behavior.  The way NWN is set up, we get used to the mechanics of spawns and transitions and things that are very static.  When success hinges on group behavior, the first true explorers are often at a loss since they need to work together (very quickly) to develop a group system outside of the rest, buff, head to the spawns you know are here, here, and here... rest, buff, repeat.  And this is hard.  Especially for the first explorers.  But hey, you're the first - and you get the good and the bad with that.

Don't worry Chongo, the area is awesome, it was the bugged resting isle (and lack of will to sleep underwater, which put an additional time restraint on us) that made the area seem like a hopeless maze.

We'll get it next time ;)


Re: Bug deep within the new Great Spikes area
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2008, 11:37:13 am »
Quote from: s0ulz
Don't worry Chongo, the area is awesome, it was the bugged resting isle (and lack of will to sleep underwater, which put an additional time restraint on us) that made the area seem like a hopeless maze.

We'll get it next time ;)

I agree with Soul here :) Great area and well we will see how it goes next time we get there ;)


Re: Bug deep within the new Great Spikes area
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2008, 11:51:30 am »
I agree great area!  

But I was to busy trying to keep Emie alive and worrying about logging off somewhere safe so I could get my daughter to read the little text that comes up on the right side. :D