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Author Topic: Community Building  (Read 9741 times)


Re: Community Building
« Reply #140 on: August 13, 2012, 08:02:24 pm »
Quote from: Guardian 452
Lonn I too regret sending several of my characters to the recycle bin. I am very much with you on just announcing a ding and having all of us who followed the spirit of the rules given another character slot. Those of you who exploited the system with using multiple NWN login to circumvent the rules in place you're outta luck on this one!
I love the idea of having a 2 month (maybe 3 month) gap from one submission to the next. I think that is a fantastic way to help ease the burden on CA's

Is it a server lag issue if we had 12 characters? What was the reason for the rule being set at 6?

Careful some of us have multiple logins but haven't broken the 6 char limit either. Just saying so this doesn't slip further into a can or worm.


Re: Community Building
« Reply #141 on: August 13, 2012, 08:11:16 pm »
Quote from: Guardian 452
What was the reason for the rule being set at 6?

Two reasons:

1) To encourage a focus on RP and development for a small number of characters rather than having a stable of throw-away characters.

2) To reduce CA burdens because of said throw-away characters.

The rule is very old, incidentally. It's been here since I joined.  

I can think of at least one player who has pushed the limits of both of these within the last year, including a bevvy of characters that were approved after much back-and-forth (due to the difficulty of the concepts and/or lore issues) that were never played and actually deleted within weeks of approval.


Re: Community Building
« Reply #142 on: August 13, 2012, 08:15:52 pm »
Please try to keep this thread (relatively) clean for suggestions and responses to those suggestions. Try not to worry so much about syntax and commentary that is capable of starting an argument.

That said, a larger character limit helps new players indirectly by giving them a player base that they can relate to (relatively) equally--player alts.

I wonder, though, if that is enough? For example, if we just get an extra character slot, make the new character, and level it up outside of doing so with new players, then not much will change. It would be similarly silly if Shiff and I made new characters and then duo'd most of the time. That's not forming new relationships--it's just rerolling.

It might be nice (though not mandatory) for mentors to keep one character slot open/reserved for a lowbie character if the new player wishes to have a more equalized grouping experience.

//Also, sorry to the CA's as I think I've been one of those who Dorg mentioned below. Love you guys!


Re: Community Building
« Reply #143 on: August 13, 2012, 08:36:59 pm »
Actually I had someone else in mind, but thanks for adding to my list. *winks*


Re: Community Building
« Reply #144 on: August 13, 2012, 08:44:05 pm »
Just as an aside (and relevant to some of this discussion) for those who show up tonight for the bard's Guide session, I will be ungrouped (per below).  Merely along as color commentary and songs, so don't worry about xp loss and bring your rp A-game.


Re: Community Building
« Reply #145 on: August 13, 2012, 08:45:05 pm »
There is a lot of replies and I did not read them all so I may be just repeating what others have mentioned...

I know the permadeath has been the reason for many players to take time off which lead to them stop playing. When we are told that is not even up for discussion that closes the door for many players.  

Our 10 year old daughter still ask me to let her make a character here.  I will not let her as long as there is permadeath.  As said many times by many people..... this is a game... not reality . No one wants to spend all this time into creating a character to only lose them.

Also I do not want to have to deal with getting a character approved for her.  It becomes a huge deal and just leads to frustration.


Re: Community Building
« Reply #146 on: August 13, 2012, 08:52:02 pm »
Quote from: Lynn1020
Also I do not want to have to deal with getting a character approved for her.  It becomes a huge deal and just leads to frustration.

Have you looked at the process recently? It's significantly different from what you remember.


Re: Community Building
« Reply #147 on: August 13, 2012, 09:27:14 pm »
I had heard that it had changed a bit.  But you would have to know our daughter... she plays Minecraft with her brother on Xbox and had a melt down because she died and dropped all of her things.  No way I want to deal with her loosing a SS.  It would be much worse than me loosing one. ;)


Re: Community Building
« Reply #148 on: August 13, 2012, 09:34:33 pm »
Quote from: Lynn1020
I had heard that it had changed a bit.  But you would have to know our daughter... she plays Minecraft with her brother on Xbox and had a melt down because she died and dropped all of her things.  No way I want to deal with her loosing a SS.  It would be much worse than me loosing one. ;)

*laughs* Fair enough.  *smiles*


Re: Community Building
« Reply #149 on: August 13, 2012, 10:07:15 pm »
Quote from: Dorganath
Actually I had someone else in mind, but thanks for adding to my list. *winks*

I know I'm guilty for it atleast once... ._.  But there was supposed to be a group of us and they all disappeared right after approval. :L


Re: Community Building
« Reply #150 on: August 13, 2012, 10:28:30 pm »
I know this thread is about what we could do better, and there have been many great ideas including some of my own :)

But I thought I'd take the opportunity to praise something that I think has greatly improved. I recently submitted a new character submission for a darkelf and I was surprised at the quick treatment. I was expecting to hear something in about a week, but got a response in only about an hour. It was very brief and to the point. Giving me feedback on gaps in my application regarding LORE. I quickly made the suggested corrections and it was approved that day. Much improved from my previous experiences.

Thank you Gilshem!


Re: Community Building
« Reply #151 on: August 13, 2012, 11:32:16 pm »
Quote from: Guardian 452
Sorry Chongo... I call em like I see em.

Naturally.  I don't think that comment is unfair.  I check the forums  now and then to look for something interesting enough to make me want to  play here again.  I do this for me, and I won't pretend it's anything  else.  Nor do I think my opinion should hold more stock for the  community than anyone else's.  Past efforts, current efforts, past  positions, current positions... they don't matter here - the initial  query from Row was regarding growing the playerbase.

So as one person who sometimes considers playing here again, I say that  responses like yours are the choir of the unchanging.  It's the current  and active playerbase, which should never be undervalued mind you, that  goes tit for tat on every little change that it ends up barely blowing  your own hair back when the change comes.  My opinion is that the  minutia that results in these underwhelming discussions does little to  grow the playerbase while still giving the team excess work.  This in  turn sometimes drives team assets away and you end up retaining a peace  keeping force instead of creative drivers.  And mind you, I'm not  implying myself as the latter - there are much bigger fish that have  been in that sea.

Again, not to be undervalued, the active community rarely wants change  that might potentially compromise efforts or change the rules by which  they did it fairly with their own hands... I have been there, and I know  how it sounds.  But honestly - you deserve what you get.  By all means  cling to what you have and have deservedly fought for individually...  just realize that without hair-blowing-back change amongst things most  have already seen and experienced - you might end up clinging to your  own crown and little else.

I like Milty's idea.  I think that the choir is confusing it with  shutting down the persistence of the servers when it's really just  internal outreach to get little adventuring companies planned amongst  old friends.  Let it occur in these little groups and empower them.  I  don't think anyone is talking about old school quests with 30 people.   Empower small groups to do their own thing and use the server actively  for small-group plot and dynamic.  Give them an interesting and easy  avenue to start up and have things more interesting than 7 days of rat  killing in tattered cloths whilst trying to have an adventure together  that rivals the other things available elsewhere.

I don't think this is Layo's vision, and I'm alright with it.  Hopefully  one inactive voice with an unabashed statement of need and opinion is  taken for what it is - bothering to tell you.  Years ago when it all  seemed so bustling with life here... it wasn't hordes of people like you  willing to stay the course for a decade, it was voices like what I'm  entertaining here.  They're not bad people, they just didn't sign on for  til death do us part.  Either embrace solitude amongst those that  chugged through with unchanging discipline - or adapt quickly enough to  get small surges here and there.  I think you're all fine folks either  way, but you deserve what you get.

And kill the boldface bud.  No hard feelings, and this is blatantly  patronizing, but I look back with several  shades of shame on how I used to write on these forums.   This will likely be one more shade someday, but hey, adapt and keep growing right?  They're either  going to read it or they won't (this is definitely too long), and the  boldface just calls people into the soundbyte.  I wish I was more  like Rhiz.  Everyone should.


Re: Community Building
« Reply #152 on: August 13, 2012, 11:51:26 pm »
Ditto to Jade.  I have been very pleased to see the character approval process speed up dramatically.  Folks are getting approved right off-the-bat and with little or no corrections.  You CA's are doing a great job!  Keep the train rolling.


Re: Community Building
« Reply #153 on: August 13, 2012, 11:58:15 pm »
Quote from: Chongo
I like Milty's idea.  I think that the choir is confusing it with  shutting down the persistence of the servers when it's really just  internal outreach to get little adventuring companies planned amongst  old friends.  Let it occur in these little groups and empower them.  I  don't think anyone is talking about old school quests with 30 people.   Empower small groups to do their own thing and use the server actively  for small-group plot and dynamic.  Give them an interesting and easy  avenue to start up and have things more interesting than 7 days of rat  killing in tattered cloths whilst trying to have an adventure together  that rivals the other things available elsewhere.

He can do this now. In a way, he already is doing this now. It is an option, not the only option.  Yeah, we're saying the same thing on that (try not to fall over dead).  Some people will like it. Others won't.


Re: Community Building
« Reply #154 on: August 13, 2012, 11:59:34 pm »
Quote from: jadewillow
I know this thread is about what we could do better, and there have been many great ideas including some of my own :)

But I thought I'd take the opportunity to praise something that I think has greatly improved. I recently submitted a new character submission for a darkelf and I was surprised at the quick treatment. I was expecting to hear something in about a week, but got a response in only about an hour. It was very brief and to the point. Giving me feedback on gaps in my application regarding LORE. I quickly made the suggested corrections and it was approved that day. Much improved from my previous experiences.

Thank you Gilshem!

Quote from: Dorganath
He can do this now. In a way, he already is doing this now. It is an option, not the only option.  Yeah, we're saying the same thing on that (try not to fall over dead).  Some people will like it. Others won't.

Thanks to you both for giving the CA team some well-deserved recognition.


Re: Community Building
« Reply #155 on: August 14, 2012, 01:28:08 am »
As I look for my old disk...this  popped in my head.  Maybe a link on the home page where new players can  buy and download the game right then?


Re: Community Building
« Reply #156 on: August 14, 2012, 01:36:24 am »
okay the mentoring program is up.  Let me know if it needs any changes or if you have any suggestions.


Re: Community Building
« Reply #157 on: August 14, 2012, 07:51:27 am »
Quote from: Lynn1020
As I look for my old disk...this  popped in my head.  Maybe a link on the home page where new players can  buy and download the game right then?
With a page of detailed step-by-step instructions about where and how to find the files for NWN to patch it up to the final version (including links to where the NWN Critical Rebuild can be downloaded), as well as where to find the Layonara specific HAK files and how to install them too, right?


Re: Community Building
« Reply #158 on: August 14, 2012, 11:30:22 am »
Quote from: Nehetsrev
With a page of detailed step-by-step instructions about where and how to find the files for NWN to patch it up to the final version (including links to where the NWN Critical Rebuild can be downloaded), as well as where to find the Layonara specific HAK files and how to install them too, right?

I think the should host the patch in their download section. I don't think there's any legal issues about having the patch ready to download on one's website as long as it's open to the public and not sold.


Re: Community Building
« Reply #159 on: August 14, 2012, 01:50:11 pm »
With a page of detailed step-by-step instructions about where and how to find the files for NWN to patch it up to the final version (including links to where the NWN Critical Rebuild can be downloaded), as well as where to find the Layonara specific HAK files and how to install them too, right?

Yeah, it's kind of been on my to-do list to make a giant link page in LORE with stuff like this, but, well, RL, quest priorities, and some other things have kept me from digging into that.

But I suppose it's about time to get that on the table again.

