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Author Topic: Another round of thanks  (Read 41 times)


Another round of thanks
« on: January 02, 2006, 07:07:00 pm »
Now, the drake that killed people was bad, sure. That would kill near-anyone.

However, what about the Dwarven merc of Bloodstone who was sitting right on top of the Point Harbor gates? Well... It killed me, before Pyyran and Jennara were able to scare him off. Eh... I thought it was the end of it.

Two ATs later, I load up, and here Pyyran is, getting cut in half by ANOTHER merc. The first was at Badly Wounded... This one was Uninjured. So not the same one, obviously. I shoot a message into the DM channel saying "You've got to be kidding me... Another one, uninjured, right on top of the Wolfswood AT" right as Regnus is Telling me "Not another one of them, is it?"

He moved the dwarf, but isn't sure whether he can res me or not, so... Can he, or will I have to spawn and lose half of the considerable (for Pyyran, at least) amount of gold he's got on him?

So... Yeah. Thanks SO much to the person who dragged NOT one, but TWO Bloodstone Guard - Drwarven Mercenaries on top of two separate ATs.


RE: Another round of thanks
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2006, 07:31:00 pm »
Are they popping up in Belgaer Hills because of Stone?  I ran through there on the way to Karthy after leaving Pyyran to collect walnuts, and didn't see anyone or anything until some lions decided to die on the Plains.  There were no more Dwarves hiding out on ATs when I went through, but if they are camped out at Belgaer and they spotted me running straight across the middle (maybe a little to the right, away from the Stone side), then I could have been the one that dragged him to the Wolfswood AT.

That's a crappy feeling.

It would mean that there is a possibility that someone running the other way dragged the one we fought back to Point Harbor without knowing, though.

EDIT:  Reading another thread, I'm now guessing that a person or persons have been going to Stone, running, and either dragging them all the way back to town or leaving them where they can spot others running by.


RE: Another round of thanks
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2006, 08:36:00 am »
I have received a PM from the mother of the son that did this by accident. That person did not know that Stone had fallen... They both feel really bad for your loss and want to apoligize.
  When/if you respawn please ask a GM to give you the gold that you lose. Take a screenshot so that we see how much is lost, without the screenshot nothing can be done.

