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Author Topic: Litter bug?  (Read 178 times)

Mr. Tee

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    Litter bug?
    « on: August 23, 2005, 06:44:00 am »
    Heh, no, it's not some new type of monster in Sielwood... :D

    I've just been curious as to why there are items left on the ground in Hlint and surrounding areas with no one around them. Are these left over from quests, dead oxen, or something else? If someone drops them, they'll surely disappear due to the clean up scripts (perhaps causing some lag before they do).

    And they aren't just mundane items, I once saw a Nigget of Iron on the ground in Hlint... Didn't pick it up but it sure would have been handy :)

    Does anyone see this?


    RE: Litter bug?
    « Reply #1 on: August 23, 2005, 07:38:00 am »
    I once walked into Hlint and saw a line of items leading down the road.  What was pretty silly was that the trash can was sitting right there next to the line of items.  

    Give a hoot.  Don't Pollute.  :)

    Guardian 452

    RE: Litter bug?
    « Reply #2 on: August 23, 2005, 08:45:00 am »
    Probably someone who died, respawned and was dropping items in a hurry in hopes of being able to move faster.

    It is annoying to see that when trash cans are all over.

    With any luck another player or a DM will see them do itsome time and some good RP can come of it...  hehe.



    RE: Litter bug?
    « Reply #3 on: August 23, 2005, 09:48:00 am »
    as for litter there are always empty water buckets left in the kitchen at the inn in hlint
    last time i was there I found about 15 empty water buckets in the oven???
    please take them with you when your done your slowing the server down by leaving them there.
    I took them out and sold them....made a few coins..

    the person who does this doesnt have the time to wait and make one at a time with one water bucket, so he probably doesnt have the time to read the forums either..
    There can be only One.


    RE: Litter bug?
    « Reply #4 on: August 23, 2005, 06:31:00 pm »
    I was once sitting on the benches outside the Orc Basher store in East Hlint. Watched a character walking down the street setting down an item every 5 feet. He continure this all the way to the merchant houses door. Finially, Cole got up and hollored at the guy for littering in front of the Orc BAsher store. Told him he would run off business and he better pick him up. //then I pm'd him and said that causes lag and that there were trashcans right next to me. He said he was sorry and picked the stuff up.

    RP'd and informed a new player about the dropped items and lag. All in fun.



    RE: Litter bug?
    « Reply #5 on: August 24, 2005, 11:00:00 am »
    Har!  Sometimes Derrick will drink down an ale and..

    *tosses empty ale bottle on the ground

    At which point I will drop a brewing bottle.

    I actually do this for RP.  Part of Derrick's disregard for law and order. . .  IG law and order of course... not DM law and order

