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Author Topic: A quick request for community help: favorite nwn content  (Read 415 times)


A quick request for community help: favorite nwn content
« on: May 24, 2011, 11:42:54 am »
I am looking for a list of this community's favorite content, from overrides to modules. Please include links so that the content can be found and applied.

For instance, I love the hands override, and Acacea listed some of her favs here:
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A quick request for community help: favorite nwn content
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2011, 01:04:02 pm »

gilshem ironstone

Re: A quick request for community help: favorite nwn content
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2011, 01:14:05 pm »
If the effect of the overrides could be described in layman's terms too, that would be awesome for morons like myself.


Re: A quick request for community help: favorite nwn content
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2011, 02:18:41 pm »
Quote from: miltonyorkcastle
Please include links so that the content can be found and applied.

Applied how?  Personally or for everyone?

I'm asking because there's a great place a line should be drawn between required and optional, and that line is between the world and the character.

For example, I hate the hand override and would be unhappy if I were required to use it.  Don't force me to see something superficial and aesthetic I don't want to see on my character when overrides work perfectly well, allowing choice.


Re: A quick request for community help: favorite nwn content
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2011, 02:45:20 pm »
I've never used much custom content, I have the hands override, but I don't think they're suited for melee characters. They looked fine on my wizards, but with Hardragh I prefer balled up fists, wrapped in something protective. The hand override I have allows a little of both though I believe.


Re: A quick request for community help: favorite nwn content
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2011, 03:37:52 pm »
Quote from: miltonyorkcastle
from overrides to modules

Quote from: miltonyorkcastle
so that the content can be found and applied.

What do you mean by applied? Are these just general recommendations? I've been trolling the vault for fifty billion years so I have an awful lot, but there isn't a lot that is easily incorporated into anything. I tried to limit the linked thread to only content in that current year, so the list is much longer :)

Modules - Adam Miller's everything (really mostly Demon, creature cards originated here), Honor Among Thieves, Bone Kenning I: Art of the Thanaturge (probably non-functional), Rose of Eternity modules 1 & 2, uhh... DLA's premium module, Ossian's would-have-been premium module, yeah okay anyway it's been awhile, the overlooked module report is supposed to have some gems in it but it's been a long time since I could sit through a module...

I have probably a hundred links bookmarked at home for various uses, heh. Some are little and silly and some are just appealing to my tileset addiction (anything by sixesthrice is amazing but there are a lot that have fallen through the cracks)... reskins and systems...
AmethystDragon has a gigantic portfolio, pretty much anything by Helvene is tiny but useful, the CC challenges in the last few months have been entertaining, blah blah yeah just wondering what the idea is. We could go back to Sunjammer!

Edited for some links on my lunch, and also I quoted the wrong part.


Re: A quick request for community help: favorite nwn content
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2011, 04:59:43 pm »
Nothing on this list would become mandatory. The list is going to show up on LORE as Layo community favs on a Downloads page so that every time people want to find the cool upgrades for NWN, they don't have to do a search through these forums or the NWN community site. We'll have a nice one-page location to quickly access the favorite overrides (with a nice disclaimer expressing that these are optional and that we cannot guarantee any of them will work properly with our current hak configuration).


Re: A quick request for community help: favorite nwn content
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2011, 07:17:52 pm »
I can see the use for favorite override packages to apply to Layo, but isn't hak/module/script/creature and so on not really related? That's why I was wondering, is all!


Re: A quick request for community help: favorite nwn content
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2011, 09:59:24 pm »
I was sort of leaving it to the community to determine what favorites they thought were related to Layo, but if something is just really useless or pointless to have on the list, it wouldn't be included. And yes, it's somewhat subjective/debatable, but I didn't think we would have too much trouble sorting through the list considering the small nature of the current community.

If it becomes an issue, I'll come up with guidelines, but really, I suppose just tell me the sorts of things you like to have installed with NWN when you're playing Layo.


Re: A quick request for community help: favorite nwn content
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2011, 10:25:17 pm »
are there any haks for healers that give one a better way to manage group health?  I'd be interested in that.


Re: A quick request for community help: favorite nwn content
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2011, 11:39:22 pm »
Quote from: RollinsCat
are there any haks for healers that give one a better way to manage group health?  I'd be interested in that.

For haks, like modules and servers, there are all kinds of things from spell tweaks to complete ruleset overhauls to bits of genius buried in forgotten modules and abandoned PWs, like team rules that grant additional effects or bonus XP when certain abilities are used together, limit breaks (only reminded because of healers going into overdrive with dying party members! Don't even remember what module that was...), visuals on characters within certain HP ranges... and so on...

But for players to use on any server, all I really know of is people altering the appearance of hp bars and the like, but I guess I never played a serious class-healer so maybe it's out there somewhere. This is a fairly popular GUI mod, but here people were saying that the whole gradient deal really didn't work as implemented, so Gulnyr posted some modified files for the HP bar specifically. And moons!

Speaking of Gulnyr, if you are using the colorized overrides, he made icons for our custom spells, too... And the sergeant stripes for the party leader crown...

If you are a wittle newbie builder, here is a good place. Most of it is still available elsewhere, but I don't know where to look for a couple items there, and it's all handy.


Re: A quick request for community help: favorite nwn content
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2011, 10:10:25 am »
Any other favorite overrides?

