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Author Topic: An idea to WL and wands  (Read 335 times)


An idea to WL and wands
« on: February 15, 2008, 10:00:28 am »
WL and wands

WL gets a few wands that they can use in the game. These are given to the player because he/she shows and plays with good intentions.
And because she/he passed the WL quest.

What if a WL player has more characters? Would it be right to hand out a set of wands to each character the player has?

Comments why and why not please?
Consider administration load, low level with wands, more RP rewards to low level characters which are not running aroun with plus 20 level characters etc etc

PS: As I dont know where to put it, I hope some from the Team can place this post in the right forum.
The following users thanked this post: YoDDa, Pen N Popper


Re: An idea to WL and wands
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2008, 10:27:39 am »
This has been brought up before, and at the time I personally discussed it with Leanthar. The decision was that we don't want to do that.  

While WL status is in part an accomplishment of the player (as it has relevance on the forums and things like witnessing for disputes and such), it's tied to the accomplishments of that particular character in an in-game sense.

In my case, Connor is a WL, but my alternate character is not, and so any in-game rights and privileges of one character are not to be visited upon another.  

Lastly, as a matter of opinion, we want to see WL characters in-game, as one of the key criticisms is that no one ever sees them.  Giving the alternates of WLs the same wands would further discourage spending time in-game as the WL character, in my opinion.

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: An idea to WL and wands
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2008, 10:27:52 am »
Nope - consider that the wands are handed to a CHARACTER for his deeds. The character earns the title of World Leader, not the player.


Re: An idea to WL and wands
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2008, 10:33:20 am »
thank you for the answer

Pen N Popper

Re: An idea to WL and wands
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2008, 11:13:40 am »
Good question, Varka, thanks for asking it.  

It is hard to find an excuse to mingle with the WLs.  I often send tells around to similarly-leveled PCs to try to find adventuring companions; can't really do that with WLs.

The Crossed Blades' tournament is a good excuse to mix high levels with low.  It would be encouraging to see some WLs enter and use their wands on the younger crowd (perhaps they have already?).

XP is an addicting carrot that could (should?) be used by WLs to further their PC's worldly goals.  What makes a 25th level PC different than a 25th level WL beside the OOC title?


Re: An idea to WL and wands
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2008, 11:34:14 am »
{Begin Rant}
 I will relate a sad anedote that happens all too commonly with my WL character ..both before and after getting WL status:
 Young adventurer: I heard XYZ needs help in ridding the area of ABC but I cannot accomplish the task alone. Might I ask for your aid in this noble cause?
 Kat: Ohhh... ABC can be quite the problem. You know since (insert a bit of Bard storytelling) they have been a nuisence, I will gladly assist you on your cause.
 [Insert gathering of 2-3 more lower level PC's for the task]
 Young Adventurer : Let us set out !
 [proceeds to run directly to where the problem is with other low levels in tow even though the area is only about 5 screens or so away ]
 Kat : [Party] one would think life were a race the way people run these days
 Young Adventurer : [Party] ///this walking is getting old already, hurry up
 Kat: (while still walking and waiting for those who are trying to type and run and the truely new PC's who have little idea where they are going and need someone to follow - while dealing with the back spawns the runners leave in their wake for the slower moving party members)[Party] The bandits on these roads have surely increased ...
 (runners by this time have reached the quest giving NPC and are popping in and out of party as they all talk to the person - no IC chatter or talk about why or what or plans - just whacking everything as they go)
 Young Adventure: [Party] // Hurry up katrien x.x have to log soon
 At this point I've had it... the clearly are more interested in whacking than what Kat might bring to the group other than larger spawns. I leave party and walk back to town.
 Played differently it could have been a good romp with a story or two and some quest XP and some RP xp and critter XP.. instead ..well... to each his own.
 {End Rant}


Re: An idea to WL and wands
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2008, 03:05:33 pm »
Quote from: Pen N Popper
What makes a 25th level PC different than a 25th level WL beside the OOC title?

From my experience, the difference starts to appear if the topic about the character's past or any other lore related question is ever brought up. The "how well defined is really your character?".


Re: An idea to WL and wands
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2008, 04:15:59 pm »
From L's post on what it takes to be a WL:
 A World Leader is not just an in-game title, indeed the title in game will most assuredly be something else, and it is a title that references the player as a whole but gives benefits to the character that earned that title.
 The ability to hand out XP and to save people from being stuck on cliffs and such are like GM OOC abilities and it seems that any character the player plays should be able to do those things.  These abilities don't really benefit the WL character as they are used to benefit others.  I don't think having these wands on secondary characters would impact how often the WL character was played if they are already being played sparsely so it seems the beneftis to the population of having more opportunities for low level characters to interact and get benefits from WL alternate characters gives the idea merit.  If it would not be too much work it seems like a good idea to increase the ability of the WLs to affect other players.  My two coppers.



Re: An idea to WL and wands
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2008, 05:26:04 pm »
Yes, it would benefit, but Leanthar's own words to me on the subject are that we do not wish to do that for the reasons I outlined above. :)

I actually suggested it not long after they were created, and we talked about it and it was decided not to do it.  

Now, if he changes his mind on the matter, then fine!

Again, the status of World Leader is visited upon the player in an OOC sense, but is in no small part the result of actions of a single character in the IC sense.

Quote from: Leanthar
 A World Leader is not just an in-game title, indeed the title in game will most assuredly be something else, and it is a title that references the player as a whole but gives benefits to the character that earned that title.


Re: An idea to WL and wands
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2008, 05:38:15 pm »
The purpose of the XP reward from a WL is the roleplay engagement they have with the player(s) in which his/her character is involved.  It is not just a "Good Roleplay" reward.  It is more about actively engaging the other players in their roles while playing their own.  You won't find a WL just sit and watch or listen to a group for an hour then smack them with a reward, they are actively involved in the play making their character a part of the engagement.

One of the rules GMs follow is to not log out as a player then log back in as a GM after a good example of roleplay with others and reward accordingly.  This exists as it wouldn't be fair to those who do not associate with GM players.

This was one of the concerns Leanthar and I had with giving WL alts the wands.  It would lead to more claims of favoritism and cliques.

If I started a new character and decided that he gets along well with my ooc close friends characters, and we start running about all the time and I reward them accordingly (hey they're good rpers) and they reward me (they might be wl alts too), wouldn't that upset the community a touch?

The reward is for the engagement of roleplay with the world leader, not the roleplay itself.  Rewarding general  roleplay is a GMs job.

With all that said, I agree it'd be appropriate to give WL Alts the Jump Wand for saving stuck folks.


Re: An idea to WL and wands
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2008, 07:14:15 pm »
Well that understanding of the background rules for the GMs and such it makes sense that things are the way they are.  Thanks