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Author Topic: Bruenor LG  (Read 269 times)


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    RE: Bruenor LG
    « Reply #20 on: July 11, 2005, 04:53:00 pm »
    You don't really need a kill dwarves instantly spell. There are plenty out there that do so already, which make for will saves not fortitude ones. Just a point of note..

    Grid Blader

    RE: Bruenor LG
    « Reply #21 on: July 11, 2005, 06:36:00 pm »
    I have seen changes aready in Bruenor, for the beter..  keep up the good work...


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      RE: Bruenor LG
      « Reply #22 on: July 11, 2005, 06:45:00 pm »
      I was present during the whole guard thing.  They were out to get him.  He did bother them but they attacked first. He left for quite some time in the middle of the quest to keep himselffrom the guards in respect of Jacchri.  When Brue was actually fight them they ran at him the minute he came back into the room.  If you want to fling insults Sand Krows attacked them too to defend Brue.  As Brue said the situation escalated.
      -Romona (Remy)


      RE: Bruenor LG
      « Reply #23 on: July 11, 2005, 07:19:00 pm »
      RomonaBlack - 7/11/2005  9:45 PM

      I was present during the whole guard thing.  They were out to get him.  He did bother them but they attacked first. He left for quite some time in the middle of the quest to keep himselffrom the guards in respect of Jacchri.  When Brue was actually fight them they ran at him the minute he came back into the room.  If you want to fling insults Sand Krows attacked them too to defend Brue.  As Brue said the situation escalated.
      -Romona (Remy)

      As the GM who played the guard, I'm sick of these lies and perceptions.  Stop defending the player because he gets your character XP.

      This was how it started:

      Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard: Whoa whoa
      Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard: whats your business here mob?
      Bruenor Wildbeard: [Party] easy lad
      Bruenor Wildbeard: [Party] lads
      Jacchri Abianca: [Party] We are in search of information
      Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard: Do you have an appointment?
      Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard: folks dont generally come rushing in a castle like that...manners these days
      Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard: youngins
      Bruenor Wildbeard: [Party] speak fer yerself
      Bruenor Wildbeard: [Party] wha's yer name recruit?
      Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard: my name? you barge in and ask my name?
      Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard: Ya think they got recruits protecting the Lord dwarf?
      Bruenor Wildbeard: [Party] ahm nort bargin ihn
      Bruenor Wildbeard: [Party] ah do
      Bruenor Wildbeard: [Party] dey tell me o' manners
      Bruenor Wildbeard: [Party] HAR
      Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard: You insult me and believe you're mannerful?
      Bruenor Wildbeard: [Party] ah insulted 'im actually
      Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard: *nods* maybe we should throw this mob out
      Bruenor Wildbeard: [Party] *pats the guard on the shoulder*
      Bruenor Wildbeard: [Party] ihts ahlroight
      Bruenor Wildbeard: [Party] nope
      Bruenor Wildbeard: [Party] ye lads gerta earn yer gold
      Bruenor Wildbeard: [Party] ye 'andle iht
      Bruenor Wildbeard: *pulls a mouthful of smoke from a pipe*
      Bruenor Wildbeard: [Party] *puffs on a pipe*
      Bruenor Wildbeard: *pulls a mouthful of smoke from a pipe*
      Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard: and you just fire up and smoke in my face?!
      Bruenor Wildbeard: [Party] no
      Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard: We've both seen our sunsets and alas son's die.
      Bruenor Wildbeard: [Party] dis ihs smokin ihn yer face
      Bruenor Wildbeard uses item's special power.
      Bruenor Wildbeard: *pulls a mouthful of smoke from a pipe*
      Bruenor Wildbeard: *puffs on a pipe*
      //This was to simulate a punch at him, though it messed up factions when Bru reacted.
      Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard attacks Bruenor Wildbeard : *hit* : (9 + 21 = 30)
      Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard damages Bruenor Wildbeard: 12 (12 Physical)
      Bruenor Wildbeard attacks Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard : *miss* : (3 + 24 = 27)
      Bruenor Wildbeard attacks Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard : *miss* : (5 + 19 = 24)
      Bruenor Wildbeard: [Party] HAR
      Bruenor Wildbeard: [Party] panzy
      Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard: Maybe we should escort these folks out
      Bruenor Wildbeard: [DM] Intimidate Check, Roll 1d20: 17 + Modifier: 13 = Total: 30
      Bruenor Wildbeard: [Party] back off

      Bruenor returned disguised but due to factions the guards ran at him, but we got them under control and every thing was good for a while.

      Later on when the Lord awoke in the castle, Pelordaes was shifted into a Snake so he attacked Pelordaes, unaware he was a shifter, this prompted Sand to start getting very abusive of a Lord of the castle.

      Sand Krows: [Party] *mutters something loudly about stupid guards*
      Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard: Out now
      Bruenor Wildbeard: [Party] fer wha?
      Sand Krows: [Party] Fine fine...bloody skull lovers...
      Sand Krows: [Party] Oh and...attack my friend again and prepare to face the punishment...
      Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard: You shall never set foot in here again or you will be attacked.
      Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard: Excuse me
      Sand Krows: [Party] *smiles as he is walking out*
      Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard: *clamps the gate*
      Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard: Was that a threat?
      Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard: Enjoy your stay until we can sort this out
      Bruenor Wildbeard: [Party] yer gertin ohn me nerves
      Bruenor Wildbeard: [Party] face me panzy
      Sand Krows: [Party] You looking to pick a fight there?
      Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard: WHAT IN BLAZES IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?
      Bruenor Wildbeard: Ye' buggers!
      Sand Krows: You just be careful. I'm warning you...
      Bruenor Wildbeard: Get ye gone.
      Sand Krows: [Party] Go guard something...
      Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard: No one leaves then.
      Sand Krows: [Party] Fine....we will do it the hard way...

      Now, this is when the group came out to restrain him and put him in a jail, but it got way messy and we let it play out.  Bruenor ended up killing some guards but we RPed that as if he wounded them...



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      RE: Bruenor LG
      « Reply #24 on: July 11, 2005, 07:37:00 pm »
      I don't think Bruenor has ever gotten me XP and I think infact I led him around a bit when he was new ...

      The guard situation does indeed seem to reflect badly, but I didn't really know anything about that when I mentioned anything.

      Traditionally, dwarves are rude. Traditionally, battleragers are even more rude, and while this is by no means any sort of excuse, one's attitude does not necessarily depict their intentions. Bruenor may have been trying to be good, but is just a tactless dwarf.

      Then again, it isn't my call to make, nor my case to defend.


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        RE: Bruenor LG
        « Reply #25 on: July 11, 2005, 08:13:00 pm »
        I love it.  Though I'd hate to be banished from the castle and miss out on the adventures waiting beyond, this sort of totally unpredictable outcome to some pretty good RP is exactly what keeps me coming back.  No doubt it was a surprise to all involved... but you go with it and see where it takes you.  Sometimes you'll make a bad choice, but if you back off and step carefully all the time then this world will be a lot less interesting.  I'm all for losing your temper, or being a bully or just making a stupid choice now and then.  Every once in a while I also expect to exercise uncommon restraint, aid the weak, and do something fantastically clever.  Occassional deviations from the norm give a character some dimension, and let you express more of yourself through the RP.  If I have a truly rotten day in RL, I might tend toward a bad day in RP or a great day in RP, but probably not a normal day in RP.  2 cents from a CN Godless Ranger.


        RE: Bruenor LG
        « Reply #26 on: July 11, 2005, 08:31:00 pm »
        in this matter
        i am telling the truth
        the gaurds did indeed attack first
        now i know verbally taunting is considered a attack...but being CG brue distrusts authority and therefore doesnt like them one bit
        all im saying is that i did not talk to the lord at all and i did not kill any gaurds outright...bruenor sat in the middle of the circle of the gaurds in parry mode till he got down to injured then he started to fight back


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          RE: Bruenor LG
          « Reply #27 on: July 11, 2005, 09:16:00 pm »
          Orth, I only defend because he wasRPng a cranky and rude dwarf.  That is his character.  I found him annoying the first time I met him too, but once I knew that that was the personality of the character, which makes him very interesting, then I liked him.  I had to pick the lock to let us out at the end of the conflict.  Your guards thought that we were stomping into the castle when we were moving normal speed ina normal looking group.  There was no one to go and announce us to the Lord.  I remember being surprised by the way we were treated.  When Remy tried to apoligize the guards kept their rude bantering.  For some reason only Rawkin got through to you Guards.  Brue was being Brue.  CG, LG or anything else shouldn't matter.  He is a great RP'er.  He should not be attacked like this.  You guards were rude first and they attacked first, attacking our shifter for no reason as well.  So don't get all up in my face about me "needing him for XP" I have never used him for XP.  He asked me to go kill some ogres once and I declined.  I play the game.  You don't know me so don't judge me.  Brue is brue.  I happen to like him and his RP.  That is what this world is about.


          RE: Bruenor LG
          « Reply #28 on: July 11, 2005, 09:22:00 pm »
          Romona..please....i truely do appreciate you defending me but i dont want any players banned because of something i started


          RE: Bruenor LG
          « Reply #29 on: July 11, 2005, 09:37:00 pm »
          Actually Ramona... those were my guards Orth was helping me as he always does.... and I don't think that people should go stomping in and making demands of the lord of the castle, blowing smoke in their faces and generally being rude. Rawkin got through because he was quiet polite and helped them out with Brue.

          My kid gloves are now off on all quests. If you act a fool you will most definately fail. Honestly I almost failed that whole CDQ because of the groups actions.. Sand and Brue towards those guards... but out of kindness to Jacchri I gave a couple second chances... not going to happen anymore... no more second chances on Ice quests...

          In character is fine... but there will be in character consequences and that is exactly what orth and I were doing. In character consequences expect to see a lot more of them. If you don't like it.. dont go on my quests.


          RE: Bruenor LG
          « Reply #30 on: July 11, 2005, 09:56:00 pm »
          RouterBlade - 7/12/2005  12:22 AM

          Romona..please....i truely do appreciate you defending me but i dont want any players banned because of something i started

          Bru, I'm not going to ban someone for defending themselves against my (and other GMs) opinion.  While this thread is pretty debative, defending yourself is not a bannable offense.  I made a perceptive opinion about something, she is free to defend herself.


          RE: Bruenor LG
          « Reply #31 on: July 11, 2005, 10:07:00 pm »
          I didn't want to chime in this thread but its getting a bit ridiculous and I fear soon it will start on a little flame fest I dont think we have to put up with. So I will address a few things that was the intention of this thread and you can take them as you like but it is what it is.
            First of all I don't believe you, Routerblade, needed to have made this thread in the first place. If people were giving you a hard time of how you were playing your character, we as DMs are more than glad, and it is our responsibility to address such harrasment from other players to yourself. Simply because it is griefing and against our rules. So a simple PM to Rhizome, Leanthar or myself would have been the beggining of a swift end to such an issue.
            Second of all. Your intention of becoming Lawful Good, if I am not mistaken is to become a Champion of Vorax, eventually down the line. I am here to bring you the news that never will a barbarian nor a battle rager will ever be granted the status of Champion of Vorax. There are many many picky reasons for this, but the most important I believe is it goes against everything a Champion of Vorax is. So no matter how hard you try to change your alignment such distinction will never be granted. Period.
            Finally, Bruenor's behaviour in quests have consequences for himself and the party. Such abrasive behaviour, however you want to label it will bring reactions from the people recieving it, whether PC or NPC. I do not recommend falling in the false idea that because you are roleplaying your alignment it makes it perfectly good for the situation. This may be or may not be your case. Either way I wanted to make that perfectly clear.
            I hope this is as crystal clear as it can be.


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            RE: Bruenor LG
            « Reply #32 on: July 11, 2005, 10:07:00 pm »
            Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard: Whoa whoa Guard of Mistone - Elite Guard: whats your business here mob?


            RE: Bruenor LG
            « Reply #33 on: July 11, 2005, 10:14:00 pm »
            Bruenor, you can RP any way you want, but as Ice has said, there are consequences. I'd also like to point out the Brue follows CN much closer than CG.

             1. May keep his word. (Most of the time Brue keeps his word)
             2. Lies and cheats if he feels it necessary. (I'm never sure whether it's Brue or his player, but often lies when it helps fits)
             3. Never kill an unarmed foe, but may knock out or beat up one. (Brue doesn't purposefully kill innocents that I've seen, but he does beat them up and/or harrass them verbally. Case in point would be the kidney punches on today's quest or the constant verbal beratements.)
             4. Never kill an innocent but may harm or kidnap. (Again, he doesn't usually kill, but he will often harm and later claim some excuse.)
             5. Will use torture to extract information but not for pleasure. (I'm seen Brue threaten torture on a quest and I'm sure he would do it)
             6. Seldom kills for pleasure. (Here he is even worse, while he doesn't kill innocents Brue kills anything else in sight for immense pleasure)
             7. Is not likely to help someone without an alterior motive. (Even if its just
                showing off!). (Brue always claims he is helping people, but really he rarely is. His motive is almost always personal gain or showing off.
             8. Has little respect for authority. (Brue has zero respect for athority)
             9. Does not work well within groups - tends to do as he pleases, despite orders
                to the contrary. (Brue does not work well at all in groups unless he is the leader and running around getting people xp. If he is not the leader (and really who in their right mind would follow an axe idiot) he is awful in a group as he never takes direction and does anything and everything to make the current situation fail.)
            10. Will usually take dirty money or items. (Brue will gladly take anything that isn't nailed down)
            11. Is very unlikely to betray a friend. (Brue seems loyal to friends so this holds true)

            So you see, unlike your CG list, CN fits much better. I for one don't see how Brue could ever make it to LG with his CN tendancies, and even if he did, if I was the LG Dwarven God of War, I would never make an axe idiot one of my champions. They are too uncontrollable.

            Brue's "excellent RP" as a gruff dwarf is often borderline griefing. He knows that pvp is not allowed so he verbally abuses and pushes every situation until all those involved are uncomfortable. His "excellent RP" has made him the number one feared person to have on a quest. In my experiences over the past few months, every quest that I have been on with one of routerblade's characters, be it Bruenor, or any other has failed. I would rate that any quest he goes on has about an 80% chance of failure due to his outrageous actions.

            So stand by Bruenor and his excellent RP but all I see is a disruptive individual that destroys most everything he gets involved in. All of my quests I run are usually fairly stand-alone. They don't effect the world outside them much if any. I think I may start changing that and requesting changes to the world based on the success of my quests. If enough failures happen, maybe some people will learn that failing isn't as fun as they thought it would be.

            I didn't ever plan on bring any of these opinions out in the public forum, but Bruenor opened it up himself by posting this thread that didn't even need posting. Posting and trying to look like a victim to illicit sympathy and support to bend the rules for one's own gain is frowned upon in my book.


            RE: Bruenor LG
            « Reply #34 on: July 11, 2005, 10:17:00 pm »
            Rehevkor, this is just putting oil on the fire.
            From what I read the reaction of the guard is justified. They are elite guards and Bruenor's reaction obviously proved a threat. What kind of eliteguard lets a group of raving adventures to wander free in a lord's castle they are sworn to protect? It's like the bodyguards of Bush letting an antiglobalist shouting his believes across the Wite House. (sorry for the bad example by the way)

            Anyway, I personally like the way Bruenor is being played, but that doesn't means Daeron isn't currently pondering about using spells like Powerword Death and Weird on him. This is roleplaying and one should act naturally to another's response in character.


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              RE: Bruenor LG
              « Reply #35 on: July 11, 2005, 10:24:00 pm »
              I actually enjoyed that part personally, but what I am saying is I didn't think that we stomped in and demanded.  We had just walked through the door and the guards were rude.  I even seem to remember Jacchri trying desparately to speak to them and they were rude to him.  Remy tried to apoligize several times and help Jacchri out like Rawkin eventually did, but the guards didn't seem to hear his politeness.  I just think that when it came down to it, yes Brue can be over the tope sometimes and needs to tame it down, but GM's aren't perfect can make mistakes like the rest of us.  I will be happy to come on your quests...I have in fact.  I was not trying to put down everything that you and orth did on the quest.  It was good.  But I felt that the guards definately provoked Brue, and if you knew anything of how he RP's that was wrong, if you didn't want an uprising.  You didn't have to choose to "punch" or "swing" at him in the first place.  I personally would never attack a NPC during a quest, but if they were attacking me first I'm not so certain.  I'm not going to write in this anymore.  I don't want to keep a debate going.  But I had to respond to this because you like orth continued to make a judgement about me based on me defending a friend, that didn't deserve all of this heaping of crud on him.
              Thank You,


              RE: Bruenor LG
              « Reply #36 on: July 11, 2005, 10:29:00 pm »
              The guards were in thier home... a group they didn't know.. a rather large one walked into the castle. It is thier job to protect the lord... I do not think that its unreasonable in the slightest. They have the right to be rude they are Elite Guards of Mistone... Brue is just some dwarf to them. What would you do if 10 people walked into your house?

              I would also like to add that vgn nailed what I was thinking spot on.


              RE: Bruenor LG
              « Reply #37 on: July 11, 2005, 10:39:00 pm »
              Delete this post if you want i didnt really expect this to happen
              i agree...this thread has gotten out of hand


              RE: Bruenor LG
              « Reply #38 on: July 11, 2005, 10:51:00 pm »
              But in my defense after something was made clear by orth
              DO NOT make assumptions about me
              have you watched me all hours of every day i play
              do you know that i just helped several beginners get the head of a ogre?
              your making accusations based on bruenors past and i dont like it
              just incase you havent noticed bruenor died today fighting as he told his partymembers to flee to saudiria
              now you say i dont help others?
              i say that is utter crap


              RE: Bruenor LG
              « Reply #39 on: July 11, 2005, 10:54:00 pm »
              now i would also counter almost everything else that you just said by im putting this to an end
              it has gotten out of hand
              im requesting this thread be deleted

