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Author Topic: Great fun for all CanisLupis aka Dezza!!  (Read 87 times)


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Great fun for all CanisLupis aka Dezza!!
« on: February 27, 2006, 06:19:02 am »
If inviting two dwarves to a formal dinner party doesn't start you laughing then the plan that Bjornigar and Geddrin came up with will LOL I pretended to be drunk and forced myself to hurl all over One of the guards of the Host. Of course they all turned out to be bad guys and things got pretty nasty alot later but i think even those that fell will say fun for all.
Thanks Dezza for a great quest and the funny as heck Black Carriage i am still ROFL. Also of note was the funny chairs that made you feel like singing ..... The wheels on the bus go round and round..... LOL


Re: Great fun for all CanisLupis aka Dezza!!
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2006, 06:25:05 am »
*sighs*  I really wanted to make that quest... but there was really just no way... oh well, I'll be sure not to miss the next one Dezza.  Cole has more snakes to kill.  ;-)


RE: Great fun for all CanisLupis aka Dezza!!
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2006, 06:34:13 am »
Aye, a great quest!!! I have loved all your quest so far. Enjoyable, well paced and with good challenges
  And another chance for classic Ireth lines about Toranites *winks*


RE: Great fun for all CanisLupis aka Dezza!!
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2006, 06:38:33 am »
Ohh, that's why I set the alarm. *Sigh.* Bummer.

Setting five of them for snakes...Hehe.


RE: Great fun for all CanisLupis aka Dezza!!
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2006, 06:43:01 am »
Yeah, great fun Dezza, I had a blast on my off day.
  I think Jacchri will change Gotak'sfamous statement "Death wards are for panzies" to something like "Dont shoot things that have death magic without death wards"
  Thanks Dezza.


Re: Great fun for all CanisLupis aka Dezza!!
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2006, 07:14:15 am »
Sorry I missed it. :)

Good job Dezza!


Re: Great fun for all CanisLupis aka Dezza!!
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2006, 08:06:22 am »
Good job Dezza.


Re: Great fun for all CanisLupis aka Dezza!!
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2006, 08:30:31 am »
Bjorn had a hoot.  There were definitely some memorable moment in there!  Poor Angus' head must be ringing after all the possessed smackdowns.... "GIT IN DA CORNER!" *wham* "GIT IN DA CORNER!"

Also, no amount of alcohol in the world will let Jacchri forget getting mouth to mouth from Bjorn. ;)


Re: Great fun for all CanisLupis aka Dezza!!
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2006, 08:43:05 am »
lonnarin - 2/27/2006  8:30 AM
Also, no amount of alcohol in the world will let Jacchri forget getting mouth to mouth from Bjorn. ;)

Lonnarin has a remarkable ability to ease quest-regret... Oversleeping worked out, after all. ;)


Re: Great fun for all CanisLupis aka Dezza!!
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2006, 09:51:50 am »
Very nice quest indeed!

Screenshot of the dining room (schoolbus screenshot... erh... funny chair screenshot):

(note the poor lonely Elladan)

Edit: Changed URL...


Re: Great fun for all CanisLupis aka Dezza!!
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2006, 10:07:56 am »
lonnarin - 2/27/2006  4:30 PM  Bjorn had a hoot.  There were definitely some memorable moment in there!  Poor Angus' head must be ringing after all the possessed smackdowns.... "GIT IN DA CORNER!" *wham* "GIT IN DA CORNER!"  Also, no amount of alcohol in the world will let Jacchri forget getting mouth to mouth from Bjorn. ;)
 And lets not forget Ireth talking to Angus....
Ireth Telrunya: [Party] Look
  Ireth Telrunya: [Party] You were possesed
  Ireth Telrunya: [Party] Cutting your head off was a smart thing to do
  Angus de'Averam: [Party] So you say...
  Ireth Telrunya: [Party] I'd have dismembered you if i had to
  Ireth Telrunya: [Party] Nothing personal
  Ireth Telrunya: [Party] Just what needed to be done
  Angus de'Averam: [Party] Thats pleasant and a nice thing to remember
  Canuslupis : [Tell] LOL no not personal at all
  Angus de'Averam: [Party] Brave little girl
There was more but that was all I could easily find to edit.
Sometimes tact is beyond Ireth *giggles*
She was rather hurt Angus took it personally.....It's not like she didn't suggest/threaten to do it to Jacchri too!


Re: Great fun for all CanisLupis aka Dezza!!
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2006, 10:47:55 am »
*looks for Jet*
  Jet, you have to take that blade away from Ireth.....she used it to cut Angus' head off and almost mine too...
  Please take the sword, at least with a bow she cant do things like that.


Re: Great fun for all CanisLupis aka Dezza!!
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2006, 11:46:10 am »
Heh, Jet's been trying to get it away from her. She doesn't listen. :)


Re: Great fun for all CanisLupis aka Dezza!!
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2006, 11:52:48 am »
Ne'er - 2/27/2006  7:46 PM  Heh, Jet's been trying to get it away from her. She doesn't listen. :)
 Er, when was this? I don't recall Jet trying to get Ireth's sword off her  :p


Re: Great fun for all CanisLupis aka Dezza!!
« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2006, 11:59:46 am »
He tries to get her to stop using it.... but no. She likes the sword better. Hehe, maybe not take it from her, but he tries to persuade her to use something else. Not very successfully though.

Although, what do you expect with a charisma of 8? ;)


Re: Great fun for all CanisLupis aka Dezza!!
« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2006, 12:02:49 pm »
Ok, I'll give you that, he has tried to persuade her not to us it before...Kinda thought he'd given up and just decided to make sure she could use it properly now ;)
  Yeah well that Cha 8 got him shouted at more than just about anything else  :)

