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Author Topic: Crafting and swearing  (Read 167 times)


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    Crafting and swearing
    « on: August 03, 2005, 09:37:00 am »
    I have found swear words I never knew I had in me as a result of the frustrations of crafting (and I've just begun).  Where do they come up with that "According to .... you have a 30% chance of success."  Bullpucky!!  I've sunk about 25-30 deer skins in that tub and cured exactly 4.  And what's with the cured hides disappearing when I put them on my mule?  It doesn't say there's a problem with that in the "pack" warning you get when you unload the pack from the mule.  See what crafting has done to me?  Made me a crybaby.  Oh well, plugging on.


    RE: Crafting and swearing
    « Reply #1 on: August 03, 2005, 09:45:00 am »
    heh.  I lost some cured skins once too.  They are charged items since they are used to cast Mage Armor I believe it is.  You can only put pelts and leathers on your ox.


    RE: Crafting and swearing
    « Reply #2 on: August 03, 2005, 09:49:00 am »
    30% chance works like this.... when you try to craft something you roll a d20 to beat the DC.... as you gain levels in a craft the DC on items goes down so you have a better chance of beating the DC with your d20 roll.
      5% chance, you must roll a 20.
      10% must roll a 19-20
      15% must roll an 18-20
      20% must roll a 17-20
      25% must roll a 16-20
      30% must roll a 15-20 ect.... so basicly you're just rolling less than 15 and beefing. :P


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      RE: Crafting and swearing
      « Reply #3 on: August 03, 2005, 09:55:00 am »
      Yes!  That is exactly what I'm doing.  Beefing about my lousy dice rolls!  lol  4/30 is worth beefing about (at least at my nubie level--I'm sure there are worse things, in game and life).  I'm expecting about 8 successes in a row to come up to that 30% average.

      Thanks for the info on the mule.  Didn't know that.


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      RE: Crafting and swearing
      « Reply #4 on: August 03, 2005, 09:57:00 am »

      I sent you a PM to offer my help.

      Trust me, crafting gets easier in some ways and harder in others...

      ...harder because the crafting materials you need to improve your skills get harder and harder to get by yourself at low level.

      In most crafting skills, my level outstripps my character level by quite a bit.

      Crafting is great when you are a player that can not log on for extremely long periods of time to do quests or explore with other players.


      RE: Crafting and swearing
      « Reply #5 on: August 03, 2005, 10:14:00 am »
      Dandeleon - 8/3/2005  9:55 AM

      Yes!  That is exactly what I'm doing.  Beefing about my lousy dice rolls!  lol  4/30 is worth beefing about (at least at my nubie level--I'm sure there are worse things, in game and life).  I'm expecting about 8 successes in a row to come up to that 30% average.

      Thanks for the info on the mule.  Didn't know that.

      You look at this the way we all do, and honestly, that way is wrong. Rolls are made across the entire server and they balance out for the entire server, so there is an almost equal number of ones, twos, threes, fours etc. But for each single character, they do not balance out, well atleast not in 30 rolls. You can have bad days and good ones. But you need to remember one thing, since the rolls do not balance out for each individial character, then they are not tied together, there is no pattern. It means, that if you fail three times in a row with a success chance of 25%, then it is not guaranteed that you will succeed at your next try.  

      Crafting is fun, it was what kept me interested when there weren't many players and I was online alone in the entire server. But failure is a part of crafting, just like success. Believe me, it can get much worse than that and I have made many topics out of frustration, just look at my signature, those rocks cost a lot :)

      Don't let these failures stop you, 30% is a harsh chance



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      RE: Crafting and swearing
      « Reply #6 on: August 03, 2005, 10:26:00 am »
      well i hate to jump this thread... does these rolls also include
      dt's cause it will suck, if all the DT's i got last month ( 6 ) is a reslut of everyones else good luck  :o ..

      but back on topic.. i have had some really great days with a % of less than 30. but on the other hand i had a 80% on some items and got three 1"s and two threes right after each other.. blea



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      RE: Crafting and swearing
      « Reply #7 on: August 03, 2005, 10:48:00 am »
      you got 6 DTs in one month?!?!


      RE: Crafting and swearing
      « Reply #8 on: August 03, 2005, 10:55:00 am »
      Dandeleon you Cured 5 out of 29 Deer Leather. 8 of 29 would have been closest to 30%.  So you missed out 3 times? Hardly seems horrifically bad luck.


      Gloin, you got two tokens last month, dying 4 times. The month before you got 4 dying 13 times. Yeah bad luck, but lets go back a little furthur.

      You died 25 times from February to the end of May and got 2 tokens.  All at Level 17 or better.  That's good luck.

      It balances over time.  Don't forget the times when the dice are working for you.


      RE: Crafting and swearing
      « Reply #9 on: August 03, 2005, 11:05:00 am »
      *Reads thread*
      Rolls eyes,
      Shakes head,
      Walks away mumbling, "Here we go again..."


      RE: Crafting and swearing
      « Reply #10 on: August 03, 2005, 12:05:00 pm »
      for anyone who is complaining about their crafting rolls i suggest looking at this:

      It does all even out


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        RE: Crafting and swearing
        « Reply #11 on: August 03, 2005, 12:10:00 pm »
        Heh. Bah. Try curing them all at once... Small % of luck. But if you succeed big crafting xp payoff...


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          RE: Crafting and swearing
          « Reply #12 on: August 03, 2005, 03:37:00 pm »
          My suggestion:

          Find something in leatherworking that has a better or higher chance of making said items. Starting off curing hides I found isn't the best thing to get off the ground. It should be done when you have a higher chance of sucsess.

          Trust me, there is Something that can be done at lower level but I'll let you discover that on your own (or ask around in game).

          You'll have less head aches and you'll have more time having fun then worrying about number crunching.

          Happy Crafting!



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          RE: Crafting and swearing
          « Reply #13 on: August 03, 2005, 03:51:00 pm »
          I would suggest making thread and bow strings first.

          Then move onto making cloth and simple clothes.

          Then move onto healing packs and lether goods.

          After that... well, I'm still trying to figure that out.

          (Tried not to give any "details" away)


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            RE: Crafting and swearing
            « Reply #14 on: August 03, 2005, 06:47:00 pm »
            You want to borrow my dice?



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              RE: Crafting and swearing
              « Reply #15 on: August 04, 2005, 07:10:00 am »
              Heheh, dang.  Didn't know my venting would cause such a response.  I appreciate all the crafting suggestions.  I wasn't really all that upset, just bemoaning my poor fortune at the moment.  I love Orth's analysis of our luck.  Feels like God coming down and tapping on my shoulder and saying, "Get over yourself."  lol

              Hey, Orth.  I sent you a note about an exploitable bug (that I don't want to mention here).  I can't imagine nobody has noticed it, but I was curious about it.

              Germaine Lorn

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                RE: Crafting and swearing
                « Reply #16 on: August 04, 2005, 11:38:00 am »
                I made two 5% rolls out of three the other day.  So it's probably my fault someone else got some bad rolls.


                Mary Blood Axe


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                  RE: Crafting and swearing
                  « Reply #17 on: August 04, 2005, 03:47:00 pm »
                  In crafting, how come when you don't successfully craft something you don't get xp.  In real life, if you suck at something, then you will still get some experience from it.  You will learn even from your mistakes.  Just wondering.



                  RE: Crafting and swearing
                  « Reply #18 on: August 04, 2005, 04:08:00 pm »
                  Because then it would become insanely easy to get better at crafting items by just throwing raw CNR at the table.

                  Player 'A' is a level 1 talor, they are a level 9 player, they can get dire boar hides pretty consitantly, so they collect a bunch everywhere they go, get back to town and fail making 25 dire boar hides, but they still get xp from it. This playuer could do that with any pelt they came across and still achieve a level without having ultimately succeeded in doing anything other than packing skins back to town.



                  RE: Crafting and swearing
                  « Reply #19 on: August 04, 2005, 05:43:00 pm »
                  Vyris - 8/4/2005  4:08 PM
                  This playuer could do that with any pelt they came across and still achieve a level without having ultimately succeeded in doing anything other than packing skins back to town.


                  There's already a thread about this somewhere, where it was clearly stated that there wouldn't be XP given for failures, but (there's always a but after saything something that sounds so decisive) about that- if it ever were, wouldn't it be possible to only give XP (the tiny amount) for a failure that was within their capabilities?

                  If you need to roll an 8 to craft it, and you get a 7, you maybe just made a few minor mistakes. If you roll a 20 and still can't do it, you're not going to get far. I'm not suggesting that this be implemented, I just wondered if it would work in response to the hypothetical situation.

                  Dandeleon - 8/4/2005  7:10 AM
                  I love Orth's analysis of our luck.  Feels like God coming down and tapping on my shoulder and saying, "Get over yourself."

                  "Aw, what did I do with my keys? Bah! Splashed by a car going by! Tripped over my untied shoelaces! Late for work! God is out to get me, this is the worst day ever!"

                  "Yo. It's me. You know. God. So, according to this chart..."

                  "GOD? As in, the supreme ruler of the universe?"

                  "Word, anyway, according to this chart, you have not had any earthquakes, volcano eruptions, tornados, wildfires, or hurricanes in the area today. You've also not been struck by lightning, beaten, starved, locked in a box and shipped somewhere, shot, arrested, killed, or mauled by monkeys today. The people who fall under the above number in the... well, *flicks pointer at the extremely large number that doesn't fit on the chart* like so."

                  "...My eggs were dry?"

                  "Seriously? That's just messed up."

                  Try adding "And my canteens all sprung leaks at the same time?" or something to the end, maybe.