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Author Topic: Stupid Considering the RP  (Read 76 times)


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Stupid Considering the RP
« on: July 01, 2006, 11:22:12 pm »
I find it rather stupid that...having evaded,or had no sign of an enemy..that when you rezone..they are suddenly there right upon yoou.Not good if fleeing with low health...
Happened twice now..first time I lost 375 gold..this time I stand to lose about 600.
To make matters worse I fell right by the healer of Ilsare in Hlint...being struck by an orc that suddenly spawned in the town.
1/Would the healer not heal?..and 2/Would the town guard really allow an orc to get into the town...?
Not prepared to lose the gold over such a glaring inconsistency in anotherwise very good rp and persistent world.


Re: Stupid Considering the RP
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2006, 11:49:12 pm »
Well, the real thing you have to consider is this: When running from an enemy, how can you expect to get away from them by going through an AT, an object/area that is completely OOC? If there are spawns that are left at the AT, that's different, however... Running from a spawn by heading through an AT is against server rules, because, as tends to happen, people try transitioning, and end up getting ganked by the monster on the other side.

As for your points one and two...

1) The healer of Ilsare doesn't have Raise Dead or Ressurection. At least, that's how it's RPed. The real reason is that it's an AI. It won't res you on its own; it has to have a DM Possessing it. You have to work around the mechanical issues, here.

2) Yes, the town guard would really allow an orc to get into the town. First off, he's bloody useless and overpaid. Secondly, there are enough orcs on the side of the former Dragoncalled that it tends to raise fewer eyebrows to let an evil orc in, and kill him once he does something bad, rather than slaughtering every orc one sees.

As for the gold, och. That's nothing. You can get that much easily in the Crypts in about ten or twenty minutes, regardless of class or level (though class and level do affect how long it takes).

Talan Va'lash

Re: Stupid Considering the RP
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2006, 12:23:24 am »
The reason you sometimes find monsters right on transitions, is that people, having bitten off more than they can chew try to flee into town or wherever. If they get through the transition and far enough away the monsters sometimes stand there dumbly on the transition.
  This is why fleeing to populated areas and/or not cleaning up the transitions after you run from something is frowned upon.
  Your death may have been caused by someone else doing the same thing you were doing earlier and leaving monsters on the transition.
  Since it was in hlint, it sounds like the orc had spotted you at some point, caught up with you as you were loading the next area, and then got through the transition faster than you and killed you.
  There are limitations in NWN that we all have to work around/with, whether player or builder (or GM.)


Re: Stupid Considering the RP
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2006, 01:42:25 am »
Meh, Yzyartkadrania got me and Akki when it (he?  she?) was ran from and was left at the transition for us.  Ate me and Akki like snacks.  Bad dragon!  *waits for Akki to chime in*

Annun Firith

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Re: Stupid Considering the RP
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2006, 01:58:22 am »

One Bite.

Oh, and she's a she.


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RE: Stupid Considering the RP
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2006, 04:45:01 am »
Robert and Lazuli tried to lure the dragon, but she seemed stuck at the door and wouldn't move away. We were stuck inside her lair and eventually just had to run past her and hope for the best.

Sorry about that - it seems that dragons can't be lured.


Re: Stupid Considering the RP
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2006, 06:22:57 am »
Did you offer a pack ox?  Perhaps she wanted a more nourishing snack than adventurer.  While adventurers are tasty, they're also crunchy, and high in trans fats.  Dragons'll eat them when they have to, but then they have to get on a colossal treadmill and watch their blood pressure for a few centuries.

Akki was probably somewhat better for the digestion, since everyone knows Elves are leaner.  But you can't eat just one.

