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Author Topic: If anyone could help at all.  (Read 308 times)


If anyone could help at all.
« on: February 14, 2006, 06:43:26 pm »
If anyone has any ideas on my problem , erh!!!  well should I where to start.
This is the first RP server I have ever been on and with my first charecter Kloss , I never actually got around to writing a Development thread .
I enjoy role playing but being rather badly dislexic I was always a little hersertent about posting one , as time has passed kloss has reached Lv 14 and I was wondering if I am too late to start one.
If anyone has as surgestion they would be most apreitated.

thanks Mumbles


Re: If anyone could help at all.
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2006, 06:45:15 pm »
It is never too late to start.... at anything in life I might add....

Don't worry about your dislexic, just try to get things right and go from there--best you can do.

Now, it may take a good dev thread to get what you wanted or to define the character further....but it is never too late.


Re: If anyone could help at all.
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2006, 06:50:46 pm »
Don't feel bad, I am dyslexic as well and tend to mess up when I like it least. If one thing can be said about the players on Layo it is that they are understanding. There is no one here I am aware of that will give you a hard time about spelling. Best suggestion, follow L's advice above.


Re: If anyone could help at all.
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2006, 06:56:15 pm »
Yeah, I overlook spelling errors all the time because we all do it.  If you read my character's development thread, you will probably see a TON of spelling errors.  Go ahead and start one, it can only flesh out your character more and give him more depth.


Oh, and some people (like me) enjoy reading other's threads.


Re: If anyone could help at all.
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2006, 07:00:08 pm »
Dont feel bad, little bs and ds still kick my backside ( im 41 )as do numbers unless I check my owrk (actual dyslexic typo Ack!) two or three times.  Also took me until fourth grade to tell left from right without visualizing a map and thinking east and west.


Re: If anyone could help at all.
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2006, 07:09:17 pm »
ThrainSil - 2/14/2006 10:00 PM Dont feel bad, little bs and ds still kick my backside ( im 41 )as do numbers unless I check my owrk (actual dyslexic typo Ack!) two or three times. Also took me until fourth grade to tell left from right without visualizing a map and thinking east and west.
 Sophomore in highshool and I still have to do that. ;) No, seriously, I do. I pride myself with spelling, but you wouldn't beleive how often I misuse words. We all have quirks in grammar, be it punctuation, spelling, misuse of words or you're simply bad all around. Stuff happens, we get over it. :)


Re: If anyone could help at all.
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2006, 07:42:45 pm »
ZeroVega - 2/14/2006  10:09 PM

I pride myself with spelling, but you wouldn't beleive...

*cough* believe *cough*

That actually seems really familiar.  Any time I try to sneak even the slightest, off-key toot of my own horn, karma has something to say about it.

EDIT:  By the way, my character Jennara is level 16, and I just started a character development thread for her.  Any time is a good time.


RE: If anyone could help at all.
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2006, 08:43:56 pm »
*raises hand* Join the dyslexia crowd...and old enough it was never diagnosed until university. Typing is a major chorefor me, but with persistance it is improving. Bad spelling ... did you not know that was an indication of true genius? Left and Right...still have trouble and a nightmare for Layo.. my mind reverses maps...
  Kat was level 12 before her development thread started... like it's been said.. never too late.
  Word and Cut/Paste are my best friends when doing any major amount of writing.


Re: If anyone could help at all.
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2006, 09:09:49 pm »
*wipes a tear* a genius, I'm a GINIUS!!!! :p


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Re: If anyone could help at all.
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2006, 04:33:32 am »
Poor motor functions and a wicked wicked lady that said only the spawn of the devil write left handed made my life hard when it comes to neatness, I love this new age of typing everything God bless it LOL if I was Dming your Campaign or you were a DM and I was in your Campaign good luck reading my char sheet RofL!
My belated point yep we all have quirks.


RE: If anyone could help at all.
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2006, 05:42:35 am »
First of all...  what L said.

Now.  If you are concerned about grammer and spelling in your character development, here are a couple of tips.

- Write it in MS Word or whatever you use for word processing.  Spell check.  Bada Bing!  Cut and paste.

- Please please please please above all else...  Use sentence structure and paragraphs.  Spelling errors I can overlook.

As far as the story...  don't just make a line for line statement of how you went to the ogre caves in Haven and bashed heads in.  Add some flavor =)  

Good luck =)


Re: If anyone could help at all.
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2006, 06:13:21 am »
Heya big Kloss. Milty here, your favorite mercenary.  ;)  

Since everyone here beat me to it, yeah, it ain't no thing, just pick an instance in the life of Kloss and write about it the best you can.  It can only get better from there, but, like anything, requires a start, then lots of patience and practice.  (uughh, makes me think of crafting, blech...  =P  )

Most importantly, don't do it because you feel like you have to, since all good characters have dev threads *snickers*;  try and have fun with it.  Who knows, you may find it's your favorite part of playing kloss.  Dyslexic and everything.  *grins*


RE: If anyone could help at all.
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2006, 12:33:25 pm »
cappyra - 2/15/2006  8:42 AM  - Please please please please above all else...  Use sentence structure and paragraphs.  Spelling errors I can overlook.  Good luck =)
 Preaching to the choir!


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    RE: If anyone could help at all.
    « Reply #13 on: February 15, 2006, 01:37:55 pm »
    *wipes a tear from his eye*

    I also have a problem with my writing...

    You all really make a person feel at home. I love you all.



    RE: If anyone could help at all.
    « Reply #14 on: February 15, 2006, 07:35:24 pm »
    thanks everyone , think il attempt it :)