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Author Topic: Shifting and Spell Loss - CLOSED  (Read 282 times)


Shifting and Spell Loss - CLOSED
« on: March 27, 2007, 08:35:46 pm »
I've been working out the details of this for a couple of days. Here's the skinny.
Wilwarin is a druid who wears a ring and a belt to push his Wisdom to 20. When he shifts into cheetah, I get an indicator that his wisdom is buffed (like when you have owl's up) even though it doesn't change (20 shifted and un-shifted). When he shifts back to elf form, he loses a 1st level and a 5th level spell. They are there listed as memorized when he is in cheetah form, they are memorized before he shifts, but as soon as he unshifts... they vanish. Becomes a bit frustrating when you bounce back and forth between forms to cast spells and such.

Thanks, Redhawk


Re: Shifting and Spell Loss
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2007, 08:48:32 pm »
Yeah, this is pretty much how it works though.  Thank Bioware for that.

If it makes you feel any better, CHA-based casters like Sorcerers and Bards will progressively lose more and more spells as CHA enhancing jewelry is removed and re-equipped or when CHA buffs wear off.

Yay Bioware! :(


Re: Shifting and Spell Loss
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2007, 08:49:23 pm »
Not sure, but I suspect this is a bioware issue.  What I do is allways cast the 5th level druid spell "Owls insight"  It gives you  druid level/2 bonus to your WIS stat and lasts for 1 hr/level.  The second level spell owls wisdom will also work, but does not last as long.  These spells will protect your spells when shifting back into "Elf shape" as I call it. :)



Re: Shifting and Spell Loss
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2007, 08:50:06 pm »
this isnt a bug
when you shift yes it shows your spells as being memorized cause they are
but when you shift your belt ring weapons and all items equipped become part of your cheetah form
your weapon your claws and teeth your armor your skin etc
as such your paws cant wear a ring and as such cant use that item
and you see this in the right window
same as your belt
yes your score doesnt change
but for the instant you shift back to your main form you dont have the ring on or the belt on until they are reshifted back into their natural state
therefore your spells are what you have without the boost


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Re: Shifting and Spell Loss
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2007, 09:29:56 pm »
After observing how spell slots are granted and then summarily used up via a wizard's spellbook with all the same spell in the slots, I determined that it's due to the fact that while spells are used up from left to right, new slots are granted at the rightmost end of the slots.  Which means that whenever you lose a slot for any reason, unless you've already cast all of the spells from that spell level, you're losing an unused slot.


Re: Shifting and Spell Loss
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2007, 11:23:12 pm »
Thanks for the replies. yeah, I'm learning to deal with it. I just hoped (i know hope is pointless :)) that it was a correctable bug. Redhawk


Re: Shifting and Spell Loss
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2007, 03:37:24 pm »
Bug Report
The character looses spellslots when experinced a fall in his or hers main caster stat.
 Location:  N/A

 Reproducable:  Yes, But not a Bug.

