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Author Topic: hands across layonara  (Read 159 times)


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    hands across layonara
    « on: July 16, 2005, 08:21:00 am »
    just kidding with the topic title :)

    Seems we got some real passion going with this Drow and other stranger business:

    topic: Drow

    topic: amazement

    topic: racial profiling

    topic: hatred

    Sounds like it's time for a town meeting in-game ... a messy one, with possible real outcomes, like banning Drow from town, or more tolerant outcomes, like punishment for discrimination.  Might even be some faction way to prevent strangers from getting into Hlint .. closing its borders, with NPCs saying "Go away" until they change their faction.

    Faction: "Unknown Drow"

    Faction: "Accepted Drow"

    (I don't really know how factions work, but it's a thought.)

    My character Teefal would jump right in, working on behalf of the Drows he's gotten to know, helping them organize .. going in and out of town for them ... sorta like an Underground Railroad or Shindler's List thing.

    Either way, there's a great deal of interest here ... let's RP it!   Convene the High Council :)


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    RE: hands across layonara
    « Reply #1 on: July 16, 2005, 09:44:00 am »
    I think, before you do this, we get all of the people playing Drow and ask them what they want OOC.

    Then, I think we would need a GM to be there considering that the majority of Hlint's population are not our player characters.


    RE: hands across layonara
    « Reply #2 on: July 16, 2005, 09:54:00 am »
    *Casts 1800 "Ban-all-drow-they-attacked-our-town-several-times,-poisoned-our-well,-destroyed-our-craft-houses,-so-actually-just-kill-them-all" votes on behalf of Hlint's battered citizens*
      Like that? :)


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      RE: hands across layonara
      « Reply #3 on: July 16, 2005, 10:17:00 am »
      Ooooh! Sounds fun, the only bad thing is that if the Drows would get banned is that I wont get to play Creature at the inn *cries a little* But it would be fun!


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      RE: hands across layonara
      « Reply #4 on: July 16, 2005, 10:28:00 am »
      Well, if Drow were officially banned, they would just have to wear better disguses.

      And I figured one of the GMs would do that.


      RE: hands across layonara
      « Reply #5 on: July 16, 2005, 10:29:00 am »
      That means Owen can come to town anymore :(


      RE: hands across layonara
      « Reply #6 on: July 16, 2005, 11:00:00 am »
      We need another massive drow atack on hlint..
      Better yet once week the Gms agather and assult Hlint with drow ;)


      RE: hands across layonara
      « Reply #7 on: July 16, 2005, 11:13:00 am »
      *grins* the drow can always burn down the crafthouses again, thats always good for their popularity rating :)


      RE: hands across layonara
      « Reply #8 on: July 16, 2005, 11:18:00 am »
      Taking out the bank might make some people mad.


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      RE: hands across layonara
      « Reply #9 on: July 16, 2005, 11:26:00 am »
      *snickers* given the responses on the posts about Drow, it doesn't sound like the Drow have to do anything but just show up!  ;)

      However, poisoning the well or otherwise destroying it would make many annoyed (or has that been done?)....


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      RE: hands across layonara
      « Reply #10 on: July 16, 2005, 11:29:00 am »
      I believe that people should gather angry mobs and march against Blood's armies to let off some steam, how does that sound? ;)



      RE: hands across layonara
      « Reply #11 on: July 16, 2005, 11:32:00 am »
      Bank robbery... definitely.  All accounts reset to zero, we'd have a score of them strung up before breakfast.


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      RE: hands across layonara
      « Reply #12 on: July 16, 2005, 11:45:00 am »
      Hahaha...that's the spirit!

      We need the Layo equivillant to UN, except for the various factions instead of


      RE: hands across layonara
      « Reply #13 on: July 16, 2005, 02:29:00 pm »
      Cole fought and killed Drow when they took out Spellgard as well as when he was in the military at Blackford, but he's never gotten the chance to put together a Drow-tooth necklace (he's got an ogre, several giant, and, of course, a goblin-tooth necklace).  Maybe this'll finally provide the opportunity.   ;)


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      RE: hands across layonara
      « Reply #14 on: July 16, 2005, 10:32:00 pm »
      You can take my money, but you will never take my dignity!

      Or something like that ...


      RE: hands across layonara
      « Reply #15 on: July 17, 2005, 07:09:00 am »
      Zhofe - 7/16/2005  10:32 PM

      You can take my money, but you will never take my dignity!

      Or something like that ...

      Actually...I'll just be quiet, but...never say such things again :)


      RE: hands across layonara
      « Reply #16 on: July 17, 2005, 11:44:00 am »
      Ar7 - 7/17/2005  10:09 AM

      Zhofe - 7/16/2005  10:32 PM

      You can take my money, but you will never take my dignity!

      Or something like that ...

      Actually...I'll just be quiet, but...never say such things again :)


      Ay'! So les' git they rothy poin'-ears ou'o th' burg a'fore they eats all'er chillens an' tain'er well 'gain!

      Heh heh... uh... an' go Tiefers!

      Talan Va'lash

      RE: hands across layonara
      « Reply #17 on: July 17, 2005, 07:06:00 pm »
      EdTheKet - 7/16/2005  10:54 AM    *Casts 1800 "Ban-all-drow-they-attacked-our-town-several-times,-poisoned-our-well,-destroyed-our-craft-houses,-so-actually-just-kill-them-all" votes on behalf of Hlint's battered citizens*
        Like that? :)
       Bah, peasants dont get to vote!


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      RE: hands across layonara
      « Reply #18 on: July 17, 2005, 07:13:00 pm »
      Then the GM comes on as the Queen.


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        RE: hands across layonara
        « Reply #19 on: July 20, 2005, 06:22:00 am »
        two more to add to the list at the top of this topic:

        topic: in game racism and real life racism


        topic: Spitting on a drow

        and a good one that seems an answer to this topic:

        A near race riot in Hlint