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Author Topic: Wide Eyes and Grabby Hands  (Read 235 times)


Wide Eyes and Grabby Hands
« on: August 26, 2007, 11:22:36 pm »
Folks, I know that new stuff is pretty exciting.  I also know that the fact that there's been a slight shift in magic level is a rather enticing proposition for adventure.

There's nothing wrong with this.  The excitement is a good thing and the increase in adventure is a good thing.

But, let's keep the spirit of things going.  And hey, I get wide eyes too, so don't think I'm declaring myself the official angel of Layonara.  Yet there seems to be some pretty mindless interactions going on, and I know that everyone that's a part of them can do better.

An example of this would be when a GM initiates a fairly significant plot level impromptu... don't kill the creature and continue in debating the loot drops, what was found, and getting out your dice.  On a scale of 1 to 10 on improper playstyle, I call this an 8.  "Whoa, a rift has opened and a shadow of reality has emerged... and we killed it... 1d100 for the boots then guys?"

I understand situational levels of roleplay: someone has to go, you're tired, it's bedtime, whatever...

But let's not make this the trend.

You are 100% wasting your life if you let the wide eyes dictate your time on Layonara.  When it's all said and done, at some point you've seen it all, you're level 40, you've seen and had every item, you've seen and killed every creature... what do you have left?  The community, and good conversation.

"Less is more." (HB)

I struggle to fully embrace this concept at times myself, but it's certainly something that we should all be trying at with some vigor.

Fun fun, see you in there.
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Re: Wide Eyes and Grabby Hands
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2007, 11:34:43 pm »
Shadow of Reality? Awww crud. You know in light of recent Rhynnish events thats just going to make her even more paranoid.


Re: Wide Eyes and Grabby Hands
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2007, 01:18:33 am »
I wholeheartedly agree with you Chongo. What you said is the exact reason why I don't play WoW or any of the other MMORPG's for that matter.

Story, folks. Story.

Create and discover meaningful moments; don't horde and scramble for meaningless junk. (please forgive the preachiness of that statement and simply take it at face value :p  )


Re: Wide Eyes and Grabby Hands
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2007, 01:36:54 am »
Quote from: Chongo
When it's all said and done, at some point you've seen it all, you're level 40, you've seen and had every item, you've seen and killed every creature... what do you have left?
Quote from: mitltonyorkcastle
[/FONT] Story, folks. Story.
Create and discover meaningful moments;
I think these two statements  really sum it all up. What makes Layonara intriguing is the character interactions and the stories that players make up amongst themselves rather than just have a continent crawl every day. Please consider giving the world an atmosphere.. one for all of us to remember.


Re: Wide Eyes and Grabby Hands
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2007, 01:48:56 am »
Junk is worthless. I have power gamed characters in the past but now I just want to roleplay, and I'm let down by the lack of people.

Oh well, right? Layo is old.


Re: Wide Eyes and Grabby Hands
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2007, 03:39:23 am »
A bit negative, that.  I've not seen anything less than 3 people online (barring server resets), and usually a lot more.

However, one other person is enough for RP.

If you're after some RP, I think it's well within the bounds of propriety to contact one of those who are online (particularly if they're someone your character already knows) and say "I'm in the mood to RP some.  Up for it?"  It may seem a bit contrived, but wandering around hundreds of areas looking for spontaneous RP is a bit optimistic even with thirty people online.

Regardless, I've seen some really good RP in recent days.  I'm sure the community can keep it up (and not let some massive RP opportunities slip by.)

Edit: addendum

Despite some doomsayers, there have been 135 different Bioware users in-game in the last week, and 189 characters.  This sounds less like "no one's on" and more like "I'm not trying". ;)

All I know is, whenever I sign on as a GM and look to find someone (or someones) whose Layonara experience I can add to (and who invariably makes it worthwhile for me to do so), I'm spoiled for choice. :)  Keep it up, people!


Re: Wide Eyes and Grabby Hands
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2007, 03:56:19 am »
8-bit is inherently negative ever since he decided that while he's not going to play, he is happy to post with fantastic knowledge of the current workings in game.  Don't take it to heart darkstorme.

Come on 8.



Re: Wide Eyes and Grabby Hands
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2007, 07:31:51 am »
8-Bit, come on man. You are on your 4th (?) or 5th (?) cycle of "leaving Layonara" and this latest one is after during your GM interviews a few months ago (and subsequent acceptance to be a GM) you outright told those interviewing you and me that you would not rinse and repeat the "leaving" cycle. Not a few months after joining the team you did it again and when you did you stated "I am sure it is no surprise"...And yet...You are still posting here in the forums about how things work or don't work, how we don't have enough players (though we had 30-40 logged on through the weekend, at least during the times I looked which admittedly was only a few times) and all of that sort of silly stuff. If you don't want to play Layonara (and clearly you do not) then it is time to move along and not post this kind of stuff, that is called trolling.


Re: Wide Eyes and Grabby Hands
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2007, 07:36:14 am »
Come on Leanthar. 8bit is only responding to the topic of the thread , which is a little negative to start with, and with good and valid reason. I was in  that group of people last night. I mean seriously, who ignores a GM quest in favor of loot? You have to alteast admit that is sad, and in doing that admit that 8bit has a point. I've expressed this feeling over the last few weeks and I'm still here. Others have expressed it and they're obviously still here.

Don't get down about the negative attitude some of us have sometimes Leanthar, but be proud in knowing that atleast, the good outweighs the bad.

You have a server that people can't help returning to/staying with no matter what little problems we have. I think that pretty much says all I want to.

Then again, I have a nasty little habit of picking up for friends no matter what. I guess that's loyalty for you.


Re: Wide Eyes and Grabby Hands
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2007, 09:31:09 am »
"...Don't get down about the negative attitude some of us have sometimes Leanthar..."
 Negative attitude...Yeah, sadly that is what I am seeing the most of over the past six months or so. Don't get down? Right...
 I don't take kindly to people who do not play here any more but still feel like they know what is going on and come in here to post their trolling and inflammatory comments (with a clear cut purpose and this community knows it, deep down they know it). That is not directed at 8bit as he doesn't really do that and I was surprised to see the post by him (and thus why I stated what I did above and unless I am mistaken I certainly have that right). But rather other "friends" of a few in the community that HATE and bad mouth the server, the team, and the community in all sorts of ways (including behind the scenes in disgusting and despicable ways) that do not even play here any more. These trolls (for indeed that is what they are) do it with the support of "friends" here in the community and indeed those that still play do their own little "tricks" to keep things down or mean spirited; in the hopes of spreading poison.
 I am sick of certain individuals posting in what is normally positive posts about how people in the community should not "rah rah" or "support" the teams or the world; or say good things about various parts of the world/teams that is liked. Sick of it. I think it is disgusting and I think it is a very bad human trait. If one doesn't like something one should walk away, or not read it, ignore it or whatever. In real-life if somebody comes in to a business or store or personal house and does some of the things these individuals do and say in the forums they would be escorted off the premises in a not friendly way. On top of that they would be shunned and made sure they were not allowed back...why is it different online? Simple, anonymity. A rare few think they do not still need to be human beings and it also causes their bad traits to be magnified. Heck if this sort of thing happened in real-life to you (say one of your friends did it in ways that a few of these people have done) I am quite sure one would just walk away and chalk it up as a learning experience and that individual would no longer be a friend. The bad human trait people though would then continue to bad mouth those old friends behind their back. Now...many of these very same people are good people at heart, they just do not know what they are doing, or they refuse to see what they are doing...these people have a lot of maturing to do and some day in life I hope it happens...for their sake. Or these people do not care and are indeed just bad people, I think that is more rare than the "immaturity" path or the "growing up" path...or at least I hope that is true.
 Teams need support, communities need support, friends (true friends) need support. They do not need people unloading vile and disgusting words or trash talk behind the scenes in a way that is clearly intended to weaken what so many do know and love. People that do this sort of thing are just poisonous snakes looking to spread their poison in any way they can. Or another way to look at it is a "bad apple" in a bushel of apples that is rotting the other apples in that same basket and magnifying the problem as more apples rot; the rot just spreads like a bad disease.
 Again, this is not directed at 8-Bit in any way at all. Out of the people that tend to have issues with the server he is one of those that tends to also support where he feels he should and he also speaks out when he feels he needs to in a caring way. He tends to do things in constructive ways and that is what a community needs, online or in real-life. That post above was created due to me being surprised to see that sort of post from him. This post has nothing to do with him in any way. It is coming from my heart to say I am sick of the poisonous snakes in the grass.
 If this community wants a good server then it is time this community sticks up for it. Enough is enough if you ask me and it has been enough for a long time. Stick up for the teams, stick up for the world, stick up for the community, get rid of the poisonous snakes or bad apples as it is them that destroy good things. That is a fact in online communities and it is a fact in real-life.
 Just like in real-life people should not do what they don't like, just leave or walk away. Just like in real-life people should not talk about people behind their backs, it is a bad human trait that needs to be conquered or one will not go very far in life. Just like in real-life if you don't have something nice to say or something constructive (and worded constructively) don't say anything at all; you will go much further in life.
 Sorry for unloading. I am locking this thread as I have just brought it completely off topic and I am quite sure a few of these individuals that are the snakes and/or bad apples I am speaking about will have nothing positive or constructive to say and will indeed protect their "friends", actions, or comments/posts. If you don't like the server and/or community then leave. If you like the server and community then stick up for it. Simple as that.