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Author Topic: A few Questions....  (Read 124 times)


A few Questions....
« on: May 02, 2007, 05:29:43 am »
Hopefully someone can help to solve the following.
Two of my characters, Ward and Kuguar Deepvein died before the switch.  I have logged on, rested them, re-bound them and tried everything to put their souls at rest.  For some reason they just won't recover. Is there a solution for this?

Also, regarding Kuguar, he is listed as Scorpio-Maxwell's character on the approved character list.  He should have been placed one owner down :-)

Lastly, I developed a character Savon Strongarm while in the US.  Is it possible to have it transferred to my account and how is this done?




Re: A few Questions....
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2007, 05:36:18 am »
1) You need to get a GM to GM kill your characters and then raise them to fix the problem.

2) Whoever deals with the character approvals chart should be able to fix that

3) Sorry, there's currently a 'no character moving' policy in effect in Layonara. Moving characters between accounts isn't something done on Layonara as far as I know . Sorry :(


Re: A few Questions....
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2007, 05:44:45 am »
Lynn is correct on all those points. I would also like to add that on point no 1. that sometimes killing and raising sometimes does not help. I have seen this happen on a  few occasions. Sometimes it may require an edit in the database which is done by Dorganath in the disputes section.  On other occasions it could be because of something to do with the gravestone....


Re: A few Questions....
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2007, 05:51:55 am »
The transferring of characters has been done more than once, actually. I believe it's no longer being approved because of the time consuming nature of ensuring it keeps all its persistent factors.


Re: A few Questions....
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2007, 08:34:49 am »
Quote from: LynnJuniper
3) Sorry, there's currently a 'no character moving' policy in effect in Layonara. Moving characters between accounts isn't something done on Layonara as far as I know . Sorry :(

Quote from: Acacea
The transferring of characters has been done more than once, actually. I believe it's no longer being approved because of the time consuming nature of ensuring it keeps all its persistent factors.

These are both correct.

By a similar token, we don't restore characters that have been requested for deletion either.

I know that wasn't asked really, but it's good to know all the same. :)


Re: A few Questions....
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2007, 04:49:41 pm »
Thanks all!

Alas poor Savon...I knew him well *Sniffs*.

Thanks for sorting that out for me.  Hopefully I can get Ward and Kuguar sorted out...then I will be set!


Re: A few Questions....
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2007, 05:35:34 pm »
Just realised I can log into the account I made in the US...Savon LIVES!