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Author Topic: question...  (Read 135 times)


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    « on: June 30, 2006, 07:36:17 pm »
    Alright, my character is a woodelf, this is from the woodelf description.

    Relations with most other races are either neutral or strained at best, especially with races that do not respect the woods and cut down trees, like humans. They also hate orcs, who they’re likely to shoot on sight. As long as others stay out of their forests, the Wood Elves could care less about them.

    Does that mean if I see an orc player character I could be justified within my racial hatred to plug an arrow at them? Just curious, as it could be good role play...



    Re: question...
    « Reply #1 on: June 30, 2006, 07:40:56 pm »
    the key is role play. You may not physically attack other players. You can roll play it out, but killing players is not good. It is against server rules. There are exceptions. An arena, or with dm supervision.

    now for an official reply by someone who is... well, official.



    Re: question...
    « Reply #2 on: June 30, 2006, 08:56:02 pm »
    Also you are not allowed to run up and steal the loot of their kills, drop lightning bolts on their heads, attack their summoned creatures, try to bump into them over and over and over, follow them from town to town screaming at them, and all of the other wonderful things that have happened to Kor in the past few weeks.  You can roleplay hatred, choose not to group with somebody, speak ill of them or what have you, but when this is not World of Warcraft.  Otherwise my dwarf would have all you elves 6 feet under by sundown.

    I Feel I need to speak up on this topic a bit, seeing as how one case in the grievences forum has been ongoing for over a week and I'm about to document a few more.  No matter WHAT race a player character is, that does not give you a free pass to continually attempt to instigate PVP on a Non-PVP server.  You do not get to run up and steal from somebody because they play an orc.  You don't get to shoot lightning around their head and scream at them "You're an orc PC, get over it!".  You do not get to follow them around transition point to transition point and keep screaming "get out of my sight!" making them move when they were there 1st.  This is just griefing, as outlined in the server rules everyone was required to read before signing up here.  This stuff is plain wrong and I will not have any more of it.  I don't walk around town hitting your elf PCs with Bjorn's hammer, although many of you are starting to really tempt me.


    Re: question...
    « Reply #3 on: June 30, 2006, 09:48:50 pm »
    Good thing Nob likes Bjorn...  :)

    But too true Lonn.  I've seen many people masterfully RP hatred and loved it.  I remember some of the first Drow that were approved.  But never were they griefed, they just weren't trusted and would be continually watched, which is how it should be here for race relations.

    Plus people need to realize that adventurers by their nature are not necessarily a carbon copy of the race as a whole. they might be but most have had eye opening experiences that changed the characters outlook on other races.  Anyway this is a frequently discussed and sometimes heated topic.  

    Now if you both want to have fun about it you can always go to the Arena in Valensk and fight for your honor  ;)


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      Re: question...
      « Reply #4 on: June 30, 2006, 09:55:51 pm »
      sorry, didn't mean to strike a nerve there. If I were to instigate anything like that my uncle tells me to make sure via tell that the recipient of my racial hatred is willing to RP the moment. So.. uh, yeah. I'm going to go remake the character I just muffed up :P

      It's taking me longer to get this character right than it did to get the application approved!



      Re: question...
      « Reply #5 on: June 30, 2006, 10:28:50 pm »
      No nerve struck, it's a good question and shows you actually care about doing the right thing!


      Re: question...
      « Reply #6 on: June 30, 2006, 11:40:52 pm »
      It's cool man.  You can HATE Kor, just don't hit him in the head with anything or disobey server rules. :P

      Here's a snippet of that from the rules section found on the upper right corner of the forum.

      PvP, Pk'ing and Griefing
      PvP is the act of a player attacking another player in any form.

      PvP is not allowed on Layonara except under the following two circumstances.
      A GM supervises the PvP event. For this to occur there must be a valid, in character reason for the PvP, a GM must be contacted to request PvP (via a tell or the DM channel) and the GM must approve, and witness the PvP. All characters involved must be willing to engage in the PvP and must express this to the GM before PvP will be approved.
      You are using the PvP Arena in Fort Velensk to RP sparring, training, or some other purpose. Deaths in the PvP Arena will incur no death penalties (see Death and The Layonara Death System Explained.)
      Do not attack characters, familiars, companions or summons. Doing so will result in a warning and in some cases a three day ban on the first occurrence. The second occurrence will be an instant ban from the server.

      "I personally am not against PvP but I am against the attitudes and heated tempers that inevitably result from it."

      PK'ing is the act of killing another character. The term carries the connotation that there is no RP basis for the event.

      Unlike PvP, which is allowed under strict conditions (see above) PK'ing is never allowed on Layonara. PK'ing will result in a very stern warning and a seven day ban on the first occurrence. A second occurance warrants a permanant ban.
      Griefing is the act of intentionally causing another player emotional harm by a verbal assault. It is also the act of intentionally causing players to not be able to have fun in the world (following them and being a nuisance, blocking doorways, pick pocketing/stealing, kill stealing when asked not to, camping when asked to leave an area, being rude and obnoxious etc.)

      Griefing is not allowed on Layonara. Doing so will result in a warning and a three day ban on the first occurrence. The second occurrence will warrant a seven-day ban and the third a permanant ban from the server.
      Another form of griefing is the act of attacking NPC's or stealing from them. This is not tolerated. The consequences listed above stand for this form of griefing as well.

      "Remember, the goal of everyone here is to have fun playing his or her characters. We are all entitled to an environment that is free of harassment or unnecessary tensions amongst the players. Be respectful to your fellow players and always remember that there is indeed a person on the other side of the character. Remember to take that fact into consideration and always use common sense when dealing with others."


      Re: question...
      « Reply #7 on: July 01, 2006, 02:53:03 am »
      If I were to instigate anything like that my uncle tells me to make sure via tell that the recipient of my racial hatred is willing to RP the moment.
       Yep, that's a nice way to do it.