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Author Topic: Gathering Gaffes  (Read 403 times)


Re: Gathering Gaffes
« Reply #20 on: October 29, 2006, 09:36:49 pm »
With the groups that I play with, we designate one/two person that will pick up the loot, therefore there is NO confusion who is picking up, and then they split it up at the end.
Other than that, I agree with what Stephen says. I remember with my level 3 sorceror (at the time) we were making our way over Port Hampshire and we came across the Griffons. I was told to stay away so I did, but when my group had engaged I decided to cast Magic Missle. That saved the day at that encounter.


It's rude at best and shockingly bad RP.  I am all for looting.  I like gold.  I like shiny things.  The concept of looting *WHILE YOUR PARTY IS STILL FIGHTING* is reprehensible.

Its maybe plain rude for the character to do that, But its not in bad RP. ;) looting and acquiring things (looking after their interests) maybe the characters personality , and who they are. If your character is mad, RP it! Thats what this server is all about after all :D



Re: Gathering Gaffes
« Reply #21 on: October 29, 2006, 11:24:59 pm »

It's rude at best and shockingly bad RP. I am all for looting. I like gold. I like shiny things. The concept of looting *WHILE YOUR PARTY IS STILL FIGHTING* is reprehensible.

Often if the designated Looter does not do this during fighting they are left behind to loot while the party moves on...unless its well planned bafore hand.


RE: Gathering Gaffes
« Reply #22 on: October 30, 2006, 12:06:50 am »
I was not there today but i'll put in my 2 cents.  First Some people you are fighting with are probably mages, clerics or priest, that need to rest from time to time to replenish their power, to then boost you and ultimatly keep you alive.  During the rest period, which does not mean that you actualy rest but just wait for a few minutes for every one to get back together, heal, discuss a little strategy on the next area and loot. Always rushing foward will ultimatly mean that you will take that bad habbit, and the moment you hit the real baddies, you will get your ars handed two you.
  Take your time, not long enough for the reenforcement to arrive, but long enough to get reorganised.  An other thing, if you rush to much and your party member dies, and in the worse case scenarios get a dt, words to mouth wil travel that you do not pay attention to the people you are traveling with, and in the end you will have a bunch of people not wanting to go with you because of that.
  Better safe than sorry.


RE: Gathering Gaffes
« Reply #23 on: October 30, 2006, 01:12:51 am »
Perhaps I was busy because I was on the front lines for most of this quest.. a pleasant change for me as most of my characters are rear guard or scout.  But I didn't see a whole lot of running over bodies to get to loot.  What has happened to me several times in the past as an archer, I target something to shoot at and it dies just as I click on it.  Since it is dead, game mechanics tell my character to advance to the body as though to loot it.  When that happens, I end up running up toward the body totally unintentionally and the loot screen comes up.  Some of the time I just close it and move on, but if there is nothing that I can do to imediately target something else, I will grab what is on the body just cause it is there already.  When a battle line goes around a corner or the party stretches out to where the combat is taking place out of line of sight, an archer is useless for the most part.  He can't raise, shoot, heal the line, or do anything else other than try to catch up.  I have tried to do that before and then have people asking why aren't you picking the gold?  Seems a damned if you do damned if you don't situation.  In this quest, I was a front liner.  There were times I had to drop back and heal for a second and the front got away from ME that quick.  I can imagine how those in the back of the party felt trying to keep up.
Another thing that happens is when you try to advance and click the spot you want to move to, there happens to be remains there and you end up again opening up the loot window just in the process of trying to move.  Close it and move on or pick and move on.. takes about the same amount of time either way.  Maybe there were those grabbing greedy.  Can't say cause it wasn't what I saw.  Just saying that maybe there were other reasons besides greed and bad r/p to blame for what you saw.  All in all, I thought the group had a pretty good repoir going and functioned much much better than I have seen in even a much smaller group. And it could be they were yelling 'get em' and such.. if the front is so far removed from the back you probably wouldn't hear it anyway.
I have been in pitched battles in places like the topaz cave and had people in the middle of battle start chipping topaz.  Bad Bad.  Topaz isn't going anywhere and the battle is open enough that everyone can contribute something to the effort, even a lvl 1 or 2 character.  I don't see that being the case in this particular instance.  Just my observation, but I saw no problems with  how things were handled.


Re: Gathering Gaffes
« Reply #24 on: October 30, 2006, 06:00:28 pm »
Fair warning--I'm not at all polite about refusing to travel with people who rush, nor am I shy about calling them fools if I happen to be in such a group.  On a DM quest, rushing is absolutely reprehensible.  How is the poor DM supposed to keep up, nevermind the panting followers?


Re: Gathering Gaffes
« Reply #25 on: October 30, 2006, 07:09:29 pm »
One of my characters is like that as well. Due to her nature, she will question and generally cause problems.


RE: Gathering Gaffes
« Reply #26 on: October 30, 2006, 09:40:38 pm »
Laldiien - 10/29/2006  12:09 PM  Picture this:  You are battling large group of enemies.  You and your party are getting hammered, but you persevere.  One of your Party falls!  The cleric was too late!  The fighters are getting hammered, you look for someone to support you, you look to the other trusted members to back you up.....and you see them picking over the corpses of what you just killed, looting the shiny stuff.    
What is that all about?  In the middle of a battle, looting the gold, items, gems, Sword of Pwnage, has no place whatsoever.  It's rude at best and shockingly bad RP.  I am all for looting.  I like gold.  I like shiny things.  The concept of looting *WHILE YOUR PARTY IS STILL FIGHTING* is reprehensible.     
You know who you are, and if you are reading this, shame on you.    
 Edited for spelling. greedy little Drow would loot your PCs dead body if he could. It doesn't matter if the battle is still going...  Now I usually do not loot because I hate the task of it, but honestly, from an IC stand point, my toon will loot while you are in battle in hopes that you don't notice it. With the new looting system showing what you loot, I don't feel dirty about it OOC. *shrugs*  Before you start saying "well i bet people don't like grouping with you", you are right. They don't. =)


Re: Gathering Gaffes
« Reply #27 on: October 31, 2006, 12:48:26 am »
But then again Drizzlin. Thats what you want right? :)


Re: Gathering Gaffes
« Reply #28 on: October 31, 2006, 04:11:52 pm »
Tanman - 10/31/2006  12:48 AM

But then again Drizzlin. Thats what you want right? :)

Indeed to some extent, but my main point was that ICly it is easily justified. The morale of the story is that you should know who you are traveling with if you don't want to go through that kind of situation.


Re: Gathering Gaffes
« Reply #29 on: October 31, 2006, 04:45:31 pm »
Totally agree.

Pen N Popper

Re: Gathering Gaffes
« Reply #30 on: October 31, 2006, 07:40:28 pm »
@Drizzlin -- Do you agree that if you act the self-interested looter you should RP it?  By that I mean giving others the opportunity to RP against you via rolls of spot, will, etc.  Or are you assuming that since there are the loot notification messages now, that if you do not speak up at the end of the adventure when loot is being split everyone should OOCly understand that your silence indicates a bluff check?


Re: Gathering Gaffes
« Reply #31 on: October 31, 2006, 09:04:34 pm »
Pen N Popper - 10/31/2006  7:40 PM

@Drizzlin -- Do you agree that if you act the self-interested looter you should RP it?  By that I mean giving others the opportunity to RP against you via rolls of spot, will, etc.  Or are you assuming that since there are the loot notification messages now, that if you do not speak up at the end of the adventure when loot is being split everyone should OOCly understand that your silence indicates a bluff check?

Well OOCly, i'm a really good person (at least I try to be). As evil, or bad, or mean as my PC is, I simply can't steal loot like that. I know others my be able to live with it, but I am not that way.

However I see the flip side to the coin. The loot message is a perfectly good reason to justify someone now "stealing" loot from the party. If they can look themselves in the mirror, so be it. The group can not only see when the items are looted, but they can also scroll back through their logs. So to answer your question, I do not think there needs to be a roll now, when the game mechanics allow everyone to see what is being looted. If anything, the person looting should be crying foul and asking for the group members to roll spot checks to determine if they can actually see what they looted when they are half way across the field fighting.

If you are asking me ultimately if I feel rules are being broken, the answer is no. If you are asking me if I would personally do this to a group, the answer is no. If you are asking me if I would be upset OOC if someone did this to me, the answer is no. If you are asking if this happens to me, the answer is no.

I keep tabs on what drops, and if I miss something, shame on me.


Re: Gathering Gaffes
« Reply #32 on: November 01, 2006, 01:10:43 am »
I disagree that the rolls and so on aren't necessary anymore just because there is a way to see if someone loots anything. My first thought if someone did that without IC-ly telling (erh... that would kind of go against the point of stealing :P ) or OOC-ly telling (which is the prefered way, like... "// Okay, my character is trying to keep the Ring of Complete Doom +11. Spot vs DC 20 to see that he seems to be quite nervous about something.") would be: "Is he trying to do a IC-stealing? Or is he just a jerk and does OOC-stealing?"

I would most probably not be upset about it either (don't really care about the loot... :P ) but I would most probably put he or she on my "untrusteable" list. :)


Re: Gathering Gaffes
« Reply #33 on: November 01, 2006, 10:23:31 am »
Weeblie - 11/1/2006 4:10 AM I disagree that the rolls and so on aren't necessary anymore just because there is a way to see if someone loots anything. My first thought if someone did that without IC-ly telling (erh... that would kind of go against the point of stealing :P ) or OOC-ly telling (which is the prefered way, like... "// Okay, my character is trying to keep the Ring of Complete Doom +11. Spot vs DC 20 to see that he seems to be quite nervous about something.") would be: "Is he trying to do a IC-stealing? Or is he just a jerk and does OOC-stealing?" I would most probably not be upset about it either (don't really care about the loot... :P ) but I would most probably put he or she on my "untrusteable" list. :)
 I agreee, Webblie! I too have an untrusted list, a black list, an OOC-Jerk list, and a friends list. Guess which one is biggest for a prize!
  And the people who do nothing but loot are only punishing themselves in the long run.


Re: Gathering Gaffes
« Reply #34 on: November 01, 2006, 11:08:11 am »
I would say your OOC-Jerk list is the biggest (but you might not want to announce if I'm right on the forum), closely followed by untrusted list, friends list, and finally the black list (though knowing you it could be totally opposite).

I guess I agree with most of what's been said here. If a character is a theif and want's to RP stealing loot, that's something to be aware of as RPers. Just stay in character with it. If you're playing the LN wizard of Lucinda who is an Illusion wizard and is charged with keeping people alive by way of invisibility, don't drop down and start scrounging through dead bodies in the heat of combat. If you're a drow rogue who could seriously care less about whether what's her name is getting beat to a pulp by that *insert monster name here* then go for it. But be ready for some serious backlash from the people you're with.  :)

