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Author Topic: Crafting Tools - I know, again, right?  (Read 584 times)


Crafting Tools - I know, again, right?
« on: November 22, 2011, 10:37:10 am »
Look, I normally don't like to complain too much, but I'm making a complaint now.  Could there please be something done to remove the breaking of crafting tools from the system?  It's simply ridiculous and unrealistic how often tools break in Layonara's NWN incarnation.  This morning I've had three Smith's Hammers break in rapic succession.  The first I got maybe 10-20 uses out of since when I'd bought it yesterday.  The second broke after no more than three uses, and the one I just bought broke before I even got to use it once.
 In real-life I'm almost certain that metalsmiths made tools to last at least a year or two before needing to be replaced... honestly!
 I understand that crafting tools are supposed to be a gold-sink, but really?  I could buy a house or two in Prantz for the amount of True I've lost over the years to breaking tools if I combinded the totals from all my crafting characters.  I know for certain that I can't claim to have made as much or more in return for all those broken tools except perhaps with one character who focussed on making glass & crystal and found a good market for them.  But honestly, digging sand, mining coal, and making glass and crystal gets boring after a while, and isn't for every player or character.
 As a gold sink, I just don't think it's practical anymore (if it ever was).  Most crafting guilds sell their wares for much less than it would cost a new character to invest to get good enough to make a product, and by the time a new character can make something, they've already outgrown it in most cases anyhow.
 Sorry for ranting, but I'm just really steamed at the moment about this issue.


Re: Crafting Tools - I know, again, right?
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2011, 11:35:58 am »
The greater smiths hammers run around 4,000 true a pop.  It's quite annoying when you break your hammer....go buy a new one....and it breaks on the first attempt.

I guess the theory is that the breakage rate represents an investment in the craft over time and even breakage after one attempt should be seen as more like hundreds of attempts on the average.

I feel your pain though!


Re: Crafting Tools - I know, again, right?
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2011, 07:22:03 pm »
Well, just lost another 2 smithing hammers in less than 10 minutes.  *sighs*


Re: Crafting Tools - I know, again, right?
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2011, 02:29:51 am »
Too bad master crafters can't make their own quality tools. Tool breakage is the number one cause for frustration with this game. Maybe make a seperate faction for crafting merchants so we can go punch their faces in for selling lousy equipment, without getting the whole world on our back? ;)


Re: Crafting Tools - I know, again, right?
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2011, 03:12:15 am »
I'm just gonna say I have had tools last for months, and one over a year, before I had to replace it.  Now, how often I used it, I don't know, but I know one was a pick axe and the other was a gem chisel, both which lasted so long I gave them to someone else, and they broke them.  xD  Now, again, my frequency of using them is much lower then some of the diehard crafters, so maybe I was just lucky?

Guardian 452

Re: Crafting Tools - I know, again, right?
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2011, 09:08:20 pm »
If the system would allow it. A complete second set of Crafted tools with a lower break % would be ideal. Leaving the store bought tools to break as they do now.

