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Author Topic: Confessions of an RPer  (Read 1973 times)


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    Re: Confessions of an RPer
    « Reply #60 on: June 24, 2007, 07:21:12 pm »
    Well the thing is adventuring is really the only real way to gain XP. We don't have a problem with people adventuring, I would say more adventuring goes on then RP.

    the problem is how to get RP to = to the same IG rewards, as Leveling? you can't really if you use some methods used like the one that gives your char XP over time, folks just leave there char logged in, if you use the one that picks up on emotes, well you just spam.

    if RPing ever has a method that is easier and better then XP farming you will see a lack of Monster farming thus removing a part of the server a huge part from it. since you have a world mixed with RP, and action. you must mix the RP rewards.

    not only does it balance it out but it also makes RP logic, your fighter still gains fighter levels from killing things like he should he just found a way to get fast at learning by perhaps using advice given to him that he learned while RPing, or some other insight.

    Mixing RP rewards with bashing just takes away some of the pain of monster bashing from the Rper's, and those that just love to monster bash lose nothing. find your find your treatise on it, and give me something to counter. because just saying Ehh does not fix problems.


    Re: Confessions of an RPer
    « Reply #61 on: June 24, 2007, 07:43:43 pm »
    The treatise is in this thread, comprised really of several replies. Just scroll up.

    And you're right. People want IG rewards for RP, and many, perhaps like yourself, want it to equal something like "Level-ing."

    However, while we have an objective (objective meaning pre-defined and governed by a set of rules) way to measure advancement as an adventurer, we don't have an objective way to measure advancement in RP. What you're suggesting is to try and marry the adventuring advancement system with RP advancement. That's like taking an apple and an orange, cutting each in half, then putting half the apple with half the orange, taping them together and saying you have a new piece of fruit. The two just don't jive.

    You should not get adventuring levels for roleplay. You should get adventuring levels for, well, adventuring.

    As I've said before, if you want to create a separate system that will objectively measure RP advancement, by all means, go for it. Maybe enough people will agree with your standards, and it'll be implemented somewhere. Then people can say, "Hey, look. I'm a level 12 fighter and a level 22 roleplayer." Or something like that.

    Really, though, good luck on laying out objective, common-ground guidelines that define someone's level of RP-maturity. As it stands, deciding who is and who isn't a good roleplayer is purely subjective. Which is why squishing a measure of roleplay in with DnD's measure for adventuring doesn't work well. One is subjective, and the other is objective.


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      Re: Confessions of an RPer
      « Reply #62 on: June 24, 2007, 11:54:50 pm »
      I have actually gotten Adventuring XP for RPing. As well I like to drink banana strawberry. THere have been a few fruits actually made by mixing fruits and they create new fruits but that is pointless. What your suggesting is not making this a RP server, because if RP is something you came, you have to have something with them to counter balance against those that Get everything not by RPing, but bashing monsters on heads, it make little logic that because you bashed 10,000 monster on the head some where in that lift club, bash, repeat you fell into a deep state of mind and learned how to ride a horse, craft better gear, or collect information. While while you can't gain levels through RP you can stil lgain things that help you get more XP when you bash monsters. You still need to bash monsters.

      Thing is why should you not gain some form of XP from RPing? after all life changing events that great new found wisdom happen more there then bashing monsters.

      You can gain RP related things, like access to the craft hall, horses, but more importantly Skill points. RP related things through monster bashing, this should not be related but it is. WHY would you learn how to gather information from bashing a monster on the head, rather then doing something that RP's putting that skill to use?

      the problem is one grants both adventure rewards and RP skills, while RP has no way to gather skill points to use in RP. We all might as well just bash monsters all day, so we can level so we can be important enough to gain access, attention to RP, or to back up the RP.

      You don't have a RP Server here you have a action/RP server. but it really on catters to one side of that. Would'nt it be nice if it cattered to both? It not like RPers will sudden jump and pass you in levels. An it not as if they won't have to go out and level.


      Re: Confessions of an RPer
      « Reply #63 on: June 25, 2007, 12:08:18 am »
      Ravenloft rewards RP on the amount of text and lines you enter in every channel but DM and Tells, I think... Nifty, in my opinion.


      Re: Confessions of an RPer
      « Reply #64 on: June 25, 2007, 12:18:27 am »
      Yeah, but as Orth said way back when;

      Quote from: orth

      I once considered a system that simply coded the amount you're typing, whether it's emotes or talking or such, roleplay for the most part doesn't happen unless you're typing something, but I couldn't think of ways to prevent it being abused.

      Could I trust myself?? I'd cut and paste my way to level 30 in a month!!

      Honest person: "Look, a duck!" receives 3xp
      Me: "Yes, my very puissantly observant companion, I do believe it is. We must now seriously consider the very real possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands!" receives 34xp

      Edit: That's a joke, but you get my point! :)


      Re: Confessions of an RPer
      « Reply #65 on: June 25, 2007, 01:48:47 am »
      Yea, I'd talk my way to epic fighter pretty fast. ;) And Acacea's level 26, think where she'd be at... *snickers*


      Re: Confessions of an RPer
      « Reply #66 on: June 25, 2007, 05:36:55 am »
      ... (1 XP)



      Re: Confessions of an RPer
      « Reply #67 on: June 25, 2007, 09:17:06 am »
      I still remember having an interesting RP exchange when Nathaniel and Kinai made a few trades etc, and being rewarded exp for that. I felt like a little girl on Christmas Eve. If text lines vs exp given doesn't work, then why not just "give a cookie" of exp as a GM every now and then? I feel there's so much good RP that  goes unrewarded, and I don't mean just me. Sometimes I just sit at the pond of Hempstead in stealth mode and listen to each unique conversation that goes from discussing the day to sharing a life story and contemplating the meaning of life and good and evil.

      What I like even more is finding a group just talking in the middle of nowhere after some bashing and listening to that too. Something about risking your lives constantly with people seems to make them spill the good stuff.

      I just think that, to avoid problems like this, even a little exp goes a long way. It's not the amount as much as yes, you're being watched (not in the creepy way), and your efforts to make interesting roleplay aren't useless/misplaced/misguided/whatever. Just gives a warm, fuzzy feeling that the GMs care ;) Not implying that they don't.

      Overall, yes, it can be said roleplay is meant to be and you shouldn't "reward" people or not reward people on something they have to do, or the argument comes up that how can you tell between good and bad roleplay (as it isn't really our judgment on good/bad if the person is trying their best... Not all of us are English speakers and such after all :) ), so I think maybe people who sit around Hempstead for literal days at a time or just spend hours in one spot or a few with the same people roleplaying can be rewarded.

      Again, a little cookie goes a long way.


      Re: Confessions of an RPer
      « Reply #68 on: June 25, 2007, 09:28:05 am »
      I'm agreeing with the above.....the amount doesn't really matter. Just the fact that you get " Hey! I just got hit with the RP wand! Wo hooo!"

      I'd been experimenting with a Druid, prodding people, badgering them for help and being generally "non-Sall like" in Hempstead. I was over the bloody moon to see the "awarded RP XP" jump on the screen.
      It didn't do much for my XP....but by gods I felt happier about getting it.


      Re: Confessions of an RPer
      « Reply #69 on: June 25, 2007, 09:40:47 am »
      Quote from: Interia_Discordius
      I still remember having an interesting RP exchange when Nathaniel and Kinai made a few trades etc, and being rewarded exp for that. I felt like a little girl on Christmas Eve. If text lines vs exp given doesn't work, then why not just "give a cookie" of exp as a GM every now and then? I feel there's so much good RP that  goes unrewarded, and I don't mean just me. Sometimes I just sit at the pond of Hempstead in stealth mode and listen to each unique conversation that goes from discussing the day to sharing a life story and contemplating the meaning of life and good and evil.

      As I understand it and have experienced it this is exactly what DM's do....WHEN they are on server to see it.  I'm sure any DM would tell you that if they are lurking on server and 'see' good RP they will reward it.

      The unfortunate problem of not 'paying' our DM's is that they are volunteers who give what time they can and often work on other Layo projects too so therefore we don't have DM's lurking on server 24/7 to watch peoples RP.


      Re: Confessions of an RPer
      « Reply #70 on: June 25, 2007, 09:44:38 am »
      Heheh. That xp was from me Stephen!! And it was from me for you Int D as well! I know the system is not perfect, sometimes you'll get witnessed, sometimes not. Sometimes you'll get witnessed but not rewarded ... I hope that Xmas eve feeling sees you through until next time I am up stupid-late or you up ridiculously early and I might catch you again! Keep up the RP in the meantime!

      @LordCove, if only I had of known it was you behind that character, no xp for you!! .... heh, just kidding. Or, am I? No, really, just kidding! Or ... am I?

      *shifty eyes*


      Re: Confessions of an RPer
      « Reply #71 on: June 25, 2007, 09:48:18 am »
      If lack of time on the GM's part is the issue, I think the new wave of them from the applications will do us well.


      Re: Confessions of an RPer
      « Reply #72 on: June 25, 2007, 10:36:39 am »
      Apparently I'm a rare breed. I *gasp* don't like to get XP for RP that isn't related to adventuring. I like to get XP, sure. I like to get rewarded for RP, even. And if you really want to push it, you could even say that everything you do could tie in to your character being an adventurer. We could probably argue that all day.

      My point is, I don't want XP for having an in-depth conversation about, say, life and love, or how bitter my favorite ale tastes, etc. Sure, it helps develop my character's view of life, it's likely even good RP. But it doesn't mean squat to my character's occupation as an adventurer and therefore doesn't merit XP. Not adventuring XP, anyways. It could merit "RP XP," or something, if such a thing existed.

      On the other hand, if I'm playing a fighter, say, and I'm searching through a corridor and step on a trap, get zapped, then think, "Hmm, maybe there are more traps down this corridor," and my character picks up a few rocks and tosses them the length of the corridor which promptly sets off a series of other traps, then I would consider that worthy of adventuring XP because my character used his experiential knowledge and skills to survive part of an adventure.

      Give me adventuring XP for adventuring. I don't want or need adventuring XP for RP. The creation of a subtle story and complicated characters are the rewards I get, the rewards I want for RP. I don't want levels for RP. Let me repeat, I don't want levels for RP. Sorry.

      Also, if you're playing in a DnD world, it will always be "action/RP." Why? Because the player characters are all adventurers. And adventurers are all about action. If you want RP without action, find (or design) some online version of the Sims, or Animal Crossing where you all you do is farm, fish, and design clothes and houses. You can still develop characters, create interesting stories-- RP will rule!-- but you won't get a lot of action. People that claim to have "RP only" (a.k.a. low action) DnD worlds are fooling themselves.

