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Author Topic: Screeching trollocs of the great forest  (Read 1333 times)


Re: Screeching trollocs of the great forest
« Reply #40 on: November 04, 2009, 05:12:41 pm »
Quote from: jrizz
So just to give a little example I took my 31st level melee PC into Sharawood.   ...   Wren almost got killed by the first group in the cave. If not for terrifying rage he would have died. I think this should lay to rest the balance between casters and melee and things they can do issues.

What it says is that the Sharawood cave is an area that is filled with anti-fighter types: rogues who have massive sneak attack damage can tear a fighter apart if they swarm them.   Rottie used to get in major trouble in the Red Lights because of the exact same thing.   And the Sharawood caves are filled with low-WIS Rogues which does make them much easier for magicians to take on.

Of course, if you get just one more fighter to fight side-by-side with in the tunnels, to stop the sneak attack damage, the cave becomes much more manageable.   Or you can solo in a place where monsters don't have massive sneak attack swarms.  Or manage sneak attacks better, by standing where a monster can see you, and dispatching it quickly before the next (hearing the commotion) arrives.

Quote from: jrizz
I dont want to see areas that are solo areas for fighters. What I want to see is a stop to high level areas being solo-able to casters or easily done by caster groups.

In other words, not only should mages be weaker than fighters at the low and mid-range levels, you want them nerfed to be weaker than fighters at the high levels as well. And by nerfed, you mean above and beyond the nerfing they already suffer from no-magic areas, wild magic areas, and areas where the antagonists already have massive saves, all places right now where mages can't solo today, but your PC can.

Well, OK.  That's one request.   Great if you hate magicians, I suppose, though it gives your PC no direct benefit on the powergaming side of things.   And it's not something I would request for Rottie.

However, not to be entirely unsympathetic, I will say that in my own PnP game, I play with the magic rules quite a bit.  Places of power of Gods make enemy God's spell power decrease.  This also includes priests of nature Gods (my game has no "druids" per se) who travel into mechanized areas, have their (translating into D&D terminology) "spell DC" decrease.   And there are "low magic" zones, where magician DC is lowered.   If that was implementable in Layo, that would be fun - especially as an alternative to the all-or-nothing No Magic zones that are presently the rule.


Re: Screeching trollocs of the great forest
« Reply #41 on: November 04, 2009, 05:37:03 pm »
@Steve - Nope shara cave is not filled with rogues it is filled with fighters with +6 weapons crazy high damage and very high ACs. Dont get me wrong if one of them was able to make its saves against the caster combos it would cut that caster down in one round. But very very few times can they save vs all the combo spell sets and then most of the time the caster is already hasted and has a invisi/GS/some escape spell ready. When a fight goes bad for a fighter class... well it is harder to get away when you are knee deep in bad guy.

Also you are way way off on your nerfed statement about mages. I am saying dont touch them just make some of the bad guys resistance to quick magical demise. Make some them so that you have to get dirty to kill them.


Re: Screeching trollocs of the great forest
« Reply #42 on: November 04, 2009, 05:41:09 pm »
Quote from: s0ulz
Sharawood should be CR25. Anyone with a mass disorientation spell (read: all casters) can flatfoot those weak-willed fighters and go to town on them.

It's not CR25.

Quote from: ycleption
Sharawood scales by level, so I think it's inaccurate to say it's any given CR, or level range.

To a point, but the creature CR doesn't advance. It's geared toward a certain range, however.

Not saying what it is, but feel free to guess. ;)


Re: Screeching trollocs of the great forest
« Reply #43 on: November 04, 2009, 10:46:37 pm »
18? :p


Re: Screeching trollocs of the great forest
« Reply #44 on: November 04, 2009, 11:47:02 pm »
Quote from: jrizz
Nope shara cave is not filled with rogues it is filled with fighters with +6 weapons crazy high damage and very high ACs.

I stand corrected.  I thought they were "bandits".  But you would know.

Quote from: jrizz
Also you are way way off on your nerfed statement about mages. I am saying dont touch them just make some of the bad guys resistance to quick magical demise. Make some them so that you have to get dirty to kill them.

Right.   Which is exactly what I said.   You want it so that mages, who presently have places they can solo (just as Fighters have places where only they can solo), have no places where they can solo.  

Personally, I don't like soloing myself.   I always like working in teams better.  But if soloing is going to be something some PCs can do, then all of them should be able to - at least somewhere.


Re: Screeching trollocs of the great forest
« Reply #45 on: November 05, 2009, 12:17:16 am »
@steve only in the low to mid levels are there really places that fighters can solo. What we are talking about is high level areas. It is in high level areas that the balance issue really shows itself. I thought this was made clear already. So to recap, in the low to mid level areas the power gap bewteen melee classes and caster classes is not very wide. At high levels is when the power gap gets very wide.


Re: Screeching trollocs of the great forest
« Reply #46 on: November 05, 2009, 11:23:55 am »
Heh.  Here's my honest suggestion jrizz.  Plan on working about couple of hours a day for about a week, and go into the module, take every area over CR 17, and rebuild the spawn sizes so they are never larger then 3 creatures.

It's really not that hard.  Pitch it to Dorg, he may actually go for it.

I hopefully don't have to explain how many problems this will fix that have come up over and over and over again for years.  Get rid of the mob-spawn server and you get rid of all the unfair aspects that come with it.  Sorry I didn't do it myself folks... but come on now, I was slinging DC 44 weirds and DC 42 claps... and let's face it, it was all about me, my secret shops, and my overall radness around all the melee noobs.  Like you rizzo!

O.o ....... :o ........:(              


Heh, miss you guys.  I hope everyone is doing well.  And my suggestion is serious.  I could go on for a while as to how it irrefutably helps in resolving all the issues with epic balance (and pace... *cough cough*)... but hopefully your balance brains will start clicking on their own.


Re: Screeching trollocs of the great forest
« Reply #47 on: November 05, 2009, 12:32:19 pm »
So make areas for high level melee artists are able to solo at, no need to punish the casters if they have been able to solo some places for now.
And to be clear, it is never without danger when a caster solos, low HP, low AC. Even one stunning fist from say a desert giant of Dregar is fatal.

So make new areas, OR make some areas more doable for warriors.

And no, Chakar can't solo the screeching keepers, he'll die if he tries to.
Sure, he can take some of them down with say a power word DC 32, but most of them survive, and the casters of theirs? no way he could kill them with any spells or swords.


Re: Screeching trollocs of the great forest
« Reply #48 on: November 16, 2009, 04:03:33 pm »
Well I really like what Dorg did with the Trollocs in this last update. They are still harder then heck but they are more spread out and the new fighter ones are a great addition.


Re: Screeching trollocs of the great forest
« Reply #49 on: November 17, 2009, 12:34:56 am »
What stinks is that fighters had the dead magic area near thunder peaks, and then because a fighter could do what a caster could...seemed things changed. Maybe there was another reason, but the word on the street was that the change came because fighters were soloing the area.

Quote from: Makashi
In my opnion this is not a low magic world by any means.

In a world where a mage has a choice of if they want to go off on their own, or with a big group, either way, they will be able to find something they can kill, so if a caster really wants to (not necessarily a mage, most casters though) they can achieve level 30, with little problems going out on their own soloing.

A fighter, could not get to 30 in the same amount of time, no way, it's impossible, theres no instant death magic for fighters, and fighters cannot travel without a party, due to having to get involved up close and taking damage, they need magic for the weapons to do much, and a healer usually, among other spells etc.
After epic levels, and where fighters could once go, with or without a group, has completely been changed, so that casters must be taken along too.

A level 30 fighter....who has seen a level 30 fighter go solo for exp recently? Well I can find one spot to get 64 exp a kill. But spending 20mins going through an area for about 1200 exp, does not really motivate me at all.
Not to mention theres still a risk of dying for that measly amount.

I guess what I'm basically saying is, a caster can get to level 30 on their own, no way a fighter could do that anymore. And once at those levels, good luck taking your fighter off to solo, anywhere.

As Jrizz stated, low magic item world, but far off from being a low magic world - give us something to dig our swords + axes into. please.


Re: Screeching trollocs of the great forest
« Reply #50 on: November 17, 2009, 08:17:52 am »
Quote from: Drizzlin
Maybe there was another reason, but the word on the street was that the change came because fighters were soloing the area.

It's usually not a good idea to take the "word on the street" as the gospel truth. The "street" has been known to get its facts mixed up. ;)


Re: Screeching trollocs of the great forest
« Reply #51 on: November 17, 2009, 08:19:19 am »
Quote from: jrizz
Well I really like what Dorg did with the Trollocs in this last update. They are still harder then heck but they are more spread out and the new fighter ones are a great addition.

I'm glad you like them, though I didn't add anything. I just tweaked what already existed.


Re: Screeching trollocs of the great forest
« Reply #52 on: November 17, 2009, 09:27:59 pm »
Quote from: Drizzlin
What stinks is that fighters had the dead magic area near thunder peaks, and then because a fighter could do what a caster could...seemed things changed. Maybe there was another reason, but the word on the street was that the change came because fighters were soloing the area.

Sorry to disagree with you on this one ;) but the peaks got tweaked due to a huge multi week multi GM quest event.

But as to fighters soloing the peaks, well as I was a GM during the hey day of the peaks I will say that they were heavily abused by a number of players.


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Re: Screeching trollocs of the great forest
« Reply #53 on: November 18, 2009, 10:13:59 am »
Quote from: jrizz

But as to fighters soloing the peaks, well as I was a GM during the hey day of the peaks I will say that they were heavily abused by a number of players.

I was playing alot with my fighter during this time and was soloing this area. I don't see how this is abusing though. This was the only place I could soloing without instantly dying or get zero XP for my efforts. Spellcasters can soloing in all of the rest of the world and they are doing so. Is that abusing?

The fighters that was soloing the area did it because there were the only place they could go. Ofcourse id rather go in a group and mostly I did that. Also the most fun places is in the existing magic areas. However when no mages/clerics are around the option were crafting, sit on a bench, go to areas that gives zero xp or soloing the thunderpeaks.

I can see the point of thinking... hey! that fighter are soloing that area all day long. Well he had no other place to go to so atleast he had one area that he could have some fun in.

Also Thunderpeaks was an awesome place to go to and Kudos to Agaetis for that :-)


Re: Screeching trollocs of the great forest
« Reply #54 on: November 18, 2009, 01:53:41 pm »
Quote from: jrizz
Sorry to disagree with you on this one ;) but the peaks got tweaked due to a huge multi week multi GM quest event.

But as to fighters soloing the peaks, well as I was a GM during the hey day of the peaks I will say that they were heavily abused by a number of players.

I know about the DM events that "changed" the peaks, which also solved the problems with which you are talking about when you were a DM. I just fired an employee because she broke the rules, but the truth is I was going to fire her for another reason within the week.

I used one avenue to get to the same ending result that I desired, without having to let everyone know the other, real reason.

Sorry for the conspiracy theory! hehe

@dorg I took the word on the streets because it came from the people making the changes.


Re: Screeching trollocs of the great forest
« Reply #55 on: November 18, 2009, 02:18:05 pm »
Quote from: jrizz
Sorry to disagree with you on this one ;) but the peaks got tweaked due to a huge multi week multi GM quest event.

Well... it got tweaked several times.  Basically, whenever one of my areas saw someone, or a lot of someones, soloing it - an argument was made to make it harder.

Sometimes I'd present the argument when I thought I'd made an honest mistake - and I did make mistakes, in both directions.  Sometime I'd not add in an AC factor, etc etc.

The peaks got serious heat after the first two weeks for the multitude of players rolling through there.  A few of us argued that it was good for the server.  A lot argued that it was imbalanced.  After a while I will honestly admit that I simply jumped on the bandwagon and said whatever, and made it the same rhythm as everything else.  And that's fast paced, high magic mobs... which will *always* require spells.  Heck, I even ended up going in there to place bludgeoning DR on everything just to stop one single monk soloist.

Was it one person ruining it for everyone?  I honestly don't think it was... anymore that then a group of people limiting an entire population for the balance of one.  It's always been like this.  And I think that it's been a difficult road for Layo in that regard.  So much attention has always put towards making sure things are tempered - so much attention is put towards *every single player*.... and this is a blessing and a curse.  I've never seen another server where the DMs felt such an urge and, seriously... a peer-pressured responsibility to check on every player in such a way.  And the intent behind this shows phenomenal management and standards... you're supposed to be making sure that everyone has fair attention from the team, you're supposed to making sure everyone has a fair shot at getting involved in mini or major plot, you're supposed to be making sure that everyone gets some guidance through example and leadership.  And this manifests itself in several ways.  One is that the playerbase ends up having an extremely high status quo in regard to quality of playstyle and roleplay.  The standards are basically guided every hour of every day.  On other servers which maintain a lax 'whatever' mentality in regard to the quality of their playerbase... they let the shooting anti-stars disrupt the tempo and fade away, they never involve them on plots, and they basically keep an adventuring company while the rest of the server reads up on the plots.  And on the plus side, you get balance and a server layout that is set for what they deem is the right way to play.  On the down side you get people running around without a wink of atmosphere to them, and they're twenty times the level of where the adventuring company is.  One issue that Layo has found in such a profound sense of motherly 'tending to the flock'... is that staff members allow themselves full exposure to all the highs and lows instead of just ignoring the lows.  This really does manifest itself as people end up taking personal offense to things they feel harm what they've contributed to and tried to build.

Which way is better or worse?  Heck... if I knew then I'd have had more luck with my own server years ago.  I will say that the way that this has manifested itself on Layo in regard to balance is perhaps an extreme to avoid later down the road.  Things ended up overbalanced, and we ended up creating our own pace... and it was way way overshot.  I mean... things are *hard* on Layo.  And it has really streamlined a certain kind of group.  There's no odd pairings of the random classes... it's the same requirement of 'oh, you want to go to this place with the CNR?... yeah, you need the x, y, and z... and then all the randoms pairings are basically left to latch onto x,y, and z for anything that has received the full service scrutiny for balance.

Do you end up with a better playerbase under this general model of motherly oversight though?  Sure.  So heck if I know what's better or worse.

But on the dead magic... my contention for a long time was that no matter how easy, or how soloed, the peaks were, the pace was so impressively slow compared to other areas, where haste and mass-effect spells were basically requisite for travel and thus added a huge multiplier to pace of progression, and where there were mobs of 8 instead of small groups of two or three... that it really wasn't changing the tempo of progression at all.  The prevailing opinion disagreed.

Hope this wasn't too trollish.  :)


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Re: Screeching trollocs of the great forest
« Reply #56 on: November 19, 2009, 04:44:53 am »
Quote from: Chongo

But on the dead magic... my contention for a long time was that no matter how easy, or how soloed, the peaks were, the pace was so impressively slow compared to other areas, where haste and mass-effect spells were basically requisite for travel and thus added a huge multiplier to pace of progression, and where there were mobs of 8 instead of small groups of two or three... that it really wasn't changing the tempo of progression at all.  The prevailing opinion disagreed.

Hope this wasn't too trollish.  :)

Everyone that have tested to play an spellcaster lvl 17 and higher and also a fighter character lvl 17 and higher knows that after around lvl 15 the progression for the spellcaster will be something like twice as fast. This because the spellcasters can hasted throw their massive area spells and get huge number of XP in short time on their own.

When fighters finally got the same chanse up in the peaks.. Not that easy as for spellcasters.. working it slow.. killing one by one hacking through and not being hasted people are saying its something wrong with the area and that that shouldn't be doable. *shrugs*

I think thats unfair. Fine if the team don't wan't this server to be a place were you can soloing. But in that case almost every area were magic works should be shanged so that spellcasters can't soloing either. Mixed spawns with extremly high saves, high spellresistance and so forth..

Historically this servers have alot more high lvl spellcasters then fighter types. Due to Thunder peaks the playerbase becamed a little more balanced. I think that is a good thing :)


Re: Screeching trollocs of the great forest
« Reply #57 on: November 19, 2009, 02:49:50 pm »
Quote from: Chongo
On other servers which maintain a lax 'whatever' mentality in regard to the quality of their playerbase... they let the shooting anti-stars disrupt the tempo and fade away, they never involve them on plots,

I have seen this in action and it works. The power players/ grinders are just kept out of the factions, guilds, plots, item auctions, and ignored in most interactions. They top out and either leave the server or start new PCs and try to get involved instead of grinding.


Re: Screeching trollocs of the great forest
« Reply #58 on: November 20, 2009, 12:12:21 am »
I have to say the placement is much better now and they are more resistant to spells.  Much better with out the big groups bunched up together. :)


Re: Screeching trollocs of the great forest
« Reply #59 on: November 20, 2009, 10:15:33 am »
Hi all.. I realize that I'm like a complete noob to the server, and have only 1 lousy 8th level fighter. I know that I've seen not even a 10th of the layonara world. But I would just like to say one thing after reading this entire thread.

I don't play RPG's. Not since my pen and paper/MUD days years ago. NWN was teh first one I'd bought and played and thats only because I trust and know the old d20 system thats been a mainstay of gaming since I got my first D&D boxed set when I was 10(I'm now 33).

I found this place by accident looking for single player mods and decided that it really looked like something I might sink my teeth into. I've come to enjoy my time on Layonara. I've met some of the BEST role players, nicest GM's, and I've really been on some great adventures with my character.

I've never been into magic using characters. The old hack and slash warrior of the ancient days was always my bread and butter and I enjoy it.

I might be mistaken, but it seems to me that there is an undercurrent among the playerbase(at least in this thread) that if you want to see your fighter character advance into superhigh levels and be able to explore solo.. you MUST be some kind of grinder/power player trying to ruin it for everyone.

I have a long way to go before Ragnar reaches anything near those levels.. right now I have plenty of places I can go solo around and build my player's skills up, but if I get to 20th level or above and that starts to fizzle, places where a 20th level fighter or above can go and receive decent experience in times when a group might not be available all the time start to dry up. I can see where this would be frustrating to a few people.

If there are indeed areas that high level mages can solo, (and apparently there are or this thread wouldn't have started) wouldn't it seem proper that there be at least a few areas where high level fighter types are able to solo?

Solo players are not all pariahs trying to destroy the world.. some of us might just want to whittle away an hour or so before or after work and don't want to always jump into a long drawn out RP trek that will take 4-6 hours to complete, and spend the rest of the time crafting.

This is one of the closest watched and maintained game worlds I've seen. The GM's work really really hard to ensure that all the players have a good time, promote grouping, etc.. but as much as RP and groups are the focus.. its not possible all the time to have a group available and there SHOULD be at least a few places for high level solo fighters to go and have a reasonable expectation of making it out in one piece, while gaining significant experience for the task.

Is it really to much to ask there be certain areas that a fighter of high level can gain 3-5000 points per cycle through an area? The sewers, the vehl crypts, the roadside beasties close to hempstead and other areas.. these are all the places for the low level charcters such as myself.. which is really great.

But these areas will become moot to my character before to long. Already ogres, which put up a huge fight, but only give 48 experence to me are not worth the trouble of attacking.

Such areas could be dead magic zones, to prevent mages from exploiting them.. the beasties could scale from a minimum level range to keep out low level/noob grinders that would come and abuse them. Keep such areas FAR apart.. say one on the northern adn southern ends of mistone for example, where there are no convienient portals. This would force fighter types, should they want to solo, to take LONG TREKS just to get the areas involved, having to cross the continent. This will keep them to the roads where they will run into people, and encourage them to RP adn join up(its always more fun to group than solo IMO)

I completely understand that this server is geared towards high RP/group interactions and that is wonderful.. but just lumping all solo players into the powerplayer/grinder type seems like throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Just my take on the whole thing.. please forgive my newbish interference.