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Author Topic: This is for every one.  (Read 49 times)


This is for every one.
« on: August 23, 2006, 03:23:40 pm »
We need to rase our voices. Rattle the cages so to say.

Network Neutrality is being threatened as we sit here talking about Layo.

How would you feel if leanthar has to shell out more money so that every one here would be able to use this website? We could lose Layo just by this passing. Its been said before And I for one and trying to rally those of us that are spread accross the united states to phone in their senators. There is a winning vote for Network Neutrality but there are still more that could change the tide in a matter of seconds. Please pick up your phone and make the call. More is at stake than ever now.


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Re: This is for every one.
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2006, 04:26:47 pm »
Thanks for being a good watchdog!
*climbs on his soapbox, with duificulty*

As a Disabled U.S. Navy Veteran I DID NOT give my body parts so that our learders can put legle censorship into the hands of anyone!
Please don't give them a way to disreguard our 1st Amendment!

*falls off soapbox landing on good leg only*


